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- --[[
- Sida's Auto Reborn
- ]]
- local AutoCarryGlobal = {}
- AutoCarryGlobal.Data = {}
- _G.AutoCarry = AutoCarryGlobal.Data
- local DoneInit = false
- function OnTick()
- if not DoneInit then
- if not Init() then
- return
- end
- end
- if Keys.LastHit then
- Minions:LastHit()
- end
- if Keys.AutoCarry then
- Items:UseAll(
- Skills:CastAll(Crosshair:GetTarget())
- Orbwalker:Orbwalk(
- end
- if Keys.LaneClear then
- Skills:CastAll(Crosshair:GetTarget())
- if LaneClearMenu.MinionPriority and Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Minions.KillableMinion) then
- Orbwalker:Orbwalk(Minions.KillableMinion)
- elseif Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget( then
- Items:UseAll(
- Orbwalker:Orbwalk(
- elseif Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Jungle:GetAttackableMonster()) then
- Orbwalker:Orbwalk(Jungle:GetAttackableMonster())
- else
- Minions:LaneClear()
- end
- end
- if Keys.MixedMode then
- Skills:CastAll(Crosshair:GetTarget())
- if MixedModeMenu.MinionPriority and Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Minions.KillableMinion) then
- Orbwalker:Orbwalk(Minions.KillableMinion)
- elseif Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget( then
- Items:UseAll(
- Orbwalker:Orbwalk(
- else
- Minions:LastHit()
- end
- end
- end
- AdvancedCallback:bind('OnLoseVision', function(unit) end)
- AdvancedCallback:bind('OnGainVision', function(unit) end)
- AdvancedCallback:bind('OnDash', function(unit) end)
- AdvancedCallback:bind('OnGainBuff', function(unit, buff) end)
- AdvancedCallback:bind('OnLoseBuff', function(unit, buff) end)
- AdvancedCallback:bind('OnUpdateBuff', function(unit, buff) end)
- AutoCarry.MODE_AUTOCARRY = 0
- AutoCarry.MODE_MIXEDMODE = 1
- AutoCarry.MODE_LASTHIT = 2
- AutoCarry.MODE_LANECLEAR = 3
- --[[
- Orbwalker Class
- ]]
- class '_Orbwalker' Orbwalker = nil
- RegisteredOnAttacked = {}
- function _Orbwalker:__init()
- self.LastAttack = 0
- self.LastWindUp = 0
- self.AttackCooldown = 0
- self.AttackCompletesAt = 0
- self.AttackBufferMin = 50
- self.AttackBufferMax = 400
- self.AfterAttackTime = 0
- self.FleeingEnemyRangeBuffer = 0
- self.Stage = 0
- self.LastEnemyAttacked = nil
- Orbwalker = self
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- AddProcessSpellCallback(function(Unit, Spell) self:_OnProcessSpell(Unit, Spell) end)
- AddAnimationCallback(function(Unit, Animation) self:_OnAnimation(Unit, Animation) end)
- end
- local lastTick = 0
- function _Orbwalker:_OnTick()
- --self.Boost = ConfigMenu.Boost - (myHero.attackSpeed * 15) - (Helper.Latency * 0.5)
- --self.AttackBoost = ConfigMenu.AttackBoost
- lastTick = GetTickCount()
- if Helper.Tick + Helper.Latency / 2 > self.LastAttack + self.AttackCooldown then
- self.Stage = STAGE_SHOOT
- elseif Helper.Tick + Helper.Latency / 2 > self.LastAttack + self.LastWindUp + self.AttackBufferMin + (Data.ChampionData[myHero.charName] and Data.ChampionData[myHero.charName].BugDelay or 0) then
- self.Stage = STAGE_MOVE
- end
- if self.Stage == STAGE_MOVE and Helper.Tick + Helper.Latency < self.LastAttack + self.LastWindUp + self.AttackBufferMax then
- self.AfterAttackTime = self.LastAttack + self.LastWindUp + self.AttackBufferMax
- Orbwalker:_OnAttacked()
- end
- end
- function _Orbwalker:_OnProcessSpell(Unit, Spell)
- if Unit.isMe then
- if Data:IsAttack(Spell) then
- self.LastAttack = Helper.Tick
- self.LastWindUp = Spell.windUpTime * 1000
- self.AttackCooldown = Spell.animationTime * 1000
- self.AttackCompletesAt = self.LastAttack + self.LastWindUp
- self.LastAttackSpeed = myHero.attackSpeed
- self.Stage = STAGE_SHOOTING
- self.SlowChecked = false
- elseif Data:IsResetSpell(Spell) then
- self:ResetAttackTimer()
- end
- elseif and == "SummonerExhaust" and then
- self.AttackCooldown = self.AttackCooldown * 1.5
- elseif and == "Wither" and then
- self.AttackCooldown = self.AttackCooldown * 1.35
- end
- end
- function _Orbwalker:_OnAttacked()
- for _, func in pairs(RegisteredOnAttacked) do
- func()
- end
- end
- function _Orbwalker:_OnAnimation(Unit, Animation)
- if Helper.Tick < Orbwalker.AttackCompletesAt and Unit.isMe and (Animation == "Run" or Animation == "Idle") then
- Orbwalker:ResetAttackTimer()
- end
- end
- function _Orbwalker:Orbwalk(target)
- if target and self.Stage == STAGE_SHOOT and self:CanOrbwalkTarget(target) then
- MyHero:Attack(target)
- elseif self.Stage ~= STAGE_SHOOTING then
- MyHero:Move()
- end
- end
- function _Orbwalker:OrbwalkIgnoreChecks(target)
- if target and self.Stage == STAGE_SHOOT then
- MyHero:Attack(target)
- elseif self.Stage == STAGE_MOVE then
- MyHero:Move()
- end
- end
- function _Orbwalker:ResetAttackTimer()
- self.LastAttack = Helper.Tick - Helper.Latency / 2 - self.AttackCooldown
- end
- function _Orbwalker:GetNextAttackTime()
- return self.LastAttack + self.AttackCooldown - Helper.Latency / 2
- end
- function _Orbwalker:IsAfterAttack()
- if self then
- return Helper.Tick + Helper.Latency / 2 < self.AfterAttackTime
- end
- end
- function _Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Target)
- if ValidTarget(Target) then
- if Target.type == myHero.type then
- local predPos = AutoCarry.GetPrediction({range=MyHero.TrueRange, speed=math.huge, delay=Orbwalker.LastWindUp}, Target)
- if predPos and GetDistance(predPos) - Data:GetGameplayCollisionRadius(Target.charName) + self.FleeingEnemyRangeBuffer > MyHero.TrueRange then
- return false
- end
- end
- local CheckRange
- if MyHero.IsMelee and Target.type ~= myHero.type then
- CheckRange = MyHero.TrueRange + 75
- else
- CheckRange = MyHero.TrueRange
- end
- return GetDistance(Target) - Data:GetGameplayCollisionRadius(Target.charName) < CheckRange
- end
- return false
- end
- function _Orbwalker:IsShooting()
- return self.Stage == STAGE_SHOOTING
- end
- function RegisterOnAttacked(func)
- table.insert(RegisteredOnAttacked, func)
- end
- --[[
- _MyHero Class
- ]]
- class '_MyHero' MyHero = nil
- function _MyHero:__init()
- self.Range = myHero.range
- self.HitBox = GetDistance(myHero.minBBox)
- self.GameplayCollisionRadius = Data:GetGameplayCollisionRadius(myHero.charName)
- self.TrueRange = self.Range + self.GameplayCollisionRadius
- self.IsMelee = myHero.range < 300
- self.MoveDistance = 480
- self.LastHitDamageBuffer = -10 --TODO
- self.ChampionAdditionalLastHitDamage = 0
- self.ItemAdditionalLastHitDamage = 0
- self.MasteryAdditionalLastHitDamage = 0
- self.Team = == 100 and "Blue" or "Red"
- self.ProjectileSpeed = Data:GetProjectileSpeed(myHero.charName)
- self.LastMoved = 0
- self.MoveDelay = 50
- self.CanMove = true
- self.CanAttack = true
- self.InStandZone = false
- self.HasStopped = false
- MyHero = self
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- end
- function _MyHero:_OnTick()
- if myHero.range ~= self.Range then
- if myHero.range and myHero.range > 0 and myHero.range < 1500 then
- self.Range = myHero.range
- self.TrueRange = self.Range + self.GameplayCollisionRadius - 10
- self.IsMelee = myHero.range < 300
- end
- end
- if GetDistance(mousePos) < ExtrasMenu["StandZone"..myHero.charName] then
- self.InStandZone = true
- else
- self.InStandZone = false
- end
- self:CheckStopMovement()
- end
- function _MyHero:GetTimeToHitTarget(Target)
- local AttackTime = (GetDistance(Target) / self.ProjectileSpeed) + (Helper.Latency / 2)
- local NextAttack = Helper.Tick
- return AttackTime + NextAttack
- end
- function _MyHero:GetTotalAttackDamageAgainstTarget(Target, LastHit)
- local MyDamage = myHero:CalcDamage(Target, myHero.totalDamage)
- if LastHit then
- MyDamage = MyDamage + self.ChampionAdditionalLastHitDamage -- TODO
- MyDamage = MyDamage + self.ItemAdditionalLastHitDamage
- MyDamage = MyDamage + self:GetMasteryAdditionalLastHitDamage(MyDamage, Target)
- MyDamage = MyDamage + self.LastHitDamageBuffer
- end
- return MyDamage
- end
- function _MyHero:GetMasteryAdditionalLastHitDamage(Damage, Target)
- local _Damage = Damage
- _Damage = _Damage + Items:GetBotrkBonusLastHitDamage(_Damage, Target)
- _Damage = ConfigMenu.Spellblade and _Damage + (myHero.ap * 0.05) or _Damage
- _Damage = (ConfigMenu.Executioner and / Target.maxHealth < 0.5) and _Damage + (_Damage * 0.05) or _Damage
- _Damage = _Damage + (ConfigMenu.Butcher * 2)
- return _Damage - Damage - 1
- end
- function _MyHero:Move()
- if self:HeroCanMove() and not Helper:IsEvading() then
- if Helper.Tick > self.LastMoved + self.MoveDelay then
- Streaming:OnMove()
- local Distance = self.MoveDistance + Helper.Latency / 10
- if self.IsMelee and Crosshair.Target and Crosshair.Target.type == myHero.type and GetDistance(Crosshair.Target) < 80 then
- return
- elseif GetDistance(mousePos) < Distance and GetDistance(mousePos) > 100 then
- Distance = GetDistance(mousePos)
- end
- local MoveSqr = math.sqrt((mousePos.x - myHero.x) ^ 2 + (mousePos.z - myHero.z) ^ 2)
- local MoveX = myHero.x + Distance * ((mousePos.x - myHero.x) / MoveSqr)
- local MoveZ = myHero.z + Distance * ((mousePos.z - myHero.z) / MoveSqr)
- myHero:MoveTo(MoveX, MoveZ)
- self.LastMoved = Helper.Tick
- self.HasStopped = false
- end
- end
- end
- function _MyHero:Attack(target)
- if self.CanAttack and not Helper:IsEvading() then
- if target.type ~= myHero.type then
- MuramanaOff()
- end
- for _, func in pairs(Plugins.RegisteredPreAttack) do
- func(target)
- end
- myHero:Attack(target)
- Orbwalker.LastEnemyAttacked = target
- end
- end
- function _MyHero:MovementEnabled(canMove)
- self.CanMove = canMove
- end
- function _MyHero:AttacksEnabled(canAttack)
- self.CanAttack = canAttack
- end
- function _MyHero:HeroCanMove()
- return not self.InStandZone and self.CanMove
- end
- function _MyHero:CheckStopMovement()
- if not MyHero:HeroCanMove() and not self.HasStopped then
- myHero:HoldPosition()
- self.HasStopped = true
- end
- end
- --[[
- _Crosshair Class
- ]]
- class '_Crosshair' Crosshair = nil
- --[[
- Initialise _Crosshair class
- attackRange Integer
- skillRange Integer
- targetFocused Boolean. Whether targets selected with left click should be focused.
- isCaster Boolean. Whether spells should be prioritised over auto attacks.
- ]]
- function _Crosshair:__init(damageType, attackRange, skillRange, targetFocused, isCaster)
- self.DamageType = damageType and damageType or DAMAGE_PHYSICAL
- self.AttackRange = attackRange
- self.SkillRange = skillRange
- self.TargetFocused = targetFocused
- self.IsCaster = isCaster
- self.Target = nil
- self.TargetMinion = nil
- self.Attack_Crosshair = TargetSelector(TARGET_LOW_HP_PRIORITY, attackRange, DAMAGE_PHYSICAL, self.TargetFocused)
- self.Skills_Crosshair = TargetSelector(TARGET_LOW_HP_PRIORITY, skillRange, self.DamageType, self.TargetFocused)
- self.Attack_Crosshair:SetBBoxMode(true)
- self.Attack_Crosshair:SetDamages(0, myHero.totalDamage, 0)
- self:ArrangePriorities()
- self.RangeScaling = true
- Crosshair = self
- self:UpdateCrosshairRange()
- self:LoadTargetSelector()
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- AddUnloadCallback(function() self:_OnUnload() end)
- end
- function _Crosshair:_OnTick()
- self.Attack_Crosshair:update()
- if self.Attack_Crosshair.range ~= MyHero.TrueRange then
- self.Attack_Crosshair.range = MyHero.TrueRange
- end
- if then
- self.Target =
- else
- self.Skills_Crosshair:update()
- self.Target =
- end
- if ConfigMenu.Focused ~= self.TargetFocused then
- self.TargetFocused = ConfigMenu.Focused
- self.Attack_Crosshair.targetSelected = self.TargetFocused
- self.Skills_Crosshair.targetSelected = self.targetFocused
- end
- self.TargetMinion = Minions.Target
- end
- function _Crosshair:_OnUnload()
- self:SaveTargetSelector()
- end
- function _Crosshair:GetTarget()
- if ValidTarget( and not self.IsCaster then
- return
- elseif ValidTarget( then
- return
- end
- end
- function _Crosshair:HasOrbwalkTarget()
- return self and self.Target and self.Attack_Crosshair.Target and self.Target ==
- end
- function _Crosshair:ArrangePriorities()
- if #GetEnemyHeroes() < 5 then return end
- for _, Champion in pairs(Data.ChampionData) do
- TS_SetHeroPriority(Champion.Priority, Champion.Name)
- end
- end
- function _Crosshair:SetSkillCrosshairRange(Range)
- self.RangeScaling = false
- self.Skills_Crosshair.range = Range
- end
- function _Crosshair:UpdateCrosshairRange()
- for _, Skill in pairs(Skills.SkillsList) do
- if Skill:GetRange() > self.Skills_Crosshair.range then
- self.Skills_Crosshair.range = Skill:GetRange()
- end
- end
- end
- function _Crosshair:SaveTargetSelector()
- local save = GetSave("SidasAutoCarry")
- save.TargetSelectorMode = Crosshair.Attack_Crosshair.mode
- save:Save()
- end
- function _Crosshair:LoadTargetSelector()
- local save = GetSave("SidasAutoCarry")
- if save.TargetSelectorMode then
- Crosshair.Attack_Crosshair.mode = save.TargetSelectorMode
- Crosshair.Skills_Crosshair.mode = save.TargetSelectorMode
- end
- end
- --[[
- _Minions Class
- ]]
- class '_Minions' Minions = nil
- function _Minions:__init()
- self.ScanRange = 3000
- self.MinionHealthBuffer = 1.5
- self.EnemyMinions = minionManager(MINION_ENEMY, MyHero.TrueRange + 65, myHero, MINION_SORT_HEALTH_ASC)
- self.AllyMinions = minionManager(MINION_ALLY, self.ScanRange, myHero, MINION_SORT_HEALTH_ASC)
- self.IncomingDamage = {}
- Minions = self
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- AddProcessSpellCallback(function(Unit, Spell)self:_OnProcessSpell(Unit, Spell) end)
- end
- function _Minions:_OnTick()
- self.EnemyMinions:update()
- self.AllyMinions:update()
- if not Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(self.KillableMinion) then
- local _Menu = MenuManager:GetActiveMenu()
- if _Menu and ConfigMenu.Freeze and ( ~= "sidasaclaneclear") then
- Killable, AlmostKillable = self:GetKillableMinionFreeze()
- else
- Killable, AlmostKillable = self:GetKillableMinion()
- end
- if Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Killable) then
- self.KillableMinion = Killable
- elseif Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(AlmostKillable) then
- self.AlmostKillable = AlmostKillable
- else
- self.KillableMinion = nil
- self.AlmostKillable = nil
- end
- end
- end
- function _Minions:_OnProcessSpell(Unit, Spell)
- if Unit and and == and (Data.MinionData[Unit.charName] or Data.MinionData[Unit.type]) and GetDistance(Unit) <= self.ScanRange then
- self.IncomingDamage[Unit.networkID] = _Attack(Unit, Spell)
- end
- end
- function _Minions:LaneClear()
- if Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(self.KillableMinion) then
- Orbwalker:Orbwalk(self.KillableMinion)
- elseif self.AlmostKillable then
- MyHero:Move()
- elseif Structures:CanOrbwalkStructure() then
- Orbwalker:OrbwalkIgnoreChecks(Structures:GetTargetStructure())
- else
- Orbwalker:Orbwalk(self:GetSecondLowestHealthMinion())
- end
- end
- function _Minions:LastHit()
- Orbwalker:Orbwalk(self.KillableMinion)
- end
- function _Minions:GetPredictedDamage(Attack)
- if not ValidTarget(Attack.Source, self.ScanRange, false) or not ValidTarget(Attack.Target) or Helper.Tick > Attack.LandsAt then
- self.IncomingDamage[Attack.Source.networkID] = nil
- return 0, 0
- elseif GetDistance(Attack.Source, Attack.Origin) > 3 then
- return 0, 0
- else
- local TimeToHit = 0
- if MyHero.IsMelee then
- TimeToHit = Orbwalker.LastWindUp
- else
- TimeToHit = MyHero:GetTimeToHitTarget(Attack.Target)
- end
- if TimeToHit > Attack.LandsAt then
- return Attack.Damage, Attack.Damage
- else
- return 0, Attack.Damage
- end
- end
- end
- function _Minions:GetKillableMinion(Freeze)
- for _, EnemyMinion in ipairs(self.EnemyMinions.objects) do
- local Damage, TotalDamage, MyDamage = 0, 0, 0
- if Freeze then
- MyDamage = MyHero:GetTotalAttackDamageAgainstTarget(EnemyMinion, true)
- MyDamage = MyDamage < 50 and MyDamage or 50
- else
- MyDamage = MyHero:GetTotalAttackDamageAgainstTarget(EnemyMinion, true)
- end
- if Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(EnemyMinion) or (MyHero.IsMelee and GetDistance(EnemyMinion) < MyHero.TrueRange + 75) then
- if < MyDamage then
- return EnemyMinion, nil
- else
- for _, Attack in pairs(self.IncomingDamage) do
- if Attack.Target.networkID == EnemyMinion.networkID then
- local _Damage, _TotalDamage = self:GetPredictedDamage(Attack)
- Damage = Damage + _Damage
- TotalDamage = TotalDamage + _TotalDamage
- end
- end
- if - Damage + self.MinionHealthBuffer < MyDamage then
- return EnemyMinion, nil
- end
- if not Freeze then
- for _, func in pairs(Plugins.RegisteredBonusLastHitDamage) do
- if - Damage + self.MinionHealthBuffer < MyDamage + func(EnemyMinion) then
- return EnemyMinion, nil
- end
- end
- end
- if - TotalDamage < MyDamage then
- return nil, EnemyMinion
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function _Minions:GetKillableMinionFreeze()
- return self:GetKillableMinion(true)
- end
- function _Minions:GetLowestHealthMinion()
- for i =1, #self.EnemyMinions.objects, 1 do
- local Minion = self.EnemyMinions.objects[i]
- if Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Minion) then
- return Minion
- end
- end
- end
- function _Minions:GetSecondLowestHealthMinion()
- local found = nil
- for i =1, #self.EnemyMinions.objects, 1 do
- local Minion = self.EnemyMinions.objects[i]
- if Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Minion) and found then
- return Minion
- elseif Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Minion) then
- found = Minion
- end
- end
- return found
- end
- --[[
- _Attack Class
- ]]
- class '_Attack'
- function _Attack:__init(Source, Spell)
- self.Source = Source
- self.Target =
- self.Damage = Source:CalcDamage(self.Target)
- self.Started = Helper.Tick
- self.Delay = Spell.windUpTime * 1000
- self.Speed = Data.MinionData[Source.charName] and Data.MinionData[Source.charName].ProjectileSpeed or Data.MinionData[Source.type].ProjectileSpeed
- self.LandsAt = ((self.Speed == 0 and self.Delay or self.Delay + GetDistance(Source, self.Target) / self.Speed) + Helper.Tick)
- self.FiresAt = Helper.Tick + self.Delay
- self.Origin = {x = Source.x, z = Source.z}
- self.IsTowerShot = false
- end
- --[[
- _Jungle Class
- ]]
- class '_Jungle' Jungle = nil
- function _Jungle:__init()
- self.JungleMonsters = {}
- Jungle = self
- for i = 0, objManager.maxObjects do
- local object = objManager:getObject(i)
- if Data:IsJungleMinion(object) then
- table.insert(self.JungleMonsters, object)
- end
- end
- AddCreateObjCallback(function(Object) self:_OnCreateObj(Object) end)
- AddDeleteObjCallback(function(Object) self:_OnDeleteObj(Object) end)
- end
- function _Jungle:_OnCreateObj(Object)
- if Data:IsJungleMinion(Object) then
- table.insert(self.JungleMonsters, Object)
- end
- end
- function _Jungle:_OnDeleteObj(Object)
- if Data:IsJungleMinion(Object) then
- for i, Obj in pairs(self.JungleMonsters) do
- if obj == Object then
- table.remove(self.JungleMonsters, i)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function _Jungle:GetJungleMonsters()
- return self.JungleMonsters
- end
- function _Jungle:GetAttackableMonster()
- local HighestPriorityMonster = nil
- local Priority = 0
- for _, Monster in pairs(self.JungleMonsters) do
- if Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Monster) then
- local CurrentPriority = Data:GetJunglePriority(
- if < MyHero:GetTotalAttackDamageAgainstTarget(Monster) then
- return Monster
- elseif not HighestPriorityMonster then
- HighestPriorityMonster = Monster
- Priority = CurrentPriority
- else
- if CurrentPriority < Priority then
- HighestPriorityMonster = Monster
- Priority = CurrentPriority
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return HighestPriorityMonster
- end
- class '_Structures' Structures = nil
- function _Structures:__init()
- Structures = self
- self.TowerCollisionRange = 88.4
- self.InhibCollisionRange = 205
- self.NexusCollisionRange = 300
- end
- function _Structures:TowerTargetted()
- return GetTarget() and GetTarget().type == "obj_AI_Turret" and GetTarget().team ~=
- end
- function _Structures:InhibTargetted()
- return GetTarget() and GetTarget().type == "obj_BarracksDampener" and GetTarget().team ~=
- end
- function _Structures:NexusTargetted()
- return GetTarget() and GetTarget().type == "obj_HQ" and GetTarget().team ~=
- end
- function _Structures:CanOrbwalkStructure()
- return self:CanOrbwalkTower() or self:CanOrbwalkInhib() or self:CanOrbwalkNexus()
- end
- function _Structures:GetTargetStructure()
- return GetTarget()
- end
- function _Structures:CanOrbwalkTower()
- return self:TowerTargetted() and GetDistance(GetTarget()) - self.TowerCollisionRange < MyHero.TrueRange
- end
- function _Structures:CanOrbwalkInhib()
- return self:InhibTargetted() and GetDistance(GetTarget()) - self.InhibCollisionRange < MyHero.TrueRange
- end
- function _Structures:CanOrbwalkNexus()
- return self:NexusTargetted() and GetDistance(GetTarget()) - self.NexusCollisionRange < MyHero.TrueRange
- end
- --[[
- _Skills Class
- ]]
- class '_Skills' Skills = nil
- function _Skills:__init()
- self.SkillsList = {}
- Skills = self
- if VIP_USER then require "Collision" end
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- end
- function _Skills:_OnTick()
- for _, Skill in pairs(self.SkillsList) do
- if Keys.AutoCarry and AutoCarryMenu[Skill.RawName.."AutoCarry"] or
- Keys.MixedMode and MixedModeMenu[Skill.RawName.."MixedMode"] or
- Keys.LaneClear and LaneClearMenu[Skill.RawName.."LaneClear"] then
- Skill.Active = true
- else
- Skill.Active = false
- end
- end
- self:SortSkillOrder()
- end
- function _Skills:CastAll(Target)
- for _, Skill in ipairs(self.SkillsList) do
- if Skill.Enabled then
- Skill:Cast(Target)
- end
- end
- end
- function _Skills:GetSkill(Key)
- for _, Skill in pairs(self.SkillsList) do
- if Skill.Key == Key then
- return Skill
- end
- end
- end
- function _Skills:GetSkillMenu(Key)
- if MenuManager.SkillMenu[Key] then
- return MenuManager.SkillMenu[Key]
- else
- return {CastPrio = 0}
- end
- end
- function _Skills:SortSkillOrder()
- table.sort(self.SkillsList, function(a, b) return self:GetSkillMenu(a.Key).CastPrio < self:GetSkillMenu(b.Key).CastPrio end)
- end
- function _Skills:HasSkillReady()
- for _, Skill in pairs(self.SkillsList) do
- if Skill.Ready then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- function _Skills:NewSkill(enabled, key, range, displayName, type, minMana, afterAttack, reqAttackTarget, speed, delay, width, collision)
- return _Skill(enabled, key, range, displayName, type, minMana, afterAttack, reqAttackTarget, speed, delay, width, collision, true)
- end
- function _Skills:DisableAll()
- for _, Skill in pairs(self.SkillsList) do
- Skill.Enabled = false
- end
- end
- --[[
- _Skill Class
- ]]
- class '_Skill'
- AutoCarry.SPELL_TARGETED = 1
- AutoCarry.SPELL_LINEAR = 2
- AutoCarry.SPELL_CIRCLE = 3
- AutoCarry.SPELL_CONE = 4
- AutoCarry.SPELL_LINEAR_COL = 5
- AutoCarry.SPELL_SELF = 6
- -- --[[
- -- Initialise _Skill class
- -- enabled Boolean - set true for auto carry to automatically cast it, false for manual control in plugin
- -- key Spell key, e.g _Q
- -- range Spell range
- -- displayName The name to display in menus
- -- minMana Minimum percentage mana before cast is allowed
- -- afterAttack Boolean - set true to only cast right after an auto attack
- -- reqAttackTarget Boolean - set true to only cast if a target is in attack range
- -- speed Speed of the projectile for skillshots
- -- delay Delay of the spell for skillshots
- -- width Width of the projectile for skillshots
- -- collision Boolean - set true to check minion collision before casting
- -- ]]
- function _Skill:__init(enabled, key, range, displayName, type, minMana, afterAttack, reqAttackTarget, speed, delay, width, collision, custom)
- self.Key = key
- self.Range = range
- self.DisplayName = displayName
- self.RawName = self.DisplayName:gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "")
- self.Type = type
- self.MinMana = minMana or 0
- self.AfterAttack = afterAttack or false
- self.ReqAttackTarget = reqAttackTarget or false
- self.Speed = speed or 0
- self.Delay = delay or 0
- self.Width = width or 0
- self.Collision = collision
- self.IsCustom = custom
- self.Active = true
- self.Enabled = enabled or false
- self.Ready = false
- if VIP_USER then
- self.KloPredCallback = function(unit, pos, castSpell)
- if GetDistanceSqr(pos, castSpell.Source) < castSpell.RangeSqr and myHero:CanUseSpell(castSpell.Name) == READY and myHero:GetSpellData(castSpell.Name).mana < myHero.mana then
- if (self.Collision and not self:GetCollision(pos)) or not self.Collision then
- CastSpell(castSpell.Name, pos.x, pos.z)
- end
- end
- end
- self.KloPred = ProdictManager.GetInstance():AddProdictionObject(self.Key, self.Range, self.Speed * 1000, self.Delay / 1000, self.Width, myHero, self.KloPredCallback)
- end
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- table.insert(Skills.SkillsList, self)
- end
- function _Skill:_OnTick()
- if self.Enabled then
- if Skills:GetSkillMenu(self.Key).ManualCast and Crosshair:GetTarget() then
- self:ForceCast(Crosshair:GetTarget())
- end
- end
- self.Ready = myHero:CanUseSpell(self.Key) == READY
- if self.Enabled and not self.IsCustom then
- self.reqAttackTarget = Skills:GetSkillMenu(self.Key).RequiresTarget
- end
- end
- function _Skill:Cast(Target, ForceCast)
- if not ForceCast then
- if (not self.Active and self.Enabled) or (not self.Enabled and not self.IsCustom) then
- return
- elseif self.AfterAttack and not Orbwalker:IsAfterAttack() then
- return
- elseif not self:ValidSkillTarget(Target) then
- return
- elseif (self.ReqAttackTarget and not Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Target)) then
- return
- end
- end
- if not self:IsReady() then
- return
- end
- if self.Type == SPELL_SELF then
- CastSpell(self.Key)
- elseif self.Type == SPELL_SELF_AT_MOUSE then
- CastSpell(self.Key, mousePos.x, mousePos.z)
- elseif self.Type == SPELL_TARGETED then
- if ValidTarget(Target, self.Range) then
- CastSpell(self.Key, Target)
- end
- elseif self.Type == SPELL_CONE then
- if ValidTarget(Target, self.Range) then
- if not VIP_USER then
- local predPos = self:GetPrediction(Target)
- if predPos then
- CastSpell(self.Key, predPos.x, predPos.z)
- end
- else
- self.KloPred:EnableTarget(Target, true)
- end
- end
- elseif self.Type == SPELL_LINEAR or self.Type == SPELL_CIRCLE then
- if ValidTarget(Target) then
- if not VIP_USER then
- local predPos = self:GetPrediction(Target)
- if predPos then
- CastSpell(self.Key, predPos.x, predPos.z)
- end
- else
- self.KloPred:EnableTarget(Target, true)
- end
- end
- elseif self.Type == SPELL_LINEAR_COL then
- if ValidTarget(Target) then
- if self.Collision then
- if not VIP_USER then
- local predPos = self:GetPrediction(Target)
- if predPos then
- local collision = self:GetCollision(predPos)
- if not collision or ForceCast then
- CastSpell(self.Key, predPos.x, predPos.z)
- end
- end
- else
- self.KloPred:EnableTarget(Target, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function _Skill:ForceCast(Target)
- self:Cast(Target, true)
- end
- function _Skill:GetPrediction(Target)
- if VIP_USER then
- pred = TargetPredictionVIP(self.Range, self.Speed*1000, self.Delay/1000, self.Width)
- if pred and pred:GetHitChance(Target) > ConfigMenu.HitChance/100 then
- return pred:GetPrediction(Target)
- end
- elseif not VIP_USER then
- pred = TargetPrediction(self.Range, self.Speed, self.Delay, self.Width)
- return pred:GetPrediction(Target)
- end
- end
- function _Skill:GetCollision(pos)
- if VIP_USER and self.Collision then
- local col = Collision(self.Range, self.Speed*1000, self.Delay/1000, self.Width)
- return col:GetMinionCollision(myHero, pos)
- elseif self.Collision then
- for _, Minion in pairs(Minions.EnemyMinions.objects) do
- if ValidTarget(Minion) and myHero.x ~= Minion.x then
- local myX = myHero.x
- local myZ = myHero.z
- local tarX = pos.x
- local tarZ = pos.z
- local deltaX = myX - tarX
- local deltaZ = myZ - tarZ
- local m = deltaZ/deltaX
- local c = myX - m*myX
- local minionX = Minion.x
- local minionZ = Minion.z
- local distanc = (math.abs(minionZ - m*minionX - c))/(math.sqrt(m*m+1))
- if distanc < self.Width and ((tarX - myX)*(tarX - myX) + (tarZ - myZ)*(tarZ - myZ)) > ((tarX - minionX)*(tarX - minionX) + (tarZ - minionZ)*(tarZ - minionZ)) then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- end
- function _Skill:GetHitChance(pred)
- if VIP_USER then
- return pred:GetHitChance(target) > ConfigMenu.HitChance/100
- end
- end
- function _Skill:ValidSkillTarget(Target)
- if not self.IsCustom then
- local _Menu = Skills:GetSkillMenu(self.Key)
- if not Target or myHero.mana / myHero.maxMana * 100 < _Menu.MinMana or / Target.maxHealth * 100 < _Menu.MinHealth or / Target.maxHealth * 100 > _Menu.MaxHealth then
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- return true
- end
- function _Skill:GetRange()
- return self.reqAttackTarget and MyHero.TrueRange or self.Range
- end
- function _Skill:IsReady()
- return myHero:CanUseSpell(self.Key) == READY
- end
- --[[
- _Items Class
- ]]
- class '_Items' Items = nil
- function _Items:__init()
- self.ItemList = {}
- Items = self
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- end
- function _Items:_OnTick()
- for _, Item in pairs(self.ItemList) do
- if Keys.AutoCarry and AutoCarryMenu[Item.RawName.."AutoCarry"] or
- Keys.MixedMode and MixedModeMenu[Item.RawName.."MixedMode"] or
- Keys.LaneClear and LaneClearMenu[Item.RawName.."LaneClear"] then
- Item.Active = true
- else
- Item.Active = false
- end
- end
- end
- function _Items:UseAll(Target)
- if Target and Target.type == myHero.type then
- for _, Item in pairs(self.ItemList) do
- Item:Use(Target)
- end
- end
- end
- function _Items:UseItem(ID, Target)
- for _, Item in pairs(self.ItemList) do
- if Item.ID == ID then
- Item:Use(Target)
- end
- end
- end
- function _Items:GetItem(ID)
- for _, Item in pairs(self.ItemList) do
- if Item.ID == ID then
- return Item
- end
- end
- end
- function _Items:GetBotrkBonusLastHitDamage(StartingDamage, Target)
- local _BonusDamage = 0
- if GetInventoryHaveItem(3153) then
- if ValidTarget(Target) then
- _BonusDamage = / 20
- if _BonusDamage >= 60 then
- _BonusDamage = 60
- end
- end
- end
- return _BonusDamage
- end
- --[[
- _Item Class
- ]]
- class '_Item'
- --TODO: Add Muramana
- function _Item:__init(_Name, _ID, _RequiresTarget, _Range, _Override)
- self.Name = _Name
- self.RawName = self.Name:gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "")
- self.ID = _ID
- self.RequiresTarget = _RequiresTarget
- self.Range = _Range
- self.Slot = nil
- self.Override = _Override
- self.Active = true
- self.Enabled = true
- table.insert(Items.ItemList, self)
- end
- function _Item:Use(Target)
- if self.Override then
- return self.Override()
- end
- if self.RequiresTarget and not Target then
- return
- end
- if not self.Active or not self.Enabled then
- return
- end
- self.Slot = GetInventorySlotItem(self.ID)
- if self.Slot then
- if self.ID == 3153 then -- BRK
- local _Menu = MenuManager:GetActiveMenu()
- if _Menu and _Menu.botrkSave then
- if <= myHero.maxHealth * 0.65 then
- CastSpell(self.Slot, Target)
- end
- else
- CastSpell(self.Slot, Target)
- end
- elseif self.ID == 3042 then -- Muramana
- if not MuramanaIsActive() then
- MuramanaOn()
- end
- elseif not self.RequiresTarget and Orbwalker:CanOrbwalkTarget(Target) then
- CastSpell(self.Slot)
- elseif self.RequiresTarget and ValidTarget(Target) and GetDistance(Target) <= self.Range then
- CastSpell(self.Slot, Target)
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- _Helper Class
- ]]
- class '_Helper' Helper = nil
- function _Helper:__init()
- self.Tick = 0
- self.Latency = 0
- self.Colour = {Green = 0x00FF00}
- self.EnemyTable = {}
- Helper = self
- self.EnemyTable = GetEnemyHeroes()
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- end
- function _Helper:_OnTick()
- self.Tick = GetTickCount()
- self.Latency = GetLatency()
- end
- function _Helper:StringContains(string, contains)
- return string:lower():find(contains)
- end
- function _Helper:DrawCircleObject(Object, Range, Colour, Thickness)
- Thickness = Thickness and Thickness or 0
- for i = 0, Thickness do
- if DrawingMenu.LowFPS then
- self:DrawCircle2(Object.x, Object.y, Object.z, Range + i, Colour)
- else
- DrawCircle(Object.x, Object.y, Object.z, Range + i, Colour)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Low fps circles by barasia, vadash and viseversa
- function _Helper:DrawCircleNextLvl(x, y, z, radius, width, color, chordlength)
- radius = radius or 300
- quality = math.max(8,self:round(180/math.deg((math.asin((chordlength/(2*radius)))))))
- quality = 2 * math.pi / quality
- radius = radius*.92
- local points = {}
- for theta = 0, 2 * math.pi + quality, quality do
- local c = WorldToScreen(D3DXVECTOR3(x + radius * math.cos(theta), y, z - radius * math.sin(theta)))
- points[#points + 1] = D3DXVECTOR2(c.x, c.y)
- end
- DrawLines2(points, width or 1, color or 4294967295)
- end
- function _Helper:round(num)
- if num >= 0 then return math.floor(num+.5) else return math.ceil(num-.5) end
- end
- function _Helper:DrawCircle2(x, y, z, radius, color)
- local vPos1 = Vector(x, y, z)
- local vPos2 = Vector(cameraPos.x, cameraPos.y, cameraPos.z)
- local tPos = vPos1 - (vPos1 - vPos2):normalized() * radius
- local sPos = WorldToScreen(D3DXVECTOR3(tPos.x, tPos.y, tPos.z))
- if OnScreen({ x = sPos.x, y = sPos.y }, { x = sPos.x, y = sPos.y }) then
- self:DrawCircleNextLvl(x, y, z, radius, 1, color, 75)
- end
- end
- function _Helper:GetHitBoxDistance(Target)
- return GetDistance(Target) - GetDistance(Target, Target.minBBox)
- end
- function _Helper:TrimString(s)
- return s:find'^%s*$' and '' or s:match'^%s*(.*%S)'
- end
- function _Helper:GetClasses()
- return AutoCarry.Skills, AutoCarry.Keys, AutoCarry.Items, AutoCarry.Data, AutoCarry.Jungle, AutoCarry.Helper, AutoCarry.MyHero, AutoCarry.Minions, AutoCarry.Crosshair, AutoCarry.Orbwalker
- end
- function _Helper:ArgbFromMenu(menu)
- return ARGB(menu[1], menu[2], menu[3], menu[4])
- end
- function _Helper:DecToHex(Dec)
- local B, K, Hex, I, D = 16, "0123456789ABCDEF", "", 0
- while Dec > 0 do
- I = I + 1
- Dec, D = math.floor(Dec / B), math.fmod(Dec, B) + 1
- Hex = string.sub(K, D, D)..Hex
- end
- return Hex
- end
- function _Helper:HexFromMenu(menu)
- local argb = {}
- argb["a"] = menu[1]
- argb["r"] = menu[2]
- argb["g"] = menu[3]
- argb["b"] = menu[4]
- return tonumber(self:DecToHex(argb["a"]) .. self:DecToHex(argb["r"]) .. self:DecToHex(argb["g"]) .. self:DecToHex(argb["b"]), 16);
- end
- function _Helper:IsEvading()
- return _G.evade
- end
- --[[
- Keys Class
- ]]
- class '_Keys' Keys = nil
- function _Keys:__init()
- self.KEYS_KEY = 0
- self.KEYS_MENUKEY = 1
- self.AutoCarry = false
- self.MixedMode = false
- self.LastHit = false
- self.LaneClear = false
- self.AutoCarryKeys = {}
- self.MixedModeKeys = {}
- self.LastHitKeys = {}
- self.LaneClearKeys = {}
- Keys = self
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- end
- function _Keys:_OnTick()
- self.AutoCarry = self:IsKeyEnabled(self.AutoCarryKeys)
- self.MixedMode = self:IsKeyEnabled(self.MixedModeKeys)
- self.LastHit = self:IsKeyEnabled(self.LastHitKeys)
- self.LaneClear = self:IsKeyEnabled(self.LaneClearKeys)
- end
- function _Keys:IsKeyEnabled(List)
- for _, Key in pairs(List) do
- if Key.Type == self.KEYS_KEY then
- if IsKeyDown(Key.Key) then
- return true
- end
- elseif Key.Type == self.KEYS_MENUKEY then
- if Key.Menu[Key.Param] then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function _Keys:RegisterMenuKey(Menu, Param, Mode)
- local MenuKey = _MenuKey(Menu, Param)
- self:Insert(MenuKey, Mode)
- end
- function _Keys:RegisterKey(key, Mode)
- local Key = _Key(key)
- self:Insert(Key, Mode)
- end
- function _Keys:Insert(Key, Mode)
- if Mode == MODE_AUTOCARRY then
- table.insert(self.AutoCarryKeys, Key)
- elseif Mode == MODE_MIXEDMODE then
- table.insert(self.MixedModeKeys, Key)
- elseif Mode == MODE_LASTHIT then
- table.insert(self.LastHitKeys, Key)
- elseif Mode == MODE_LANECLEAR then
- table.insert(self.LaneClearKeys, Key)
- end
- end
- --[[
- Key Class
- ]]
- class '_Key'
- function _Key:__init(key)
- self.Key = key
- self.Type = Keys.KEYS_KEY
- end
- --[[
- MenuKey Class
- ]]
- class '_MenuKey'
- function _MenuKey:__init(menu, param)
- self.Menu = menu
- self.Param = param
- self.Type = Keys.KEYS_MENUKEY
- end
- --[[
- _SwingTimer Class
- ]]
- class '_SwingTimer' SwingTimer = nil
- function _SwingTimer:__init()
- self.bar_green = GetSprite("SidasAutoCarry\\")
- self.bar_red = GetSprite("SidasAutoCarry\\")
- self.Width = 300
- self.X = WINDOW_W/2 - (self.Width/2)
- self.Y = WINDOW_H/2
- self.Height = self.bar_green.height
- self.ResizeButtonWidth = 30
- self.Moving = false
- self.Resizing = false
- self.Save = GetSave("SidasAutoCarry").SwingTimer
- SwingTimer = self
- if self.Save then
- self.X = self.Save.X
- self.Y = self.Save.Y
- self.Width = self.Save.Width
- end
- AddMsgCallback(function(Msg, Key) self:_OnWndMsg(Msg, Key) end)
- AddDrawCallback(function() self:_OnDraw() end)
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- end
- function _SwingTimer:_OnDraw()
- if not ExtrasMenu.ShowSwingTimer then return end
- local Difference = (Helper.Tick - Orbwalker.LastAttack) / (Orbwalker:GetNextAttackTime() - Orbwalker.LastAttack)
- if Difference > 1 or Difference < 0 then
- self:_DrawBar(self.X, self.Y, self.Width, 1)
- else
- self:_DrawBar(self.X, self.Y, self.Width, Difference)
- end
- if IsKeyDown(16) then
- DrawRectangleOutline(self.X + self.Width + 5, self.Y, self.ResizeButtonWidth, self.Height, ARGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF), 3)
- end
- end
- function _SwingTimer:_OnWndMsg(Msg, Key)
- if Msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN and IsKeyDown(16) then
- if CursorIsUnder(self.X, self.Y, self.Width, self.Height) then
- self.Moving = true
- elseif CursorIsUnder(self.X + self.Width + 5, self.Y, self.ResizeButtonWidth, self.Height) then
- self.Resizing = true
- end
- elseif Msg == WM_LBUTTONUP and (self.Moving or self.Resizing) then
- self.Moving = false
- self.Resizing = false
- GetSave("SidasAutoCarry").SwingTimer = {X = self.X, Y = self.Y, Height = self.Height, Width = self.Width}
- end
- end
- function _SwingTimer:_OnTick()
- if self.Moving then
- self.X = GetCursorPos().x - self.Width / 2
- self.Y = GetCursorPos().y
- elseif self.Resizing then
- self.Width = GetCursorPos().x - self.X - self.ResizeButtonWidth / 2
- end
- end
- function _SwingTimer:_DrawBar(x, y, barLen, percentage)
- DrawRectangleOutline(x-1, y-1, barLen+3, self.Height+2, ARGB(0x00,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF), 1)
- self.bar_green:DrawEx(Rect(0, 0, barLen*percentage, self.Height), D3DXVECTOR3(0,0,0), D3DXVECTOR3(x,y,0), 0xFF)
- self.bar_red:DrawEx(Rect(barLen*percentage, 0, barLen, self.Height), D3DXVECTOR3(0,0,0), D3DXVECTOR3(x+barLen*percentage,y,0), 0xFF)
- DrawTextA(math.floor(percentage*100).."%", 12, x+(barLen/2), y-1, ARGB(255,255,255,255), "center")
- end
- --[[
- _Streaming Class
- ]]
- class '_Streaming'
- function _Streaming:__init()
- self.Save = GetSave("SidasAutoCarry")
- AddTickCallback(function()self:_OnTick() end)
- AddMsgCallback(function(msg, key)self:_OnWndMsg(msg, key) end)
- if self.Save.StreamingMode then
- self:EnableStreaming()
- else
- self:DisableStreaming()
- end
- end
- function _Streaming:_OnTick()
- if self.StreamingMenu then
- self.StreamingMenu._param[4].text = self.StreamingMenu.Colour == 0 and "Green" or "Red"
- end
- if self.StreamEnabled then
- self:EnableStreaming()
- end
- end
- function _Streaming:_OnWndMsg(msg, key)
- if msg == KEY_DOWN and key == 118 then
- if not self.StreamEnabled then
- self:EnableStreaming()
- else
- self:DisableStreaming()
- end
- end
- end
- function _Streaming:EnableStreaming()
- self.Save.StreamingMode = true
- self.StreamEnabled = true
- if not self.ChatTimeout then
- self.ChatTimeout = GetTickCount() + 3000
- elseif GetTickCount() < self.ChatTimeout then
- self:DisableOverlay()
- for i = 0, 15 do
- PrintChat("")
- end
- else
- _G.PrintChat = function() end
- end
- end
- function _Streaming:DisableStreaming()
- self.Save.StreamingMode = false
- self.StreamEnabled = false
- if self.ChatTimeout then
- EnableOverlay()
- self.ChatTimeout = nil
- end
- end
- function _Streaming:OnMove()
- if not self.MenuCreated then return end
- if self.StreamingMenu.MinRand > self.StreamingMenu.MaxRand then
- print("Reborn: Min cannot be higher than Max in Streaming Menu")
- elseif self.StreamingMenu.ShowClick and (not self.NextClick or Helper.Tick > self.NextClick) then
- if self.StreamingMenu.Colour == 0 then
- ShowGreenClick(mousePos)
- else
- ShowRedClick(mousePos)
- end
- self.nextClick = Helper.Tick + math.random(self.StreamingMenu.MinRand, self.StreamingMenu.MaxRand)
- end
- end
- function _Streaming:CreateMenu()
- self.StreamingMenu = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry: Streaming", "sidasacstreaming")
- self.StreamingMenu:addParam("ShowClick", "Show Fake Click Marker", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false)
- self.StreamingMenu:addParam("MinRand", "Minimum Time Between Clicks", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 150, 0, 1000, 0)
- self.StreamingMenu:addParam("MaxRand", "Maximum Time Between Clicks", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 650, 0, 1000, 0)
- self.StreamingMenu:addParam("Colour", "Green", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 0, 0, 1, 0)
- self.StreamingMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- self.StreamingMenu:addParam("sep", "Toggle Streaming Mode with F7", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- self.MenuCreated = true
- end
- function _Streaming:DisableOverlay()
- _G.DrawText,
- _G.PrintFloatText,
- _G.DrawLine,
- _G.DrawArrow,
- _G.DrawCircle,
- _G.DrawRectangle,
- _G.DrawLines,
- _G.DrawLines2 = function() end,
- function() end,
- function() end,
- function() end,
- function() end,
- function() end,
- function() end
- end
- Streaming = _Streaming()
- --[[
- _MenuManager Class
- ]]
- --[[
- _Summoner Class
- ]]
- class '_Summoner'
- function _Summoner:__init()
- end
- class '_MenuManager' MenuManager = nil
- function _MenuManager:__init()
- self.AutoCarry = false
- self.MixedMode = false
- self.LastHit = false
- self.LaneClear = false
- self.SkillMenu = {}
- AddTickCallback(function() self:OnTick() end)
- AddMsgCallback(function(msg, key) self:OnWndMsg(msg, key) end)
- AddUnloadCallback(function() self:_OnUnload() end)
- AddBugsplatCallback(function() self:_OnBugsplat() end)
- AddExitCallback(function() self:_OnExit() end)
- MenuManager = self
- --[[ Auto Carry Menu ]]
- AutoCarryMenu = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry: Auto Carry", "sidasacautocarry")
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam("title", " Sida's Auto Carry: Reborn", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam("sep", "-- Settings--", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam("Toggle", "Toggle mode (requires reload)", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false)
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam("Active", "Auto Carry", AutoCarryMenu.Toggle and SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYTOGGLE or SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, 219)
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam("sep", "-- Skills --", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- AutoCarryMenu:permaShow("title")
- AutoCarryMenu:permaShow("Active")
- AutoCarryMenu:addTS(Crosshair.Attack_Crosshair)
- Keys:RegisterMenuKey(AutoCarryMenu, "Active", MODE_AUTOCARRY)
- if #Skills.SkillsList > 0 then
- for _, Skill in pairs(Skills.SkillsList) do
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam(Skill.RawName.."AutoCarry", "Use "..Skill.DisplayName, SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, self:LoadSkill(AutoCarryMenu, Skill.RawName, "AutoCarry"))
- end
- else
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam("sep", "No supported skills for "..myHero.charName, SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- end
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam("sep", "-- Items --", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- for _, Item in pairs(Items.ItemList) do
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam(Item.RawName.."AutoCarry", "Use "..Item.Name, SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- end
- AutoCarryMenu:addParam("botrkSave", "Save BotRK for max heal", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- --[[ Last Hit Menu ]]
- LastHitMenu = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry: Last Hit", "sidasaclasthit")
- LastHitMenu:addParam("sep", "-- Settings--", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- LastHitMenu:addParam("Toggle", "Toggle mode (requires reload)", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false)
- LastHitMenu:addParam("Active", "Last Hit", LastHitMenu.Toggle and SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYTOGGLE or SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, string.byte("A"))
- LastHitMenu:permaShow("Active")
- Keys:RegisterMenuKey(LastHitMenu, "Active", MODE_LASTHIT)
- --[[ Mixed Mode Menu ]]
- MixedModeMenu = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry: Mixed Mode", "sidasacmixedmode")
- MixedModeMenu:addParam("sep", "-- Settings--", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- MixedModeMenu:addParam("Toggle", "Toggle mode (requires reload)", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false)
- MixedModeMenu:addParam("Active", "Mixed Mode", MixedModeMenu.Toggle and SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYTOGGLE or SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, string.byte("D"))
- MixedModeMenu:addParam("MinionPriority", "Prioritise Last Hit Over Harass", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- MixedModeMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- MixedModeMenu:addParam("sep", "-- Skills (Against Champions Only) --", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- MixedModeMenu:permaShow("Active")
- Keys:RegisterMenuKey(MixedModeMenu, "Active", MODE_MIXEDMODE)
- if #Skills.SkillsList > 0 then
- for _, Skill in pairs(Skills.SkillsList) do
- MixedModeMenu:addParam(Skill.RawName.."MixedMode", "Use "..Skill.DisplayName, SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, self:LoadSkill(MixedModeMenu, Skill.RawName, "MixedMode"))
- end
- else
- MixedModeMenu:addParam("sep", "No supported skills for "..myHero.charName, SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- end
- MixedModeMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- MixedModeMenu:addParam("sep", "-- Items (Against Champions Only) --", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- for _, Item in pairs(Items.ItemList) do
- MixedModeMenu:addParam(Item.RawName.."MixedMode", "Use "..Item.Name, SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- end
- MixedModeMenu:addParam("botrkSave", "Save BotRK for max heal", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- --[[ Lane Clear Menu ]]
- LaneClearMenu = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry: Lane Clear", "sidasaclaneclear")
- LaneClearMenu:addParam("sep", "-- Settings--", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- LaneClearMenu:addParam("Toggle", "Toggle mode (requires reload)", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false)
- LaneClearMenu:addParam("Active", "Lane Clear", LaneClearMenu.Toggle and SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYTOGGLE or SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, string.byte("C"))
- LaneClearMenu:addParam("MinionPriority", "Prioritise Last Hit Over Harass", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- LaneClearMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- LaneClearMenu:addParam("sep", "-- Skills (Against Champions Only) --", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- LaneClearMenu:permaShow("Active")
- Keys:RegisterMenuKey(LaneClearMenu, "Active", MODE_LANECLEAR)
- if #Skills.SkillsList > 0 then
- for _, Skill in pairs(Skills.SkillsList) do
- LaneClearMenu:addParam(Skill.RawName.."LaneClear", "Use "..Skill.DisplayName, SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, self:LoadSkill(LaneClearMenu, Skill.RawName, "LaneClear"))
- end
- else
- LaneClearMenu:addParam("sep", "No supported skills for "..myHero.charName, SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- end
- LaneClearMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- LaneClearMenu:addParam("sep", "-- Items (Against Champions Only) --", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- for _, Item in pairs(Items.ItemList) do
- LaneClearMenu:addParam(Item.RawName.."LaneClear", "Use "..Item.Name, SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- end
- LaneClearMenu:addParam("botrkSave", "Save BotRK for max heal", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- --[[ Skills Menus ]]
- for _, Skill in pairs(Skills.SkillsList) do
- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key] = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry: Skill "..Skill.DisplayName, Skill.RawName)
- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("sep", "-- Against Champions --", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("CastPrio", "Cast Priority (0 Is Cast First)", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 0, 0, 3, 0)
- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("MinMana", "Mana Must Be Above %", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 0, 0, 100, 0)
- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("MinHealth", "Enemy Health Must Be Above %", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 0, 0, 100, 0)
- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("MaxHealth", "Enemy Health Must Be Below %", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 100, 0, 100, 0)
- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("RequiresTarget", "Target Must Be In Attack Range", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, Skill.ReqAttackTarget)
- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("ManualCast", "Manual Cast", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, 119)
- -- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- -- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("sep", "-- Against Minions --", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- -- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("LastHit", "Last Hit With This Skill", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false)
- -- self.SkillMenu[Skill.Key]:addParam("MinManaMinions", "Minimum Mana %", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 0, 0, 100, 0)
- end
- --[[Configuration Menu ]]
- ConfigMenu = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry: Configuration", "sidasacconfig")
- ConfigMenu:addParam("Focused", "Focus Selected Target", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false)
- ConfigMenu:addParam("Butcher", "Butcher Mastery", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 0, 0, 2, 0)
- ConfigMenu:addParam("Spellblade", "Spellblade Mastery", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- ConfigMenu:addParam("Executioner", "Executioner Mastery", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- if VIP_USER then
- ConfigMenu:addParam("HitChance", "Ability Hitchance", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 60, 0, 100, 0)
- end
- ConfigMenu:addParam("Freeze", "Lane Freeze Toggle", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYTOGGLE, false, 112)
- -- ConfigMenu:addParam("Boost", "Turbo Boost: Attack", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 0, 0, 1000, 0)
- -- ConfigMenu:addParam("AttackBoost", "Turbo Boost: Movement", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 0, 0, 1000, 0)
- --[[ Drawing Menu ]]
- DrawingMenu = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry: Drawing", "sidasacdrawing")
- DrawingMenu:addParam("RangeCircle", "Champion Range Circle", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- DrawingMenu:addParam("RangeCircleColour", "Colour", SCRIPT_PARAM_COLOR, {255, 0, 189, 22})
- DrawingMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- DrawingMenu:addParam("CastRangeCircle", "Spell Range Circle", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- DrawingMenu:addParam("CastRangeCircleColour", "Colour", SCRIPT_PARAM_COLOR, {183, 0, 26, 173})
- DrawingMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- DrawingMenu:addParam("TargetCircle", "Circle Around Target", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- DrawingMenu:addParam("TargetCircleColour", "Colour", SCRIPT_PARAM_COLOR, {255, 0, 112, 95})
- DrawingMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- DrawingMenu:addParam("MinionCircle", "Minion Marker With Prediction", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- DrawingMenu:addParam("MinionCircleColour", "Colour", SCRIPT_PARAM_COLOR, {183, 0, 26, 173})
- DrawingMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- DrawingMenu:addParam("ArrowToTarget", "Line To Target", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- DrawingMenu:addParam("ArrowToTargetColour", "Colour", SCRIPT_PARAM_COLOR, {100, 255, 100, 100})
- DrawingMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- DrawingMenu:addParam("StandZone", "Stand & Shoot Range", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- DrawingMenu:addParam("StandZoneColour", "Stand Zone Colour", SCRIPT_PARAM_COLOR, {183, 0, 26, 173})
- DrawingMenu:addParam("sep", "", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- DrawingMenu:addParam("LowFPS", "Use Low FPS Circles", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false)
- --[[ Extras Menu ]]
- ExtrasMenu = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry: Extras", "sidasacextras")
- ExtrasMenu:addParam("sep", "-- May Cause FPS Drops--", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "")
- ExtrasMenu:addParam("ShowSwingTimer", "Show Swing Timer", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)
- ExtrasMenu:addParam("StandZone"..myHero.charName, "Stand Still And Shoot Range", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, self:LoadStandRange(), 0, MyHero.TrueRange, 0)
- self:DisableAllModes()
- -- self.Boost = ConfigMenu.Boost
- -- self.AttackBoost = ConfigMenu.AttackBoost
- end
- function _MenuManager:OnTick()
- -- if self.Boost ~= ConfigMenu.Boost then
- -- print("Hyper Charge: Attack - When you start cancelling attacks, you've gone too high!")
- -- self.Boost = ConfigMenu.Boost
- -- end
- -- if self.AttackBoost ~= ConfigMenu.AttackBoost then
- -- print("Hyper Charge: Movement - When you stand still before each attack, you've gone too high!")
- -- self.AttackBoost = ConfigMenu.AttackBoost
- -- end
- if AutoCarryMenu.Active ~= self.AutoCarry and not self.AutoCarry then
- self:SetToggles(true, false, false, false)
- elseif MixedModeMenu.Active ~= self.MixedMode and not self.MixedMode then
- self:SetToggles(false, true, false, false)
- elseif LastHitMenu.Active ~= self.LastHit and not self.LastHit then
- self:SetToggles(false, false, true, false)
- elseif LaneClearMenu.Active ~= self.LaneClear and not self.LaneClear then
- self:SetToggles(false, false, false, true)
- end
- if ConfigMenu.Freeze then
- MixedModeMenu._param[3].text = "Mixed Mode (Lane Freeze)"
- LastHitMenu._param[3].text = "Last Hit (Lane Freeze)"
- else
- MixedModeMenu._param[3].text = "Mixed Mode"
- LastHitMenu._param[3].text = "Last Hit"
- end
- end
- function _MenuManager:OnWndMsg(msg, key)
- if msg == WM_RBUTTONDOWN then
- local _Menu = self:GetActiveMenu()
- if _Menu and _Menu.Toggle then
- self:DisableAllModes()
- end
- end
- end
- function _MenuManager:_OnUnload()
- self:SaveSkills()
- self:SaveStandRange()
- end
- function _MenuManager:_OnBugsplat()
- self:SaveSkills()
- self:SaveStandRange()
- end
- function _MenuManager:_OnExit()
- self:SaveSkills()
- self:SaveStandRange()
- end
- function _MenuManager:SetToggles(ac, mm, lh, lc)
- AutoCarryMenu.Active, self.AutoCarry = ac, ac
- MixedModeMenu.Active, self.MixedMode = mm, mm
- LastHitMenu.Active, self.LastHit = lh, lh
- LaneClearMenu.Active, self.LaneClear = lc, lc
- end
- function _MenuManager:DisableAllModes()
- AutoCarryMenu.Active = false
- MixedModeMenu.Active = false
- LastHitMenu.Active = false
- LaneClearMenu.Active = false
- end
- function _MenuManager:GetActiveMenu()
- if AutoCarryMenu.Active then
- return AutoCarryMenu
- elseif MixedModeMenu.Active then
- return MixedModeMenu
- elseif LastHitMenu.Active then
- return LastHitMenu
- elseif LaneClearMenu.Active then
- return LaneClearMenu
- end
- end
- function _MenuManager:SaveSkills()
- local _skills = {}
- for _, Skill in pairs(Skills.SkillsList) do
- if AutoCarryMenu[Skill.RawName.."AutoCarry"] ~= nil then
- table.insert(_skills , {mode = "AutoCarry", name=Skill.RawName, value=AutoCarryMenu[Skill.RawName.."AutoCarry"]})
- end
- if MixedModeMenu[Skill.RawName.."MixedMode"] ~= nil then
- table.insert(_skills , {mode = "MixedMode", name=Skill.RawName, value=MixedModeMenu[Skill.RawName.."MixedMode"]})
- end
- if LaneClearMenu[Skill.RawName.."LaneClear"] ~= nil then
- table.insert(_skills , {mode = "LaneClear", name=Skill.RawName, value=LaneClearMenu[Skill.RawName.."LaneClear"]})
- end
- end
- local save = GetSave("SidasAutoCarry")
- save[myHero.charName] = _skills
- save:Save()
- end
- function _MenuManager:LoadSkill(Menu, Name, Mode)
- local save = GetSave("SidasAutoCarry")[myHero.charName]
- if not save then return false end
- for _, Skill in pairs(save) do
- if == Name and Skill.mode == Mode then
- return Skill.value
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function _MenuManager:SaveStandRange()
- local save = GetSave("SidasAutoCarry")
- save.HoldZone = ExtrasMenu["StandZone"..myHero.charName]
- save:Save()
- end
- function _MenuManager:LoadStandRange()
- local save = GetSave("SidasAutoCarry")
- if save.HoldZone then
- return save.HoldZone
- else
- return 0
- end
- end
- --[[
- _Plugins Class
- ]]
- class '_Plugins' Plugins = nil
- function _Plugins:__init()
- self.Plugins = {}
- self.RegisteredBonusLastHitDamage = {}
- self.RegisteredPreAttack = {}
- Plugins = self
- end
- function _Plugins:RegisterPlugin(plugin, name)
- if plugin.OnTick then
- AddTickCallback(function() plugin:OnTick() end)
- end
- if plugin.OnDraw then
- AddDrawCallback(function() plugin:OnDraw() end)
- end
- if plugin.OnCreateObj then
- AddCreateObjCallback(function(obj) plugin:OnCreateObj(obj) end)
- end
- if plugin.OnDeleteObj then
- AddDeleteObjCallback(function(obj) plugin:OnDeleteObj(obj) end)
- end
- if plugin.OnLoad then
- plugin:OnLoad()
- end
- if plugin.OnUnload then
- AddUnloadCallback(function() plugin.OnUnload() end)
- end
- if plugin.OnWndMsg then
- AddMsgCallback(function(msg, key) plugin:OnWndMsg(msg, key) end)
- end
- if plugin.OnProcessSpell then
- AddProcessSpellCallback(function(unit, spell) plugin:OnProcessSpell(unit, spell) end)
- end
- if plugin.OnSendChat then
- AddChatCallback(function(text) plugin:OnSendChat(text) end)
- end
- if plugin.OnBugsplat then
- AddBugsplatCallback(function() plugin:OnBugsplat() end)
- end
- if plugin.OnAnimation then
- AddAnimationCallback(function(unit, anim) plugin:OnAnimation(unit, anim) end)
- end
- if plugin.OnSendPacket then
- AddSendPacketCallback(function(packet) plugin:OnSendPacket(packet) end)
- end
- if plugin.OnRecvPacket then
- AddRecvPacketCallback(function(packet) plugin:OnRecvPacket(packet) end)
- end
- if name then
- self.Plugins[name] = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry Plugin: ", "sidasacautocarryplugin"
- return self.Plugins[name]
- end
- end
- function _Plugins:RegisterBonusLastHitDamage(func)
- table.insert(self.RegisteredBonusLastHitDamage, func)
- end
- function _Plugins:RegisterPreAttack(func)
- table.insert(self.RegisteredPreAttack, func)
- end
- function _Plugins:RegisterOnAttacked(func)
- RegisterOnAttacked(func)
- end
- function _Plugins:GetProdiction(Key, Range, Speed, Delay, Width, Source, Callback)
- return ProdictManager.GetInstance():AddProdictionObject(Key, Range, Speed * 1000, Delay / 1000, Width, myHero, Callback)
- end
- --[[
- Drawing Class
- ]]
- class '_Drawing'
- function _Drawing:__init()
- AddDrawCallback(function() self:_OnDraw() end)
- end
- function _Drawing:_OnDraw()
- if DrawingMenu.RangeCircle then
- Helper:DrawCircleObject(myHero, MyHero.TrueRange, Helper:ArgbFromMenu(DrawingMenu.RangeCircleColour))
- end
- if DrawingMenu.CastRangeCircle and Crosshair.Skills_Crosshair.range ~= MyHero.TrueRange then
- Helper:DrawCircleObject(myHero, Crosshair.Skills_Crosshair.range, Helper:ArgbFromMenu(DrawingMenu.CastRangeCircleColour))
- end
- if DrawingMenu.TargetCircle and Crosshair.Target then
- Helper:DrawCircleObject(Crosshair.Target, 100, Helper:ArgbFromMenu(DrawingMenu.TargetCircleColour), 6)
- end
- if DrawingMenu.MinionCircle and Minions.KillableMinion then
- Helper:DrawCircleObject(Minions.KillableMinion, 80, Helper:ArgbFromMenu(DrawingMenu.MinionCircleColour), 6)
- end
- if DrawingMenu.ArrowToTarget and Crosshair.Target then
- self:DrawArrows(myHero, Crosshair.Target)
- end
- if DrawingMenu.StandZone and ExtrasMenu["StandZone"..myHero.charName] > 0 then
- Helper:DrawCircleObject(myHero, ExtrasMenu["StandZone"..myHero.charName], Helper:ArgbFromMenu(DrawingMenu.StandZoneColour))
- end
- end
- function _Drawing:DrawArrows(Start, End)
- if Start and End then
- DrawArrows(D3DXVECTOR3(Start.x, Start.y, Start.z), D3DXVECTOR3(End.x, End.y, End.z), 60, Helper:HexFromMenu(DrawingMenu.ArrowToTargetColour), 100)
- end
- end
- --[[
- _AutoUpdate Class
- ]]
- class '_AutoUpdate' AutoUpdate = nil
- function _AutoUpdate:__init()
- AutoUpdate = self
- self.CurrentVersion = 38
- self.Path = BOL_PATH.."Scripts\\Common\\RebornBetaVersion.beta"
- AddLoadCallback(function() self:_OnLoad() end)
- end
- function _AutoUpdate:_OnLoad()
- WriteFile("Revision="..self.CurrentVersion..";", self.Path)
- end
- _AutoUpdate()
- --[[
- _Data Class
- ]]
- class '_Data' Data = nil
- function _Data:__init()
- self.ResetSpells = {}
- self.SpellAttacks = {}
- self.NoneAttacks = {}
- self.ChampionData = {}
- self.MinionData = {}
- self.JungleData = {}
- self.ItemData = {}
- self.Skills = {}
- Data = self
- self:__GenerateNoneAttacks()
- self:__GenerateSpellAttacks()
- self:__GenerateResetSpells()
- self:_GenerateMinionData()
- self:_GenerateJungleData()
- self:_GenerateItemData()
- self:__GenerateChampionData()
- self:__GenerateSkillData()
- end
- function _Data:__GenerateResetSpells()
- self:AddResetSpell("Powerfist")
- self:AddResetSpell("DariusNoxianTacticsONH")
- self:AddResetSpell("Takedown")
- self:AddResetSpell("Ricochet")
- self:AddResetSpell("BlindingDart")
- self:AddResetSpell("VayneTumble")
- self:AddResetSpell("JaxEmpowerTwo")
- self:AddResetSpell("MordekaiserMaceOfSpades")
- self:AddResetSpell("SiphoningStrikeNew")
- self:AddResetSpell("RengarQ")
- self:AddResetSpell("MonkeyKingDoubleAttack")
- self:AddResetSpell("YorickSpectral")
- self:AddResetSpell("ViE")
- self:AddResetSpell("GarenSlash3")
- self:AddResetSpell("HecarimRamp")
- self:AddResetSpell("XenZhaoComboTarget")
- self:AddResetSpell("LeonaShieldOfDaybreak")
- self:AddResetSpell("ShyvanaDoubleAttack")
- self:AddResetSpell("shyvanadoubleattackdragon")
- self:AddResetSpell("TalonNoxianDiplomacy")
- self:AddResetSpell("TrundleTrollSmash")
- self:AddResetSpell("VolibearQ")
- self:AddResetSpell("PoppyDevastatingBlow")
- self:AddResetSpell("SivirW")
- end
- function _Data:__GenerateSpellAttacks()
- self:AddSpellAttack("frostarrow")
- self:AddSpellAttack("CaitlynHeadshotMissile")
- self:AddSpellAttack("QuinnWEnhanced")
- self:AddSpellAttack("TrundleQ")
- self:AddSpellAttack("XenZhaoThrust")
- self:AddSpellAttack("XenZhaoThrust2")
- self:AddSpellAttack("XenZhaoThrust3")
- self:AddSpellAttack("GarenSlash2")
- self:AddSpellAttack("RenektonExecute")
- self:AddSpellAttack("RenektonSuperExecute")
- self:AddSpellAttack("KennenMegaProc")
- end
- function _Data:__GenerateNoneAttacks()
- self:AddNoneAttack("shyvanadoubleattackdragon")
- self:AddNoneAttack("ShyvanaDoubleAttack")
- self:AddNoneAttack("MonkeyKingDoubleAttack")
- end
- function _Data:_GenerateMinionData()
- self:AddMinionData(( == 100 and "Blue" or "Red").."_Minion_Basic", 400, 0)
- self:AddMinionData(( == 100 and "Blue" or "Red").."_Minion_Caster", 484, 0.68)
- self:AddMinionData(( == 100 and "Blue" or "Red").."_Minion_Wizard", 484, 0.68)
- self:AddMinionData(( == 100 and "Blue" or "Red").."_Minion_MechCannon", 365, 1.18)
- self:AddMinionData("obj_AI_Turret", 150, 1.14)
- end
- function _Data:_GenerateJungleData()
- self:AddJungleMonster("Worm12.1.1", 1) -- Baron
- self:AddJungleMonster("Dragon6.1.1", 1) -- Dragon
- self:AddJungleMonster("AncientGolem1.1.1", 1) -- Blue Buff
- self:AddJungleMonster("AncientGolem7.1.1", 1) -- Blue Buff
- self:AddJungleMonster("YoungLizard1.1.2", 2) -- Blue Buff Add
- self:AddJungleMonster("YoungLizard7.1.3", 2) -- Blue Buff Add
- self:AddJungleMonster("YoungLizard1.1.3", 2) -- Blue Buff Add
- self:AddJungleMonster("YoungLizard7.1.2", 2) -- Blue Buff Add
- self:AddJungleMonster("LizardElder4.1.1", 1) -- Red Buff
- self:AddJungleMonster("LizardElder10.1.1", 1) -- Red Buff
- self:AddJungleMonster("YoungLizard4.1.2", 2) -- Red Buff Add
- self:AddJungleMonster("YoungLizard4.1.3", 2) -- Red Buff Add
- self:AddJungleMonster("YoungLizard10.1.2", 2) -- Red Buff Add
- self:AddJungleMonster("YoungLizard10.1.3", 2) -- Red Buff Add
- self:AddJungleMonster("GiantWolf2.1.3", 1) -- Big Wolf
- self:AddJungleMonster("GiantWolf8.1.3", 1) -- Big Wolf
- self:AddJungleMonster("wolf2.1.1", 2) -- Small Wolf
- self:AddJungleMonster("wolf2.1.2", 2) -- Small Wolf
- self:AddJungleMonster("wolf8.1.1", 2) -- Small Wolf
- self:AddJungleMonster("wolf8.1.2", 2) -- Small Wolf
- self:AddJungleMonster("Wraith3.1.3", 1) -- Big Wraith
- self:AddJungleMonster("Wraith9.1.3", 1) -- Big Wraith
- self:AddJungleMonster("LesserWraith3.1.1", 2) -- Small Wraith
- self:AddJungleMonster("LesserWraith3.1.2", 2) -- Small Wraith
- self:AddJungleMonster("LesserWraith3.1.4", 2) -- Small Wraith
- self:AddJungleMonster("LesserWraith9.1.1", 2) -- Small Wraith
- self:AddJungleMonster("LesserWraith9.1.2", 2) -- Small Wraith
- self:AddJungleMonster("LesserWraith9.1.4", 2) -- Small Wraith
- self:AddJungleMonster("Golem5.1.2", 1) -- Big Golem
- self:AddJungleMonster("Golem11.1.2", 1) -- Big Golem
- self:AddJungleMonster("SmallGolem5.1.1", 2) -- Small Golem
- self:AddJungleMonster("SmallGolem11.1.1", 2) -- Small Golem
- end
- function _Data:_GenerateItemData()
- self:AddItemData("Blade of the Ruined King", 3153, true, 500)
- self:AddItemData("Bilgewater Cutlass", 3144, true, 500)
- self:AddItemData("Deathfire Grasp", 3128, true, 750)
- self:AddItemData("Hextech Gunblade", 3146, true, 400)
- self:AddItemData("Blackfire Torch", 3188, true, 750)
- self:AddItemData("Ravenous Hydra", 3074, false)
- self:AddItemData("Sword of the Divine", 3131, false)
- self:AddItemData("Tiamat", 3077, false)
- self:AddItemData("Entropy", 3184, false)
- self:AddItemData("Youmuu's Ghostblade", 3142, false)
- self:AddItemData("Muramana", 3042, false)
- end
- ROLE_AP = 2
- function _Data:__GenerateChampionData()
- -- Champion, Projectile Speed, GameplayCollisionRadius Anti-bug delay Role
- self:AddChampionData("Aatrox", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Ahri", 1.6, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Akali", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Alistar", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Amumu", 0, 55, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Anivia", 1.05, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Annie", 1, 55, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Ashe", 2, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Blitzcrank", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Brand", 1.975, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Caitlyn", 2.5, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Cassiopeia", 1.22, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Chogath", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Corki", 2, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Darius", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Diana", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("DrMundo", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Draven", 1.4, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Elise", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Evelynn", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Ezreal", 2, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("FiddleSticks", 1.75, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Fiora", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Fizz", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Galio", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Gangplank", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Garen", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Gragas", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Graves", 3, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Hecarim", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Heimerdinger", 1.4, 55, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Irelia", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Janna", 1.2, 65, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("JarvanIV", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Jax", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Jayce", 2.2, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Jinx", 2, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Karma", 1.2, 65, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Karthus", 1.25, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Kassadin", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Katarina", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Kayle", 1.8, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Kennen", 1.35, 55, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Khazix", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("KogMaw", 1.8, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Leblanc", 1.7, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("LeeSin", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Leona", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Lissandra", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Lucian", 2, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Lulu", 2.5, 65, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Lux", 1.55, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Malphite", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Malzahar", 1.5, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Maokai", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("MasterYi", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("MissFortune", 2, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("MonkeyKing", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Mordekaiser", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Morgana", 1.6, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Nami", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Nasus", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Nautilus", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Nidalee", 1.7, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Nocturne", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Nunu", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Olaf", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Orianna", 1.4, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Pantheon", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Poppy", 0, 55, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Quinn", 1.85, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Rammus", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Renekton", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Rengar", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Riven", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Rumble", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Ryze", 2.4, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Sejuani", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Shaco", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Shen", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Shyvana", 0, 50, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Singed", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Sion", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Sivir", 1.4, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Skarner", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Sona", 1.6, 65, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Soraka", 1, 65, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Swain", 1.6, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Syndra", 1.2, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Talon", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Taric", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Teemo", 1.3, 55, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Thresh", 0, 55, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Tristana", 2.25, 55, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Trundle", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Tryndamere", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("TwistedFate", 1.5, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Twitch", 2.5, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Udyr", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Urgot", 1.3, 80, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Varus", 2, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Vayne", 2, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Veigar", 1.05, 55, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Vi", 0, 50, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Viktor", 2.25, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Vladimir", 1.4, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Volibear", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Warwick", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Xerath", 1.2, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("XinZhao", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_BRUISER)
- self:AddChampionData("Yorick", 0, 80, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Zac", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_TANK)
- self:AddChampionData("Zed", 0, 65, 0, ROLE_AD_CARRY)
- self:AddChampionData("Ziggs", 1.5, 55, 0, ROLE_AP)
- self:AddChampionData("Zilean", 1.25, 65, 0, ROLE_SUPPORT)
- self:AddChampionData("Zyra", 1.7, 65, 0, ROLE_AP)
- end
- --TODO: Complete the table
- function _Data:__GenerateSkillData()
- --Name Enabled Key Range Display Name Type MinMana Reset Require Attack Target Speed Delay Width Collision
- self:AddSkillData("Ezreal", true, _Q, 1100, "Q (Mystic Shot)", SPELL_LINEAR_COL, 0, false, false, 2, 250, 70, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Ezreal", true, _W, 1050, "W (Essence Flux)", SPELL_LINEAR, 0, false, false, 1.6, 250, 90, false)
- self:AddSkillData("KogMaw", true, _Q, 625, "Q (Caustic Spittle)", SPELL_TARGETED, 0, true, true, 1.3, 260, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("KogMaw", true, _W, 625, "W (Bio-Arcane Barrage)", SPELL_SELF, 0, false, false, 1.3, 260, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("KogMaw", true, _E, 850, "E (Void Ooze)", SPELL_LINEAR, 0, false, false, 1.3, 260, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("KogMaw", true, _R, 1700, "R (Living Artillery)", SPELL_LINEAR, 0, false, false, math.huge, 1000, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Sivir", true, _Q, 1000, "Q (Boomerang Blade)", SPELL_LINEAR, 0, false, false, 1.33, 250, 120, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Sivir", true, _W, 900, "W (Ricochet)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 1, 0, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Graves", true, _Q, 750, "Q (Buck Shot)", SPELL_CONE, 0, false, false, 2, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Graves", true, _W, 700, "W (Smoke Screen)", SPELL_CIRCLE, 0, false, false, 1400, 300, 500, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Graves", true, _E, 580, "E (Quick Draw)", SPELL_SELF_AT_MOUSE, 0, true, true, 1450, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Caitlyn", true, _Q, 1300, "Q (Piltover Peacemaker)", SPELL_LINEAR, 0, false, false, 2.1, 625, 100, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Corki", true, _Q, 600, "Q (Phosphorus Bomb)", SPELL_CIRCLE, 0, false, false, 2, 200, 500, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Corki", true, _R, 1225, "R (Missile Barrage)", SPELL_LINEAR_COL, 0, false, false, 2, 200, 50, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Teemo", true, _Q, 580, "Q (Blinding Dart)", SPELL_TARGETED, 0, false, false, 2, 0, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("TwistedFate", true, _Q, 1200, "Q (Wild Cards)", SPELL_LINEAR, 0, false, false, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Vayne", true, _Q, 750, "Q (Tumble)", SPELL_SELF_AT_MOUSE, 0, true, true, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Vayne", true, _R, 580, "R (Final Hour)", SPELL_SELF, 0, false, true, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("MissFortune", true, _Q, 650, "Q (Double Up)", SPELL_TARGETED, 0, true, true, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("MissFortune", true, _W, 580, "W (Impure Shots)", SPELL_SELF, 0, false, true, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("MissFortune", true, _E, 800, "E (Make It Rain)", SPELL_CIRCLE, 0, false, false, math.huge, 500, 500, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Tristana", true, _Q, 580, "Q (Rapid Fire)", SPELL_SELF, 0, false, true, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Tristana", true, _E, 550, "E (Explosive Shot)", SPELL_TARGETED, 0, false, false, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Draven", true, _E, 950, "E (Stand Aside)", SPELL_LINEAR, 0, false, false, 1.37, 300, 130, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Kennen", true, _Q, 1050, "Q (Thundering Shuriken)", SPELL_LINEAR_COL, 0, false, false, 1.65, 180, 80, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Ashe", true, _W, 1200, "W (Volley)", SPELL_LINEAR_COL, 0, false, false, 2, 120, 85, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Syndra", true, _Q, 800, "Q (Dark Sphere)", SPELL_CIRCLE, 0, false, false, math.huge, 400, 100, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Jayce", true, _Q, 1600, "Q (Shock Blast)", SPELL_LINEAR_COL, 0, false, false, 2, 350, 90, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Nidalee", true, _Q, 1500, "Q (Javelin Toss)", SPELL_LINEAR_COL, 0, false, false, 1.3, 125, 80, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Varus", true, _E, 925, "E (Hail of Arrows)", SPELL_CIRCLE, 0, false, false, 1.75, 240, 235, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Quinn", true, _Q, 1050, "Q (Blinding Assault)", SPELL_LINEAR_COL, 0, false, false, 1.55, 220, 90, true)
- self:AddSkillData("LeeSin", true, _Q, 975, "Q (Sonic Wave)", SPELL_LINEAR_COL, 0, false, false, 1.5, 250, 70, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Gangplank", true, _Q, 625, "Q (Parley)", SPELL_TARGETED, 0, false, false, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Twitch", true, _W, 950, "W (Venom Cask)", SPELL_CIRCLE, 0, false, false, 1.4, 250, 275, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Darius", true, _W, 300, "W (Crippling Strike)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Hecarim", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Rampage)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Warwick", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Hungering Strike)", SPELL_TARGETED, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("MonkeyKing", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Crushing Blow)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Poppy", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Devastating Blow)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Talon", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Noxian Diplomacy)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Nautilus", true, _W, 300, "W (Titans Wrath)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Gangplank", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Parlay)", SPELL_TARGETED, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Vi", true, _E, 300, "E (Excessive Force)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Rengar", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Savagery)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Trundle", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Chomp)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Leona", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Shield Of Daybreak)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Fiora", true, _E, 300, "E (Burst Of Speed)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Blitzcrank", true, _E, 300, "E (Power Fist)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Shyvana", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Twin Blade)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Renekton", true, _W, 300, "W (Ruthless Predator)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Jax", true, _W, 300, "W (Empower)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("XinZhao", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Three Talon Strike)", SPELL_SELF, 0, true, true, 2, 0, 200, true)
- self:AddSkillData("Nunu", true, _E, 300, "E (Snowball)", SPELL_TARGETED, 0, false, false, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Khazix", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Taste Their Fear)", SPELL_TARGETED, 0, true, true, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- self:AddSkillData("Shen", true, _Q, 300, "Q (Vorpal Blade)", SPELL_TARGETED, 0, false, false, 1.45, 250, 200, false)
- end
- function _Data:AddResetSpell(name)
- self.ResetSpells[name] = true
- end
- function _Data:AddSpellAttack(name)
- self.SpellAttacks[name] = true
- end
- function _Data:AddNoneAttack(name)
- self.NoneAttacks[name] = true
- end
- function _Data:AddChampionData(Champion, ProjSpeed, _GameplayCollisionRadius, Delay, _Priority)
- self.ChampionData[Champion] = {Name = Champion, ProjectileSpeed = ProjSpeed, GameplayCollisionRadius = _GameplayCollisionRadius, BugDelay = Delay and Delay or 0, Priority = _Priority }
- end
- function _Data:AddMinionData(Name, delay, ProjSpeed)
- self.MinionData[Name] = {Delay = delay, ProjectileSpeed = ProjSpeed}
- end
- function _Data:AddJungleMonster(Name, Priority)
- self.JungleData[Name] = Priority
- end
- function _Data:GetJunglePriority(Name)
- return self.JungleData[Name]
- end
- function _Data:AddItemData(Name, ID, RequiresTarget, Range)
- self.ItemData[ID] = _Item(Name, ID, RequiresTarget, Range)
- end
- function _Data:AddSkillData(Name, Enabled, Key, Range, DisplayName, Type, MinMana, AfterAttack, ReqAttackTarget, Speed, Delay, Width, Collision)
- if myHero.charName == Name then
- local skill = _Skill(Enabled, Key, Range, DisplayName, Type, MinMana, AfterAttack, ReqAttackTarget, Speed, Delay, Width, Collision)
- table.insert(self.Skills, skill)
- end
- end
- function _Data:GetProjectileSpeed(name)
- return self.ChampionData[name] and self.ChampionData[name].ProjectileSpeed or nil
- end
- function _Data:GetGameplayCollisionRadius(name)
- return self.ChampionData[name] and self.ChampionData[name].GameplayCollisionRadius or 65
- end
- function _Data:IsResetSpell(Spell)
- return self.ResetSpells[]
- end
- function _Data:IsAttack(Spell)
- return (self.SpellAttacks[] or Helper:StringContains(, "attack")) and not self.NoneAttacks[]
- end
- function _Data:IsJungleMinion(Object)
- return Object and and self.JungleData[] ~= nil
- end
- --[[ Initialize Classes ]]
- function Init()
- if VIP_USER then
- if FileExist(SCRIPT_PATH..'Common/Prodiction.lua') then
- require "Prodiction"
- else
- print("[Reborn]: You need the Prodiction library from the forums!")
- return false
- end
- end
- AutoCarry.Skills = _Skills()
- AutoCarry.Keys = _Keys()
- AutoCarry.Items = _Items()
- AutoCarry.Data = _Data()
- AutoCarry.Jungle = _Jungle()
- AutoCarry.Helper = _Helper()
- AutoCarry.MyHero = _MyHero()
- AutoCarry.Minions = _Minions()
- AutoCarry.Crosshair = _Crosshair(DAMAGE_PHYSICAL, MyHero.TrueRange, 0, false, false)
- AutoCarry.Orbwalker = _Orbwalker()
- AutoCarry.Plugins = _Plugins()
- Skills, Keys, Items, Data, Jungle, Helper, MyHero, Minions, Crosshair, Orbwalker = Helper:GetClasses()
- SwingTimer = _SwingTimer()
- _MenuManager()
- _Drawing()
- _Structures()
- Streaming:CreateMenu()
- local _, files = ScanDirectory(BOL_PATH.."Scripts\\SidasAutoCarryPlugins")
- for _, file in pairs(files) do
- dofile(BOL_PATH.."Scripts\\SidasAutoCarryPlugins\\"..AutoCarry.Helper:TrimString(file))
- end
- PrintChat("<font color='#CCCCCC'> >> Valid license found! <<</font>")
- PrintChat("<font color='#CCCCCC'> >> Sida's Auto Carry - Reborn, loaded! <<</font>")
- PrintChat("<font color='#CCCCCC'> >> Loaded as "..(VIP_USER and "VIP" or "Non-VIP").." user <<</font>")
- --[[
- Legacy Plugin Support
- Plugins should be updated, this may be removed after a few months.
- ]]
- --AutoCarry.Orbwalker = AutoCarry.Crosshair.Attack_Crosshair
- AutoCarry.SkillsCrosshair = AutoCarry.Crosshair.Skills_Crosshair
- AutoCarry.CanMove = true
- AutoCarry.CanAttack = true
- AutoCarry.MainMenu = {}
- AutoCarry.PluginMenu = nil
- AutoCarry.EnemyTable = GetEnemyHeroes()
- AutoCarry.shotFired = false
- AutoCarry.OverrideCustomChampionSupport = false
- AutoCarry.CurrentlyShooting = false
- DoneInit = true
- class '_LegacyPlugin'
- function _LegacyPlugin:__init()
- AutoCarry.PluginMenu = scriptConfig("Sida's Auto Carry Plugin: "..myHero.charName, "sidasacplugin"..myHero.charName)
- require("SidasAutoCarryPlugin - "..myHero.charName)
- PrintChat(">> Sida's Auto Carry: Loaded "..myHero.charName.." plugin!")
- AddTickCallback(function() self:_OnTick() end)
- if PluginOnTick then
- AddTickCallback(function() PluginOnTick() end)
- end
- if PluginOnDraw then
- AddDrawCallback(function() PluginOnDraw() end)
- end
- if PluginOnCreateObj then
- AddCreateObjCallback(function(obj) PluginOnCreateObj(obj) end)
- end
- if PluginOnDeleteObj then
- AddDeleteObjCallback(function(obj) PluginOnDeleteObj(obj) end)
- end
- if PluginOnLoad then
- PluginOnLoad()
- end
- if PluginOnUnload then
- AddUnloadCallback(function() PluginOnUnload() end)
- end
- if PluginOnWndMsg then
- AddMsgCallback(function(msg, key) PluginOnWndMsg(msg, key) end)
- end
- if PluginOnProcessSpell then
- AddProcessSpellCallback(function(unit, spell) PluginOnProcessSpell(unit, spell) end)
- end
- if PluginOnSendChat then
- AddChatCallback(function(text) PluginOnSendChat(text) end)
- end
- if PluginOnBugsplat then
- AddBugsplatCallback(function() PluginOnBugsplat() end)
- end
- if PluginOnAnimation then
- AddAnimationCallback(function(unit, anim) PluginOnAnimation(unit, anim) end)
- end
- if PluginOnSendPacket then
- AddSendPacketCallback(function(packet) PluginOnSendPacket(packet) end)
- end
- if PluginOnRecvPacket then
- AddRecvPacketCallback(function(packet) PluginOnRecvPacket(packet) end)
- end
- if PluginOnApplyParticle then
- AddParticleCallback(function(unit, particle) PluginOnApplyParticle(unit, particle) end)
- end
- if OnAttacked then
- RegisterOnAttacked(OnAttacked)
- end
- if PluginBonusLastHitDamage then
- Plugins:RegisterBonusLastHitDamage(PluginBonusLastHitDamage)
- end
- if CustomAttackEnemy then
- Plugins:RegisterPreAttack(CustomAttackEnemy)
- end
- end
- function _LegacyPlugin:_OnTick()
- AutoCarry.MainMenu.AutoCarry = AutoCarryMenu.Active
- AutoCarry.MainMenu.LastHit = LastHitMenu.Active
- AutoCarry.MainMenu.MixedMode = MixedModeMenu.Active
- AutoCarry.MainMenu.LaneClear = LaneClearMenu.Active
- MyHero:MovementEnabled(AutoCarry.CanMove)
- MyHero:AttacksEnabled(AutoCarry.CanAttack)
- if #AutoCarry.EnemyTable < #Helper.EnemyTable then
- AutoCarry.EnemyTable = Helper.EnemyTable
- end
- end
- AutoCarry.GetAttackTarget = function(isCaster)
- return Crosshair:GetTarget()
- end
- AutoCarry.GetKillableMinion = function()
- return Minions.KillableMinion
- end
- AutoCarry.GetMinionTarget = function()
- return nil
- end
- AutoCarry.EnemyMinions = function()
- return Minions.EnemyMinions
- end
- AutoCarry.AllyMinions = function()
- return Minions.AllyMinions
- end
- AutoCarry.GetJungleMobs = function()
- return Jungle.JungleMonsters
- end
- AutoCarry.GetLastAttacked = function()
- return Orbwalker.LastEnemyAttacked
- end
- AutoCarry.GetNextAttackTime = function()
- return Orbwalker:GetNextAttackTime()
- end
- AutoCarry.CastSkillshot = function (skill, target)
- if VIP_USER then
- pred = TargetPredictionVIP(skill.range, skill.speed*1000, (skill.delay/1000 - (GetLatency()/2)/1000), skill.width)
- elseif not VIP_USER then
- pred = TargetPrediction(skill.range, skill.speed, skill.delay, skill.width)
- end
- local predPos = pred:GetPrediction(target)
- if predPos and GetDistance(predPos) <= skill.range then
- if VIP_USER and pred:GetHitChance(target) > ConfigMenu.HitChance/100 then --TODO
- if not skill.minions or not AutoCarry.GetCollision(skill, myHero, predPos) then
- CastSpell(skill.spellKey, predPos.x, predPos.z)
- end
- elseif not VIP_USER then
- if not skill.minions or not AutoCarry.GetCollision(skill, myHero, predPos) then
- CastSpell(skill.spellKey, predPos.x, predPos.z)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- AutoCarry.GetCollision = function (skill, source, destination)
- if VIP_USER then
- local col = Collision(skill.range, skill.speed*1000 , (skill.delay/1000 - (GetLatency()/2)/1000), skill.width)
- return col:GetMinionCollision(source, destination)
- else
- return willHitMinion(destination, skill.width)
- end
- end
- AutoCarry.GetPrediction = function(skill, target)
- if VIP_USER then
- pred = TargetPredictionVIP(skill.range, skill.speed*1000, skill.delay/1000, skill.width)
- elseif not VIP_USER then
- pred = TargetPrediction(skill.range, skill.speed, skill.delay, skill.width)
- end
- return pred:GetPrediction(target)
- end
- AutoCarry.IsValidHitChance = function(skill, target)
- return true
- end
- AutoCarry.GetProdiction = function(Key, Range, Speed, Delay, Width, Source, Callback)
- return AutoCarry.Plugins:GetProdiction(Key, Range, Speed, Delay, Width, Source, Callback)
- end
- function willHitMinion(predic, width)
- for _, minion in pairs(Minions.EnemyMinions.objects) do
- if minion ~= nil and minion.valid and string.find(,"Minion_") == 1 and ~= and minion.dead == false then
- if predic ~= nil then
- ex = player.x
- ez = player.z
- tx = predic.x
- tz = predic.z
- dx = ex - tx
- dz = ez - tz
- if dx ~= 0 then
- m = dz/dx
- c = ez - m*ex
- end
- mx = minion.x
- mz = minion.z
- distanc = (math.abs(mz - m*mx - c))/(math.sqrt(m*m+1))
- if distanc < width and math.sqrt((tx - ex)*(tx - ex) + (tz - ez)*(tz - ez)) > math.sqrt((tx - mx)*(tx - mx) + (tz - mz)*(tz - mz)) then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- if FileExist(LIB_PATH .."SidasAutoCarryPlugin - "..myHero.charName..".lua") then
- _LegacyPlugin()
- end
- end
- function OnLoad()
- end
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