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- --Version 1.1.0
- local neededFuel = 256*2 --Max World height and back
- local oldGetFuel = turtle.getFuelLevel
- if type(turtle.getFuelLevel()) ~= "number" then
- turtle.getFuelLevel = function() return math.huge end
- end
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("This program will place ladders straight down on the block it's facing\n")
- print("It will also attempt to fill gaps with a material\n")
- print("Press any key to continue to fueling section")
- os.pullEvent("char")
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < neededFuel then
- print("Place fuel in bottom right")
- repeat
- print("Needed Fuel: ",neededFuel)
- print("Current Fuel: ",turtle.getFuelLevel())
- while not(turtle.refuel(0)) do --Wait until usable fuel items
- sleep(1)
- end
- turtle.refuel(1)
- until turtle.getFuelLevel() > neededFuel
- term.clear(); term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("Current Fuel: ",turtle.getFuelLevel())
- else
- term.clear(); term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("Sufficient Fuel")
- end
- print("\nPlace ladders in the top left")
- print("And place any filler material beside the ladders")
- print("\nPlease place all ladders and filler blocks in now. Ladders must be in first slot, but the rest doesn't matter")
- print("Press any key when done")
- os.pullEvent("char")
- local slots = {} --Format is [1] Amount of items, [2] Is slot ladders
- local numLadders, numFiller = 0,0
- for i=16,1, -1 do
- slots[i] = {turtle.getItemCount(i), turtle.compareTo(1)}
- if slots[i][2] then --This gets a count of how much material the turtle has
- numLadders = numLadders + slots[i][1]
- else
- numFiller = numFiller + slots[i][1]
- end
- end
- local selectedSlot = 1 --Currently selected slot
- local function nextLadderSlot()
- if numLadders > 0 then
- for i=selectedSlot+1, 16 do --Cycle through slots
- if turtle.getItemCount(i) > 0 and slots[i][2] then
- selectedSlot = i
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false --If it knows there are no ladders left, or there aren't any for some other reason
- end
- local function placeFiller()
- local flag = false
- if numFiller > 0 then
- for i=1, 16 do
- if turtle.getItemCount(i) > 0 and not slots[i][2] then --If slot is filler and has stuff in it
- --The slot with filler
- if then numFiller = numFiller - 1; flag = true end
- --The one with ladders
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return flag --Will be true or false
- end
- local function generic(move, dig, attack)
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() == 0 then error("Out of fuel",0) end
- while not move() do
- dig()
- attack()
- end
- return true
- end
- local function forward() return generic(turtle.forward,turtle.dig,turtle.attack) end
- local function up() return generic(turtle.up, turtle.digUp, turtle.attackUp) end
- local movedDown = 0
- local function updateDisplay()
- term.clear(); term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("Gone down ",movedDown," blocks")
- print("Still have ",numLadders," ladders left")
- print("And ",numFiller," filler blocks left")
- print(turtle.getFuelLevel()," Fuel Left")
- print("Block Below? ", tostring(turtle.detectDown()))
- end
- forward() --Get in to hole
- turtle.turnLeft()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- repeat --This is where it actually goes into a hole
- while not turtle.down() do turtle.attackDown() end
- movedDown = movedDown + 1
- if turtle.getItemCount(selectedSlot) == 0 then
- if not nextLadderSlot() then break end --If there are no more ladders, then leave
- end
- if turtle.placeUp() then
- numLadders = numLadders - 1
- end
- if not turtle.detect() then placeFiller() end
- updateDisplay()
- until turtle.detectDown() or numLadders == 0
- if not turtle.back() then
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.turnRight()
- forward()
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- --Place ladder at bottom
- updateDisplay()
- for i=1, movedDown do --Getting back up. Up will automatically break blocks
- up()
- end
- forward() --Getting back to start pos
- forward()
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.getFuelLevel = oldGetFuel --Cleanup
- print("Done")
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