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- open System.Xml.Xsl
- //
- //let rec ins x = function
- //| [] -> [[x]] // x = 0
- //| y::ys as l-> // y=1 ys= 2 3
- // let L = ins x ys // list of lists
- // let N = z -> y::z) L
- // (x::l)::N
- //
- //ins 0 [1;2;3]
- // constructor
- let cons x y = x::y
- let rec ins x = function
- | [] -> [[x]] // x = 0
- | y::ys as l-> // y=1 ys= 2 3
- (x::l)::(ins x ys |> (cons y))
- ins 0 [1;2;3]
- //let rec perm = function
- //| [] -> [[]]
- //| x::xs -> // x = 1 xs = [2 3]
- // let L = perm xs// [[2;3];[3;2]]
- // let M = (fun t -> ins x t) L // [ [[1;2;3];[2;1;3];[2;3;1]] ; [[]] ; [[]]]
- // List.concat M
- let rec perm = function
- | [] -> [[]]
- | x::xs -> // x = 1 xs = [2 3]
- perm xs
- |> List.collect (ins x)
- perm [1..3]
- perm ["Hi";"there";"my";"friends"]
- let fact n = [1..n] |> perm |> List.length
- fact 5
- //
- //let rec fold f i = function
- //| [] -> i
- //| x::xs -> f x (fold f i xs)
- //
- //fold (fun x acc -> "f(" + x + "," + acc + ")") "empty" [1;2;3]
- let rec foldr f i = function
- | [] -> i
- | x::xs -> f x (foldr f i xs)
- foldr (fun x acc -> "f(" + string(x) + "," + acc + ")") "empty" [1;2;3]
- // it is tail recursive for some reason...
- let foldl f i L =
- let rec fold' acc f = function
- | [] -> acc
- | x::xs -> fold' (f x acc) f xs
- fold' i f L
- foldl (fun x acc -> "f(" + string(x) + "," + acc + ")") "empty" [1;2;3]
- //// O(n^2)
- //let rec rev = function
- //| [] -> []
- //| x::xs -> (rev xs)@[x]
- //
- //rev[1..100]
- //// tail recursive
- //let rev L =
- // let rec rev' acc = function
- // | [] -> acc
- // | x::xs -> rev' (x::acc) xs
- // rev' [] L
- //
- //rev[1..100]
- let curry f x y = f(x,y)
- let rev L = foldl (curry List.Cons) [] L
- rev [1..100]
- foldl (-) 0 [1;2;3;4]
- foldr (-) 0 [1;2;3;4]
- // array
- let A = [|1;2;3|]
- A.[0]
- A.[0] <- 2
- A
- [1..2..10] // step 2
- [for x in [1..10] -> x*2]// map
- [for x in [1..10] do yield x*2]// the same
- [for x in [1..10] do
- for y in [1..10] do
- if (x+y)=5 then yield (x,y)]
- // my variant of pascal triangle:
- let next L =
- let l1 = L |> List.pairwise |> (fun (a,b) -> a + b )
- 1::l1@[1]
- next [1;3;3;1]
- let pasc n =
- let rec pascrev (n:int): list<list<int>> =
- match n with
- | 1 -> [[1;1]]
- | _ -> match pascrev (n - 1) with
- | x::xs as prev-> (next x)::prev
- pascrev n |> List.rev
- pasc 5
- // functional queue is made as two stacks 1 2 3 4 = ([1;2], [4;3])
- type 't queue = 't list * 't list
- let put x (L,M) = (L,x::M)
- let rec get = function
- | ([],[]) -> failwith "Oh no!"
- | ([],L) -> get (rev L, [])
- | (x::xs,L) -> (x,(xs,L))
- let empty = ([],[])
- // let fst (x,y) = x
- // let snd (x,y) = y
- empty |> put 5 |> put 4 |> get |> snd |> put 1 |> get |> snd |> get
- // zipper: ([3,4], [1,2])
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