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- library(magrittr)
- library(stringr)
- # Función utilizada en Rkward para unir tablas.
- bind.tables <- function (...) {
- if (is.list(..1)) tables <- ..1
- else tables <- list(...)
- output <- unlist(tables)
- dim (output) <- c(dim(tables[[1]]), length(tables))
- dimnames(output) <- c (dimnames(tables[[1]]), list("statistic"=names(tables)))
- output
- }
- crosstable <- function(..., data=parent.frame(), row.vars = NULL, col.vars = NULL, stats = "freq", = FALSE, = FALSE, stats.on.cols = TRUE, digits = 2) {
- # This function will use table or xtabs to make an R table
- # can recive as arguments a couple of vectors or an already made table
- if (is.table(..1))
- table1 <- ..1
- else if (class(..1)=="formula")
- table1 <- xtabs(..1, data=data)
- else
- table1 <- table(...)
- # We should build the arguments col.vars or row.vars if not defined
- if(xor(is.null(col.vars), is.null(row.vars))) {
- if (is.null(row.vars)) {
- if (is.character(col.vars))
- col.vars <- which(names(dimnames(table1)) %in% col.vars)
- row.vars <- 1:length(dim(table1))
- row.vars <- row.vars[-col.vars]
- } else if (is.null(col.vars)) {
- if (is.character(row.vars))
- row.vars <- which(names(dimnames(table1)) %in% row.vars)
- col.vars <- 1:length(dim(table1))
- col.vars <- col.vars[-row.vars]
- }
- } else if(is.null(col.vars) & is.null(row.vars)) {
- col.vars <- length(dim(table1))
- row.vars <- 1:(length(dim(table1))-1)
- }
- # The table to print will be a list of tables made with prop.table
- # the main table is frequency other tables are percentajes
- tablePrint <- lapply(stats, function(x) {
- if (x == "count")
- table1
- else if (x == "total")
- prop.table(table1)*100
- else if (x == "row")
- prop.table(table1, col.vars)*100
- else if (x == "column")
- prop.table(table1, row.vars)*100
- })
- # This will define the names of the stats columns
- f <- stats %in% c("column","row","total")
- tableNames <- stats
- tableNames[f] <- paste("% of", tableNames[f])
- names(tablePrint) <- tableNames
- tablePrint <- bind.tables(tablePrint)
- # The table is the main table to perform chisq.
- # The tablePrint is an attribute only to show.
- structure(table1,
- tablePrint = tablePrint,
- arguments = list(row.vars = row.vars, col.vars = col.vars, stats = stats, stats.on.cols = stats.on.cols, digits = digits),
- class="crosstable")
- }
- print.crosstable <- function(x) {
- invisible(x)
- #-------------------#
- #-------------------#
- tablePrint <- attr(x, "tablePrint")
- arguments <- attr(x, "arguments")
- tableDimNames <- dimnames(tablePrint)
- tablePrint.names <- names(dimnames(tablePrint))
- if(arguments$stats.on.cols) {
- col.vars <- c(arguments$col.vars, (length(dim(x))+1):length(dim(tablePrint)))
- row.vars <- arguments$row.vars
- }else{
- col.vars <- arguments$col.vars
- row.vars <- c(arguments$row.vars, (length(dim(x))+1):length(dim(tablePrint)))
- }
- row.names <- tablePrint.names[row.vars]
- row.dim <- dim(tablePrint)[row.vars]
- col.names <- tablePrint.names[col.vars]
- col.dim <- dim(tablePrint)[col.vars]
- #-------------------------#
- #-------------------------#
- dimTable <- dim(tablePrint)
- # Index of original table to make
- s <- sapply(1:prod(dimTable[(length(dimTable)-1):length(dimTable)]),rep,prod(dimTable[-((length(dimTable)-1):length(dimTable))]))
- dim(s) <- dimTable
- s <- apply(s, col.vars[length(col.vars)], c)
- s <- sort(s, index.return=TRUE)$ix
- tablePrint %<>%
- round(arguments$digits) %>%
- apply(col.vars[length(col.vars)], format)
- #Now we sort the table using the s index
- tablePrint <- as.vector(tablePrint)[s]
- dim(tablePrint) <- dimTable
- f <- arguments$stats %in% c("column","row","total")
- tableFormat <- rep(" ", length(arguments$stats))
- tableFormat[f] <- "%"
- # The Sweep function should add % to the cells
- "%p%" <- function(x,y) paste0(x,y)
- tablePrint <- sweep(tablePrint, length(dimTable), tableFormat, "%p%")
- dim(tablePrint) <- dimTable
- #colHeaders
- colHeaders <- tableDimNames[col.vars]
- # Table Width for columns based on the length of var labels
- tableWidth <- 0
- for (i in length(colHeaders):1) {
- # Ajustment of the column width by the variable label
- if (nchar(names(colHeaders)[i]) > sum(nchar(colHeaders[[i]]))) {
- dif <- nchar(names(colHeaders)[i]) - sum(nchar(colHeaders[[i]]))
- extraChar <- round(dif*(nchar(colHeaders[[i]])/sum(nchar(colHeaders[[i]]))))
- if (sum(extraChar) < dif)
- extraChar <- extraChar + ceiling((dif-sum(extraChar))*(nchar(colHeaders[[i]])/sum(nchar(colHeaders[[i]]))))
- colWidth <- nchar(colHeaders[[i]]) + extraChar
- } else {
- colWidth <- nchar(colHeaders[[i]])
- }
- # Ajustment of the lower level vars by the upper level vars
- if(sum(colWidth) > sum(tableWidth) & sum(tableWidth) > 0) {
- sapply(1:length(colWidth),
- function(x) {
- if(colWidth[x] > sum(tableWidth)) {
- dif <- colWidth[x] - sum(tableWidth)
- extraChar <- round(dif*(tableWidth/sum(tableWidth)))
- if (sum(extraChar) < dif)
- extraChar <- extraChar + ceiling((dif-sum(extraChar))*(tableWidth/sum(tableWidth)))
- tableWidth + extraChar
- } else {
- tableWidth
- }
- }
- ) -> tableWidth
- } else if (sum(tableWidth) == 0) {
- tableWidth <- colWidth
- } else {
- tableWidth <- rep(tableWidth, length(colWidth))
- }
- }
- # Turn table in to ftable and format it to be printed
- tablePrint <- ftable(tablePrint, col.vars = col.vars)
- tableWidth <- pmax(tableWidth, nchar(apply(tablePrint,2,max)))
- tablePrint <- mapply(function(x,y) format(tablePrint[,x], justify ="right", width=y), 1:prod(col.dim), tableWidth)
- dimnames(tablePrint) <- NULL
- # A matrix with row headers.
- mapply(
- function(x) {
- rvalue <- character(0)
- for (i in tableDimNames[[row.names[x]]]) {
- rvalue <- c(rvalue,i,rep("", prod(c(row.dim,1)[(x+1):(length(row.dim)+1)])-1))
- }
- rep(rvalue, prod(row.dim[1:x])/row.dim[x])
- }
- , 1:length(row.dim)
- ) -> rowHeaders
- for(i in 1:ncol(rowHeaders)) rowHeaders[,i] <- format(rowHeaders[,i], width=nchar(row.names)[i])
- dim(rowHeaders) <- c(prod(row.dim),length(row.dim))
- rowHeaders.nchar <- nchar(rowHeaders[1,])
- # Start of the table
- cat("|", strrep("-", sum(rowHeaders.nchar+1,tableWidth+1)-1), "|\n", sep="")
- #Print the table col headers
- colHeaders <- tableDimNames[col.vars]
- for (i in 1:length(col.dim)) {
- iColRep <- prod(c(1,col.dim)[1:i])
- iColDim <- iColRep*length(colHeaders[[i]])
- sapply(
- 1:iColRep,
- function(x)
- sum(tableWidth[1:(length(tableWidth)/iColRep)+(length(tableWidth)/iColRep)*(x-1)])
- ) -> iColWidthLab
- sapply(
- 1:iColDim,
- function(x)
- sum(tableWidth[1:(length(tableWidth)/iColDim)+(length(tableWidth)/iColDim)*(x-1)])
- ) -> iColWidth
- nSep <- prod(c(col.dim,1)[(i+1):(length(col.dim)+1)])
- cat("|", paste0(strrep(" ", c(rowHeaders.nchar)), "|"), sep="")
- cat(paste0(stringr::str_pad(rep(names(colHeaders)[i],iColRep),iColWidthLab+nSep*col.dim[i]-1, "both"), "|"), "\n", sep="")
- cat("|", paste0(strrep(" ", c(rowHeaders.nchar)), "|"), strrep("-", sum(tableWidth+1)-1), "|\n", sep="")
- if (i==length(col.dim)) {
- cat("|", paste0(stringr::str_pad(row.names,rowHeaders.nchar,"both", " "),"|"), sep="")
- } else {
- cat("|", paste0(strrep(" ", c(rowHeaders.nchar)), "|"), sep="")
- }
- cat(paste0(stringr::str_pad(rep(colHeaders[[i]],iColRep),iColWidth+nSep-1, "both"), "|"), "\n", sep="")
- if (i<length(col.dim))
- cat("|", paste0(strrep(" ", c(rowHeaders.nchar)), "|"), strrep("-", sum(tableWidth+1)-1), "|\n", sep="")
- }
- # Printing the final table
- cat("|", paste0(strrep("-", c(rowHeaders.nchar,tableWidth)), "|"),"\n", sep="")
- for (i in 1:prod(row.dim)) {
- cat("|", paste0(rowHeaders[i,],"|"), sep="")
- cat(paste0(tablePrint[i,], "|"), sep="")
- cat("\n")
- }
- # Close of the table
- cat("|", strrep("-", sum(rowHeaders.nchar+1,tableWidth+1)-1), "|\n", sep="")
- }
- ## Prueba con dos variables generadas aleatoriamente
- gender <- sample(c(1,2), 131, replace=TRUE) %>%
- factor(levels=c(1,2), labels=c("Man", "Woman"))
- strata <- sample(c(1,2,3), 131, replace=TRUE) %>%
- factor(levels=c(1,2,3), labels=c("Low", "Middle", "High"))
- party <- sample(c(1,2), 131, replace=TRUE) %>%
- factor(levels=c(1,2), labels=c("Right", "Left"))
- crosstable(gender, strata, party, stats=c("count", "column", "row"))
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