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- os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
- --=================================
- --FalloutLock created by Savior67
- --Do not Redistribute
- --=================================
- --CONFIG OPTIONS-------------------
- local output = "bottom" --output side
- local wordFile = "codes" --where the words are stored
- local textColor =
- local attempts = 4 --how many attempts to guess the word?
- local permLockout = true --lock the terminal permanently?
- local script = "RobcOS"
- --only way to enter if permLockout==true is with disk
- --then delete lock_status, or edit and set Locked=false
- ----------------------------------
- local usedWords = {}
- local status = {}
- --check for advanced monitor
- if not term.isColor() then
- term.clear()
- print("ERROR CODE 0x357C5001")
- print("Bad Sectors Found In Boot Block. Terminal Error.")
- return
- end
- --check for wordFile
- if not fs.exists(wordFile) then
- print("The word file \""..wordFile.."\" is not populated.")
- return
- end
- --centers the x value of a string
- function center(str,y)
- local maxX,maxY = term.getSize()
- term.setCursorPos(math.floor(maxX/2)-math.floor(string.len(str)/2),y)
- term.write(str)
- end
- --locks the terminal
- function lockout()
- term.clear()
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- center("TERMINAL LOCKED",8)
- local h ="lock_status","w")
- h.writeLine("Locked: true")
- h.close()
- while true do
- sleep(1000)
- end
- os.reboot()
- end
- --check for permLock
- if not fs.exists("lock_status") then
- local h ="lock_status","w")
- h.writeLine("Locked: false")
- h.close()
- else
- local h ="lock_status","r")
- local isLocked = string.sub(h.readLine(),9)
- if isLocked=="true" and permLockout then
- lockout()
- end
- end
- function main()
- local rows=12
- local cols=10
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- local dict = readWords(wordFile)
- local eString1 = getEncoded(rows*cols,dict)
- local eString2 = getEncoded(rows*cols,dict)
- drawTitle()
- drawAttempts(attempts)
- drawHex(2,7)
- drawHex(20,7)
- drawEncoded(9,7,rows,cols,eString1)
- drawEncoded(27,7,rows,cols,eString2)
- local password=getPass()
- eventListener(eString1,eString2,password)
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- function getStatus(choice,pass)
- local sameChars = commonLetters(choice,pass)
- table.insert(status,string.upper(choice))
- if sameChars==#pass and string.len(choice)==string.len(pass) then
- table.insert(status,"Exact match!")
- table.insert(status,"Please wait")
- table.insert(status,"while system")
- table.insert(status,"is accessed.")
- else
- table.insert(status,"Entry denied")
- table.insert(status,sameChars.."/"..string.len(pass).." correct.")
- attempts=attempts-1
- end
- if attempts==0 then
- lockout()
- end
- end
- function drawStatus()
- local startX=38
- local startY=16
- local currentStat=#status
- repeat
- if status[currentStat]==nil then break end
- clearFrom(startX,startY)
- term.setCursorPos(startX,startY)
- term.write(">"..status[currentStat])
- currentStat=currentStat-1
- startY=startY-1
- until startY<=6
- end
- --highlights part of an eString
- --detects keypresses
- function eventListener(leftStr,rightStr,pass)
- local side="left" --which eString is it
- local charPos=1 --which number character
- local cmdLineX,cmdLineY=38,18
- local selection = string.sub(leftStr,1,1)
- local onWord=false
- local cursorX,cursorY=9,7
- local upperX,upperY=36,18 --upper limits
- local lowerX,lowerY=9,7 --lower limits
- local keys = {200,208,203,205}
- highlight(cursorX,cursorY,selection)
- while true do
- local ev,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEventRaw()
- if ev=="key" then
- if inTable(p1,keys) and not onWord then
- lowlight(cursorX,cursorY,selection)
- elseif inTable(p1,keys) and onWord then
- if side=="left" then
- lowWord(selection,leftStr,side)
- else
- lowWord(selection,rightStr,side)
- end
- end
- if p1==200 and cursorY>lowerY then --up arrow
- cursorY=cursorY-1
- elseif p1==208 and cursorY<upperY then --down arrow
- cursorY=cursorY+1
- elseif p1==203 and cursorX>lowerX then --left arrow
- if cursorX==27 then
- side="left"
- cursorX=cursorX-9
- else
- cursorX=cursorX-1
- end
- elseif p1==205 and cursorX<upperX then --right arrow
- if cursorX==18 then
- side="right"
- cursorX=cursorX+9
- else
- cursorX=cursorX+1
- end
- elseif p1==28 then --enter key
- getStatus(selection,pass)
- drawStatus()
- drawAttempts(attempts)
- if selection==pass then
- os.sleep(2)
- end
- end
- --elseif ev=="mouse_click" and p1==1 then --left mouse button
- -- if lowerX<=p2 and p2<=upperX and lowerY<=p3 and p3<=upperY then
- -- cursorX,cursorY=p2,p3
- -- end
- end
- if side=="left" then
- charPos=math.floor(((cursorY-7)*10)+(cursorX-9)+1)
- selection=string.sub(leftStr,charPos,charPos)
- else
- charPos=math.floor(((cursorY-7)*10)+(cursorX-27)+1)
- selection=string.sub(rightStr,charPos,charPos)
- end
- if isalpha(selection) and side=="left" then
- selection = findWord(cursorX,cursorY,charPos,leftStr,side)
- lightWord(selection,leftStr,side)
- onWord=true
- elseif isalpha(selection) and side=="right" then
- selection = findWord(cursorX,cursorY,charPos,rightStr,side)
- lightWord(selection,rightStr,side)
- onWord=true
- else
- onWord=false
- highlight(cursorX,cursorY,selection)
- end
- clearFrom(cmdLineX,cmdLineY)
- term.setCursorPos(cmdLineX,cmdLineY)
- term.write(">"..selection)
- end
- end
- function lightWord(sel,eString,side)
- local j=1
- local l,r = string.find(eString,sel)
- for i=l,r do
- local x,y=posToCoords(i,side)
- highlight(x,y,string.sub(sel,j,j))
- j=j+1
- end
- end
- function lowWord(sel,eString,side)
- local j=1
- local l,r = string.find(eString,sel)
- for i=l,r do
- local x,y = posToCoords(i,side)
- lowlight(x,y,string.sub(sel,j,j))
- j=j+1
- end
- end
- function findWord(x,y,charPos,eString,side)
- --check left and right
- local left = charPos
- local right = charPos
- while isalpha(string.sub(eString,left-1,left-1)) do
- left=left-1
- end
- while isalpha(string.sub(eString,right+1,right+1)) do
- right=right+1
- end
- --highlight the word
- for i=left,right do
- local x,y = posToCoords(i,side)
- highlight(x,y,string.sub(eString,i,i))
- end
- return(string.sub(eString,left,right))
- end
- function posToCoords(pos,side)
- local x,y=0,0
- if side=="left" then
- if pos%10~=0 then
- x=pos%10+8
- y=math.floor(pos/10)+7
- else
- x=10+8
- y=math.floor(pos/10)+6
- end
- else
- if pos%10~=0 then
- x=pos%10+26
- y=math.floor(pos/10)+7
- else
- x=10+26
- y=math.floor(pos/10)+6
- end
- end
- return x,y
- end
- function highlight(x,y,sel)
- term.setBackgroundColor(textColor)
- term.setTextColor(
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.write(sel)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- end
- function lowlight(x,y,sel)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.write(sel)
- end
- --returns a password from the usedWords list
- function getPass()
- return(usedWords[math.random(1,#usedWords)])
- end
- function drawTitle()
- term.setCursorPos(2,2)
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- term.setCursorPos(2,3)
- term.write("ENTER PASSWORD NOW")
- end
- function drawAttempts(a)
- term.setCursorPos(2,5)
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- term.clearLine()
- term.write(a.." ATTEMPT(S) LEFT: ")
- local x = 21
- for i=1,a do
- term.setBackgroundColor(textColor)
- term.setCursorPos(x,5)
- term.write(" ")
- x = x + 2
- end
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- function drawHex(x,y)
- local rows = 12
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- for i=1,rows do
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- local hstring="0x"
- for j=1,4 do hstring=hstring..randomHex() end
- term.write(hstring)
- y = y + 1
- end
- end
- --returns string containing random nonletter characters
- --and various words. does not have '\n' included
- function getEncoded(size,words)
- local step = 1
- local totalWords=0
- local curWord = nil
- local onWord = false
- local charIter = 1 --what letter in curWord are we at?
- local chance = 0
- local encodedString=nonletter()
- local lastIsWord=false
- --fills encodedString with nonletter chars and words
- repeat
- step=step+1
- chance = math.random(1,13)
- if chance==6 and not onWord and not lastIsWord and totalWords<=8 then
- local reps=0
- repeat
- if reps>20 then break end
- curWord=words[math.random(1,#words)]
- reps=reps+1
- until not inTable(curWord,usedWords) and step+#curWord<size
- if reps<=20 then onWord=true end
- end
- --determines whether to add random nonletter or char from curWord
- if onWord then
- encodedString=encodedString..string.sub(curWord,charIter,charIter)
- charIter=charIter+1
- if charIter>#curWord then
- table.insert(usedWords,curWord)
- onWord=false
- totalWords=totalWords+1
- lastIsWord=true
- charIter=1
- end
- else
- encodedString=encodedString..nonletter()
- lastIsWord=false
- end
- until string.len(encodedString)==size
- return encodedString
- end
- function isalpha(char)
- local alpha="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- for i=1,string.len(alpha) do
- if string.sub(alpha,i,i)==char then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- --lightS is a table {x1,y1} and lightE is table {x2,y2}
- function drawEncoded(x,y,rows,cols,eString,lightS,lightE)
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- local curX=x
- local curY=y
- for i=1,rows*cols do
- term.setCursorPos(curX,curY)
- term.write(string.sub(eString,i,i))
- if i%cols==0 then
- curY=curY+1
- curX=x
- else
- curX=curX+1
- end
- end
- end
- --read the codewords from the file
- --returns list
- function readWords(fileName)
- local dict = {}
- local h =,"r")
- for word in string.gmatch(h.readAll(), "%a+") do table.insert(dict,word) end
- return dict
- end
- function findPattern(text,pattern,start)
- return string.sub(text,string.find(text,pattern,start))
- end
- --returns one nonletter char (random)
- function nonletter()
- local possible = {'!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*',
- '(',')','_','-','+','=','[','{',
- ']','|',',','\'','\"','}',
- ';',':','.','>','<','?'}
- return(possible[math.random(1,#possible)])
- end
- --returns one valid hex num (random)
- function randomHex()
- local possible = {'A','B','C','D','E','F'}
- for i=0,9 do
- table.insert(possible,i)
- end
- return(possible[math.random(1,#possible)])
- end
- --returns int of same letters in same positions in two strings.
- function commonLetters(s1,s2)
- charsInCommon=0
- local long,short=nil,nil
- if string.len(s1)>=string.len(s2) then long,short=s1,s2
- else long,short=s2,s1 end
- for i=1,#long do
- if string.sub(long,i,i)==string.sub(short,i,i) then
- charsInCommon=charsInCommon+1
- elseif string.sub(short,i,i)==nil then
- break
- end
- end
- return charsInCommon
- end
- --clears a line from x,y till the end of the screen
- function clearFrom(x,y)
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- for i=0,51-x do
- term.setCursorPos(x+i,y)
- term.write(" ")
- end
- end
- --checks if a value is in a given table
- function inTable(val,t)
- for k,v in ipairs(t) do
- if v==val then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- main()
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