
Unseen for Quake II (1998) Background Story

Aug 24th, 2016
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  2. Peter Hopkins
  5. Intro
  6. The original Strogg home world, Divacho, may be nothing more than a rumor. However, due to the desperate circumstances that now exist, the US military are taking every precaution to be prepared for whatever the Stroggs can throw at us. Even if our current assault on Stroggos is successful, we may still have another enemy, possibly an even stronger one, to deal with. If Divacho does indeed exist, and is still inhabited, it would be fair to assume that the technology and life-forms there would be superior to that encountered on Stroggos. We must therefore prepare ourselves as best we can for an assault on Divacho.
  8. The planet has been subject to many rumors and unsubstantiated reports by solo adventurers who claim to have traveled to the planet in privately owned craft. These rumors are our only clues as to the nature of an otherwise unknown enemy, and so we must treat them all to be true. This file, therefore, is a compilation of all that has been said about the planet and its inhabitants.
  10. Background
  11. There are many theories about Divacho's background, but the generally accepted one is thus:
  13. Before the dawn of life on Earth, the Strogg race had evolved from their four legged herbivorous ancestors into vicious hostile predators. The race evolved on Divacho, a strange world covered almost totally with thick ruddy-brown mud miles deep. The only place any life could survive was on the peaks of the high rocky mountains that jutted occasionally out of the mud where vegetation grew.
  15. It was here that many species of herbivorous mammals survived grazing on the abundant grassland. The evolving Stroggs rapidly turned to their carnivorous behaviour, devouring the grazing herbivores and their race thrived.
  17. Aeons later, the Stroggs owned a huge empire, covering every square inch of the highlands on Divacho, but still unable to build or live on the huge expanses of stagnant mud. Over-population soon became a problem, and though the huge and extremely advanced Strogg cities were efficient at housing as many Stroggs as possible, it soon became too small a planet. A great political leader, cunning military tactician and brilliant scientist named Makron began to lead a project into inter-stellar travel. The project became very successful, and Makron was elected ruler of the entire Strogg empire, with divine right to do as he wished.
  19. Within a decade, he had totally revolutionized the Strogg Empire into a ruthlessly efficient military force and had developed the first Strogg spacecraft. The whole planet was completely under his control, and Makron himself had become warped and corrupt with his power. His first expedition into space made an incredible discovery. There was a huge asteroid close to Divacho with conditions that were near perfect for Strogg development. Makron wasted no time and colonized the planet immediately, naming it Stroggos to assert its position as capital of the Strogg Empire, but the Stroggs found that their life span was shorter than expected, due to the different atmospheric conditions on Stroggos. After many failed attempts to change the conditions they found that the only way to live their normal life expectancy was to use robotic implants. Makron himself was dying, and so he began development on a robotic body to house his brain and keep him alive.
  21. While Stroggos thrived and eventually discovered and attacked Earth, evolving along a parallel but slightly different evolutionary line, the Divachian Stroggs became a divided society. Living in luxury and reaping the benefits of the planets rich natural resources were the pure strain Stroggs, almost human like in appearance, scorning robotic implants as degrading and immoral. Existing in a life of squalor and neglect lay the battered and rusting remains of the cyborg Stroggs, surviving from one generation to the next only by a hideous mixture of inbreeding and badly built, barely functional robotics none the better for the passage of time. However, the pure strain Stroggs were far from idle. They created a select and highly trained range of fighters, beyond anything those on Stroggos could produce. Even the compulsory basic troops of the Strogg empire on Divacho were better trained, better fed and better equipped.
  23. However, the pure strain Stroggs could not have an entire military force of only the more intelligent but weaker human-like race. They recognized the need for real power, a driving force behind their armies, and so recruited the services of the cyborgs. Now they fight united in an uneasy alliance, with infighting never far away.
  26. More info:
  28. "Three UK teenagers aged between14 and15 get together (Peter Hopkins, Tom Francis and David Wilson) decided to start creating a freeware 'Mission Pack' for Quake 2. It goes public, people from around the world start to get involved. News sites pick up on it; begin to call it "official" as it carries the title "mission Pack" which has been trademarked by Id Software for their products. Unknown to them at the time, they are informed by Id to lose the "mission pack" title. It was renamed to expansion pack. It's a 12 level Quake 2 SP map pack weighing about 200 megabytes with 13 new weapons, 13 new enemies, 4 new bosses, 5 death-match levels, and engine enhancements. A publisher gets interested in the product. Tequila goes through various meetings but end up with a choice - pay various companies who hold the rights to the game for license agreements or let it be 'unseen'. The latter was the final decision. Tequila Software was then informed by the publishers to create an "expansion pack" for a game they hold rights to and publish. The concept for Blood 2: Revelations is born. Tequila works on Revelations for 6-8 months before the publisher decides it’s a no go due to limited sales of Blood 2."
  34. --
  36. Quake II Expansion Pack: Unseen is an unofficial mission pack released for Quake 2, developed by Tequila Software, and planned for release in 1998.
  41. I recommend playing Quake II & its expansions with KMQuake2 (currently version 0.20 Update 7 - 4/30/15):
  44. My Quake II config file:
  47. Widescreen:
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