
iterator tumblr theme

Jan 6th, 2025
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  2. <head>
  4. yooooo i got into rainworld again and remembered this theme idea i had :thumbsup:
  5. i was expecting it to be kinda compact because i designed around the first preview but i just kept adding shit LOL the posts are still very small. this theme is 80% extras 💔
  6. you might tell from the name but this was supposed to have pebbles and moons halos besides the guardian ones...maybe one day
  8. Looks a bit odd in the preview this is NORMAL for my themes-->
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  51. <meta name="select:font" content="Rodondo">
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  53. <meta name="select:font" content="Black Wolf">
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  55. <meta name="select:font" content="DEC Terminal Modern">
  56. <meta name="select:font" content="Segoe UI">
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  61. <meta name="select:border type" content="double">
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  78. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  79. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  80. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  81. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
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  88. <meta name="description" content="{MetaDescription}" />
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  91. <style type="text/css">
  93. /* basic appearance */
  94. /* basic customization options here, like text & link colors etc!! */
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  138. blockquote{
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  140. /* --- basics end --- */
  141. @font-face {
  142.     font-family: "Rodondo";
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  144. }
  145. /* container */
  146. /* your container here holds the posts and the sidebar inside it */
  147. #overallcontainer{
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  161. /* --- container end --- */
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  187. /* --- posts end --- */
  189. /* sidebar */
  190. /* 'side' is what is holding the sidebar inside it, 'sidebar' will change the size of the sidebar, desc and links are there just to nicely space things out so everything isnt cramped together!! */
  191. #side{
  192. transform: translateY(-50%);
  193. top:75%;
  194. width:245px;
  195. max-height:600px;
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  215. }
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  221. }
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  223. margin:10px 0 0 0;
  224. display:block;
  225. text-align:center;}
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  227. position:fixed;
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  231. left: 33%;
  232. transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);
  233. }
  234. /* --- sidebar end --- */
  236. /* content appearance */
  237. /* the way images, notes, and other assets will look */
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  241. max-width:100%;}
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  243. max-width:270px;
  244. max-width:100%;
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  250. video{
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  258. margin-top:40px;
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  260. margin-left:35px;
  261. border-radius: 40px;
  262. opacity: 0.7;}
  263. .trackstuff{
  264. overflow:auto;
  265. margin-left:110px;
  266. margin-top:-75px;  
  267. margin-bottom:50px;
  268. display:block;}
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  271. margin-top:-60px;
  272. margin-left:35px;
  273. z-index:9;
  274. width:33px;
  275. height:30px;
  276. overflow:hidden;}
  277. /* --- appearance end --- */
  279. /* moar stuff */
  280. /* random things that you add to the theme, not necessary for the theme's function */
  281. #floatie1{
  282. position:fixed;
  283. top:0px;
  284. left:0px;
  285. }
  286. #floatie2{
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  296. /* --- more end --- */
  299. {CustomCss}
  300. </style>
  301. </head>
  302. <body>
  303. <div id="overallcontainer">
  305. <div id="postcontainer">
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  319. {Body}
  320. {/block:Text}
  321. {block:Chat}
  322. {block:Title}
  323. <div class="title">
  324. <h3><a href="{Permalink}">{Title}</a></h3></div>
  325. {/block:Title}
  326. {block:Lines}
  327. <div class="{Alt} user_{UserNumber}">
  328. {block:Label}
  329. <span class="label">{Label}</span>
  330. {/block:Label}{Line}
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  335. <!-- Images --->
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  337. {LinkOpenTag}
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  356. {block:Caption}
  357. {Caption}
  358. {/block:Caption}
  359. {/block:Video}
  361. <!-- Audio -->
  362. {block:Audio}
  363. <div id= "audioplayer">{AudioPlayerWhite}</div>
  364. {block:AlbumArt}
  365. <div id="albumart">
  366. <img src="{AlbumArtURL}" width="100">  
  367. </div>
  368. {/block:AlbumArt}
  369. <div class="trackstuff">
  370. {block:TrackName}<b><i>{TrackName}</i></b>{/block:TrackName}<br>{block:Artist}<i>{Artist}</i>{/block:Artist}</div>
  371. {Caption}
  372. {/block:Audio}
  374. <!-- Quote -->
  375. {block:Quote}
  376. <div class="quote">
  377. "{Quote}"
  378. {block:Source}
  379. <div class="source">- <i>{Source}</i></div>
  380. {/block:Source}
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  382. {/block:Quote}
  384. <!-- Link -->
  385. {block:Link}
  386. <a href="{URL}" class="link" {Target}>{Name}</a>
  387. {block:Description}
  388. {Description}
  389. {/block:Description}
  390. {/block:Link}
  392. <!-- Ask -->
  393. {block:Answer}
  394. <div class="question" style="background-color: rgb({text:container background rgb}, 0.6);border: 2px {select:border type} {color:border color}"><img src="{AskerPortraitURL-64}" style="text-align:left;float:left;width:64px;height:64px;margin:6px;border:2px {select:border type} {color:border color};">{Asker}: {Question}</div>
  395. <div class="caption">{Answer}</div>
  396. {/block:Answer}
  398. <!-- Footer -->
  399. {block:Date}
  400. <div class="footer">
  401. <img src="{image:footer pixel}"> <a href="{Permalink}">{12Hour}:{Minutes} {AmPm}</a> (<a href="{Permalink}">{TimeAgo}</a>) <a href="{ReblogUrl}">&#8634;</a>
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  404. {block:HasTags}
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  411. <!--{block:NoRebloggedFrom}{block:RebloggedFrom}{ReblogParentName}{/block:RebloggedFrom}{/block:NoRebloggedFrom} -->
  412. {/block:Date}
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  415. {/block:Posts}
  417. {block:Pagination}
  418. <div class="naviga">
  419. <center>
  420. {block:PreviousPage}
  421. / <a href="{PreviousPage}">&#171; Back</a>
  422. {/block:PreviousPage}
  423. {block:NextPage}
  424. <a href="{NextPage}">Next &#187;</a>
  425. {/block:NextPage}
  426. </div>
  427. </div>
  428. {/block:Pagination}
  430. </div>
  431. </div>
  432. </div>
  433. </div>
  434. <div id="allside">
  435. <div id="side">
  436. <div id="desc">
  437. <br>
  438. <center>{text:desc}</center>
  439. </div>
  440. <div id="links">
  441. <a href="{text:link one url}">{text:link one}</a>
  442. <br><a href="{text:link two url}">{text:link two}</a>
  443. <br><a href="{text:link three url}">{text:link three}</a>
  444. </div>
  445. </div>
  446. {block:ifhalo}
  447. <img src=""
  448. style="height:295px;
  449. width:295px;
  450. position:fixed;
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  458. </div>
  459. <div id="floatie2">
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  461. </div>
  462. <div id="c">
  463. <a href=""><img src=""></a>
  464. </div>
  465. </div>
  466. </body>
  467. </html>
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