
Hashcat howto

Aug 1st, 2017
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  1. ============================================================
  3. ============================================================
  5. - [ Resources ] -
  7. * hashcat Wiki:
  9. - [ Usage ] -
  11. hashcat [options]... hash|hashfile|hcapxfile [dictionary|mask|directory]...
  13. - [ Basic Examples ] -
  15. Attack-Mode | Hash |
  16. -a | -m | Example command
  17. ==================+======+==================================================================
  18. Wordlist | $P$ | hashcat -a 0 -m 400 example.hash wordlist.dict
  19. Wordlist + Rules | MD5 | hashcat -a 0 -m 0 -r example1.rule -r example2.rule example0.hash wordlist.dict
  20. Wordlist | MD | hashcat -a 0 -m 0 --remove -o output.txt example.hash wordlist.dict
  21. Brute-Force | MD5 | hashcat -a 3 -m 0 example0.hash ?u?l?l?l?l?d
  22. Brute-Force var | MD5 | hashcat -a 3 -m 0 -1 ?u -2 -?l?u?d -3 ?d example.hash ?1?2?2?2?2?2?2?3
  23. Brute-Force inc | MD5 | hashcat -a 3 -m 0 --increment example.hash ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l
  24. Brute-Force ses | MD5 | hashcat -a 3 -m 0 --session=session_name example.hash mask_file.hcmask
  25. Combinator | MD5 | hashcat -a 1 -m 0 --rule-left='^-' --rule-right='$!' example.hash wordlist.dict wordlist.dict
  26. Hybrid - Wrd/Msk | MD5 | hashcat -a 6 wordlist.dict ?d?d?d?d
  27. Hybrid - Msk/Wrd | MD5 | hashcat -a 7 ?d?d?d?d wordlist.dict
  28. Debug rules | | hashcat --stdout -r capitalize.rule -r swap.rule wordlist.dict
  29. Restore Session | | hashcat --session session_name --restore
  32. - [ Attack Modes ] -
  34. # | Mode ( -a )
  35. ===+======
  36. 0 | Straight
  37. 1 | Combination
  38. 3 | Brute-force
  39. 6 | Hybrid Wordlist + Mask
  40. 7 | Hybrid Mask + Wordlist
  42. - [ Basic options ] -
  44. Options Short / Long | Type | Description | Example
  45. ===============================+======+======================================================+=======================
  46. -m, --hash-type | Num | Hash-type, see references below | -m 1000
  47. -a, --attack-mode | Num | Attack-mode, see references below | -a 3
  48. -V, --version | | Print version |
  49. -h, --help | | Print help |
  50. --quiet | | Suppress output |
  51. --hex-charset | | Assume charset is given in hex |
  52. --hex-salt | | Assume salt is given in hex |
  53. --hex-wordlist | | Assume words in wordlist are given in hex |
  54. --force | | Ignore warnings |
  55. --status | | Enable automatic update of the status screen |
  56. --status-timer | Num | Sets seconds between status screen updates to X | --status-timer=1
  57. --machine-readable | | Display the status view in a machine-readable format |
  58. --keep-guessing | | Keep guessing the hash after it has been cracked |
  59. --loopback | | Add new plains to induct directory |
  60. --weak-hash-threshold | Num | Threshold X when to stop checking for weak hashes | --weak=0
  61. --markov-hcstat | File | Specify hcstat file to use | --markov-hc=my.hcstat
  62. --markov-disable | | Disables markov-chains, emulates classic brute-force |
  63. --markov-classic | | Enables classic markov-chains, no per-position |
  64. -t, --markov-threshold | Num | Threshold X when to stop accepting new markov-chains | -t 50
  65. --runtime | Num | Abort session after X seconds of runtime | --runtime=10
  66. --session | Str | Define specific session name | --session=mysession
  67. --restore | | Restore session from --session |
  68. --restore-disable | | Do not write restore file |
  69. --restore-file-path | File | Specific path to restore file | --restore-file-path=my.restore
  70. -o, --outfile | File | Define outfile for recovered hash | -o outfile.txt
  71. --outfile-format | Num | Define outfile-format X for recovered hash | --outfile-format=7
  72. --outfile-autohex-disable | | Disable the use of $HEX[] in output plains |
  73. --outfile-check-timer | Num | Sets seconds between outfile checks to X | --outfile-check=30
  74. -p, --separator | Char | Separator char for hashlists and outfile | -p :
  75. --stdout | | Do not crack a hash, instead print candidates only |
  76. --show | | Compare hashlist with potfile; show cracked hashes |
  77. --left | | Compare hashlist with potfile; show uncracked hashes |
  78. --username | | Enable ignoring of usernames in hashfile |
  79. --remove | | Enable removal of hashes once they are cracked |
  80. --remove-timer | Num | Update input hash file each X seconds | --remove-timer=30
  81. --potfile-disable | | Do not write potfile |
  82. --potfile-path | Dir | Specific path to potfile | --potfile-path=my.pot
  83. --encoding-from | Code | Force internal wordlist encoding from X | --encoding-from=iso-8859-15
  84. --encoding-to | Code | Force internal wordlist encoding to X | --encoding-to=utf-32le
  85. --debug-mode | Num | Defines the debug mode (hybrid only by using rules) | --debug-mode=4
  86. --debug-file | File | Output file for debugging rules | --debug-file=good.log
  87. --induction-dir | Dir | Specify the induction directory to use for loopback | --induction=inducts
  88. --outfile-check-dir | Dir | Specify the outfile directory to monitor for plains | --outfile-check-dir=x
  89. --logfile-disable | | Disable the logfile |
  90. --hccapx-message-pair | Num | Load only message pairs from hccapx matching X | --hccapx-message-pair=2
  91. --nonce-error-corrections | Num | The BF size range to replace AP's nonce last bytes | --nonce-error-corrections=16
  92. --truecrypt-keyfiles | File | Keyfiles to use, separated with commas | --truecrypt-key=x.png
  93. --veracrypt-keyfiles | File | Keyfiles to use, separated with commas | --veracrypt-key=x.txt
  94. --veracrypt-pim | Num | VeraCrypt personal iterations multiplier | --veracrypt-pim=1000
  95. -b, --benchmark | | Run benchmark |
  96. --speed-only | | Return expected speed of the attack, then quit |
  97. --progress-only | | Return ideal progress step size and time to process |
  98. -c, --segment-size | Num | Sets size in MB to cache from the wordfile to X | -c 32
  99. --bitmap-min | Num | Sets minimum bits allowed for bitmaps to X | --bitmap-min=24
  100. --bitmap-max | Num | Sets maximum bits allowed for bitmaps to X | --bitmap-max=24
  101. --cpu-affinity | Str | Locks to CPU devices, separated with commas | --cpu-affinity=1,2,3
  102. -I, --opencl-info | | Show info about detected OpenCL platforms/devices | -I
  103. --opencl-platforms | Str | OpenCL platforms to use, separated with commas | --opencl-platforms=2
  104. -d, --opencl-devices | Str | OpenCL devices to use, separated with commas | -d 1
  105. -D, --opencl-device-types | Str | OpenCL device-types to use, separated with commas | -D 1
  106. --opencl-vector-width | Num | Manually override OpenCL vector-width to X | --opencl-vector=4
  107. -w, --workload-profile | Num | Enable a specific workload profile, see pool below | -w 3
  108. -n, --kernel-accel | Num | Manual workload tuning, set outerloop step size to X | -n 64
  109. -u, --kernel-loops | Num | Manual workload tuning, set innerloop step size to X | -u 256
  110. --nvidia-spin-damp | Num | Workaround NVIDIAs CPU burning loop bug, in percent | --nvidia-spin-damp=50
  111. --gpu-temp-disable | | Disable temperature and fanspeed reads and triggers |
  112. --gpu-temp-abort | Num | Abort if GPU temperature reaches X degrees Celsius | --gpu-temp-abort=100
  113. --gpu-temp-retain | Num | Try to retain GPU temperature at X degrees Celsius | --gpu-temp-retain=95
  114. --powertune-enable | | Enable power tuning. Restores settings when finished |
  115. --scrypt-tmto | Num | Manually override TMTO value for scrypt to X | --scrypt-tmto=3
  116. -s, --skip | Num | Skip X words from the start | -s 1000000
  117. -l, --limit | Num | Limit X words from the start + skipped words | -l 1000000
  118. --keyspace | | Show keyspace base:mod values and quit |
  119. -j, --rule-left | Rule | Single rule applied to each word from left wordlist | -j 'c'
  120. -k, --rule-right | Rule | Single rule applied to each word from right wordlist | -k '^-'
  121. -r, --rules-file | File | Multiple rules applied to each word from wordlists | -r rules/best64.rule
  122. -g, --generate-rules | Num | Generate X random rules | -g 10000
  123. --generate-rules-func-min | Num | Force min X functions per rule |
  124. --generate-rules-func-max | Num | Force max X functions per rule |
  125. --generate-rules-seed | Num | Force RNG seed set to X |
  126. -1, --custom-charset1 | CS | User-defined charset ?1 | -1 ?l?d?u
  127. -2, --custom-charset2 | CS | User-defined charset ?2 | -2 ?l?d?s
  128. -3, --custom-charset3 | CS | User-defined charset ?3 |
  129. -4, --custom-charset4 | CS | User-defined charset ?4 |
  130. -i, --increment | | Enable mask increment mode |
  131. --increment-min | Num | Start mask incrementing at X | --increment-min=4
  132. --increment-max | Num | Stop mask incrementing at X | --increment-max=8
  134. - [ Hash modes ] -
  135. # | Name | Category
  136. ======+==================================================+======================================
  137. 0 | MD5 | Raw Hash
  138. 100 | SHA1 | Raw Hash
  139. 1400 | SHA-256 | Raw Hash
  140. 1700 | SHA-512 | Raw Hash
  141. 5000 | SHA-3 (Keccak) | Raw Hash
  142. 400 | phpass | Generic KDF
  143. 8900 | scrypt | Generic KDF
  144. 5600 | NetNTLMv2 | Network Protocols
  145. 11200 | MySQL CRAM (SHA1) | Network Protocols
  146. 12 | PostgreSQL | Database Server
  147. 131 | MSSQL (2000) | Database Server
  148. 132 | MSSQL (2005) | Database Server
  149. 1731 | MSSQL (2012, 2014) | Database Server
  150. 200 | MySQL323 | Database Server
  151. 300 | MySQL4.1/MySQL5 | Database Server
  152. 11500 | CRC32 | Checksums
  153. 1500 | descrypt, DES (Unix), Traditional DES | Operating Systems
  154. 500 | md5crypt, MD5 (Unix), Cisco-IOS $1$ (MD5) | Operating Systems
  155. 3200 | bcrypt $2*$, Blowfish (Unix) | Operating Systems
  156. 1800 | sha512crypt $6$, SHA512 (Unix) | Operating Systems
  157. 3000 | LM | Operating Systems
  158. 1000 | NTLM | Operating Systems
  159. 6600 | 1Password, agilekeychain | Password Managers
  160. 8200 | 1Password, cloudkeychain | Password Managers
  161. 11300 | Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat | Password Managers
  162. 13400 | KeePass 1 (AES/Twofish) and KeePass 2 (AES) | Password Managers
  163. 15600 | Ethereum Wallet, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 | Password Managers
  164. 15700 | Ethereum Wallet, SCRYPT | Password Managers
  166. - [ Outfile Formats ] -
  168. # | Format
  169. ===+========
  170. 1 | hash[:salt]
  171. 2 | plain
  172. 3 | hash[:salt]:plain
  173. 4 | hex_plain
  174. 5 | hash[:salt]:hex_plain
  175. 6 | plain:hex_plain
  176. 7 | hash[:salt]:plain:hex_plain
  177. 8 | crackpos
  178. 9 | hash[:salt]:crack_pos
  179. 10 | plain:crack_pos
  180. 11 | hash[:salt]:plain:crack_pos
  181. 12 | hex_plain:crack_pos
  182. 13 | hash[:salt]:hex_plain:crack_pos
  183. 14 | plain:hex_plain:crack_pos
  184. 15 | hash[:salt]:plain:hex_plain:crack_pos
  187. - [ Built-in Charsets ] -
  189. ? | Buit-in charset masks
  190. ===+=========
  191. l | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  193. d | 0123456789
  194. h | 0123456789abcdef
  195. H | 0123456789ABCDEF
  196. s | !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
  197. a | ?l?u?d?s
  198. b | 0x00 - 0xff
  200. - [ OpenCL Device Types ] -
  202. # | Device Type
  203. ===+=============
  204. 1 | CPU
  205. 2 | GPU
  206. 3 | FPGA, DSP, Co-Processor
  208. - [ Workload Profiles ] -
  210. # | Performance | Runtime | Power Consumption | Desktop Impact
  211. ===+=============+=========+===================+=================
  212. 1 | Low | 2 ms | Low | Minimal
  213. 2 | Default | 12 ms | Economic | Noticeable
  214. 3 | High | 96 ms | High | Unresponsive
  215. 4 | Nightmare | 480 ms | Insane | Headless
  217. - [ Rule Compatible Functions ] -
  219. Name | Rule | Description | Example Rule | In Word | Output Word |
  220. =============+========+===========================================+===============+===========+===========================+
  221. Nothing | : | Do nothing | : | p@ssW0rd | p@ssW0rd |
  222. Lowercase | l | Lowercase all letters | l | p@ssW0rd | p@ssw0rd |
  223. Uppercase | u | Uppercase all letters | u | p@ssW0rd | P@SSW0RD |
  224. Capitalize | c | Cap the 1st letter and lower the rest | c | p@ssW0rd | P@ssw0rd |
  225. Inv Capital | C | Lower 1st found char, uppercase the rest | C | p@ssW0rd | p@SSW0RD |
  226. Toggle Case | t | Toggle the case of all characters in word | t | p@ssW0rd | P@SSw0RD |
  227. Toggle @ | TN | Toggle the case of char at position N | T3 | p@ssW0rd | p@sSW0rd |
  228. Reverse | r | Reverse the entire word | r | p@ssW0rd | dr0Wss@p |
  229. Duplicate | d | Duplicate entire word | d | p@ssW0rd | p@ssW0rdp@ssW0rd |
  230. Reflect | f | Duplicate word reversed | f | p@ssW0rd | p@ssW0rddr0Wss@p |
  231. Rotate Left | { | Rotates the word left | { | p@ssW0rd | @ssW0rdp |
  232. Rotate Right | } | Rotates the word right | } | p@ssW0rd | dp@ssW0r |
  233. Append Char | $X | Append character X to end | $1 | p@ssW0rd | p@ssW0rd1 |
  234. Prepend Char | ^X | Prepend character X to front | ^1 | p@ssW0rd | 1p@ssW0rd |
  235. Truncate left| [ | Deletes first character | [ | p@ssW0rd | @ssW0rd |
  236. Trunct right | ] | Deletes last character | ] | p@ssW0rd | p@assW0r |
  237. Replace | sXY | Replace all instances of X with Y | ss$ | p@ssW0rd | p@$$W0rd |
  238. Purge | @X | Purge all instances of X | @s | p@ssW0rd | p@W0rd |
  240. - [ Rule Specific Functions ] -
  242. Name | Rule | Description | Example Rule | In Word | Output Word |
  243. =============+========+===========================================+===============+==============+========================+
  244. Swap front | k | Swaps first two characters | k | p@ssW0rd | @pssW0rd |
  245. Swap back | K | Swaps last two characters | K | p@ssW0rd | p@ssW0dr |
  246. Swap @ N | *NM | Swaps char at pos N with char at pos M | *34 | p@ssW0rd | p@sWs0rd |
  247. Btwise s/left| LN | Bitwise shift left character @ N | L2 | p@ssW0rd | p@æsW0rd |
  248. Btwise s/rght| RN | Bitwise shift right character @ N | R2 | p@ssW0rd | p@9sW0rd |
  249. Ascii incr | +N | Increment character @ N by 1 ascii value | +2 | p@ssW0rd | p@tsW0rd |
  250. Ascii decr | -N | Decrement character @ N by 1 ascii value | -1 | p@ssW0rd | p?ssW0rd |
  251. Replace N+1 | .N | Replaces char @N with value at @N + 1 | .1 | p@ssW0rd | psssW0rd |
  252. Replace N-1 | ,N | Replaces char @N with value at @N - 1 | ,1 | p@ssW0rd | ppssW0rd |
  253. Dup blck frnt| yN | Duplicates first N characters | y2 | p@ssW0rd | p@p@ssW0rd |
  254. Dup blck back| YN | Duplicates last N characters | Y2 | p@ssW0rd | p@ssW0rdrd |
  255. Title | E | Capitalize every word | E | p@ssW0rd w0rld| P@ssw0rd W0rld |
  256. Title w/sep | eX | Capitalize first word and after separator | e- | p@ssW0rd-w0rld| P@ssw0rd-W0rld |
  259. - [ Hashcat Mask Files ] -
  261. - [ Usage ] -
  263. [?1,][?2,][?3,][?4,]mask
  265. where the placeholders are as follows:
  267. [?1] the 1st custom charset (-1) will be set to this value, optional
  268. [?2] the 2nd custom charset (-2) will be set to this value, optional
  269. [?3] the 3rd custom charset (-3) will be set to this value, optional
  270. [?4] the 4th custom charset (-4) will be set to this value, optional
  271. [mask] the mask which should (but does not need) to use the custom-charset defined by [?1], [?2], [?3] or [?4]
  272. and can use any additional predefined charset (?d, ?l, ?u, ?s, ?a, ?b) and can contain fixed chars too
  273. (example value: pass?1?d?d?2?l?l)
  275. - [ Examples ] -
  277. example1.hcmask
  279. ?d?l,test?1?1?1
  280. abcdef,0123,ABC,789,?3?3?3?1?1?1?1?2?2?4?4?4?4
  281. company?d?d?d?d?d
  282. ?u?l,?s?d,?1?a?a?a?a?2
  283. ?u?l?l?l?d?d?d?d?d?d
  285. example2.hcmask
  287. ?u?l?l?l?l?l?l?d
  288. ?u?l?l?l?l?l?d?d?d?d
  289. ?u?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d
  290. ?u?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d
  291. ?u?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d?d
  292. ?u?l?l?l?d?d?d?d?s
  293. ?u?l?l?l?l?ld?d?s
  294. ?s?u?l?l?l?d?d?d?d
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