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- @echo off
- cls
- goto misc
- title Batchopolis
- :fix
- title Batchopolis - Fixing...
- color 0a
- cls
- set version=1.0.0
- set op1=Location Options
- set op2=Vehicle Settings
- set op3=House Options
- set op4=Exit Game
- set op5=Reset Game
- set op6=Saving and Loading
- set op7=Upgrading and Downgrading (UNAVAILABLE)
- REM op7 is unavailable for now.
- set news=A vehicle crash has been reported at Batchopolis Blvd, North.
- set vehicle1=Sedan (regular)
- set vehicle2=Sedan (coupe)
- set vehicle3=Convertible
- set vehicle4=Sports Car
- set vehicle5=Bus
- set vehicle6=Taxi
- set vehicle7=Truck
- set vehicle8=Cruise Helicopter
- set vehicle9=Jet
- set loc1=Batchopolis Blvd, North
- set loc2=Batchopolis Blvd, South
- set loc3=Interstate 959 and Batchopolis Blvd Intersection
- set loc4=Value Lake Blvd
- set job1=Taxi Driver
- set job2=Cashier
- set job3=Town Mayor
- set job4=Police Officer
- set h1=Lock House Doors
- set h2=Unlock House Doors
- set h3=Sell House
- set houseOwned=No
- set houseLocked=No
- echo ---------------------
- echo Fixing Batchopolis...
- echo ---------------------
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- title %title%
- goto city
- :misc
- set job=Unemployed
- set currentloc=Batchopolis Tourist Center
- set currentvehicle=None
- set /a cash+=10000
- set version=1.0.0
- set op1=Location Options
- set op2=Vehicle Settings
- set op3=House Options
- set op4=Exit Game
- set op5=Reset Game
- set op6=Saving and Loading
- set op7=Upgrading and Downgrading (UNAVAILABLE)
- REM op7 is unavailable for now.
- set news=A vehicle crash has been reported at Batchopolis Blvd, North.
- set vehicle1=Sedan (regular)
- set vehicle2=Sedan (coupe)
- set vehicle3=Convertible
- set vehicle4=Sports Car
- set vehicle5=Bus
- set vehicle6=Taxi
- set vehicle7=Truck
- set vehicle8=Cruise Helicopter
- set vehicle9=Jet
- set loc1=Batchopolis Blvd, North
- set loc2=Batchopolis Blvd, South
- set loc3=Interstate 959 and Batchopolis Blvd Intersection
- set loc4=Value Lake Blvd
- set job1=Taxi Driver
- set job2=Cashier
- set job3=Town Mayor
- set job4=Police Officer
- set h1=Lock House Doors
- set h2=Unlock House Doors
- set h3=Sell House
- set houseOwned=No
- set houseLocked=No
- goto nameget
- :savegame
- cls
- echo ----
- echo Options
- echo ----
- echo 1. [Save Game]
- echo 2. [Load Game]
- echo 3. [Delete Game]
- echo 4. [Return to menu]
- choice /c 1234 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto savefunc
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto loadfunc
- if %errorlevel%==3 goto delfunc
- if %errorlevel%==4 goto city
- :savefunc
- cls
- echo Saving game...
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- cls
- echo ::Game saved at %time% %date% >>BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat
- cls
- echo set name=%name% >>BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat
- cls
- echo set /a cash=0 >>BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat
- cls
- echo set /a cash+=%cash% >>BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat
- cls
- echo set currentvehicle=%currentvehicle% >>BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat
- cls
- echo set job=%job% >>BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat
- cls
- echo set news=%news% >>BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat
- cls
- echo set currentlocation=%currentlocation% >>BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- echo Game saved!
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto savegame
- :loadfunc
- cls
- if exist BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat echo Loading saved game... & timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul & call BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat & cls & echo Game loaded! & timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul & goto savegame
- if not exist BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat echo No save data has been saved. & timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul & cls & goto savegame
- goto savegame
- :delfunc
- cls
- if exist BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat del BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat & echo Game save data deleted. & timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul & cls & goto savegame
- if not exist BatchopolisSaveDataFile.bat echo No save data has been saved. & timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul & cls & goto savegame
- goto savegame
- :confirmexit
- cls
- echo Goodbye, %name%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- exit
- :nameget
- echo ----
- echo Enter your name.
- echo ----
- set /p name=
- :intro
- cls
- title Batchopolis
- echo ------------------------
- echo ^| [1.0.1] ^|
- echo ------------------------
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto city
- :city
- title Batchopolis
- cls
- color 0b
- echo ----
- echo Options
- echo ----
- echo 1. [%op1%]
- echo ----
- echo Takes you to a certain location.
- echo ----
- echo 2. [%op2%]
- echo ----
- echo This is where you purchase vehicles.
- echo ----
- echo 3. [%op3%]
- echo ----
- echo This is where you can lock your house, or buy a house, or sell it.
- echo ----
- echo 4. [%op4%]
- echo ----
- echo Exits the game.
- echo ----
- echo 5. [%op5%]
- echo ----
- echo Resets the game.
- echo ----
- echo 6. [%op6%]
- echo ----
- echo This is where you can delete, load or save game files.
- echo ----
- echo Stats
- echo ----
- echo %name%
- echo ----
- echo Cash: $%cash%
- echo Car: %currentvehicle%
- echo Location: %currentloc%
- echo Job: %job%
- echo ----
- echo News: %news%
- echo ----
- choice /c 1234567 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto script1
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- if %errorlevel%==3 goto script3
- if %errorlevel%==4 goto confirmexit
- if %errorlevel%==5 goto script5
- if %errorlevel%==6 goto savegame
- if %errorlevel%==7 goto fix
- :script1
- REM Script 1: Location settings
- cls
- echo ----
- echo Available locations:
- echo ----
- echo 1. [%loc1%]
- echo 2. [%loc2%]
- echo 3. [%loc3%]
- echo 4. [%loc4%]
- echo ----
- choice /c 1234 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto blvdnorth
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto blvdsouth
- if %errorlevel%==3 goto interstate
- if %errorlevel%==4 goto valuelake
- :script2
- REM Script 2: Vehicle settings
- cls
- echo ----
- echo Vehicles
- echo ----
- echo 1. [%vehicle1%]
- echo 2. [%vehicle2%]
- echo 3. [%vehicle3%]
- echo 4. [%vehicle4%]
- echo 5. [%vehicle5%]
- echo 6. [%vehicle6%]
- echo 7. [%vehicle7%]
- echo 8. [%vehicle8%]
- echo 9. [%vehicle9%]
- echo ----
- echo E. [Exit]
- echo ----
- echo Current Vehicle: %currentvehicle%
- echo Cash: $%cash%
- echo ----
- choice /c 123456789E /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto v1
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto v2
- if %errorlevel%==3 goto v3
- if %errorlevel%==4 goto v4
- if %errorlevel%==5 goto v5
- if %errorlevel%==6 goto v6
- if %errorlevel%==7 goto v7
- if %errorlevel%==8 goto v8
- if %errorlevel%==9 goto v9
- if %errorlevel%==10 goto city
- :v1
- REM Vehicle 1.
- cls
- echo ---
- echo Sedan (regular)
- echo ---
- echo Cost: $150
- echo ---
- echo 1. Purchase ^| 2. Cancel
- choice /c 12 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto purchasechk
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- :purchasechk
- if not %cash%==0 goto pur1
- REM Checks if the user has more then $0.
- if %cash%==0 goto notenoughcash
- REM Checks if the user has exactly $0.
- :notenoughcash
- REM Only for purchasing vehicles.
- cls
- echo You do not have enough cash!
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script2
- :pur1
- cls
- set /a cash-=150
- set currentvehicle=Sedan (regular)
- echo Vehicle Purchased: %vehicle1%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script2
- :v2
- REM Vehicle 2.
- cls
- echo ---
- echo Sedan (coupe)
- echo ---
- echo Cost: $150
- echo ---
- echo 1. Purchase ^| 2. Cancel
- choice /c 12 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto purchasechk2
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- :purchasechk2
- cls
- if not %cash%==0 goto pur2
- REM Checks if the user has more then $0.
- if %cash%==0 goto notenoughcash
- REM Checks if the user has exactly $0.
- :pur2
- cls
- set /a cash-=150
- set currentvehicle=Sedan (coupe)
- echo Vehicle Purchased: %vehicle2%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script2
- :v3
- REM Vehicle 3.
- cls
- echo ---
- echo Convertible
- echo ---
- echo Cost: $300
- echo ---
- echo 1. Purchase ^| 2. Cancel
- choice /c 12 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto purchasechk3
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- :purchasechk3
- cls
- if not %cash%==0 goto pur3
- REM Checks if the user has more then $0.
- if %cash%==0 goto notenoughcash
- REM Checks if the user has exactly $0.
- :pur3
- cls
- set /a cash-=300
- set currentvehicle=Convertible
- echo Vehicle Purchased: %vehicle3%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script2
- :v4
- cls
- echo ---
- echo Sports Car
- echo ---
- echo Cost: $550
- echo ---
- echo 1. Purchase ^| 2. Cancel
- choice /c 12 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto purchasechk4
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- :purchasechk4
- cls
- if not %cash%==0 goto pur4
- REM Checks if the user has more then $0.
- if %cash%==0 goto notenoughcash
- REM Checks if the user has exactly $0.
- :pur4
- cls
- set /a cash-=550
- set currentvehicle=Sports Car
- echo Vehicle Purchased: %vehicle4%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script2
- :v5
- cls
- echo ---
- echo Bus
- echo ---
- echo Cost: $300
- echo ---
- echo 1. Purchase ^| 2. Cancel
- choice /c 12 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto purchasechk5
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- :purchasechk5
- if not %cash%==0 goto pur5
- REM Checks if the user has more then $0.
- if %cash%==0 goto notenoughcash
- REM Checks if the user has exactly $0.
- :pur5
- cls
- set /a cash-=300
- set currentvehicle=Bus
- echo Vehicle Purchased: %vehicle5%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script2
- :v6
- cls
- echo ---
- echo Taxi
- echo ---
- echo Cost: $150
- echo ---
- echo 1. Purchase ^| 2. Cancel
- choice /c 12 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto purchasechk6
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- :purchasechk6
- if not %cash%==0 goto pur6
- REM Checks if the user has more then $0.
- if %cash%==0 goto notenoughcash
- REM Checks if the user has exactly $0.
- :pur6
- cls
- set /a cash-=150
- set currentvehicle=Taxi
- echo Vehicle Purchased: %vehicle6%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script2
- :v7
- cls
- echo ---
- echo Truck
- echo ---
- echo Cost: $200
- echo ---
- echo 1. Purchase ^| 2. Cancel
- choice /c 12 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto purchasechk7
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- :purchasechk7
- if not %cash%==0 goto pur7
- REM Checks if the user has more then $0.
- if %cash%==0 goto notenoughcash
- REM Checks if the user has exactly $0.
- :pur7
- cls
- set /a cash-=200
- set currentvehicle=Truck
- echo Vehicle Purchased: %vehicle7%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script2
- :v8
- cls
- echo ---
- echo Cruise Helicopter
- echo ---
- echo Cost: $1500
- echo ---
- echo 1. Purchase ^| 2. Cancel
- choice /c 12 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto purchasechk8
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- :purchasechk8
- if not %cash%==0 goto pur8
- REM Checks if the user has more then $0.
- if %cash%==0 goto notenoughcash
- REM Checks if the user has exactly $0.
- :pur8
- cls
- set /a cash-=1000
- set currentvehicle=Cruise Helicopter
- echo Vehicle Purchased: %vehicle8%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script2
- :v9
- cls
- echo ---
- echo Jet
- echo ---
- echo Cost: $2000
- echo ---
- echo 1. Purchase ^| 2. Cancel
- choice /c 12 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto purchasechk9
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- :purchasechk9
- if not %cash%==0 goto pur9
- REM Checks if the user has more then $0.
- if %cash%==0 goto notenoughcash
- REM Checks if the user has exactly $0.
- :pur9
- cls
- set /a cash-=2000
- set currentvehicle=Jet
- echo Vehicle Purchased: %vehicle9%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script2
- :: ---------------
- :blvdnorth
- cls
- set currentlocation=Batchopolis Blvd, North
- echo You are heading to: %loc1%
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- cls
- echo ----
- echo Current Location: %currentlocation% ^| Current Vehicle: %currentvehicle%
- echo ----
- echo %name%
- echo Cash: $%cash%
- echo Car: %currentvehicle%
- echo Location: %currentlocation%
- echo Job: %job%
- echo ----
- echo Press J to get a list of jobs to do
- echo Press A to go to another location
- echo ----
- choice /c JA /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto jobs1
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto script2
- :jobs1
- cls
- echo ----
- echo Jobs
- echo ----
- echo 1. [%job1%]
- echo 2. [%job2%]
- echo 3. [%job3%]
- echo 4. [%job4%]
- echo ----
- choice /c 1234 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto j1
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto j2
- if %errorlevel%==3 goto j3
- if %errorlevel%==4 goto j4
- :j1
- cls
- set job=Taxi Driver
- echo You now work as a taxi driver!
- echo Press P to go back to the main menu or press J to get more jobs.
- choice /c PJ /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto city
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto jobs1
- :script3
- cls
- echo ----
- echo House Locked: %houseLocked%
- echo House Owned: %houseOwned%
- echo ----
- echo Options
- echo ----
- echo 1. [%h1%]
- echo 2. [%h2%]
- echo 3. [%h3%]
- echo ----
- choice /c 1234 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto lock
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto unlock
- if %errorlevel%==3 goto sellhouse
- :lock
- if not %houseOwned% equ Yes goto lockfull
- if %houseOwned% equ No goto cannot
- :unlock
- if not %houseOwned% equ Yes goto unlockfull
- if %houseOwned% equ No goto cannot
- :sellhouse
- if not %houseOwned% equ Yes goto sellhousefull
- if %houseOwned% equ No goto cannot
- :lockfull
- set houseLocked=Yes
- goto script3
- :unlockfull
- set houseLocked=No
- goto script3
- :sellhousefull
- set houseLocked=No
- set houseOwned=No
- goto script3
- :cannot
- cls
- echo You do not own a house.
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto script3
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