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- root@gitlab:/mnt/sdf1/usr/local/sicstus4.3.5/lib/sicstus-4.3.5/library/clpfd# grep -i bdd ../ -R
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd.s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/lcc_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/lin_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/sorting_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/fdsets_s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/arith_s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/discrete_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/alldifferent_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/arith_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/multi_cumulative_s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/fdsets_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/setsingleton_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/symmcum_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/multi_cumulative_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/setsingleton_s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/disjoint2_s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/indexical_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/dvars_s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/relation_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/lh_s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/alldistinct_s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/discrete_s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/disjoint2_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/relation_s.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/clpfd/ac3intervals_d.o matches
- Binary file ../x86_64-linux-glibc2.17/ matches
- ../ bdd_to_formula(G, F, M),
- ../ formula_to_bdd(Var, X, 1, [], _, Dic),
- ../ ; prolog:'$bdd_negate'(X, Y), bool1(Dic, [Y])
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_build'(I, 1, 0, Node),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(PNode, NNode),
- ../ bdd_to_bdd(G, M, Node, Free0, Free1, Dic0, Dic1),
- ../ bdd_univ(Node, NNode, PNode, Eq),
- ../ Translating from BDD to internal polynomial format.
- ../, [], _) :- !.
- ../, [[]], _) :- !.
- ../, F, Dic) :-
- ../ bdd_parts(Graph, V, Q, R, Dic),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_type'(Q, R, Type),
- ../ bdd_to_formula(Type, V, Q, R, Dic, F).
- ../, V, _, _, _, [[V]]).
- ../, V, _, _, _, [[],[V]]).
- ../, V, _, R, Dic, Formula) :-
- ../ bdd_to_formula(R, R1, Dic),
- ../, V, _, R, Dic, Formula) :-
- ../ bdd_to_formula(R, R1, Dic),
- ../, V, Q, _, Dic, Formula) :-
- ../ bdd_to_formula(Q, Q1, Dic),
- ../, V, Q, _, Dic, Formula) :-
- ../ bdd_to_formula(Q, Q1, Dic),
- ../, V, _, R, Dic, Formula) :-
- ../ bdd_to_formula(R, R1, Dic),
- ../, V, Q, R, Dic, Formula) :-
- ../ bdd_to_formula(Q, Q1, Dic),
- ../ bdd_to_formula(R, R1, Dic),
- ../ bdd_subst_set(Unifier0, Sub0, Sub),
- ../ ( prolog:'$bdd_parts'(Sub, V, 1, 0) -> Unifier1=Unifier0
- ../ bdd_subst_set(Unifier, G, G1),
- ../ ( prolog:'$bdd_parts'(G, I, 1, 0)
- ../ formulas_to_bdds(Parts, Graphs, 1, [], _, _),
- ../ formulas_to_bdds(Parts, Graphs, 1, [], _, Dic),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_subst_reset',
- ../[], [], F, Dic, F, Dic).
- ../[E|Es], [G|Gs], F0, Dic0, F, Dic) :-
- ../ formula_to_bdd(E, G, F0, Dic0, F1, Dic1),
- ../ formulas_to_bdds(Es, Gs, F1, Dic1, F, Dic).
- ../, Map, Graph, Free0, Free, Dic0, Dic) :-
- ../ bdd_map_to_unifier(Map, Unifier, Free0, Free, Dic0, Dic),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_subst_reset',
- ../ bdd_subst_set(Unifier, Graph0, Graph).
- ../[], [], Free, Free, Dic, Dic).
- ../[V-Formula|Map], Unifier0, Free0, Free, Dic0, Dic) :-
- ../ formula_to_bdd(Formula1, Graph, Free0, Dic0, Free1, Dic1),
- ../ ( prolog:'$bdd_parts'(Graph, V, 1, 0) -> Unifier0=Unifier
- ../ bdd_map_to_unifier(Map, Unifier, Free1, Free, Dic1, Dic).
- ../, Graph, Free0, Dic0, Free, Dic) :-
- ../ bdd_to_bdd(G1, M1, Graph, Free0, Free, Dic0, Dic1),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_build'(Free0, 1, 0, Graph)
- ../, Graph, Free0, Dic0, Free, Dic) :-
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_build'(F, 1, 0, Graph).
- ../, 0, Free, Dic, Free, Dic).
- ../, 1, Free, Dic, Free, Dic).
- ../*F2, P, Free0, Dic0, Free, Dic) :-
- ../ formula_to_bdd(F1, P1, Free0, Dic0, Free1, Dic1),
- ../ formula_to_bdd(F2, P2, Free1, Dic1, Free, Dic),
- ../ bdd_univ(P1, P2, 0, P).
- ../, P, Free0, Dic0, Free, Dic) :-
- ../ formula_to_bdd(F1, P1, Free0, Dic0, Free1, Dic1),
- ../ formula_to_bdd(F2, P2, Free1, Dic1, Free, Dic),
- ../ bdd_univ(P1, 1, P2, P).
- ../, P, Free0, Dic0, Free, Dic) :- F2==1, !,
- ../ formula_to_bdd(F1, P1, Free0, Dic0, Free, Dic),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(P1, P).
- ../, P, Free0, Dic0, Free, Dic) :-
- ../ formula_to_bdd(F1, P1, Free0, Dic0, Free1, Dic1),
- ../ formula_to_bdd(F2, P2, Free1, Dic1, Free, Dic),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(P2, N2),
- ../ bdd_univ(P1, N2, P2, P).
- ../^F2, P, Free0, Dic0, Free, Dic) :-
- ../ formula_to_bdd(F2, P1, Free0, Dic0, Free, Dic),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(Graph, V, 1, 0)
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_build'(-0x2000000, 1, 0, Node),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_subst_reset',
- ../ bdd_subst_set([V-Node], P1, P2),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(P2, -0x2000000, Q, R) ->
- ../ bdd_univ(Q, 1, R, P)
- ../,List), P, Free0, Dic0, Free, Dic) :-
- ../ card_to_bdd(Cset2, N, List3, P).
- ../ {formula_to_bdd(X, Y, Free0, Dic0, Free1, Dic1)},
- ../, _, _, 0) :- !.
- ../, N, _, 1) :- Cset is (2<<N)-1, !.
- ../, _, List, P) :- !,
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(P1, P).
- ../, N, List, P) :- Cset is (2<<N)-2, !,
- ../, N, List, P) :- Cset is 1<<N, !,
- ../, N, List, P) :- Cset is (1<<N)-1, !,
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(P1, P).
- ../, N, List, P) :-
- ../ card_to_bdd(List, L, P).
- ../[_-X|Xs], P0, P) :- bdd_univ(X, 1, P0, P1), card_disj(Xs, P1, P).
- ../[_-X|Xs], P0, P) :- bdd_univ(X, P0, 0, P1), card_conj(Xs, P1, P).
- ../[], [P], P).
- ../[_-X|Xs], [N|Ns], P) :-
- ../ card_to_bdd(Xs, Ms, P).
- ../ bdd_univ(X, N1, N0, M),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(Eq, V, Q, R),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_type'(Q, R, Type),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_build'(V, 1, R, Sub).
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(Q, IQ),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_build'(V, IQ, 0, Sub).
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(Q, IQ),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_build'(V, IQ, R, Sub),
- ../ bdd_univ(Q, R, 0, Residue).
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(Graph0, Var0, Q0, R0),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(Graph1, Var0, Q1, R1),
- ../ bdd_univ(Q0, 1, Q1, Q),
- ../ bdd_univ(R0, 1, R1, R),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_build'(Var0, Q, R, Graph),
- ../, V1, Q, R, Dic) :-
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(Graph, V, Q, R),
- ../, G, H, Val) :-
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_univ_case'(F, G, H, C, X, Y, Z),
- ../ bdd_univ(C, X, Y, Z, Val).
- ../, F, _, _, F). % F
- ../, F, G, H, Val) :- % F*G + ~F*H, F on top
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(F, V, FQ, FR),
- ../ bdd_univ(FQ, FR, G, G, H, H, V, Val),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_store'(F, G, H, Val).
- ../, F, G, H, Val) :- % F*G + ~F*H, G on top
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(G, V, GQ, GR),
- ../ bdd_univ(F, F, GQ, GR, H, H, V, Val),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_store'(F, G, H, Val).
- ../, F, G, H, Val) :- % F*G + ~F*H, H on top
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(H, V, HQ, HR),
- ../ bdd_univ(F, F, G, G, HQ, HR, V, Val),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_store'(F, G, H, Val).
- ../, F, G, H, Val) :- % F*G + ~F*H, FG on top
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(F, V, FQ, FR),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(G, V, GQ, GR),
- ../ bdd_univ(FQ, FR, GQ, GR, H, H, V, Val),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_store'(F, G, H, Val).
- ../, F, G, H, Val) :- % F*G + ~F*H, FH on top
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(F, V, FQ, FR),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(H, V, HQ, HR),
- ../ bdd_univ(FQ, FR, G, G, HQ, HR, V, Val),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_store'(F, G, H, Val).
- ../, F, G, H, Val) :- % F*G + ~F*H, GH on top
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(G, V, GQ, GR),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(H, V, HQ, HR),
- ../ bdd_univ(F, F, GQ, GR, HQ, HR, V, Val),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_store'(F, G, H, Val).
- ../, F, G, H, Val) :- % F*G + ~F*H, FGH on top
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(F, V, FQ, FR),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(G, V, GQ, GR),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_parts'(H, V, HQ, HR),
- ../ bdd_univ(FQ, FR, GQ, GR, HQ, HR, V, Val),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_store'(F, G, H, Val).
- ../, FR, GQ, GR, HQ, HR, V, Val) :-
- ../ bdd_univ(FQ, GQ, HQ, Q),
- ../ bdd_univ(FR, GR, HR, R),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_build'(V, Q, R, Val).
- ../ bdd_subst_set(VarsGs, F, Result) :- Result is F with Vars replaced by Gs
- ../, In, Out) :-
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_subst_case'(Unifier, In, C, Unifier1, AbsIn, T, Q, R),
- ../ bdd_subst_case(C, Unifier1, AbsIn, T, Q, R, Out).
- ../, _, Out, _, _, _, Out).
- ../, _, Out1, _, _, _, Out) :-
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(Out1, Out).
- ../, Unifier, In, T, Q, R, Out) :- % normal recursion
- ../ bdd_subst_set(Unifier, Q, Q1),
- ../ bdd_subst_set(Unifier, R, R1),
- ../ bdd_univ(T, Q1, R1, Out),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_subst_store'(In, Out).
- ../, Unifier, In, T, Q, R, Out) :- % recurse and negate
- ../ bdd_subst_set(Unifier, Q, Q1),
- ../ bdd_subst_set(Unifier, R, R1),
- ../ bdd_univ(T, Q1, R1, Out1),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_subst_store'(In, Out1),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(Out1, Out).
- ../, Unifier, In, T, Q, _, Out) :- % Q=\=R, recurse
- ../ bdd_subst_set(Unifier, Q, Q1),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(Q1, R1),
- ../ bdd_univ(T, Q1, R1, Out),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_subst_store'(In, Out).
- ../, Unifier, In, T, Q, _, Out) :- % Q=\=R, recurse and negate
- ../ bdd_subst_set(Unifier, Q, Q1),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(Q1, R1),
- ../ bdd_univ(T, Q1, R1, Out1),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_subst_store'(In, Out1),
- ../ prolog:'$bdd_negate'(Out1, Out).
- ../zinc/tests/fcts/builtins/bool/bool_le.fzn:% RUNS ON fzn_bdd_canon
- ../zinc/tests/fcts/builtins/bool/bool_or.fzn:% RUNS ON fzn_bdd_canon
- ../zinc/tests/fcts/builtins/bool/bool_not.fzn:% RUNS ON fzn_bdd_canon
- ../zinc/tests/fcts/builtins/bool/bool_xor.fzn:% RUNS ON fzn_bdd_canon
- ../zinc/tests/fcts/builtins/bool/bool_le_reif.fzn:% RUNS ON fzn_bdd_canon
- ../zinc/tests/fcts/builtins/bool/bool_lt_reif.fzn:% RUNS ON fzn_bdd_canon
- ../zinc/tests/fcts/builtins/bool/bool_eq_reif.fzn:% RUNS ON fzn_bdd_canon
- ../zinc/tests/fcts/builtins/bool/bool_eq.fzn:% RUNS ON fzn_bdd_canon
- ../zinc/tests/fcts/builtins/bool/bool_lt.fzn:% RUNS ON fzn_bdd_canon
- ../zinc/tests/fcts/builtins/bool/bool_and.fzn:% RUNS ON fzn_bdd_canon
- root@gitlab:/mnt/sdf1/usr/local/sicstus4.3.5/lib/sicstus-4.3.5/library/clpfd# wc -l ../ *.c *.h
- 760 ../
- 800 ac3intervals.c
- 490 alldifferent.c
- 2856 alldistinct.c
- 942 arith.c
- 1471 bc_alldiff.c
- 421 bool.c
- 7422 discrete.c
- 5269 disjoint2.c
- 1500 dvars.c
- 1988 fdsets.c
- 2001 gcc.c
- 11060 geost.c
- 3619 indexical.c
- 892 keysorting.c
- 639 lcc.c
- 1335 lex.c
- 1337 lh.c
- 1183 lin.c
- 1051 linfast.c
- 540 linpbool.c
- 308 linubool.c
- 262 main.c
- 1662 mddi.c
- 2086 multi_cumulative.c
- 1242 nvalue.c
- 409 profile.c
- 592 reified.c
- 1229 relation.c
- 490 setsingleton.c
- 871 sorting.c
- 63 statistics.c
- 1647 support.c
- 2563 symmcum.c
- 463 dvars.h
- 975 fd.h
- 268 fd_insn.h
- 62706 total
- root@gitlab:/mnt/sdf1/usr/local/sicstus4.3.5/lib/sicstus-4.3.5/library/clpfd#
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