

May 17th, 2016
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  1. command /randomcolor [<text="change"]:
  2. permission: randomcolor.change
  3. description: Zmiana kolorow
  4. trigger:
  5. if argument 1 is "change":
  6. if {randomcolor.%player%} is true:
  7. set {randomcolor.%player%} to false
  8. message "&cWylaczono kolory chatu"
  9. else:
  10. set {randomocolor.%player%} to true
  11. message "&aWlaczono kolory chatu"
  12. if argument 1 is "on":
  13. set {randomcolor.%player%} to true
  14. message "&aEnable colour of chat"
  15. if argument 1 is "off":
  16. set {randomcolor.%player%} to false
  17. message "&cDisable colour of chat"
  18. if argument 1 is not "change" or "off" or "on":
  19. message "&4Blad: &cMozliwe argumenty: &6'change', 'off', 'on'"
  20. stop
  21. on chat:
  22. {randomcolor.%player%} is true:
  24. # Wiadomosc
  26. replace all "a" with "&aa" in message
  27. replace all "b" with "&bb" in message
  28. replace all "c" with "&cc" in message
  29. replace all "d" with "&dd" in message
  30. replace all "e" with "&ee" in message
  31. replace all "f" with "&ff" in message
  32. replace all "g" with "&1g" in message
  33. replace all "h" with "&9h" in message
  34. replace all "i" with "&ii" in message
  35. replace all "j" with "&3j" in message
  36. replace all "k" with "&kk" in message
  37. replace all "l" with "&ll" in message
  38. replace all "m" with "&mm" in message
  39. replace all "n" with "&2n" in message
  40. replace all "o" with "&oo" in message
  41. replace all "p" with "&5p" in message
  42. replace all "r" with "&rr" in message
  43. replace all "s" with "&7s" in message
  44. replace all "t" with "&8t" in message
  45. replace all "u" with "&4u" in message
  46. replace all "w" with "&6w" in message
  47. replace all "x" with "&0x" in message
  48. replace all "y" with "&cy" in message
  49. replace all "z" with "&dz" in message
  51. # Nick
  53. replace all "a" with "&aa" in player's displayname
  54. replace all "b" with "&bb" in player's displayname
  55. replace all "c" with "&cc" in player's displayname
  56. replace all "d" with "&dd" in player's displayname
  57. replace all "e" with "&ee" in player's displayname
  58. replace all "f" with "&ff" in player's displayname
  59. replace all "g" with "&1g" in player's displayname
  60. replace all "h" with "&9h" in player's displayname
  61. replace all "i" with "&ii" in player's displayname
  62. replace all "j" with "&3j" in player's displayname
  63. replace all "k" with "&kk" in player's displayname
  64. replace all "l" with "&ll" in player's displayname
  65. replace all "m" with "&mm" in player's displayname
  66. replace all "n" with "&2n" in player's displayname
  67. replace all "o" with "&oo" in player's displayname
  68. replace all "p" with "&5p" in player's displayname
  69. replace all "r" with "&rr" in player's displayname
  70. replace all "s" with "&7s" in player's displayname
  71. replace all "t" with "&8t" in player's displayname
  72. replace all "u" with "&4u" in player's displayname
  73. replace all "w" with "&6w" in player's displayname
  74. replace all "x" with "&0x" in player's displayname
  75. replace all "y" with "&cy" in player's displayname
  76. replace all "z" with "&dz" in player's displayname
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