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- Module Pumping.
- Fixpoint pumping_constant {T} (re : @reg_exp T) : nat :=
- match re with
- | EmptySet => 0
- | EmptyStr => 1
- | Char _ => 2
- | App re1 re2 =>
- pumping_constant re1 + pumping_constant re2
- | Union re1 re2 =>
- pumping_constant re1 + pumping_constant re2
- | Star re => S (pumping_constant re)
- end.
- (** Next, it is useful to define an auxiliary function that repeats a
- string (appends it to itself) some number of times. *)
- Fixpoint napp {T} (n : nat) (l : list T) : list T :=
- match n with
- | 0 => []
- | S n' => l ++ napp n' l
- end.
- Lemma napp_plus: forall T (n m : nat) (l : list T),
- napp (n + m) l = napp n l ++ napp m l.
- Proof.
- intros T n m l.
- induction n as [|n IHn].
- - reflexivity.
- - simpl. rewrite IHn, app_assoc. reflexivity.
- Qed.
- (** Now, the pumping lemma itself says that, if [s =~ re] and if the
- length of [s] is at least the pumping constant of [re], then [s]
- can be split into three substrings [s1 ++ s2 ++ s3] in such a way
- that [s2] can be repeated any number of times and the result, when
- combined with [s1] and [s3] will still match [re]. Since [s2] is
- also guaranteed not to be the empty string, this gives us
- a (constructive!) way to generate strings matching [re] that are
- as long as we like. *)
- Lemma app_reassoc : forall {X} (a b c d:list X),
- a ++ b ++ c ++ d = ((a ++ b) ++ c) ++ d.
- Proof.
- intros X a b c d.
- rewrite app_assoc.
- rewrite app_assoc.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma app_reassoc_2 : forall {X} (a b c d:list X),
- a ++ b ++ c ++ d = (a ++ b ++ c) ++ d.
- Proof.
- intros X a b c d.
- rewrite app_assoc.
- rewrite app_assoc.
- rewrite <- (app_assoc _ a b c).
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma star_napp : forall T (re : @reg_exp T) (s:list T) ,
- s =~ Star re -> forall m:nat, napp m s =~ Star re.
- Proof.
- intros T re s H m.
- induction m.
- - apply MStar0.
- - simpl. apply star_app.
- + apply H.
- + apply IHm.
- Qed.
- Import
- (* Added condition "length (s1 ++ s2 ) <= pumping_constant re"
- so now it is a true pumping lemma *)
- Lemma pumping2 : forall T (re : @reg_exp T) s,
- s =~ re ->
- pumping_constant re <= length s ->
- exists s1 s2 s3,
- s = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 /\
- length (s1 ++ s2 ) <= pumping_constant re /\
- s2 <> [] /\
- forall m, s1 ++ napp m s2 ++ s3 =~ re.
- Proof.
- intros T re s Hmatch.
- induction Hmatch
- as [ | x | s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2
- | s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH | re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH
- | re | s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2 ].
- - (* MEmpty *)
- simpl. omega.
- - (* MChar *)
- simpl. omega.
- - (* MApp *)
- simpl.
- intros Hconst.
- assert ( H : pumping_constant re1 <= length s1 \/ ~pumping_constant re1 <= length s1 ).
- { omega. }
- destruct H as [H'|H'].
- + assert (exists s2 s3 s4 : list T,
- s1 = s2 ++ s3 ++ s4 /\
- length (s2 ++ s3) <= pumping_constant re1 /\
- s3 <> [ ] /\ (forall m : nat, s2 ++ napp m s3 ++ s4 =~ re1)).
- { apply IH1. apply H'. }
- destruct H as [s3 [s4 [s5 [H1 [Hq [H2 H3]]]]]].
- clear IH1 IH2.
- exists s3, s4, (s5 ++ s2).
- repeat split.
- { rewrite app_reassoc.
- rewrite <- (app_assoc _ s3).
- rewrite <- H1.
- reflexivity. }
- { rewrite app_length in *. omega. }
- { apply H2. }
- { intros m. rewrite app_reassoc.
- apply MApp.
- * rewrite <- app_assoc.
- apply H3.
- * apply Hmatch2. }
- + assert (exists s1 s3 s4 : list T,
- s2 = s1 ++ s3 ++ s4 /\
- length (s1 ++ s3) <= pumping_constant re2 /\
- s3 <> [ ] /\ (forall m : nat, s1 ++ napp m s3 ++ s4 =~ re2)).
- { apply IH2. rewrite app_length in Hconst. omega. }
- destruct H as [s3 [s4 [s5 [H1 [Hq [H2 H3]]]]]].
- clear IH1 IH2.
- exists (s1 ++ s3), s4, s5.
- repeat split.
- { rewrite <- app_assoc.
- rewrite <- H1. reflexivity. }
- { rewrite <- app_assoc. rewrite app_length. omega. }
- { apply H2. }
- { intros m. rewrite <- app_assoc.
- apply MApp.
- * apply Hmatch1.
- * apply H3. }
- - intros Hconst.
- simpl in Hconst.
- assert (exists s2 s3 s4 : list T,
- s1 = s2 ++ s3 ++ s4 /\
- length (s2 ++ s3) <= pumping_constant re1 /\
- s3 <> [ ] /\ (forall m : nat, s2 ++ napp m s3 ++ s4 =~ re1)).
- { apply IH. omega. }
- destruct H as [s2 [s3 [s4 [H1 [Hq [H2 H3]]]]]].
- exists s2, s3, s4.
- repeat split.
- { apply H1. }
- { simpl. omega. }
- { apply H2. }
- { intros m. apply MUnionL. apply H3. }
- - intros Hconst.
- simpl in Hconst.
- assert (exists s1 s3 s4 : list T,
- s2 = s1 ++ s3 ++ s4 /\
- length (s1 ++ s3) <= pumping_constant re2 /\
- s3 <> [ ] /\ (forall m : nat, s1 ++ napp m s3 ++ s4 =~ re2)).
- { apply IH. omega. }
- destruct H as [s3 [s4 [s5 [H1 [Hq [H2 H3]]]]]].
- exists s3, s4, s5.
- repeat split.
- { apply H1. }
- { simpl. omega. }
- { apply H2. }
- { intros m. apply MUnionR. apply H3. }
- - intros Hconst. inversion Hconst.
- - simpl. intros Hconst.
- destruct s1.
- + simpl in Hconst. simpl in IH2.
- assert (exists s1 s3 s4 : list T,
- s2 = s1 ++ s3 ++ s4 /\
- length (s1 ++ s3) <= S (pumping_constant re) /\
- s3 <> [ ] /\ (forall m : nat, s1 ++ napp m s3 ++ s4 =~ Star re)).
- { apply IH2. apply Hconst. }
- destruct H as [s3 [s4 [s5 [H1 [Hq [H2 H3]]]]]].
- exists s3, s4, s5.
- repeat split.
- { simpl. apply H1. }
- { apply Hq. }
- { apply H2. }
- { apply H3. }
- + assert (H : pumping_constant re <= length (t :: s1) \/ ~pumping_constant re <= length (t :: s1)).
- { omega. }
- destruct H as [H'|H'].
- * assert (exists s2 s3 s4 : list T,
- t :: s1 = s2 ++ s3 ++ s4 /\
- length (s2 ++ s3) <= pumping_constant re /\
- s3 <> [ ] /\ (forall m : nat, s2 ++ napp m s3 ++ s4 =~ re)).
- { apply IH1. apply H'. }
- destruct H as [s3 [s4 [s5 [H1 [Hq [H2 H3]]]]]].
- exists s3, s4, (s5 ++ s2).
- repeat split.
- { rewrite app_reassoc_2. rewrite <- H1. reflexivity. }
- { omega. }
- { assumption. }
- { intros m. rewrite app_reassoc_2. apply MStarApp.
- - apply H3.
- - apply Hmatch2. }
- * exists [], (t::s1), s2.
- repeat split.
- { simpl. simpl in H'. omega. }
- { intros H. inversion H. }
- { intros m. simpl. apply star_app.
- - apply star_napp. rewrite <- (app_nil_r _ (t :: s1)).
- apply MStarApp.
- + apply Hmatch1.
- + apply MStar0.
- - apply Hmatch2. }
- Qed.
- End Pumping.
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