
equip glitch

Aug 16th, 2017
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  1. z or r has to be used to leave the item screen so as to not move the cursor over a z or r icon on the item screen
  2. cursor position on the screen you're moving from doesn't matter
  3. the way you navigate to the item screen (z/r/stick) doesn't matter
  4. c input must happen 1 frame before the cursor becomes visible (3 with emulator input delay)
  5. stick input and c input must happen on the same frame (*)
  6. the stick input must be diagonal
  7. the item to which the cursor goes must be equippable
  8. there must be no item slot to which the cursor can move in the vertical direction of the stick input
  10. * or 11+3n frames before c input (n >= 0)
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