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- %% Close all figures, clear workspace and console
- close all;
- clear;
- clc;
- % n = 3 and er = 0.00 - 0.20
- % n = 4 and er = 0.00 - 0.06
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- %% Application - Hamming Code
- n = 3; % rows of H
- m = 2^n - n - 1; % message bits || rows of G
- H = ham_par(n); % Creating a Hamming Code Parity Matrix
- P = H(:, 1:(2^n-1-n));
- G = [eye(2^n-1-n) P']; % Creating Generator Matrix
- % Creating messages words
- u_list = dec2bin(0:2^m-1)-'0';
- % Creating codewords
- codewords = ones(2^m,2^n-1);
- rows_codewords = size(codewords, 1);
- cols_codewords = size(codewords, 2);
- for i = 1:rows_codewords
- codewords(i,:) = mod(u_list(i,:)*G,2); % EINAI MOD 2?
- end
- % Creating list of error probabilities
- er_list = 0.01 : 0.005 : 0.2;
- percentage100_list = zeros(1, length(er_list));
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for k = 1:length(er_list)
- er = er_list(k);
- display('**********************************');
- disp("Error probability = " + num2str(er));
- %% Create the stats
- counter_rounds = 0;
- target = 100;
- num_of_corrections = 0;
- while counter_rounds < target
- %% Simulating the Binary Symmetric Channel
- in_data = codewords(randi([1 rows_codewords]), :); % Random codeword
- % in_data = codewords(2,:);
- x = zeros(1, cols_codewords); % x(0,1) to x(-1,0)
- for i = 1:cols_codewords
- if in_data(i) == 0
- x(i) = 1;
- else
- x(i) = -1;
- end
- end
- [out_data,err] = bsc(in_data,er);
- initial_errors = sum(err);
- if initial_errors == 1
- counter_rounds = counter_rounds + 1;
- % disp("******** Counter " + num2str(counter_rounds) + " ********");
- %% Begin the process
- y = zeros(1, cols_codewords); % out_data(0,1) to out_data(1,-1)
- for i = 1:length(out_data)
- if out_data(i) == 0
- y(i) = 1;
- else
- y(i) = -1;
- end
- end
- %% Print the state
- % disp("x = " + num2str(x));
- % disp("y = " + num2str(y));
- % disp("Initial errors: "+num2str(initial_errors));
- %% Implementing the Graph
- pos = lk(x, y, er); % old chan_node
- var_nodes = cell(1, 2^n-1);
- for i = 1:2^n-1
- var_nodes{i} = connections(H,i,pos);
- end
- check_nodes = cell(1,n);
- for i = 1:n
- check_nodes{i} = var2check(H,i,pos,0);
- end
- % Iterations
- limit = 100;
- counter = 0;
- SUM = -1;
- while (counter <= limit) && SUM ~= 0
- counter = counter + 1;
- for i = 1:n
- check_nodes =...
- var2check_updated(var_nodes,check_nodes,pos,i);
- end
- check_to_var = check2var(check_nodes, n);
- var_rec_sum = var_rec(check_to_var, pos);
- var_values = map_detection(var_rec_sum);
- % x^ = 1 - 2x => x = (1 - x^) / 2
- % x = x, x^ = var_values
- var_values_01 = (1 - var_values) / 2;
- temp = mod(H*var_values_01',2);
- SUM = sum(temp);
- var_nodes =...
- edges_values(var_nodes, check_to_var);
- end
- % disp(' ')
- %disp("x^= " + num2str(var_values));
- %disp("x = " + num2str(x))
- % disp("x = " + num2str(in_data));
- % disp("x^= " + num2str(var_values_01));
- final_errors = sum(abs(x-var_values))/2;
- % disp("Final errors: " + num2str(final_errors));
- % display('******************************')
- % display(' ')
- if final_errors == 0
- num_of_corrections = num_of_corrections + 1;
- end
- end
- end
- percentage100 = 100 * num_of_corrections / target;
- percentage100_list(k) = percentage100;
- disp("Percentage of correction: " + num2str(percentage100) + "%");
- display(' ')
- %% Display overall stats
- % disp("Iterations: " + num2str(target));
- % disp("Corrected codewords with 1 initial mistake: " + num2str(num_of_corrections))
- % percentage100 = 100 * num_of_corrections / target;
- % disp("Percentage of correction: " + num2str(percentage100) + "%");
- end
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- er_list;
- percentage100_list;
- plot(er_list, percentage100_list);
- xlabel('Error probability');
- ylabel('Percentage (%) of correcting 1 mistake');
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