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- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- # Constants and parameters
- mu0 = 4 * np.pi * 1e-7 # permeability of free space [H/m]
- amp_turn = 100 # amp-turn rating of calibration coil
- R = 0.1 # radius of calibration coil [m]
- Np = 50 # number of turns of the B-dot probe
- Dp = 0.005 # diameter of probe [m]
- A = np.pi * (Dp/2)**2 # cross-sectional area of the probe [m^2]
- # Define magnetic field along the z-axis for a circular loop
- def B(z):
- return (mu0 * amp_turn * R**2) / (2 * (R**2 + z**2)**(3/2))
- # Compute dB/dz analytically
- def dBdz(z):
- # d/dz [ (R^2+z^2)^(-3/2) ] = -3z/(R^2+z^2)^(5/2)
- return - (mu0 * amp_turn * R**2) * (3 * z) / (2 * (R**2 + z**2)**(5/2))
- # Time array [s]
- t = np.linspace(0, 0.25, 1000) # from 0 to 250 ms
- # Define probe motion: initial position z0 = 0.2 m, moves to 0 m then back to 0.2 m.
- z = np.zeros_like(t)
- dz_dt = np.zeros_like(t)
- for i, ti in enumerate(t):
- if ti < 0.1: # 0 to 100 ms, moving in negative z at -2 m/s
- dz_dt[i] = -2
- z[i] = 0.2 - 2 * ti
- elif ti < 0.15: # 100 to 150 ms, stationary at z = 0
- dz_dt[i] = 0
- z[i] = 0.0
- else: # 150 to 250 ms, moving in positive z at +2 m/s
- dz_dt[i] = 2
- z[i] = 2 * (ti - 0.15)
- # Calculate induced voltage using V(t) = - Np * A * (dB/dz) * (dz/dt)
- V = -Np * A * dBdz(z) * dz_dt
- # Plot the voltage trace
- plt.figure(figsize=(8,4))
- plt.plot(t*1e3, V*1e6) # converting time to ms and voltage to microvolts
- plt.xlabel('time, ms')
- plt.ylabel('induced voltage, ยตV')
- plt.title('Voltage trace')
- plt.grid(True)
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- m_e = 9.1093837E-31 # electron mass
- M_Xe = 2.1801714E-25 # Xenon mass
- k = 1.38E-23 # Boltzmann constant
- T_tr = 11600
- T_e = [5, 50] # electron temp
- T_i = [0.5, 5] # ion temp
- def VDF(m,V,T):
- return (m/(2*np.pi*T*k*T_tr))**0.5 * np.exp(-m*V**2/(2*T*T_tr*k))
- def SDF(m,C,T):
- return 4*np.pi*C**2*(m/(2*np.pi*T*k*T_tr))**1.5 * np.exp(-m*C**2/(2*T*T_tr*k))
- V = np.linspace(-10000, 10000, 200000)
- plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
- for T, label in zip(T_i, ['5 eV', '50 eV']):
- y = VDF(M_Xe, V, T)
- plt.plot(V, y, label=f'Temperature = {label}')
- # Customize your plot
- plt.title(r'Speed distribution function for Xe')
- plt.xlabel(r'C, m/s')
- plt.ylabel(r'normalized distribution function')
- plt.grid(True)
- plt.legend()
- # Display the plot
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- def func(x):
- return (5.8e-17*x**4 - 3.71e-12*x**3 - 8e-8*x**2 + 6.37e-4*x + 6.97)/(-1.08e-21*x**5 +
- 1.86e-16*x**4 - 6.49e-12*x**3 + 8.97e-8*x**2 - 5.42e-4*x + 2.02)
- x = np.linspace(0, 15000, 100000)
- y = func(x)
- plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) # Optional: set figure size
- plt.plot(x, y)
- # Customize your plot
- plt.title('ratio of the partition functions of $Xe^+$ and Xe ')
- plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$')
- plt.ylabel('$f_+/f_a$')
- plt.grid(True)
- plt.legend()
- # Display the plot
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- m = 9.1E-31
- k = 1.38E-23
- h = 6.62607015E-34
- I = 12.13*1.6E-19
- pressures_Torr = [1E-3, 1E-1, 1E1] # Torr
- pressures_Pa = [p * 133.322 for p in pressures_Torr] # conversion from mTorr to Pa
- def C(T,p):
- return 2*(2*np.pi*m)**1.5 *(k*T)**2.5 /(p*h**3)
- def func(T):
- return (5.8e-17*T**4 - 3.71e-12*T**3 - 8e-8*T**2 + 6.37e-4*T + 6.97)/(-1.08e-21*T**5 +
- 1.86e-16*T**4 - 6.49e-12*T**3 + 8.97e-8*T**2 - 5.42e-4*T + 2.02)
- def RHS(T,p):
- return (C(T,p)*func(T)*np.exp(-I/(k*T))/(1+C(T,p)*func(T)*np.exp(-I/(k*T))))**0.5
- def A(T,p):
- return (-RHS(T, p) + (RHS(T, p)**2 + 4*RHS(T, p))**0.5)/2
- T = np.linspace(0.1, 10000, 10000)
- plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) # Optional: set figure size
- for p, label in zip(pressures_Pa, ['1E-3 Torr', '1E-1 Torr', '10 Torr']):
- y = A(T,p)
- plt.plot(T, y, label=f'Pressure = {label}')
- # Customize your plot
- plt.title(r'ionization fraction $\alpha$ as a function of temperature for different pressures')
- plt.xlabel(r'T,K')
- plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha$')
- plt.grid(True)
- plt.legend()
- # Display the plot
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