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- module multiplier #(
- parameter p_width = 4
- ) (
- output wire [((p_width*2)-1):0] o_w_p,
- input wire [(p_width-1):0] i_w_a,
- input wire [(p_width-1):0] i_w_b
- );
- integer i;
- reg [((p_width*2)-1):0] l_r_prod;
- always @(*) begin
- l_r_prod = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < p_width; i=i+1) begin
- if(i_w_b[i])
- l_r_prod = l_r_prod + (i_w_a << i);
- end
- end
- assign o_w_p = l_r_prod;
- endmodule
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