

May 17th, 2011
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  1. ...of the Human Condition - Vocals - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
  2. 1000 Odios - Vocals - Thrash/Melodic Death Metal
  3. 12:06 - Vocals - Heavy/Power Metal
  4. 13 Winters - Vocals - Black Metal
  5. 13th Melody – Female Vocals - Melodic Death Metal
  6. 2 Minute Hate - Vocals - Death Metal
  7. 29Jaguar - Vocals - Melodic Death Metal
  8. 3rd Room - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  9. 4order - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  10. 5 Stihii - Vocals - Melodic Heavy Metal
  11. 5X - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  12. 6th Awakening - Vocals - Melodic Death Metal
  13. 7th Circle - Vocals - Progressive Metal
  15. 7th Symphony - Vocals - Progressive Heavy Metal
  16. A Dark Performance - Female Vocals - Melodic Gothic Metal
  17. A.D.D. - Vocals - Melodic Metal (first), Modern Heavy/Groove Metal (later)
  18. Aava - Vocals - Gothic/Power Metal
  19. Abaddon – Soprano Vocals - Symphonic Death Metal
  20. Abigail (Rou) – Female Vocals – Gothic Metal
  21. Abigail’s Mercy – Female Vocals – Melodic Dark Metal
  22. Abnormality - Vocals - Death Metal/Grind
  23. Abside (Ita) - Vocals - Progressive Heavy/Gothic Metal
  24. Accid Reign - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  25. Aceldma - Vocals – Power/Gothic Metal
  26. Acid - Vocals – Heavy Metal
  27. Acid King - Vocals - Doom/Stoner Metal
  28. Acrimonium - Vocals – Death Metal
  29. Adagio del Limbo – Soprano Vocals – Gothic Metal
  30. Adamenth – Vocals – Heavy Metal
  31. Adastreia – Vocals – Symphonic Gothic Metal
  32. Admirabilis – Vocals – Power/Gothic Metal
  33. Adolpha – Vocals – Atmospheric/Melodic Dark Metal
  34. Adoration - Vocals - Melodic Heavy/Gothic Metal
  35. Adorior - Vocals - Death/Black Metal
  37. After the Silence - Vocals - Progressive Melodic Heavy Metal
  38. Against the Spirits - Vocals – Grindcore
  39. Aghora - Vocals – Progressive/Jazz Metal
  41. Airraid - Vocals - Speed/Thrash Metal
  42. Akerbeltz (Esp) – Backing Vocals - Black Metal
  43. Alas - Vocals – Progressive Metal
  44. Alerion - Vocals – Progressive Metal
  45. Alexandria (US) - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  46. Alhambra - Vocals - Heavy/Power Metal
  47. Alhana - Vocals - Symphonic Power Metal
  48. Alight - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  49. Allies - Vocals - Heavy/Thrash Metal
  50. Amalthea (Svk) - Vocals - Power Metal
  52. Amatris - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  53. Ambehr - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  56. Anachronia - Vocals - Melodic Metal
  58. Ancient Bards – Vocals – Symphonic Power Metal
  59. Anema – Female Vocals - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
  60. Anemonia – Vocals - Gothic Metal
  61. Angel (Hol) - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  62. Angel de Metal - Vocals - Heavy/Speed Metal
  63. Angel of Anger - Vocals - Black/Gothic Metal
  64. Angel’s Diary - Vocals - Melodic Heavy Metal
  65. Angelblood - Vocals - Doom/Gothic Metal
  66. Angelcorpus - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  67. Angeli di Pietra – Female Vocals - Folk/Power Metal
  68. Angelic Force – Vocals - Melodic Power Metal
  69. Angelize – Female Vocals - Gothic Metal
  70. Angels of Fall - Vocals – Melodic Death Metal
  71. Angelus (Ven) - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  72. Angst Skvadron – Female Vocals – Avantgarde/Post-Black Metal
  74. Anoxia - Vocals - Death/Thrash Metal
  75. Antestor – Female Vocals - Black Metal
  77. Area 51 - Vocals - Power Metal
  79. Artrosis - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  80. As Divine Grace - Vocals - Doom Metal/Rock
  81. As Gravity Fades - Vocals – Grindcore/Metalcore
  82. Ashes of Icons - Vocals – Death Metal
  83. Asmodina - Vocals – Death Metal
  84. Asylum (Hrv) – Backing Vocals – Industrial/Gothic/Symphonic Black Metal
  85. At Odds With God - Vocals - Melodic Death/Black Metal
  86. Atakke – Female Vocals - Thrash Metal/Crossover
  87. Atargatis - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  88. Atraphine - Vocals - Progressive/Power Metal
  90. Autumn (Tur) – Female Vocals – Doom/Death Metal
  91. Autumn Tears - Vocals - Neo-Classical Experimental Music
  93. Autumndusk – Female Vocals - Black Avant-garde Metal
  94. Ava Inferi - Vocals – Gothic/Doom Metal
  95. Avalon Burning - Vocals – Gothic Metal with Power influences
  96. Bagronk - Vocals - Death/Black Metal
  97. Bare Infinity - Vocals - Melodic Atmospheric Metal
  99. Battlefield - Vocals - Power Metal
  100. Be Persecuted - Vocals - Depressive Black metal
  101. Benedictum - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  102. Beseech - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  103. Bestial Holocaust - Vocals - Black Metal
  104. Beto Vázquez Infinity - Vocals - Melodic Metal/Rock
  105. Betoken - Vocals - Power Metal
  106. B***h - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  107. Black Knight - Vocals - Power Metal
  108. Black Like Vengeance - Vocals - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
  109. Black September - Vocals – Death Metal
  110. Black Winter (Grc) - Vocals – Black Metal
  111. Black Zodiac - Vocals - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
  112. Blood Infected - Vocals - Death Metal/Grindcore
  114. Bloodraised - Vocals - Death Metal / Grindcore
  115. Bloodshoteye - Vocals - Grindcore
  117. Born in Winter - Vocals - Progressive/Gothic Metal
  118. Bow Before None - Vocals – Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore
  119. Breslau - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  120. Broken Oath - Vocals - Death Metal/Metalcore
  122. Cakewet - Vocals - Brutal Death/Goregrind
  123. Cariosus - Vocals – Black Metal
  124. Casket Casey - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  125. Celestial Crown – Female Vocals – Gothic/Doom/Black Metal
  126. Chained Lace - Vocals – Doom Metal
  127. Chaostar - Vocals - Ambient/Atmospheric Darkwave/Neo-Classical
  128. Chastain - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  129. Chibi Rari - Vocals - Speed/Power Metal
  130. Childhood’s End - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  131. Circle The Sky - Vocals - Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore
  132. Conquer By Supremacy - Vocals – Black/Death Metal
  133. Constant Motion - Vocals – Progressive Metal
  135. Corrosive Elements - Vocals - Death Metal
  137. Crimson Tears (UK) - Vocals – Symphonic Power Metal
  138. Cripper - Vocals - Thrash Metal
  139. Crisis - Vocals - Death/Thrash Metal
  140. Crossover - Vocals – Symphonic Black Metal
  142. Crystal Pride - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  143. Crystal Tears (Grc) - Vocals – Speed/Power Metal
  144. Crystal Viper - Vocals – Heavy Metal
  145. Crystallite - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  146. Cycle Sluts From Hell - Vocals – Heavy Metal
  147. D.A.M.N. - Vocals – Death Metal
  148. Dakrua - Vocals – Dark/Gothic Metal
  149. Damad - Vocals - Grindcore
  150. Dargaard - Vocals - Dark Neoclassical Metal
  151. Dark Autumn (Chl) – Female Vocals - Black/Gothic Metal
  152. Darkager - Vocals - Power Metal
  153. Darkened Nocturne Slaughtercult - Vocals - Black Metal
  156. Darzamat - Vocals - Black Metal
  157. Dawn of Hate - Vocals – Metalcore
  158. De Anima - Vocals – Power Metal
  159. Deathslayer - Vocals - Traditional Heavy Metal
  160. Decadence - Vocals - Thrash Metal
  161. Deeper The Wound – Vocals - Metalcore/Grindcore
  163. Delight - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  164. Deliverence - Vocals - Power Metal
  165. Demether - Vocals - Gothic/Power Metal
  166. Demonic Christ - Vocals - Black Metal
  167. Depressed Mode - Vocals - Funeral Doom/Death Metal
  168. Depressive Reality - Vocals - Death/Black Metal
  169. Destined Apostle - Vocals - Death Metal
  170. Desire (Ger) - Vocals - Heavy/Speed Metal
  171. Détente - Vocals - Thrash Metal
  172. Devil May Cry - Vocals - Black/Death Metal
  173. Dewian - Female Vocals - Melodic Dark Gothic Metal
  174. Dharma - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  175. Dharmah – Female Vocals – Melodic Black Metal
  176. Diablo Swing Orchestra - Vocals - Avant-garde Metal
  177. Die Verbannten Kinder Evas - Vocals - Ambient/Darkwave/Neoclassical
  178. Diluvium - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  179. Dismal Divinity - Vocals – Death Metal
  181. Distorted - Vocals - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal with Middle-Eastern Folk influences
  182. Disturbed Angel - Vocals - Power Metal/Progressive Rock
  183. Dominion III - Vocals - Industrial Black Metal
  184. Doro Pesch - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  186. Draconian Winter - Vocals - Melodic Black Metal
  187. Dreamaker - Vocals - Power Metal
  188. DreamReaver - Vocals - Progressive Power Metal
  189. Dreams of Damnation - Vocals - Thrash Metal
  191. Drifting Mines - Vocals – Classic Heavy Metal
  192. Duel of Hate - Vocals – Gothic/Power Metal
  193. Dunwich (Ita) - Vocals – Symphonic Metal
  194. Eat The Living - Vocals - Death Metal/Grindcore
  195. Ebony Ark - Vocals - Power/Progressive Metal
  197. Ecliptica (Aut) – Female Vocals - Epic Metal
  200. Em Sinfonia - Vocals - Death/Doom Metal
  201. Embrace My Ruin - Vocals - Gothic/Death Metal
  202. Endless Autumn - Vocals - Atmospheric Gothic/Doom Metal
  203. EndOfGrace - Vocals - Progressive Metal
  204. Enter Chaos - Vocals - Melodic Death Metal
  206. Eternal Tears – Female Vocals - Gothic Metal
  207. Ethernity – Vocals - Power Metal
  208. Eths - Vocals – Metalcore
  209. Estatic Fear - Vocals - Symphonic Doom Metal
  210. Estuary - Vocals - Thrash/Melodic Death Metal
  211. Evilion - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  212. Evoke Thy Lord – Female Vocals - Gothic/Doom Metal
  213. Execrate - Vocals - Death Metal
  214. Exordium Profanum – Female Vocals - Gothic Metal
  215. Faint of Enemy - Vocals - Metalcore
  216. Farsight - Vocals - Power Metal
  217. Fatima Hill - Vocals - Progressive Power Metal
  218. Fear of God - Vocals - Thrash Metal
  219. Fiendish Nymph – Female Vocals - Atmospheric Black Metal
  220. Flesh Mechanic - Vocals - Post-Thrash/Metalcore
  222. Foliant - Vocals - Power Metal
  223. Forever Slave - Vocals - Melodic/Gothic Metal
  224. Forgotten Tales - Vocals - Power Metal
  225. Forty Days Longing - Vocals – Death/Doom Metal
  226. Freaksxx - Vocals - Progressive Thrash Metal
  227. Frozen Dusk - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  228. Frozen Tears (Bgr) – Female Vocals - Black Metal/Folk Metal
  229. [******** the Facts - Vocals – Grindcore
  230. Fuego Sagrado –Vocals - Power Metal
  231. Fullmoon (Rus) - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  233. Galahad - Vocals - Melodic Death/Heavy Metal
  234. Gate to Infinity - Vocals - Progressive Metal/Rock
  235. Gather - Vocals - Grindcore
  236. Girl Scout Hand Grenade - Vocals – Death Metal
  237. Goddess of Desire – Female Vocals – Traditional Metal
  238. Godyva - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  239. Hamka - Vocals - Symphonic Metal
  240. Haunted by Angels - Vocals - Power/Doom Metal
  241. Hazemat - Vocals - Thrashcore
  242. Heavenfalls - Vocals - Melodic Power Metal
  243. Helicon - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  244. Hellion - Vocals - Heavy/Speed Metal
  245. Herem - Vocals - Doom Metal
  246. Hiffen - Vocals - Progressive Power/Heavy Metal
  247. Holy Moses - Vocals - Speed/Thrash Metal
  248. Human Ground - Vocals - Progressive/Melodic Death Metal
  249. Hydra - Vocals - Heavy/Power Metal
  250. I Wrestled a Bear Once - Vocals - Experimental Deathcore/Grindcore
  251. Immemorial - Vocals - Blackened Death Metal
  252. Immortal Sin (Ger) – Female Vocals - Melodic Power Metal
  253. Imp - Vocals - Thrash Metal
  255. In Silentio Noctis - Vocals - Gothic/Melodic Black Metal
  256. In Thy Damnation – Backing Vocals - Black/Doom Metal
  257. Incarnadine - Vocals - Power Metal
  258. Infinite Winter - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  259. Inner Sanctum (Texas) - Vocals - Progressive Power Metal
  260. Innocent Flower - Vocals - Symphonic Heavy Metal
  261. Isiphilon - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  262. Jennie Tebler - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  265. Kanthaka - Vocals - Experimental Death Metal
  266. Katharsis (Ger) - Vocals - Progressive Dark/Gothic Metal
  267. Katra - Vocals - Symphonic/Gothic Metal
  268. Keltgar – Female Vocals - Gothic/Death/Doom Metal
  269. Khlyst - Vocals – Doom/Drone Metal
  270. Kivimetsän Druidi - Female Vocals – Symphonic Folk Metal
  271. Koyaanisqatsy - Vocals – Neoclassical/Progressive Metal
  272. Körgull The Exterminator - Vocals – Thrash/Black Metal
  273. Lachrimae - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  275. Lady Winter – Vocals - Heavy/Gothic Metal
  276. Lago Gris – Vocals - Gothic Metal
  277. Leather – Vocals - Heavy Metal
  280. Leviathane - Vocals - Melodic Gothic Metal
  281. Light Bringer - Vocals - Power Metal
  283. Lindisfarne - Vocals - Viking/Black Metal
  284. Lilith (Pol, Poznañ) – Female Vocals - Gothic Metal
  285. Lilith (Pol, Radom) – Vocals - Gothic Metal
  286. Lilith’s Child – Female Vocals - Gothic/Melodic Black Metal
  287. Lilith’s Spell – Vocals – Heavy Metal
  288. Lloth - Vocals - Black Metal
  289. Lords of the Stone - Vocals – Doom
  290. Lost Infinity – Female Vocals – Gothic/Black Metal
  291. Lucid Fear - Vocals - Symphonic Black Metal
  292. Lullacry - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  293. Luna Aeterna – Vocals – Gothic Metal
  295. Lycanthrophy - Vocals - Grindcore
  296. Macbeth - Vocals - Black/Gothic Metal
  297. Madder Mortem - Vocals - Dark Metal
  299. Malady - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  300. Maleva - Vocals - Pagan/Folk Metal
  301. Malisha - Vocals – Melodic Heavy Metal
  302. Mandrake (Cze) - Vocals – Melodic Heavy Metal
  303. Mandrake (Ger) - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  304. Manifest of Glific - Vocals – Blackened Death Metal
  305. Maniya Velichiya - Vocals – Melodic Speed/Power Metal
  306. Mask - Vocals – Progressive Metal
  307. Maudlin of the Well – (Occasional) Vocals – Progressive Metal
  308. Mechanical God Creation - Vocals – Death Metal
  309. Megaera - Vocals – Black/Thrash Metal
  310. Melancholy (Rus) – Female Vocals – Doom/Gothic Metal
  311. Melliae – Female Vocals – Gothic Metal
  312. Mercury Rain - Vocals – Gothic/Opera Power Metal
  313. Messiah Force - Vocals – Speed/Power Metal
  314. Metal Lady - Vocals – Heavy Metal
  315. Midwinter (Fra) - Vocals – Melodic Power Metal
  316. Mighty D. - Vocals - Atmospheric Death Metal
  317. Millennium (Prt) - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  318. Miscellany - Vocals – Melodic Heavy Metal
  319. Misfit (Ger) - Vocals – Melodic Heavy Metal
  320. Missa Mercuria - Vocals – Progressive Metal
  321. Mistress - Vocals – Death Metal
  322. Mistyland – Vocals - Melodic Heavy/Gothic Metal
  323. Mithril (Hun) - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  324. Monastery (Pol) - Vocals – Thrash Metal
  325. Moonlight - Vocals – Gothic/Progressive Metal
  326. Moonlight Tears - Vocals – Heavy/Speed Metal
  327. Moray Eel - Vocals - Thrash/Death Metal
  328. Morigan - Vocals – Black/Thrash/Death Metal
  329. Mortal Love - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  330. Mortal Remains - Vocals - Thrash Metal
  331. Mortal Torment - Vocals - Death Metal
  332. Mortiferia - Vocals - Symphonic Folk Metal
  333. Mosh - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  334. MotherStone - Vocals - Groove Metal/Half-Thrash
  335. Mourn - Vocals - Doom metal
  336. Mylidian – Soprano Vocals - Symphonic Heavy Metal
  337. Myndkill – Vocals - Power Metal
  338. Naamah - Vocals – Gothic/Progressive Metal
  339. Nargathrond - Vocals – Ambient/Black Metal
  340. Necrobass - Vocals - Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore
  341. Necrosadistic Goat Torture - Vocals - Death/Black Metal
  343. Nemeton (Rus) – Female Vocals - Melodic Death/Black Metal
  344. Neoplasmah - Vocals - Technical Death Metal
  345. Neurothymia - Vocals - Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
  346. Nevid - Female Vocals - Pagan Metal
  347. Nibelheim - Vocals - Thrash/Death Metal
  348. Nightqueen - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  350. No Excuse - Vocals - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
  351. No More Lies - Vocals - Oriental Folk/Progressive Metal
  352. No Recess - Vocals – Metalcore/Hardcore
  353. Nocturnal Worshipper - Vocals – Black Metal
  354. Nordic Wolf - Vocals – Melodic/Progressive Death Metal
  355. Nothing Left For Tomorrow - Vocals – Death/Thrash/Groove Metal
  356. Nothing’s Grace - Vocals – Melodic Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
  357. Nova-Era - Vocals – Power Metal
  358. Now It’s Dark - Vocals – Power Metal
  359. Nowonmai - Vocals – Melodic Heavy Metal
  360. Ocean Soul - Vocals – Power Metal
  361. Ocularis Infernum - Vocals - Melodic Black Metal
  362. Odins Court – Female Vocals - Raw Pagan Black Metal
  363. Ol Sonuf - Vocals - Symphonic Black Metal
  364. On Thorns I Lay – Female Vocals - Gothic Metal
  365. Orakul –Vocals - Heavy/Power Metal
  366. Orion (Col) - Vocals – Melodic Heavy Metal
  367. Orion (Hol) - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  368. Orphanage – Female Vocals - Death/Gothic Metal
  369. Orphaned Land – Female Vocals - Doom/Death/Folk Metal (old), Middle-Eastern Folk Metal (new)
  370. Pathology - Vocals - Death/Grind
  371. Pavlonian Dogs - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  372. Penumbra – Female Vocals – Gothic Metal
  373. Phantom Mask – Backing Vocals – Power/Thrash Metal
  375. Power Vision - Vocals – Heavy/Power Metal
  376. Pray - Vocals - Death Metal
  377. Progeria - Vocals – Grindcore
  378. Providence - Vocals – Melodic Thrash/Death Metal
  379. Psicovomitosis Sadinecrootitis - Vocals - Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore
  380. Psychobolia - Vocals - Death Metal
  381. Pyrotoxic - Vocals - Thrash Metal
  382. Pyrrah - Vocals – Melodic Death Metal
  383. Queen Evil - Vocals - Heavy/Power Metal
  384. Raven (Fin) – Female Vocals – Funeral Doom Metal
  385. Realm of Chaos - Vocals – Death/Black Metal/Crust
  386. Recapture - Vocals – Death Metal
  387. Red Circuit – Backing Vocals – Melodic Progressive Metal
  388. Redemption in Pain – Female Vocals – Melodic Death Metal
  389. Relikvia – Vocals – Dark/Goth/Doom/Death Metal
  390. Renegade (Aut) – Vocals – Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
  391. Rolo Tomassi - Vocals – Noise/Grind
  392. Russian Winter (Rus) - Vocals – Death/Doom Metal
  393. Sacred Teras - Vocals – Doom/Death Metal
  394. Sacrilege - Vocals – Thrash/Doom Metal
  396. Salient Insanity - Vocals - Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore
  397. Samael Tears – Female Vocals - Gothic/Black Metal
  399. Save - Vocals - Death/Groove/Post-Thrash
  400. ScareCrown - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  401. Sceptic - Vocals - Technical Death Metal
  403. Seiphian - Vocals - Progressive Symphonic Metal
  404. Sengir - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  405. Sephyros - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  406. Seraphim (Ger) - Vocals – Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
  407. Seraphim (Twn) - Vocals – Power/Gothic Metal
  409. Seven Angels - Vocals – Power Metal
  410. Shadow - Vocals - Melodic Death Metal
  411. Shape of Despair – Female Vocals - Funeral Doom Metal
  412. Shards of Fear - Vocals - Progressive/Power Metal
  413. Shattered Within – Female Vocals - Melodic Metal
  414. Shelder - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  415. Shellyz Raven - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  416. Shroud of Tears – Female Vocals - Gothic Metal
  417. Siebenburgen - Vocals - Gothic/Black Metal
  418. Siegfried - Vocals - Epic/Viking Metal
  421. Sinphonia - Vocals - Progressive Gothic Metal
  422. Sinners Bleed - Vocals - Technical Death Metal
  424. Skuldom - Vocals - Black Metal
  425. Skumring (Nor) - Vocals - Melodic Doom Metal
  426. Skylark - Vocals - Power Metal
  427. Slander - Vocals - Melodic Heavy Metal
  428. Snailbooster - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  430. Social Revolver - Vocals – Metalcore
  431. Sonata Nocturna - Vocals – Doom/Gothic/Heavy Metal
  433. Sorrowland - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  434. Spasticated Razor Masturbator - Vocals – Deathcore
  435. Spirit of Rebellion - Vocals - Death/Black Metal
  436. Spirit’s Breeze - Vocals - Death Metal
  437. Staccato (Arg) – Female Vocals - Heavy/Power Metal
  438. Staccato (Rou) – Vocals - Traditional Heavy Metal (early), Gothic/Power Metal (now)
  439. Star Queen - Vocals - Gothic/Power Metal
  440. Stigma (Cze) - Vocals - Death Metal
  442. Storm (Hun) - Vocals - Power/Thrash/Heavy Metal
  443. Storm (Nor) - Vocals - Viking Folk Metal
  444. Stormgarde - Vocals - Melodic Gothic Metal/Rock
  445. Stos - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  446. Straight Line Stitch - Vocals – Metalcore
  447. Sultan of String - Vocals – Progressive Metal
  448. Syrens Call - Vocals – Progressive Metal
  450. Tactile Gemma - Vocals – Avant-garde/Ambiant Metal
  451. Taist of Iron - Vocals – Speed/Power Metal
  452. Take The Pain - Vocals – Trash/Death Metal
  453. Tard - Vocals – Brutal Death Metal/Grind
  455. Tears (Fin) - Vocals – Heavy Metal
  456. Tears of Ea - Vocals – Black/Dark Metal
  457. Tears of Eden - Vocals – Power Metal
  458. Tears of Martyr - Soprano Vocals – Gothic Metal
  459. Temple of the Absurd - Vocals – Thrash Metal
  460. Thangelic - Vocals – Progressive Metal
  461. The 3rd and the Mortal - Vocals - Experimental Doom Metal
  463. The Alchemy - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  464. The Covent - Vocals - Melodic Doom Metal
  465. The Great Collapse - Vocals – Death Metal/Metalcore
  466. The Last Embrace - Vocals - Atmospheric Metal
  467. The Legion of Hetheria - Soprano Vocals - Symphonic Metal
  468. The Mist and the Morning Dew - Vocals - Doomy Folk Metal
  469. The Plasmatics - Vocals – Heavy Metal
  470. The Project Hate MCMXCIX – Female Vocals - Industrial Melodic Death Metal
  471. The River – Vocals - Doom Metal
  472. The Season – Female Vocals - Gothic Metal
  473. The Soil Bleeds Black –Vocals - Medieval Neo-Folk Metal
  475. Theatres des Vampires - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  476. ThiSidUp - Vocals - Alternative/Experimental Death Metal
  477. Thorr's Hammer - Vocals - Doom/Death Metal
  478. Thuule Gothica - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  479. Thy Symphony - Vocals - Symphonic Power Metal
  480. Tiburon - Vocals - Death Metal
  483. Tourettes (Syndrome) - Vocals - Post-Thrash/Groove/Industrial Metal
  484. Tragodia – Female Vocals - Gothic Metal
  485. Trail of Tears - Vocals – Gothic/Symphonic Black Metal
  487. Triton Enigma - Vocals - Melodic Death Metal
  488. Trop Feross - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  489. Tuman/Tymah - Vocals – Black Metal
  490. Twelve Winters - Vocals – Gothic Metal
  491. Twin Obscenity – Female Vocals - Black/Pagan/Viking/Death Metal
  493. Underling - Vocals – Thrash/Metalcore
  494. Undoing the End – Female Vocals – Melodic Death Metal
  495. Undying - Vocals – Melodic Death Metal
  496. UneXpect - Vocals – Progressive
  497. Universe217 - Vocals - Experimental Doom Metal
  498. Uppercut - Vocals - Death/Thrash Metal
  499. Uruk-Hai – Female Vocals - Electronic Ambient Metal
  500. Unshine –Vocals - Gothic Metal
  502. Vagrant God – Vocals - Gothic Metal
  503. Vainglory - Vocals – Heavy/Speed Metal
  504. Valkyria (Swe) – Female Vocals - Folk Metal
  505. Valkyrie (Jpn) –Vocals - Melodic Progressive Heavy Metal
  506. Vanguard (Fin) – Female Vocals – Symphonic Gothic Metal (early) - Dark/Gothic Metal (now)
  507. Velvet Seal – Vocals – Gothic Metal
  508. Velvet Spider - Vocals - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
  509. Velvet Viper - Vocals - Power Metal
  510. Vennus Aeterna – Female Vocals - Gothic Metal
  511. Venom Viper - Vocals - Power Metal
  512. Vinterkrig – Soprano Vocals - Black Metal
  513. Virulys - Vocals – Death Metal/Metalcore
  515. Vivian Black - Vocals - Heavy/Black/Doom Metal
  516. Vociferation - Vocals - Death Metal
  517. War Machine - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  518. Warlock - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  519. Watch Me Burn - Vocals - Sludgy Thrash/Grind
  520. We Own The Night - Vocals – Thrash/Death/Metalcore
  521. Weinhold - Vocals – Heavy Metal
  522. Wetwork - Technical Death Metal - Vocals
  524. WhipKraft - Vocals – Industrial Gothic Metal
  525. Whisper from Heaven – Female Vocals – Dark/Symphonic/Progressive Metal
  526. Whispers of Fate - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  527. White Skull - Vocals - Power Metal
  528. Why She Kills – Growls and Clean Vocals - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
  529. Whyzdom - Vocals - Symphonic Metal
  530. WildeStarr – Vocals – Progressive Power Metal
  531. Wings of Fury – Soprano Vocals - Dark Gothic Metal
  533. Winter Haze - Vocals – Symphonic Power Metal
  534. Winterfallen - Vocals – Melodic Death/Black Metal
  535. WinterMoon (Prt) – Vocals – Melodic Doom Metal
  536. WinterStorm (Can) – Vocals – Power Metal
  537. Wishing Well - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  538. Witchbreed - Vocals - Progressive Dark Metal
  539. Witches - Vocals - Speed/Thrash Metal
  542. Wolfpack - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  543. Wretched Vixen - Vocals - Heavy/Thrash Metal
  544. Wurdalak - Vocals - Power Metal
  545. Wykked Wytch - Vocals - Black Metal
  546. X-Tinxion - Vocals - Thrash Metal
  548. Xendra - Vocals – Heavy Metal
  549. Xzoriath - Vocals – Symphonic Death Metal
  550. Yargos - Vocals – Progressive Metal
  551. Yawarhiem - Vocals – Power Metal
  552. Your Chance to Die - Vocals – Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore
  553. Zed Yago - Vocals - Heavy Metal
  554. Zelestial – Female Vocals/High Growls - Black Metal
  555. Zero Point - Vocals - Death/Thrash Metal
  556. Zion Ablaze - Vocals - Gothic Metal
  557. Znöwhite - Vocals - Speed Metal
  558. ZS Concept – Female Vocals - Black Metal
  562. Aghast - Everything - Dark Ambient
  563. Anashi - Everything – Heavy Metal
  564. Angelus (Hun) - Everything – Dark/Death/Doom with modern & extreme metal elements
  565. Aphasia - Everything - Power Metal
  566. Aresz - Everything - Heavy Metal
  568. Belle Gunness - Everything – Death Metal
  569. Blood Sundae - Everything – Gothic/Melodic/Death Metal
  570. Carnage Forsaken - Everything – Black/Death Metal
  571. Cyber Angel - Everything - Thrash Metal
  572. Dead Flowers - Everything - Heavy/Doom Metal
  573. Demonacy - Everything – Death Metal
  574. Dormatory Effect - Everything – Power/Groove Metal
  575. Diversia - Everything - Folk Metal
  576. Dracena - Everything - Heavy/Death Metal
  577. Drain - Everything - Heavy/Thrash Metal
  578. Estiercol - Everything - Death Metal
  579. Eve - Everything - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
  580. Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation - Everything - Death Metal/Grindcore
  581. Flammea - Everything – Thrash Metal
  582. Gallhammer - Everything - Crust
  583. Girlschool - Everything - Heavy Metal
  584. Grabesmond - Everything - Neoclassical/Ambient/Medieval
  585. Grey - Everything - Doom/Death Metal
  586. Hari Kari - Everything - Thrash Metal
  587. Hellen (US) - Everything - Metalcore
  588. Hildr Valkyrie - Everything – Viking/Folk Metal
  589. Ice Age - Everything – Thrash Metal
  590. Inharmonious - Everything - Thrash/Death Metal
  591. Insignificunt - Everything - Death Metal
  592. Jaded Lady - Everything - Heavy Metal
  593. Labei Ritual - Everything - Thrash/Death Metal
  594. Leather Angel - Everything – Heavy Metal
  595. Lochness (Cze) - Everything – Thrash Metal
  596. Lori Linstruth - Everything – Neoclassical Melodic Metal
  597. Lullaby - Everything – Doom/Black Metal
  598. Malibu Barbi - Everything – Power Metal
  599. Matriarch - Everything - Melodic Death/Black Metal
  600. Meanstreak - Everything - Power/Thrash Metal
  601. Meldrum - Everything - Heavy Metal
  602. Melencolia Estatica - Everything - Black Metal
  603. Menstruary - Everything – Death Metal/Grindcore
  604. Mortuary Hacking Session - Everything – Grindcore
  605. Mythic - Everything – Death/Doom Metal
  606. N.O.V.A.R.A. - Everything – Black Metal
  607. Nebelhexë - Everything – Ambient Folk Metal
  608. November Grief - Everything - Death Metal
  609. Origin of Silence - Everything - Progressive Metal
  610. Original Sin - Everything - Speed/Power Metal
  611. Phantom Blue - Everything - Power Metal
  612. Putrefied Beauty - Everything – Brutal Death Metal
  613. Rock Goddess - Everything – Traditional Heavy Metal
  614. Rosy Vista - Everything – Traditional Metal/ Hard Rock
  615. Sacralis - Everything - Old-school Death Metal
  616. Satanic Corpse - Everything - Black Metal
  617. Scatha - Everything - Heavy/Thrash Metal
  618. Severed Heaven - Everything - Death/Black Metal
  619. Sigmen - Everything – Death Metal
  620. Slag-9 - Everything - Death Metal
  621. Smut (US) - Everything - Heavy Metal
  622. The Ancient Queen - Everything - Raw Atmospheric Black Metal
  623. The Undertakers - Everything - Deathcore
  624. The Wage Of Sin - Everything – Metalcore
  625. Throne of Naya - Everything - Black/Death metal
  626. Tormentress - Everything - Thrash Metal
  627. Valhalla - Everything - Death Metal
  628. Venus - Everything - Heavy Metal/Industrial Rock
  629. Vixen - Everything - Heavy Metal/Rock
  630. Warbride - Everything – Melodic Heavy Metal
  631. Whiskey Blu - Everything – Heavy Metal
  632. Yellow Machinegun - Everything – Punk/Metal
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