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- local function minver(version)
- local res
- if _CC_VERSION then res = version <= _CC_VERSION
- elseif not _HOST then res = version <= os.version():gsub("CraftOS ", "")
- elseif _HOST:match("ComputerCraft 1%.1%d+") ~= version:match("1%.1%d+") then
- version = version:gsub("(1%.)([02-9])", "%10%2")
- local host = _HOST:gsub("(ComputerCraft 1%.)([02-9])", "%10%2")
- res = version <= host:match("ComputerCraft ([0-9%.]+)")
- else res = version <= _HOST:match("ComputerCraft ([0-9%.]+)") end
- assert(res, "This program requires ComputerCraft " .. version .. " or later.")
- end
- minver "1.85.0"
- local url = "wss://"
- if not string.pack then
- if not fs.exists("string_pack.lua") then
- print("Downloading string.pack polyfill...")
- local handle, err = http.get(url:gsub("^ws", "http") .. "string_pack.lua")
- if not handle then error("Could not download string.pack polyfill: " .. err) end
- local file, err ="string_pack.lua", "w")
- if not file then handle.close() error("Could not open string_pack.lua for writing: " .. err) end
- file.write(handle.readAll())
- handle.close()
- file.close()
- end
- local sp = dofile "string_pack.lua"
- for k,v in pairs(sp) do string[k] = v end
- end
- local rawterm
- if not fs.exists("rawterm.lua") or fs.getSize("rawterm.lua") ~= [[${SIZE}]] then
- print("Downloading rawterm API...")
- local handle, err = http.get(url:gsub("^ws", "http") .. "rawterm.lua")
- if not handle then error("Could not download rawterm API: " .. err) end
- local data = handle.readAll()
- handle.close()
- if fs.getFreeSpace("/") >= #data + 4096 then
- local file, err ="rawterm.lua", "w")
- if not file then error("Could not open rawterm.lua for writing: " .. err) end
- file.write(data)
- file.close()
- else rawterm = assert(load(data, "@rawterm.lua", "t"))() end
- end
- rawterm = rawterm or dofile "rawterm.lua"
- local arg, cmd = ...
- print("Connecting to " .. url .. "...")
- local conn, err = rawterm.wsDelegate(url .. arg, {["X-Rawterm-Is-Server"] = "Yes"})
- if not conn then error("Could not connect to server: " .. err) end
- local oldClose, oldReceive = conn.close, function()
- local full_url = url .. arg
- while true do
- local _, ws_url, contents, binary = os.pullEvent("websocket_message")
- if ws_url == full_url then
- return contents, binary
- end
- end
- end
- local isOpen = true
- function conn:close() isOpen = false return oldClose(self) end
- function conn:receive(...) local res repeat res = table.pack(pcall(oldReceive, self, ...)) until not (not ok and res[2]:match("Terminated$")) return table.unpack(res, 2, res.n) end
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- local win = rawterm.server(conn, w, h, 0, "ComputerCraft Remote Terminal: " .. (os.computerLabel() or ("Computer " .. os.computerID())), term.current())
- win.setVisible(false)
- local monitors, ids = {}, {[0] = true}
- local oldcall =
- for i, v in ipairs{peripheral.find "monitor"} do
- local mw, mh = v.getSize()
- local name = peripheral.getName(v)
- local methods = peripheral.getMethods(name)
- local p = {}
- for _, v in ipairs(methods) do p[v] = function(...) return oldcall(name, v, ...) end end
- monitors[name] = {id = i, win = rawterm.server(conn, mw, mh, i, "ComputerCraft Remote Terminal: Monitor " .. name, p, nil, nil, nil, true)}
- monitors[name].win.setVisible(false)
- ids[i] = true
- end
- function, method, ...)
- if monitors[side] then return monitors[side].win[method](...)
- else return oldcall(side, method, ...) end
- end
- local oldterm = term.redirect(win)
- local ok, tm
- ok, err = pcall(parallel.waitForAny, function()
- local coro = coroutine.create(
- local ok, filter = coroutine.resume(coro, cmd or (settings.get("bios.use_multishell") and "multishell" or "shell"))
- while ok and coroutine.status(coro) == "suspended" do
- local ev = {}
- local pullers = {function() ev = table.pack(win.pullEvent(filter, true, true)) end}
- for k, v in pairs(monitors) do pullers[#pullers+1] = function()
- ev = table.pack(, true, true))
- if ev[1] == "mouse_click" then ev = {"monitor_touch", k, ev[3], ev[4]}
- elseif ev[1] == "mouse_up" or ev[1] == "mouse_drag" or ev[1] == "mouse_scroll" or ev[1] == "mouse_move" then ev = {} end
- end end
- pullers[#pullers+1] = function()
- repeat ev = table.pack(os.pullEventRaw(filter)) until not (ev[1] == "websocket_message" and ev[2] == url .. arg) and not (ev[1] == "timer" and ev[2] == tm)
- end
- parallel.waitForAny(table.unpack(pullers))
- if ev[1] then ok, filter = coroutine.resume(coro, table.unpack(ev, 1, ev.n)) end
- end
- if not ok then err = filter end
- end, function()
- while isOpen do
- win.setVisible(true)
- win.setVisible(false)
- for _, v in pairs(monitors) do
- end
- tm = os.startTimer(0.05)
- repeat local ev, p = os.pullEventRaw("timer") until p == tm
- end
- end, function()
- while true do
- local ev, side = os.pullEventRaw()
- if ev == "peripheral" and peripheral.getType(side) == "monitor" and not monitors[side] then
- local id = #ids + 1
- local mw, mh = oldcall(side, "getSize")
- local methods = peripheral.getMethods(side)
- for _, v in ipairs(methods) do methods[v] = true end
- local p = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(_, idx) if methods[idx] then return function(...) return oldcall(side, idx, ...) end end end})
- monitors[side] = {id = id, win = rawterm.server(conn, mw, mh, id, "ComputerCraft Remote Terminal: Monitor " .. side, p, nil, nil, nil, true)}
- monitors[side].win.setVisible(false)
- ids[id] = true
- elseif ev == "peripheral_detach" and monitors[side] then
- monitors[side].win.close(true)
- ids[monitors[side].id] = nil
- monitors[side] = nil
- elseif ev == "term_resize" then
- win.reposition(nil, nil, term.getSize())
- elseif ev == "monitor_resize" and monitors[side] then
- monitors[side].win.reposition(nil, nil, oldcall(side, "getSize"))
- end
- end
- end)
- term.redirect(oldterm)
- for _, v in pairs(monitors) do end
- win.close()
- = oldcall
- if type(err) == "string" and not err:match("attempt to use closed file") then printError(err) end
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