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- /****************************************************
- * BY SUWACRAB 2020-21-06
- * REVISION DATE 2020-24-06
- *****************************************************/
- #ifndef KBOX_H
- #define KBOX_H
- /*----- type defines ------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef unsigned char u8;
- typedef unsigned short u16;
- typedef unsigned int u32;
- typedef signed char s8;
- typedef signed short s16;
- typedef signed int s32;
- #define INLINE static inline
- /*----- RAM defines -------------------------------------------------*/
- #define PACKED __attribute__((packed))
- #define ALIGN(n) __attribute__((aligned(n)))
- #define WRAM_LO ((volatile u8*)(0x20200000))
- #define WRAM_HI ((volatile u8*)(0x26000000))
- #define SCU_MEM ((volatile u8*)(0x25FE0000))
- #define DMA_MEM ((volatile u8*)(0xFFFFFF80))
- /*----- DMA defines -------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct CH_DMA {
- u32 src; /* $00 (SAR, source address) */
- u32 dst; /* $04 (DAR, destination address) */
- u32 cnt; /* $08 (TCR, transfer count) */
- u32 ctrl; /* $0C (CHCR, control, i guess) */
- } ALIGN(2) CH_DMA;
- typedef enum dma_sizes {
- DMA_SIZE_BYTE, /* $01 byte. */
- DMA_SIZE_WORD, /* $02 bytes. */
- DMA_SIZE_LONG, /* $04 bytes. */
- DMA_SIZE_128B /* $10 bytes! */
- } dma_sizes;
- // DMA channels, operation register, control registers
- #define DMA_REG ((volatile CH_DMA*)DMA_MEM)
- #define DMA_REG_OR ((volatile u32*)(0xFFFFFFB0))
- #define DMA_REG_CR ((volatile u8*)(0xFFFFFE71))
- // DMA destination is fixed, dest is incremented, dest is decremented
- // > used for changing the direction that the destination
- // > address goes during a transfer.
- #define DMA_DST_FIX (0<<14)
- #define DMA_DST_INC (1<<14)
- #define DMA_DST_DEC (2<<14)
- // DMA source fixed, src increments, src decrements
- // > same as the above, except with the source address.
- #define DMA_SRC_FIX (0<<12)
- #define DMA_SRC_INC (1<<12)
- #define DMA_SRC_DEC (2<<12)
- // DMA size
- // > controls the size of each unit transferred.
- // > $0 is 1 byte, $1 is 2 bytes, $2 is 4 bytes, $3 is 16 bytes.
- #define DMA_SIZE(n) (((n)&3)<<10)
- // DMA auto-request, interrupt enable, transfer-end, enable
- #define DMA_AR (1<<9)
- #define DMA_IE (1<<2)
- #define DMA_TE (1<<1)
- #define DMA_ON (1)
- // DMA master enable,NMIF,address error, priority
- #define DMA_DME (1)
- #define DMA_NMIF (1<<1)
- #define DMA_AE (1<<2)
- #define DMA_PR (1<<3)
- // stop all DMA transfers
- INLINE void sh2_dma_stop()
- { *DMA_REG_OR &= (DMA_AE | DMA_PR | DMA_NMIF); }
- // initialize DMA channels
- INLINE void sh2_dma_init()
- {
- sh2_dma_stop();
- DMA_REG[0].ctrl = 0;
- DMA_REG[1].ctrl = 0;
- }
- // check if DMA channel `ch` is active
- INLINE u32 sh2_dma_active(u32 ch)
- { return (!(DMA_REG[ch].ctrl&DMA_TE)) ? 1 : 0; }
- // blasts from `src` to `dst`, in `cnt` amount of transfers, using `mode`.
- INLINE void sh2_dma_blast(u32 ch, void *src,void *dst,u32 cnt,u32 mode)
- {
- // "why are you using assembly?" it's easier to debug in an emu, trust me.
- // alternatively, you may comment this part out and just use
- // the C section (ha) below.
- asm(
- // move src,dst,cnt
- "MOV.L %[src],@(0,%[ch])\t\n"
- "MOV.L %[dst],@(4,%[ch])\t\n"
- "MOV.L %[cnt],@(8,%[ch])\t\n"
- // REG_CR[ch] = 0
- "MOV #0,R0\t\n"
- "MOV.B R0,@%[cr]\t\n"
- // move ctrl to DMA_REG[ch].ctrl
- "MOV.L @(12,%[ch]),R0\t\n" // read from ctrl before writing.
- "MOV.L %[mode],@(12,%[ch])\t\n"
- :: [ch]"r"(((u32)&DMA_REG[ch])),[src]"r"(src),
- [dst]"r"(dst),[cnt]"r"(cnt),
- [mode]"r"(mode),[cr]"r"(((u32)&DMA_REG_CR[ch]))
- ); // */
- /* DMA_REG[ch].src = (u32)src;
- DMA_REG[ch].dst = (u32)dst;
- DMA_REG[ch].cnt = cnt;
- DMA_REG_CR[ch] = 0; // external request
- DMA_REG[ch].ctrl = (DMA_REG[ch].ctrl&0) | mode; // */
- }
- /* DMA example: copy $10 bytes from WRAM_LO[$000000] to WRAM_LO[$000100]
- * sh2_dma_init();
- *
- * sh2_dma_blast(0,
- * &WRAM_LO[0],&WRAM_LO[0x100],0x10,
- * );
- * // DMA_SRC_INC is so the source address increases
- * // DMA_DST_INC is so the destination address increases
- * // DMA_AR is so it the transfer occurs immediately...?
- ** idk what its actually for but if u dont put it in it doesn't copy
- */
- #endif
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