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- -- Data collection functions
- local scan = {}
- scan.clean = function(rawScan, posX, posY, posZ)
- local myPos =,0,0)
- if type(posX) == "number" then
- myPos.x = posX
- end
- if type(posY) == "number" then
- myPos.y = posY
- end
- if type(posZ) == "number" then
- myPos.z = posZ
- end
- local cleanedScan = {}
- for i = 1,#rawScan do
- local name = rawScan[i].name or ""
- if name:find(":") then name = name:sub(name:find(":")+1,#name) end
- rawScan[i].name = name
- if rawScan[i].name == "air" then
- rawScan[i].name = ""
- elseif rawScan[i].name == "concrete" or rawScan[i].name == "concrete_powder" or rawScan[i].name == "wool" or rawScan[i].name == "planks" or rawScan[i].name == "log" then
- if rawScan[i].state and rawScan[i].state.color then
- rawScan[i].name = rawScan[i].name .. "_" .. rawScan[i].state.color
- elseif rawScan[i].state and rawScan[i].state.variant then
- rawScan[i].name = rawScan[i].name .. "_" .. rawScan[i].state.variant
- end
- end
- local pos =[i].x,rawScan[i].y,rawScan[i].z)
- pos = pos + myPos
- cleanedScan[pos.y] = cleanedScan[pos.y] or {}
- cleanedScan[pos.y][pos.x] = cleanedScan[pos.y][pos.x] or {}
- cleanedScan[pos.y][pos.x][pos.z] = rawScan[i].name
- end
- return cleanedScan
- end
- scan.scanner = function(posX, posY, posZ)
- local rawScan = {}
- local scanner = peripheral.find("plethora:scanner")
- if not scanner then local modular = peripheral.find("manipulator") or peripheral.find("neuralInterface") end
- if modular and modular.hasModule("plethora:scanner") then scanner = modular end
- if not scanner then
- error("'.scanner()' requires Plethora Block Scanner. Try using '.inspect()' if unavailable.")
- else
- rawScan = scanner.scan()
- end
- local cleanedScan = scan.clean(rawScan, posX, posY, posZ)
- return cleanedScan
- end
- -- Use a turtle to scan blocks around it
- -- Returns absolute position if turtle co-ordinates are given, or relative if not
- -- Requires direction turtle is facing
- -- 'inspectAll' boolean determines whether the turtle will spin to get the remaining 3 blocks.
- scan.inspect = function(facing, inspectAll, posX, posY, posZ)
- local rawScan = {}
- if not turtle then
- error("Mode 'inspect' requires device to be a turtle.")
- elseif facing ~= "north" and facing ~= "east" and facing ~= "south" and facing ~= "west" then
- error("Mode 'inspect' requires direction turtle is currently facing (e.g. 'north')")
- elseif type(inspectAll) ~= "nil" and type(inspectAll) ~= "boolean" then
- error("Mode 'inspect' Argument #2 expects boolean, for whether to spin and get all surrounding blocks.")
- else
- local blockPos = {
- ["north"] = 0, 0,-1),
- ["east"] = 1, 0, 0),
- ["south"] = 0, 0, 1),
- ["west"] =, 0, 0),
- }
- rawScan[1] = {
- x = 0,
- y = 0,
- z = 0,
- name = "turtle"
- }
- rawScan[2] = {turtle.inspectUp()}
- if not rawScan[2][1] then rawScan[2][2] = {} end
- rawScan[2] = rawScan[2][2]
- rawScan[2].x = 0
- rawScan[2].y = 1
- rawScan[2].z = 0
- rawScan[3] = {turtle.inspectDown()}
- if not rawScan[3][1] then rawScan[3][2] = {} end
- rawScan[3] = rawScan[3][2]
- rawScan[3].x = 0
- rawScan[3].y = -1
- rawScan[3].z = 0
- rawScan[4] = {turtle.inspect()}
- if not rawScan[4][1] then rawScan[4][2] = {} end
- rawScan[4] = rawScan[4][2]
- rawScan[4].x = blockPos[facing].x
- rawScan[4].y = blockPos[facing].y
- rawScan[4].z = blockPos[facing].z
- if inspectAll == true then
- for i = 5,7 do
- turtle.turnRight()
- if facing == "north" then facing = "east"
- elseif facing == "east" then facing = "south"
- elseif facing == "south" then facing = "west"
- elseif facing == "west" then facing = "north" end
- rawScan[i] = {turtle.inspect()}
- if not rawScan[i][1] then rawScan[i][2] = {} end
- rawScan[i] = rawScan[i][2]
- rawScan[i].x = blockPos[facing].x
- rawScan[i].y = blockPos[facing].y
- rawScan[i].z = blockPos[facing].z
- end
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- end
- local cleanedScan = scan.clean(rawScan, posX, posY, posZ)
- return cleanedScan
- end
- -- Map utility functions
- local map = {}
- -- Convert raw map data into two tables: Blocks and air cluster
- map.compress = function(mapData)
- -- Sort the co-ordinates by size
- local coordinates = {}
- for y, xzTbl in pairs(mapData) do
- for x, zTbl in pairs(mapData[y]) do
- for z, _ in pairs(mapData[y][x]) do
- table.insert(coordinates, { y = y, x = x, z = z })
- end
- end
- end
- table.sort(coordinates, function(a, b)
- if a.y ~= b.y then
- return a.y < b.y
- elseif a.x ~= b.x then
- return a.x < b.x
- else
- return a.z < b.z
- end
- end)
- -- Split the sorted map into maps for air and blocks
- local airClusterMap = {}
- local discoveredMap = {}
- local currentAirCluster = nil
- local last = {y = nil, x = nil, z = nil}
- for _, coord in ipairs(coordinates) do
- local y, x, z = coord.y, coord.x, coord.z
- if currentAirCluster and y == last.y and x == last.x and z == last.z + 1 and mapData[y][x][z] == "" then
- currentAirCluster.e = z
- elseif currentAirCluster then
- airClusterMap[last.y] = airClusterMap[last.y] or {}
- airClusterMap[last.y][last.x] = airClusterMap[last.y][last.x] or {}
- currentAirCluster.e = last.z
- table.insert(airClusterMap[last.y][last.x], currentAirCluster)
- currentAirCluster = nil
- end
- if not currentAirCluster and mapData[y][x][z] == "" then
- currentAirCluster = { s = z }
- elseif mapData[y][x][z] ~= "" then
- discoveredMap[y] = discoveredMap[y] or {}
- discoveredMap[y][x] = discoveredMap[y][x] or {}
- discoveredMap[y][x][z] = mapData[y][x][z]
- end
- last = {y = y, x = x, z = z}
- end
- if currentAirCluster then
- airClusterMap[last.y] = airClusterMap[last.y] or {}
- airClusterMap[last.y][last.x] = airClusterMap[last.y][last.x] or {}
- currentAirCluster.e = last.z
- table.insert(airClusterMap[last.y][last.x], currentAirCluster)
- end
- local deflatedMap = {airClusterMap, discoveredMap}
- return deflatedMap
- end
- -- Convert a compressed map back into the raw format
- map.decompress = function(mapData)
- local inflatedMap = {}
- if #mapData == 2 then
- local airClusterMap, discoveredMap = unpack(mapData)
- if airClusterMap and discoveredMap then
- for y, clusterMapX in pairs(airClusterMap) do
- inflatedMap[y] = inflatedMap[y] or {}
- for x, clusterList in pairs(airClusterMap[y]) do
- inflatedMap[y][x] = inflatedMap[y][x] or {}
- for clusters, cluster in pairs(airClusterMap[y][x]) do
- for z = cluster.s, cluster.e do
- inflatedMap[y][x][z] = ""
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for y, discoveredXZ in pairs(discoveredMap) do
- inflatedMap[y] = inflatedMap[y] or {}
- for x, discoveredZ in pairs(discoveredMap[y]) do
- inflatedMap[y][x] = inflatedMap[y][x] or {}
- for z, blockName in pairs(discoveredMap[y][x]) do
- inflatedMap[y][x][z] = blockName
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return inflatedMap
- end
- -- Combine two maps, overlaps treat old map as outdated
- map.update = function(oldMap, newMap)
- local updatedMap = nil
- if type(oldMap) == "table" and type(newMap) == "table" then
- for y,xzTbl in pairs(newMap) do
- if oldMap[y] and type(newMap[y]) == "table" then
- for x,row in pairs(newMap[y]) do
- if oldMap[y][x] and type(newMap[y][x]) == "table" then
- for z,block in pairs(newMap[y][x]) do
- oldMap[y][x][z] = block
- end
- else
- oldMap[y][x] = row
- end
- end
- else
- oldMap[y] = xzTbl
- end
- end
- updatedMap = oldMap
- end
- return updatedMap
- end
- -- Return a table of map data trimmed for easy map drawing
- map.draw = function(mapTable, tileset, radius, midY, midX, midZ)
- if not mapTable then mapTable = {} end
- if not tileset then tileset = {} end
- if radius and type(radius) == "number" then
- radiusX = math.abs(radius)
- radiusZ = math.abs(radius)
- end
- local maxX,maxZ = term.current().getSize()
- if not radiusX or (radiusX*2)+1 > maxX then
- radiusX = (maxX / 2)
- if radiusX > math.floor(radiusX) then radiusX = math.floor(radiusX)
- else radiusX = radiusX - 1 end
- end
- if not radiusZ or (radiusZ*2)+1 > maxZ then
- radiusZ = (maxZ / 2)
- if radiusZ > math.floor(radiusZ) then radiusZ = math.floor(radiusZ)
- else radiusZ = radiusZ - 1 end
- end
- local mid =,0,0)
- if midY and type(midY) == "number" then
- mid.y = midY
- end
- if midX and type(midX) == "number" then
- mid.x = midX
- end
- if midZ and type(midZ) == "number" then
- mid.z = midZ
- end
- local drawnMap = {}
- for x = 1, 1+(2*radiusX) do
- if not drawnMap[x] then drawnMap[x] = {} end
- for z = 1, 1+(2*radiusZ) do
- if not drawnMap[x][z] then drawnMap[x][z] = {} end
- drawnMap[x][z].x = mid.x + x - 1 - radiusX
- drawnMap[x][z].y = mid.y
- drawnMap[x][z].z = mid.z + z - 1 - radiusZ
- if mapTable[mid.y] and mapTable[mid.y][drawnMap[x][z].x] and mapTable[mid.y][drawnMap[x][z].x][drawnMap[x][z].z] then
- drawnMap[x][z].name = mapTable[mid.y][drawnMap[x][z].x][drawnMap[x][z].z]
- else
- drawnMap[x][z].name = "unknown"
- end
- if drawnMap[x][z].name == "" then drawnMap[x][z].name = "air" end
- if tileset[drawnMap[x][z].name] then
- if tileset[drawnMap[x][z].name].tile then
- drawnMap[x][z].tile = tileset[drawnMap[x][z].name].tile
- end
- if tileset[drawnMap[x][z].name].fg then
- drawnMap[x][z].fg = tileset[drawnMap[x][z].name].fg
- end
- if tileset[drawnMap[x][z].name].bg then
- drawnMap[x][z].bg = tileset[drawnMap[x][z].name].bg
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return drawnMap
- end
- local isDead = function(node)
- for _,dead in pairs(deadNodes) do
- if node.y == dead.y and node.x == dead.x and node.z == dead.z then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local isVisited = function(node)
- for _,existing in pairs(path) do
- if node.y == existing.y and node.x == existing.x and node.z == existing.z then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local heuristic = function(node, goal)
- return math.abs(goal.x - node.x) + math.abs(goal.y - node.y) + math.abs(goal.z - node.z)
- end
- local findNext = function(current, goal, previous)
- local pNeighbours = {
- {x = current.x + 1, y = current.y, z = current.z},
- {x = current.x - 1, y = current.y, z = current.z},
- {x = current.x, y = current.y, z = current.z + 1},
- {x = current.x, y = current.y, z = current.z - 1},
- {x = current.x, y = current.y + 1, z = current.z},
- {x = current.x, y = current.y - 1, z = current.z},
- }
- local neighbours = {}
- for k, v in pairs(pNeighbours) do
- if mappedBlocks[v.y] and mappedBlocks[v.y][v.x] and mappedBlocks[v.y][v.x][v.z] == "" then
- local cost = 1 -- Assuming each movement has a cost of 1 for simplicity
- table.insert(neighbours, {x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z, cost = cost})
- end
- end
- table.sort(neighbours, function(a, b)
- return (a.cost + heuristic(a, goal)) < (b.cost + heuristic(b, goal))
- end)
- if #neighbours == 0 then
- table.insert(deadNodes, current)
- end
- return neighbours
- end
- local isValid = function(start,goal)
- if mappedBlocks[goal.y] and mappedBlocks[goal.y][goal.x] and mappedBlocks[goal.y][goal.x][goal.z] == "" then
- if #findNext(goal,start) > 0 and #findNext(start,goal) > 0 then
- --textutils.slowPrint(textutils.serialise(findNext(start,goal)))
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local findPath = function(start, goal, timeout)
- local time = os.clock() + timeout
- local found = false
- local exploredNodesCount = 0
- local maxStaleIterations = 10 -- Adjust this value based on your needs
- if isValid(start, goal) then
- while not isDead(start) and not found and os.clock() < time do
- if (path[#path].x == goal.x and path[#path].y == goal.y and path[#path].z == goal.z) then
- found = true
- break
- end
- os.queueEvent("yield")
- os.pullEvent("yield")
- local next = findNext(path[#path], goal, path[#path - 1])
- if #next == 0 then
- table.remove(path, #path)
- else
- local newNode = false
- for k, v in pairs(next) do
- if not isVisited(v) then
- newNode = true
- table.insert(path, v)
- exploredNodesCount = exploredNodesCount + 1
- break
- end
- end
- if not newNode then
- table.insert(deadNodes, path[#path])
- table.remove(path, #path)
- end
- end
- -- Check for staleness and break out of the loop if no progress is made
- if exploredNodesCount > 0 then
- exploredNodesCount = 0
- else
- maxStaleIterations = maxStaleIterations - 1
- if maxStaleIterations <= 0 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return found
- end
- local function isNeighbor(node1, node2)
- local dx = math.abs(node2.x - node1.x)
- local dy = math.abs(node2.y - node1.y)
- local dz = math.abs(node2.z - node1.z)
- return (dx == 1 and dy == 0 and dz == 0) or
- (dx == 0 and dy == 1 and dz == 0) or
- (dx == 0 and dy == 0 and dz == 1)
- end
- local function smoothPath(path)
- local smoothPath = {path[1]}
- local i = 1
- while i < #path - 1 do
- local j = i + 1
- local straightLine = isNeighbor(path[i], path[j])
- while j <= #path do
- if not mappedBlocks[path[j].y] or not mappedBlocks[path[j].y][path[j].x] or not mappedBlocks[path[j].y][path[j].x][path[j].z] == "" then
- break
- end
- local canSee = true
- for k = i + 1, j - 1 do
- if not isDead(path[k]) then
- canSee = false
- break
- end
- end
- if canSee then
- if not straightLine or isNeighbor(path[j - 1], path[j]) then
- smoothPath[#smoothPath + 1] = path[j]
- end
- i = j - 1
- break
- end
- j = j + 1
- straightLine = isNeighbor(path[i], path[j])
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- -- Ensure the smoothed path includes the end point
- smoothPath[#smoothPath + 1] = path[#path]
- return smoothPath
- end
- local function removeDetours(path)
- local i = 1
- while i <= #path - 2 do
- local j = #path
- while j > i + 1 do
- if isNeighbor(path[i], path[j]) then
- -- Nodes i and j are neighbors, remove the intermediate nodes
- for k = i + 1, j - 1 do
- table.remove(path, i + 1)
- end
- j = i + 2
- else
- j = j - 1
- end
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- return path
- end
- -- Find a route between two points using a given map
- mappedBlocks = {}
- map.pathfind = function(mapData, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, timeout)
- mappedBlocks = mapData
- local start = {x = tonumber(startX), y = tonumber(startY), z = tonumber(startZ)}
- local goal = {x = tonumber(endX), y = tonumber(endY), z = tonumber(endZ)}
- local timer = tonumber(timeout) or 5
- path = {start}
- deadNodes = {}
- local hasPath = findPath(start,goal,timer)
- if hasPath then
- findPath(goal,start,timer)
- path = removeDetours(path)
- path = smoothPath(path)
- foundPath = ""
- for i = 2,#path do
- local x = path[i].x - path[i-1].x
- local y = path[i].y - path[i-1].y
- local z = path[i].z - path[i-1].z
- if x > 0 then foundPath = foundPath.."e"
- elseif x < 0 then foundPath = foundPath.."w"
- elseif z > 0 then foundPath = foundPath.."s"
- elseif z < 0 then foundPath = foundPath.."n"
- elseif y > 0 then foundPath = foundPath.."u"
- elseif y < 0 then foundPath = foundPath.."d" end
- end
- return foundPath
- end
- return hasPath
- end
- map.query = function(mapData,blockName)
- local qResult = {}
- for y,_ in pairs(mapData) do
- for x,_ in pairs(mapData[y]) do
- for z,block in pairs(mapData[y][x]) do
- if block == blockName then
- table.insert(qResult, {x = x, y = y, z = z})
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return qResult
- end
- return {
- inspect = scan.inspect,
- scanner = scan.scanner,
- compress = map.compress,
- decompress = map.decompress,
- update = map.update,
- create = map.draw,
- path = map.pathfind,
- query = map.query,
- }
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