

Feb 21st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘What information is there to be given
  2. about Ragnarok? I have not heard tell of this before.’
  4. High said: ‘There are many important things to be told about it.
  5. First of all that a winter will come called fimbul-winter [mighty or
  6. mysterious winter]. Then snow will drift from all directions.
  7. There will then be great frosts and keen winds. The sun will do no
  8. good. There will be three of these winters together and no summer
  9. between. But before that there will come three other winters
  10. during which there will be great battles throughout the world.
  11. Then brothers will kill each other out of greed and no one will
  12. show mercy to father or son in killing or breaking the taboos of
  13. kinship. Thus it says in Voluspa:
  15. Brothers will fight and kill each other, cousins will break the
  16. bonds of their relationship. It will be harsh for heroes, much
  17. depravity, age of axes, age of swords, shields cloven, age of
  18. winds, age of wolves, until the world is ruined.
  20. Then something will happen that will be thought a most significant
  21. event, the wolf will swallow the sun, and people will think
  22. this a great disaster. Then the other wolf will catch the moon, and
  23. he also will cause much mischief. The stars will disappear from
  24. the sky. Then there will take place another event, the whole earth
  25. and mountains will shake so much that trees will become uprooted
  26. from the earth and the mountains will fall, and all fetters
  27. and bonds will snap and break. Then Fenriswolf will get free.
  28. Then the ocean will surge up on to the lands because the Midgard
  29. serpent will fly into a giant rage and make its way ashore. Then it
  30. will also happen that Naglfar will be loosed from its moorings, the
  31. ship of that name. It is made of dead people’s nails, and it is worth
  32. taking care lest anyone die with untrimmed nails, since such a
  33. person contributes much material to the ship Naglfar which gods
  34. and men wish would take a long time to finish. And in this flood
  35. Naglfar will be carried along. There is a giant called Hrym who
  36. will captain Naglfar. But Fenriswolf will go with mouth agape
  37. and its upper jaw will be against the sky and its lower one against
  38. the earth. It would gape wider if there was room. Flames will burn
  39. from its eyes and nostrils. The Midgard serpent will spit so much
  40. poison that it will bespatter all the sky and sea, and it will be very
  41. terrible, and it will be on one side of the wolf. Amid this turmoil
  42. the sky will open and from it will ride the sons of Muspell. Surt
  43. will ride in front, and both before and behind him there will be
  44. burning fire. His sword will be very fine. Light will shine from it
  45. more brightly than from the sun. And when they ride over Bifrost
  46. it will break, as was said above. Muspell’s lads will advance to the
  47. field called Vigrid. Then there will also arrive there Fenriswolf
  48. and the Midgard serpent. By then Loki will also have arrived there
  49. and Hrym and with him all the frost-giants, but with Loki will be
  50. all Hel’s people. But Muspell’s sons will have their own battle
  51. array; it will be very bright. The field Vigrid is a hundred leagues
  52. in each direction.
  54. ‘And when these events take place, Heimdall will stand up and
  55. blow mightily on Giallarhorn and awaken all the gods and they
  56. will hold a parliament together. Then Odin will ride to Mimir’s
  57. well and consult Mimir on his own and his people’s behalf. Then
  58. the ash Yggdrasil will shake and nothing will then be unafraid in
  59. heaven or on earth. The Æsir will put on their war gear, and so
  60. will all the Einheriar, and advance on to the field. Odin will ride in
  61. front with golden helmet and fine coat of mail and his spear called
  62. Gungnir. He will make for Fenriswolf, and Thor will advance at
  63. his side and be unable to aid him because he will have his hands
  64. full fighting the Midgard serpent. Freyr will fight Surt and there
  65. will be a harsh conflict before Freyr falls. The cause of his death
  66. will be that he will be without the good sword that he gave Skirnir.
  67. Then will also have got free the dog Garm, which is bound in front
  68. of Gnipahellir. This is the most evil creature. He will have a battle
  69. with Tyr and they will each be the death of the other. Thor will be
  70. victorious over the Midgard serpent and will step away from it
  71. nine paces. Then he will fall to the ground dead from the poison
  72. which the serpent will spit at him. The wolf will swallow Odin.
  73. That will be the cause of his death. And immediately after Vidar
  74. will come forward and step with one foot on the lower jaw of the
  75. wolf. On this foot he will have a shoe for which the material has
  76. been being collected throughout all time: it is the waste pieces that
  77. people cut from their shoes at the toe and heel. Therefore anyone
  78. that is concerned to give assistance to the Æsir must throw these
  79. pieces away. With one hand he will grasp the wolf’s upper jaw and
  80. tear apart its mouth and this will cause the wolf’s death. Loki will
  81. have a battle with Heimdall and they will cause each other’s
  82. death. After that Surt will fling fire over the earth and burn the
  83. whole world. Thus it is related in Voluspa:
  85. Loud blows Heimdall, his horn is aloft. Odin speaks with
  86. Mim’s head. The ash Yggdrasil shakes as it stands, the
  87. ancient tree groans, and the giant gets free.
  89. What is it with the Æsir? What is it with the elves? All
  90. Giantland resounds. Æsir are in council. Dwarfs groan
  91. before rock doorways, frequenters of rock-walls. Know you
  92. yet, or what?
  94. Hrym drives from the east holding his shield before him,
  95. Iormungand writhes in a giant rage. The serpent churns the
  96. waves, the eagle will screech with joy, darkly pale it tears
  97. corpses, Naglfar is loosed.
  99. A bark sails from the east, across the sea will come
  100. Muspell’s troops with Loki at the helm. All that monstrous
  101. brood are there with the wolf. In company with them is
  102. Byleist’s brother.
  104. Surt travels from the south with the stick-destroyer [fire].
  105. Shines from his sword the sun of the gods of the slain. Rock
  106. cliffs crash and troll-wives are abroad, heroes tread the road
  107. of Hel and heaven splits.
  109. Then Hlin’s second sorrow comes to pass as Odin goes to
  110. fight the wolf, and Beli’s bright slayer against Surt. There
  111. shall fall Frigg’s delight.
  113. Odin’s son goes to fight the wolf, Vidar on his way against
  114. the slaughterous beast. With his hand he lets his blade pierce
  115. Hvedrung’s son’s heart. So is his father avenged.
  117. Goes the great son of Hlodyn, dying, to the serpent who
  118. shrinks from no shame. All heroes shall leave the world
  119. when Midgard’s protector strikes in wrath.
  121. The sun will go dark, earth sink in the sea. From heaven
  122. vanish bright stars. Steam surges and life’s warmer [fire],
  123. high flame flickers against the very sky.
  125. It also says here:
  127. There is a field called Vigrid where shall meet in battle Surt
  128. and the sweet gods. A hundred leagues each way it is; this
  129. field is marked out for them.’
  131. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘What will happen then after heaven and
  132. earth and all the world is burned and all the gods and all Einheriar
  133. and all mankind are dead? You said previously that everyone
  134. shall live in some world or other for ever and ever.’
  136. Then said Third: ‘There will then be many mansions that are
  137. good, and many that are bad. The best place to be in heaven then
  138. will be Gimle, and there will be plenty of good drink for those that
  139. take pleasure in it in the hall called Brimir. That is also in heaven.
  140. That is also a good hall which is situated on Nidafioll, built of red
  141. gold. It is called Sindri. In these halls shall dwell good and virtuous
  142. people. On Nastrands is a large and unpleasant hall, and its doors
  143. face north. It is also woven out of snakes’ bodies like a wattled
  144. house, and the snakes’ heads all face inside the house and spit
  145. poison so that rivers of poison flow along the hall, and wading
  146. those rivers are oathbreakers and murderers, as it says here:
  148. I know a hall that stands far from the sun on Nastrand.
  149. North face the doors. Poison drops flow in through the
  150. smoke-hole. This hall is woven from snakes’ backs. There
  151. shall wade heavy streams men who are perjured and
  152. murderers.
  154. But it is worst in Hvergelmir:
  156. There Nidhogg torments the bodies of the dead.’
  158. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘Will there be any gods alive then? And
  159. will there be any kind of earth or sky?’
  161. High said: ‘The earth will shoot up out of the sea and will then
  162. be green and fair. Crops will grow unsown. Vidar and Vali will be
  163. alive, the sea and Surt’s fire not having harmed them, and they will
  164. dwell on Idavoll, where Asgard had been previously. And then
  165. Thor’s sons Modi and Magni will arrive, bringing Miollnir. After
  166. that Baldr and Hod will arrive from Hel. Then they will all sit
  167. down together and talk and discuss their mysteries and speak of
  168. the things that had happened in former times, of the Midgard
  169. serpent and Fenriswolf. Then they will find in the grass the golden
  170. playing pieces that had belonged to the Æsir. Thus it is said:
  172. Vidar and Vali will dwell in the gods’ holy places when
  173. Surt’s flame goes dark. Modi and Magni shall have Miollnir
  174. when Vingnir fights no more.
  176. And in a place called Hoddmimir’s holt two people will lie hid
  177. during Surt’s fire called Life and Leifthrasir, and their food will be
  178. the dews of morning. And from these people there will be
  179. descended such a great progeny that all the world will be inhabited. As it says here:
  181. Life and Leifthrasir, and they shall lie hid in Hoddmimir’s
  182. holt. Dews of morning they shall have as their food, and
  183. from them shall grow mankind.
  185. And this also will seem amazing to you, that the sun will have
  186. begotten a daughter no less fair than she is, and she shall follow
  187. the paths of her mother, as it says here:
  189. A daughter shall Alfrodul bear before Fenrir catches her.
  190. She shall ride, when the powers die, the maiden, her
  191. mother’s road.
  193. And now if you know any more questions to ask further into the
  194. future, I do not know where you will find answers, for I have
  195. heard no one relate the history of the world any further on in time.
  196. And may the knowledge you have gained do you good.’
  198. Next Gangleri heard great noises in every direction from him,
  199. and he looked out to one side. And when he looked around
  200. further he found he was standing out on open ground, could see
  201. no hall and no castle. Then he went off on his way and came back
  202. to his kingdom and told of the events he had seen and heard
  203. about. And from his account these stories passed from one person
  204. to another.
  207. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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