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- using Sandbox.Game.EntityComponents;
- using Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame;
- using Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces;
- using SpaceEngineers.Game.ModAPI.Ingame;
- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Collections.Immutable;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Security.Policy;
- using System.Text;
- using VRage;
- using VRage.Collections;
- using VRage.Game;
- using VRage.Game.Components;
- using VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel;
- using VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame;
- using VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.Utilities;
- using VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.Definitions;
- using VRageMath;
- using static IngameScript.Program;
- namespace IngameScript
- {
- partial class Program : MyGridProgram
- {
- static string extract(string s, string prefix, string suffix="")
- {
- var i = s.IndexOf(prefix);
- if (i >= 0)
- {
- s = s.Substring(i + prefix.Length);
- }
- else
- {
- return "";
- }
- if (suffix != "")
- {
- i = s.IndexOf(suffix);
- if (i >= 0)
- {
- s = s.Substring(0, i);
- }
- else
- {
- return "";
- }
- }
- return s;
- }
- public class SpeedSector
- {
- public Vector3D pos;
- public double radius;
- public string name;
- public string color;
- }
- public class GPS
- {
- public string name;
- public Vector3D pos;
- public string color;
- public GPS()
- {
- }
- public GPS(string str)
- {
- gps(str);
- }
- public GPS(GPS c)
- {
- name =;
- pos = c.pos;
- color = c.color;
- }
- public string gps()
- {
- return "GPS:" + name + ":" + pos.X.ToString("0.0") + ":" + pos.Y.ToString("0.0") + ":" + pos.Z.ToString("0.0") + ":"+color;//..""GPS:Mars Station:1200000:120000:500000:#FF90FF00:"
- }
- public void gps(string s)
- {
- var t = s.Split(':');
- if (t.Length > 3)
- {
- pos = new Vector3D(float.Parse(t[2]), float.Parse(t[3]), float.Parse(t[4]));
- name = t[1];
- color = t[5];
- }
- }
- }
- public class Plotter
- {
- public Plotter()
- {
- parsesectors();
- mkspheres();
- }
- string nexus_sectors = "GPS:Far Gate Zone - (R:80km):-9999999:-9999999:9999999:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Sol Gate - (R:80km):-3900000:3600000:-200000:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Uranus - (R:500km):-4200000:3000000:-250000:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:M2 - (R:300km):1550000:-800000:0:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Vesta - (R:300km):-1400000:1000000:-50000:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Tycho - (R:300km):1400000:1000000:-50000:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:T1 - (R:300km):1725000:0:0:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Pallas - (R:300km):0:-1725000:100000:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:P1 - (R:300km):-800000:-1550000:0:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:M1 - (R:300km):800000:-1550000:0:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:E1 - (R:300km):-1725000:0:0:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:E2 - (R:300km):-1500000:-900000:0:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:C1 - (R:300km):600000:1600000:0:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:C2 - (R:300km):-600000:1600000:0:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Earth - (R:400km):-800000:100000:80000:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Mars - (R:400km):750000:-750000:-80000:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Trojan Cluster - (R:400km):1600000:-2700000:445350:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Greek Cluster - (R:400km):-1600000:-2700000:-334490:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Ceres - (R:400km):0:2350000:100000:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Saturn - (R:750km):2800000:2000000:-100000:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Jupiter - (R:750km):0:-3200000:0:#FFFFFF00:\r\nGPS:Inner High Speed Zone - (R:4400km):0:0:0:#FFFFFF00:";
- public List<SpeedSector> sectors = new List<SpeedSector>();
- void parsesectors()
- {
- sectors.Clear();
- string[] lines = nexus_sectors.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n');
- foreach (var l in lines)
- {
- if (l.ToLower().Contains("high speed")) continue;
- string n = l.Replace("R:", "R;");
- SpeedSector s = new SpeedSector();
- s.pos = new GPS(n).pos;
- s.radius = 0;
- double.TryParse(extract(n, "R;", "km"), out s.radius);
- if (s.radius != 0)
- {
- s.radius *= 1000;
- = n.Split(':')[1].Split('-')[0].Trim();
- sectors.Add(s);
- }
- }
- }
- List<BoundingSphereD> sectorSpheres = new List<BoundingSphereD>();
- void mkspheres()
- {
- foreach (var z in sectors)
- {
- sectorSpheres.Add(new BoundingSphereD(z.pos, z.radius));
- }
- }
- public SpeedSector getSector(Vector3D p)
- {
- foreach (var sector in sectors)
- {
- if (Vector3.DistanceSquared(p, sector.pos) < sector.radius * sector.radius) return sector;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public List<GPS> calcroute(GPS start, GPS end, double pad)
- {
- List<GPS> route = new List<GPS>();
- var sa = getSector(start.pos);
- var sb = getSector(end.pos);
- if (sa != null && sb == sa) return new List<GPS>(new GPS[] { start, end });
- if (sa != null)
- {
- route.Add(closest_highspeed(start, pad, sa));
- }
- else route.Add(start);
- if (sb != null)
- {
- route.Add(closest_highspeed(end, pad, sb));
- }
- else route.Add(end);
- for (int i = 0; i < route.Count - 1;)
- {
- GPS a = route[i];
- GPS b = route[i + 1];
- Vector3D hit = Vector3D.Zero;
- var hitsector = checkObjectIntersect(a.pos, b.pos, out hit);
- if(hitsector != null)
- {
- GPS hitgps = new GPS(a);
- hitgps.pos = hit;
- GPS shoved = closest_highspeed(hitgps, pad);
- clog("intersected " + + " zone, adding divert at closest approach, " + (a.pos - shoved.pos).Length() + "m out at " + (shoved.pos).Length());
- route.Insert(i + 1, shoved);
- continue;
- }
- i++;
- }
- if(route[0] != start)
- {
- route.Insert(0, start);
- }
- if (route[route.Count-1] != end)
- {
- route.Add(end);
- }
- return route;
- }
- Vector3D rayHitPos(Vector3D start, Vector3D end, BoundingSphereD sphere)
- {
- var testLine = new RayD(start, Vector3D.Normalize(end - start));
- double? res = testLine.Intersects(sphere);
- if (res.HasValue)
- {
- Vector3D hp1 = start + (Vector3D.Normalize(end - start) * res.Value);
- return hp1;
- }
- return Vector3D.Zero;
- }
- SpeedSector checkObjectIntersect(Vector3D start, Vector3D end, out Vector3D hitpos)
- {
- SpeedSector r = null;
- int i = 0;
- foreach (var z in sectors)
- {
- var sphere = sectorSpheres[i];
- Vector3D hp1 = rayHitPos(start, end, sphere);
- if (hp1 != Vector3D.Zero)
- {
- Vector3D hp2 = rayHitPos(end, start, sphere);
- if (hp2 != Vector3D.Zero)
- {
- //not sure what happening here exactly, but it's possible to have a ray hit that isn't reversible, so check hp2
- //this occurred on the tycho-vesta route impacting "jupiter" despite making no sense
- hitpos = (hp1 + hp2) * 0.5;
- clog("hitpos is in " + sectors[i].name);// _getZoneName(AllSpeedZones[i]));// ;
- clog("hitpos is reporting " + getSector(hitpos)?.name);
- clog("hp1 m " + hp1.Length());
- clog("hp2 m " + hp1.Length());
- clog("hp m " + hitpos.Length());
- return z;
- }
- else
- {
- //clog("no hit on " +;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //clog("no hit on " +;
- }
- i += 1;
- }
- hitpos = Vector3D.Zero;
- return r;
- }
- static int cnt = 0;
- GPS closest_highspeed(GPS gps, double padding, SpeedSector zone = null)
- {
- SpeedSector s_z = zone;
- if (s_z == null) s_z = getSector(gps.pos);
- if (s_z == null) return null;
- Vector3D pushed_out = s_z.pos + (Vector3D.Normalize(gps.pos - s_z.pos) * (s_z.radius + padding));
- GPS ngps = new GPS(gps);
- = cnt + "";
- cnt++;
- ngps.pos = pushed_out;
- return ngps;
- }
- }
- public Plotter plotter = new Plotter();
- }
- }
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