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- local DIRECTORY = 1
- local FILE = 2
- local ENTRY_POINT = "LuxOS/main.lua"
- local package = {
- name = "LuxOS",
- type = DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- {
- name = "autorun",
- type = DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- {
- name = "lib.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 1
- },
- {
- name = "registered",
- type = DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- }
- },
- {
- name = "routine.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 2
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name = "boot",
- type = DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- {
- name = "routine.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 3
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name = "kernel.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 4
- },
- {
- name = "lux.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 5
- },
- {
- name = "luxnet",
- type = DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- {
- name = "lib.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 6
- },
- {
- name = "routine.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 7
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name = "luxUI",
- type = DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- {
- name = "routine.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 8
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name = "main.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 9
- },
- {
- name = "processes",
- type = DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- {
- name = "lib.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 10
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name = "services",
- type = DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- {
- name = "lib.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 11
- },
- {
- name = "routine.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 12
- },
- {
- name = "scripts",
- type = DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name = "syscall.lua",
- type = FILE,
- code = 13
- }
- }
- }
- local raw_package = {
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- This the standart autorun Lux API. Use it to register/unregister scripts that should be run at startup.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- _G.autorun = {} -- The autorun Lux API. Allows you to add and manage Lua script files to be run at system startup.
- autorun.register =
- "autorun.register",
- ---Registers a script file to be run at system startup.
- ---@param script_path string The path to the script file to register.
- ---@return string name The name under which the script will be referenced.
- function (script_path)
- if type(script_path) ~= "string" then
- error("expected string, got '"..type(script_path).."'", 2)
- end
- local ok, name_or_err = syscall.trampoline(script_path)
- if ok then
- return name_or_err
- else
- error(name_or_err, 2)
- end
- end
- )
- autorun.unregister =
- "autorun.unregister",
- ---Unregisters an autorun script that has been run at system startup.
- ---@param name string The name under which the script is registered.
- function (name)
- if type(name) ~= "string" then
- error("expected string, got '"..type(name).."'", 2)
- end
- local ok, err = syscall.trampoline(name)
- if not ok then
- error(err, 2)
- end
- end
- )
- autorun.enumerate =
- "autorun.enumerate",
- ---Returns the array of the names of the currently registered autorun scripts.
- ---@return string[] names The names of the autorun scripts.
- function ()
- local ok, names_or_err = syscall.trampoline()
- if not ok then
- error(names_or_err, 2)
- else
- return names_or_err
- end
- end
- )
- autorun.running_startup_scripts =
- "autorun.running_startup_scripts",
- ---Returns the list of currently running startup scripts.
- ---@return string[] running The running script names.
- function ()
- local ok, running_or_err = syscall.trampoline()
- if not ok then
- error(running_or_err, 2)
- else
- return running_or_err
- end
- end
- )
- ---Returns true if all the startup scripts have returned.
- ---@return boolean finished Is startup finished?
- function autorun.is_startup_finished()
- return #(autorun.running_startup_scripts()) == 0
- end
- return {["autorun"] = autorun}]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- Routine for the autorun Lux package. Runs all the scripts registered for startup then halts.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- local AUTORUN_FS_STRUCTURE = kernel.filesystem_structure{
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "LuxOS",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "autorun",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "registered",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY
- },
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "routine.lua",
- type = kernel.FILE
- },
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "lib.lua",
- type = kernel.FILE
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- local REGISTERED_SCRIPTS_DIR = "LuxOS/autorun/registered/"
- local script_coroutines = {} ---@type {[string] : thread}
- ---Answers the system calls to autorun.register.
- local function answer_calls_to_register(...)
- local args = {...}
- if #args ~= 1 then
- return false, "syscall got "..tostring(#args).." parameters, expected 1"
- else
- local script_path = args[1]
- if type(script_path) ~= "string" then
- return false, "expected string, got '"..type(args[1]).."'"
- elseif not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, script_path) then
- return false, "given script file does not exist: '"..script_path.."'"
- elseif kernel.panic_pcall("fs.isDir", fs.isDir, script_path) then
- return false, "given script file is not a file: '"..script_path.."'"
- else
- local name = kernel.panic_pcall("fs.getName", fs.getName, script_path)
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, then
- return false, "a registered autorun script with name '""' already exists."
- else
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.copy", fs.copy, script_path,
- return true, name
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ---Answers the system calls to autorun.unregister.
- local function answer_calls_to_unregister(...)
- local args = {...}
- if #args ~= 1 then
- return false, "syscall got "..tostring(#args).." parameters, expected 1"
- else
- local name = args[1]
- if type(name) ~= "string" then
- return false, "expected string, got '"..type(args[1]).."'"
- elseif not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, then
- return false, "no such registered script: '""'"
- else
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.delete", fs.delete,
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- ---Answers the system calls to autorun.enumerate.
- local function answer_calls_to_enumerate(...)
- local args = {...}
- if #args > 0 then
- return false, "syscall got "..tostring(#args).." parameters, expected 0"
- else
- return true, kernel.panic_pcall("fs.list", fs.list, REGISTERED_SCRIPTS_DIR)
- end
- end
- local function answer_calls_to_running_startup_scripts(...)
- local args = {...}
- if #args > 0 then
- return false, "syscall got "..tostring(#args).." parameters, expected 0"
- else
- local running = {} ---@type string[]
- for name, coro in pairs(script_coroutines) do
- if coroutine.status(coro) ~= "dead" then
- table.insert(running, name)
- end
- end
- return true, running
- end
- end
- ---Internal function that runs the given program in user space.
- ---@param path string The path to the Lua script file to run
- local function execute_program(path)
- coroutine.yield()
- local func, err = loadfile(path, os.create_user_environment())
- if not func then
- term.setTextColor(
- print("Error while executing autorun script '"..path.."':\n"..err)
- end
- local ok, err = kernel.run_function_in_user_space(pcall, func)
- if not ok then
- term.setTextColor(
- print("Error while executing autorun script '"..path.."':\n"..err)
- end
- end
- ---Runs all the autorun-registered script files in parallel and returns.
- local function execute_autorun()
- for index, script_name in pairs(kernel.panic_pcall("fs.list", fs.list, "LuxOS/autorun/registered")) do
- local script_path = "LuxOS/autorun/registered/"..script_name
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.isDir", fs.isDir, script_path) then
- kernel.panic("A folder '"..script_name.."' found its way in the 'LuxOS/autorun/registered/' script directory.")
- end
- local coro = coroutine.create(kernel.panic_pcall)
- kernel.promote_coroutine(coro)
- local ok, err = coroutine.resume(coro, "execute_program", execute_program, script_path)
- if not ok then
- kernel.panic("Error while creating autorun script coroutine for '"..script_name.."':\n"..err)
- end
- script_coroutines[script_name] = coro
- end
- syscall.affect_routine(autorun.register, answer_calls_to_register)
- syscall.affect_routine(autorun.unregister, answer_calls_to_unregister)
- syscall.affect_routine(autorun.enumerate, answer_calls_to_enumerate)
- syscall.affect_routine(autorun.running_startup_scripts, answer_calls_to_running_startup_scripts)
- kernel.mark_routine_ready()
- local running = true
- local event = {}
- while true do
- running = false
- for name, coro in pairs(script_coroutines) do
- if coroutine.status(coro) ~= "dead" then
- coroutine.resume(coro, table.unpack(event))
- end
- if coroutine.status(coro) ~= "dead" then
- running = true
- end
- end
- if kernel.is_system_shutting_down() then
- kernel.mark_routine_offline(false)
- end
- if running then
- event = {coroutine.yield()}
- else
- return
- end
- end
- end
- local function main()
- kernel.validate_filesystem_structure(AUTORUN_FS_STRUCTURE)
- execute_autorun()
- kernel.mark_routine_offline()
- end
- return main]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- This routine ensures that LuxOS will boot successfully.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- -- while true do print(textutils.serialize({os.pullEvent()})) end
- local WATCH_KEYS = {keys.s, keys.r}
- local CTRL_LEFT = keys.leftCtrl
- local CTRL_RIGHT = keys.rightCtrl
- local BOOT_FS_STRUCTURE = kernel.filesystem_structure{
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "LuxOS",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "boot",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "routine.lua",
- type = kernel.FILE
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- local function main()
- kernel.validate_filesystem_structure(BOOT_FS_STRUCTURE)
- local settings_set = settings.set
- local settings_save =
- local open =
- local ctrl_left = false
- local ctrl_right = false
- local last_save = -math.huge
- local function ensure_boot(force)
- if force or os.time() - last_save > 0.01 then
- settings_set("shell.allow_startup", true)
- settings_set("shell.allow_disk_startup", false)
- settings_save(".settings")
- local file = open("startup", "w")
- file.write("dofile('LuxOS/main.lua')")
- file.close()
- last_save = os.time()
- end
- end
- kernel.panic_pcall("ensure_boot", ensure_boot)
- kernel.mark_routine_ready()
- while true do
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- if kernel.is_system_shutting_down() then
- break
- end
- if event[1] == "key" then
- local key = event[2]
- if key == CTRL_LEFT then
- ctrl_left = true
- elseif key == CTRL_RIGHT then
- ctrl_right = true
- elseif ctrl_left or ctrl_right then
- for _, k in ipairs(WATCH_KEYS) do
- if k == key then
- kernel.panic_pcall("ensure_boot", ensure_boot)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif event[1] == "key_up" then
- local key = event[2]
- if key == CTRL_LEFT then
- ctrl_left = false
- elseif key == CTRL_RIGHT then
- ctrl_right = false
- end
- end
- end
- kernel.panic_pcall("ensure_boot", ensure_boot, true)
- kernel.mark_routine_offline()
- end
- return main]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- The Lux kernel API. Used only by Lux code!
- ]].."]]"..[[
- _G.kernel = {} --- The kernel API. Used mostly by the Lux kernel. Most of its functions are not available in user space.
- libraries.kernel = kernel
- local main_coro = coroutine.running()
- local kernel_coroutines = {[main_coro] = main_coro} ---@type {[thread] : thread} Stores the kernel coroutines. The Key is the allowed coroutine and the value is the coroutine that added it.
- ---Checks that the caller runs in kernel space. Throws an error above ther caller otherwise.
- function kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- if not kernel.kernel_space() then
- error("Kernel-space-only function.", 3)
- end
- end
- local current_coroutine = coroutine.running
- ---Returns whether or not this code is running in kernel space.
- ---@return boolean in_kernel_space If true, you are currently in kernel space. false otherwise.
- function kernel.kernel_space()
- local coro, is_main = current_coroutine()
- return kernel_coroutines[coro] ~= nil
- end
- ---Makes a coroutine a kernel coroutine.
- ---@param coro thread
- function kernel.promote_coroutine(coro)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- local current_coroutine = current_coroutine()
- kernel_coroutines[coro] = current_coroutine
- end
- ---Lux Kernel panic. Stops everything and prints the error.
- ---@param message string The message to print on the purple screen.
- ---@param level integer? The stacktrace level to trace the error back to. Default (0) is the the line where panic was called, 1 is where the function that called panic was called, etc.
- function kernel.panic(message, level)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- if level == nil then
- level = 0
- end
- if type(message) ~= "string" then
- local ok, res = pcall(textutils.serialise, message)
- if ok then
- message = "Panic error: panic() received a non-string object:\n"..res
- else
- message = "Panic error: panic() received a non-string object:\n"..tostring(message)
- end
- end
- local ok, res = pcall(error, "", 3 + level)
- os.queueEvent("Lux_panic", res..message)
- while true do
- coroutine.yield()
- end
- end
- ---Calls the function in kernel protected mode: if an error is raised by this function, causes kernel panic.
- ---Returns what the function had returned on success.
- ---@generic R
- ---@generic P
- ---@param func_name string The name of the function to call. Used when panicking for better traceback.
- ---@param func fun(... : P) : R The function to call.
- ---@param ... any The arguments to call the function with.
- ---@return R func_return The return value(s) of the function.
- function kernel.panic_pcall(func_name, func, ...)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- local res = {pcall(func, ...)}
- if not res[1] then
- kernel.panic("Error while calling the function '"..tostring(func_name).."':\n"..tostring(res[2]), 1)
- end
- table.remove(res, 1)
- return table.unpack(res)
- end
- ---Runs the given function in user space (re-entering and leaving kernel space around each yield).
- ---Note that if this function raises an error, it will still cause a kernel panic.
- ---@generic P
- ---@generic R
- ---@param func fun(... : P) : R The function to run in user space.
- ---@param ... P The arguments to pass to the function.
- ---@return R func_return The return value(s) of the function
- function kernel.run_function_in_user_space(func, ...)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- local coro = coroutine.create(func)
- local res = {coroutine.resume(coro, ...)}
- local ok, err = res[1], res[2]
- table.remove(res, 1)
- while true do
- if not ok then
- kernel.panic("An error occured while running a function in user space:\n"..err)
- end
- if coroutine.status(coro) == "dead" then
- return table.unpack(res)
- end
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- res = {coroutine.resume(coro, table.unpack(event))}
- ok, err = res[1], res[2]
- table.remove(res, 1)
- end
- end
- local routine_coroutines = {} ---@type {[string] : thread}
- local current_routine = nil ---@type string?
- local routines_ready = {} ---@type {[string] : boolean}
- local routines_offline = {} ---@type {[string] : boolean}
- local private_event = {} ---@type {[string] : string}
- ---Register a new system routine. Only called by the main scheduler.
- ---@param name string The name of the coroutine.
- ---@param coro thread The coroutine object itself.
- function kernel.register_routine(name, coro)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- kernel.promote_coroutine(coro)
- for iname, icoro in pairs(routine_coroutines) do
- if name == iname then
- kernel.panic("Routine '""' has already been registered.")
- end
- end
- routine_coroutines[name] = coro
- routines_ready[name] = false
- routines_offline[name] = false
- end
- ---Sets the name of the currently running routine.
- ---@param name string? The name of the current routine.
- function kernel.set_current_routine(name)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- current_routine = name
- end
- ---Returns the name of the currently running system routine.
- ---@return string name The name of the current system routine.
- function kernel.current_routine()
- if current_routine == nil then
- kernel.panic("Calling function 'kernel.current_routine' outside of a routine.")
- else
- return current_routine
- end
- return "nil"
- end
- ---Returns a dictionnary of all the existing routines.
- ---@return { [string]: thread } routines The existing routine, indexed by names.
- function kernel.routines()
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- return routine_coroutines
- end
- ---Registers an event as private to the currently running routine.
- ---@param event_name string The name of the event to make private.
- function kernel.make_event_private(event_name)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- if private_event[event_name] ~= nil then
- kernel.panic("Event '"..event_name.."' is already private to routine '"..private_event[event_name].."'.")
- end
- private_event[event_name] = kernel.current_routine()
- end
- ---Returns a table of the routines to run for a given event.
- ---@param event_name string The name of the event to get the routines for.
- ---@return {[string] : thread} routines The routines to run for the event.
- function kernel.get_routines_for_event(event_name)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- if private_event[event_name] ~= nil then
- return {[private_event[event_name]].."]]"..[[ = routine_coroutines[private_event[event_name]].."]]"..[[}
- else
- return kernel.routines()
- end
- end
- ---Marks the currently running routine as ready to start LuxOS.
- ---@param halt boolean? If true (default), waits until all the other routines are ready to start.
- function kernel.mark_routine_ready(halt)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- if halt == nil then
- halt = true
- end
- local name = kernel.current_routine()
- if routines_ready[name] == nil then
- kernel.panic("Unknown routine '""' tried to mark itself ready.", 1)
- end
- routines_ready[name] = true
- while not kernel.is_system_ready() do
- coroutine.yield()
- end
- end
- ---Returns true when the system is ready to run (i.e. when all routines haved marked themselves ready).
- ---@return boolean ready Is LuxOS ready to run?
- function kernel.is_system_ready()
- for name, ready in pairs(routines_ready) do
- if not ready then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- ---Returns an array of the routines that have yet to finish startup.
- ---@param event_name string The name of the event to get the routines for.
- ---@return {[string] : thread} not_ready The routines' coroutines to run to finish startup.
- function kernel.starting_routines(event_name)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- if private_event[event_name] ~= nil and not routines_ready[private_event[event_name]].."]]"..[[ then
- return {[private_event[event_name]].."]]"..[[ = routine_coroutines[private_event[event_name]].."]]"..[[}
- end
- local not_ready = {}
- for name, ready in pairs(routines_ready) do
- if not ready then
- not_ready[name] = routine_coroutines[name]
- end
- end
- return not_ready
- end
- ---Marks the currently running routine as offline and ready for shutdown.
- ---@param halt boolean? If true (default), this function will halt forever, awaiting shutdown.
- function kernel.mark_routine_offline(halt)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- if halt == nil then
- halt = true
- end
- local name = kernel.current_routine()
- if routines_offline[name] == nil then
- kernel.panic("Unknown routine '""' tried to mark itself offline.", 1)
- end
- routines_offline[name] = true
- if halt then
- while true do
- coroutine.yield()
- end
- end
- end
- ---Returns true when the system is ready for shutdown (i.e. when all routines haved marked themselves offline).
- ---@return boolean offline Is LuxOS ready to shutdown?
- function kernel.is_system_offline()
- for name, offline in pairs(routines_offline) do
- if not offline then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- ---Returns an array of the routines that have yet to finish shutting down.
- ---@param event_name string The name of the event to get the routines for.
- ---@return {[string] : thread} not_ready The routines' coroutines to run to finish shutdown.
- function kernel.disconnecting_routines(event_name)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- if private_event[event_name] ~= nil and not routines_offline[private_event[event_name]].."]]"..[[ then
- return {[private_event[event_name]].."]]"..[[ = routine_coroutines[private_event[event_name]].."]]"..[[}
- end
- local not_offline = {}
- for name, offline in pairs(routines_offline) do
- if not offline then
- not_offline[name] = routine_coroutines[name]
- end
- end
- return not_offline
- end
- local SHUTTING_DOWN = false
- ---Returns true if the kernel has initialized shutdown.
- ---@return boolean shutting_down
- function kernel.is_system_shutting_down()
- end
- ---Initializes kernel shutdown. Should only be called once.
- function kernel.initialize_shutdown()
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- kernel.panic("Shutdown has already been initialized.", 1)
- end
- end
- --- A class to represent a filesystem node for kernel runtime checks. See function 'kernel.chec'
- ---@class FS_Node
- ---@field name string
- ---@field type FS_Node_type
- ---@field mode FileModes | DirectoryModes
- ---@field children FS_Node[]
- local FS_Node = {}
- FS_Node.__index = FS_Node
- FS_Node.__name = "FS_Node"
- local i = 1
- ---Internal function used to create enums.
- ---@return integer
- local function enum()
- local res = i
- i = i * 2
- return res
- end
- ---@enum FileModes
- kernel.FILE = {
- EXISTS = enum(), -- Checks that the file exists and is not a directory. Panics otherwise.
- ENSURE_EXISTS = enum(), -- Ensures that the file does exist, creating an empty file if not and deleting recursively directories with the same name.
- DOES_NOT_EXIST = enum(), -- Checks that the file does not exist nor a that a directory with the same name exists. Panics otherwise.
- ENSURE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS = enum(), -- Ensures that the file does not exist, deleting it or deleting recursively directories with the same name.
- }
- ---@enum DirectoryModes
- kernel.DIRECTORY = {
- EXISTS = enum(), -- Checks that the directory exists and is not a file. Panics otherwise.
- ENSURE_EXISTS = enum(), -- Ensures that the directory does exist, creating an empty directory if not and deleting files with the same name.
- DOES_NOT_EXIST = enum(), -- Checks that the directory does not exist nor a that a file with the same name exists. Panics otherwise.
- ENSURE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS = enum(), -- Ensures that the directory does not exist, deleting it recursively or deleting files with the same name.
- }
- ---@alias FS_Node_type `kernel.FILE` | `kernel.DIRECTORY`
- ---Creates a new node for a file system structure tree.
- ---@param obj {name : string, type : FS_Node_type, mode : FileModes | DirectoryModes ?, children : FS_Node[]?}
- function FS_Node:new(obj)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- local fs_struct = obj or {}
- setmetatable(fs_struct, self)
- if type( ~= "string" then
- kernel.panic("FS_Node's 'name' field should be a string, not '"..type("'", 1)
- end
- if fs_struct.type ~= kernel.FILE and fs_struct.type ~= kernel.DIRECTORY then
- kernel.panic("FS_Node's 'type' field should be either 'FS_Node.FILE' or 'FS_Node.DIRECTORY', not '"..tostring(fs_struct.type).."'", 1)
- end
- if not fs_struct.mode then
- if fs_struct.type == kernel.FILE then
- fs_struct.mode = kernel.FILE.EXISTS
- else
- fs_struct.mode = kernel.DIRECTORY.EXISTS
- end
- else
- local ok = false
- for mode_name, mode_value in pairs(fs_struct.type) do
- if fs_struct.mode == mode_value then
- ok = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not ok then
- kernel.panic("Unrecognized "..((fs_struct.type == kernel.FILE) and "file" or "directory").." mode: "..tostring(fs_struct.mode), 1)
- end
- end
- if type(fs_struct.children) ~= "table" and fs_struct.children ~= nil then
- kernel.panic("FS_Node's 'children' field should be a table, not '"..type(fs_struct.children).."'", 1)
- end
- local children = fs_struct.children or {}
- fs_struct.children = {}
- for index, child in ipairs(children) do
- if type(child) ~= type(fs_struct) then
- kernel.panic("FS_Node children should also be '"..type(child).."', not '"..type(fs_struct).."'", 1)
- end
- if not rawequal(getmetatable(child), self) then
- kernel.panic("FS_Node children should also be '"..type(child).."', not '"..type(fs_struct).."' (different metatables)", 1)
- end
- table.insert(fs_struct.children, child)
- end
- if #fs_struct.children > 0 and fs_struct.type == kernel.FILE then
- kernel.panic("FS_Node of type FILE has "..tostring(#fs_struct.children).." children.")
- end
- if #fs_struct.children > 0 and (fs_struct.mode == kernel.DIRECTORY.DOES_NOT_EXIST or fs_struct.mode == kernel.DIRECTORY.ENSURE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS) then
- kernel.panic("FS_Node of type DIRECTORY has "..tostring(#fs_struct.children).." children with mode '"..((fs_struct.mode == kernel.DIRECTORY.DOES_NOT_EXIST) and "DOES_NOT_EXIST" or "ENSURE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS").."'.")
- end
- return fs_struct
- end
- ---Creates a new filesystem structure tree, starting from the root.
- ---@param root_items {children : FS_Node[]}
- function kernel.filesystem_structure(root_items)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- return FS_Node:new{
- name = "",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = root_items
- }
- end
- ---Creates a new node for a file system structure tree.
- ---@param node {name : string, type : FS_Node_type, mode : FileModes | DirectoryModes ?, children : FS_Node[]?} A table hodling the required information about the node.
- ---@return FS_Node node The new filesystem node.
- function kernel.filesystem_node(node)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- return FS_Node:new(node)
- end
- --]].."[["..[[Ensures that the given filesystem structure exists. Panics if not. Here is an example of such a structure:
- local filesystem = kernel.filesystem_structure{ -- Implicitely creates the root directory.
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "startup.lua", -- A startup file at the root.
- type = kernel.FILE
- },
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "tmp", -- A possible tmp directory...
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- mode = kernel.DIRECTORY.IS_NOT_FILE -- long as it does not exist as a file.
- },
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "LuxOS", -- The LuxOS directory at the root.
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "kernel.lua",
- type = kernel.FILE -- A kernel file inside LuxOS.
- }
- }
- }
- }
- kernel.validate_filesystem_structure(filesystem) -- Panics if the described filesystem structure does not exist.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- ---@param structure FS_Node The structure. A FS_Node object.
- function kernel.validate_filesystem_structure(structure)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- ---Inner recursive structure checker
- ---@param sub_structure FS_Node Directory to check.
- ---@param root string The path of the parent directory.
- ---@param level integer The depth in the filesystem + 1.
- local function recursive_structure_validation(sub_structure, root, level)
- for index, child_node in ipairs(sub_structure.children) do
- local path =
- if child_node.type == kernel.FILE then
- if child_node.mode == kernel.FILE.EXISTS then
- if not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, path) then
- kernel.panic("Required file node '"..path.."' does not exist.", level)
- end
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.isDir", fs.isDir, path) then
- kernel.panic("Required file node '"..path.."' exists but is a directory.", level)
- end
- elseif child_node.mode == kernel.FILE.ENSURE_EXISTS then
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, path) and kernel.panic_pcall("fs.isDir", fs.isDir, path) then
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.delete", fs.delete, path)
- end
- if not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, path) then
- local h = kernel.panic_pcall("",, path, "w")
- kernel.panic_pcall("h.close", h.close)
- end
- elseif child_node.mode == kernel.FILE.DOES_NOT_EXIST then
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, path) then
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.isDir", fs.isDir, path) then
- kernel.panic("Forbidden file node '"..path.."' exists as a directory.", level)
- end
- kernel.panic("Forbidden file node '"..path.."' exists.", level)
- end
- elseif child_node.mode == kernel.FILE.ENSURE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS then
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, path) then
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.delete", fs.delete, path)
- end
- end
- else
- if child_node.mode == kernel.DIRECTORY.EXISTS then
- if not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, path) then
- kernel.panic("Required directory node '"..path.."' does not exist.", level)
- end
- if not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.isDir", fs.isDir, path) then
- kernel.panic("Required directory node '"..path.."' exists but is a file.", level)
- end
- recursive_structure_validation(child_node, path.."/", level + 1)
- elseif child_node.mode == kernel.DIRECTORY.ENSURE_EXISTS then
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, path) and not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.isDir", fs.isDir, path) then
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.delete", fs.delete, path)
- end
- if not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, path) then
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.makeDir", fs.makeDir, path)
- end
- recursive_structure_validation(child_node, path.."/", level + 1)
- elseif child_node.mode == kernel.DIRECTORY.DOES_NOT_EXIST then
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, path) then
- if not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.isDir", fs.isDir, path) then
- kernel.panic("Forbidden directory node '"..path.."' exists as a file.", level)
- end
- kernel.panic("Forbidden directory node '"..path.."' exists.", level)
- end
- elseif child_node.mode == kernel.DIRECTORY.ENSURE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS then
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, path) then
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.delete", fs.delete, path)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if getmetatable(structure) ~= FS_Node then
- kernel.panic("'kernel.validate_fs_structure' expected a FS_Node object, got a '"..type(structure).."' (wrong metatable).")
- end
- if ~= "" or structure.type ~= kernel.DIRECTORY then
- kernel.panic("Invalid root node in structure given to 'kernel.validate_fs_structure', got a "..((structure.type == kernel.FILE) and "file" or "directory").." node named '"..tostring("'")
- end
- recursive_structure_validation(structure,, 1)
- end]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- This is the standart library of LuxOS
- ]].."]]"..[[
- _G.lux = {} --- The lux API. It contains simple functions to interact with LuxOS.
- libraries.lux = lux
- local CURRENT_TICK = 0
- local NEXT_TICK = 0
- ---This function creates an immediate "tick" event and waits (instantly) for it.
- ---This is used for heavy computations.
- ---@param terminable? boolean If set to false, a terminate event will not be caught by this function.
- function lux.tick(terminable)
- os.queueEvent("tick")
- end
- local expected_tick = NEXT_TICK
- if terminable == false then
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- while #event ~= 1 or event[1] ~= "tick" do
- event = {coroutine.yield()}
- end
- else
- local event = {os.pullEvent()}
- while #event ~= 1 or event[1] ~= "tick" do
- event = {os.pullEvent()}
- end
- end
- if CURRENT_TICK < expected_tick then
- CURRENT_TICK = expected_tick
- end
- end
- ---This function creates a "tick" event without waiting for it to happen.
- function lux.make_tick()
- os.queueEvent("tick")
- end
- end
- ---Turns off the computer.
- ---Actually throws a {"shutdown", "s"} event for the kernel to handle then blocks undefinitely.
- ---Note that in kernel space, this function also marks the current routine offline.
- function os.shutdown()
- os.queueEvent("shutdown", "s")
- if kernel.kernel_space() then
- local event = {}
- while event[1] ~= "shutdown" do
- event = {coroutine.yield()}
- end
- kernel.mark_routine_offline()
- else
- while true do
- coroutine.yield()
- end
- end
- end
- ---Reboots the computer.
- ---Actually throws a {"shutdown", "r"} event for the kernel to handle then blocks undefinitely.
- ---Note that in kernel space, this function also marks the current routine offline.
- function os.reboot()
- os.queueEvent("shutdown", "r")
- if kernel.kernel_space() then
- local event = {}
- while event[1] ~= "shutdown" do
- event = {coroutine.yield()}
- end
- kernel.mark_routine_offline()
- else
- while true do
- coroutine.yield()
- end
- end
- end
- ---Creates a new user namespace.
- function os.create_user_environment()
- local env = {
- ["print"] = print,
- ["error"] = error,
- ["assert"] = assert,
- ["pcall"] = pcall,
- ["tostring"] = tostring,
- ["tonumber"] = tonumber,
- ["type"] = type,
- ["pairs"] = pairs,
- ["ipairs"] = ipairs,
- ["next"] = next,
- ["unpack"] = table.unpack,
- ["loadfile"] = loadfile,
- ["dofile"] = dofile,
- ["setmetatable"] = setmetatable,
- ["getmetatable"] = getmetatable,
- ["write"] = write,
- ["read"] = read,
- ["sleep"] = sleep
- }
- for name, lib in pairs(libraries) do
- env[name] = lib
- end
- return env
- end]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- This is the standart LuxNet service API. It contains all the functions to communicate with other machines running on LuxOS.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- _G.luxnet = {} -- The LuxNet API. Allows you to communicate with other machines running LuxOS.
- luxnet.LUXNET_PORT = 42 -- The port that LuxNet uses to communicate with other machines.
- luxnet.BROADCAST_ID = -1 -- The ID that represents a broadcast message. This is used to send messages to all machines.
- ---@class Message The class for message objects.
- ---@field sender integer The ID of the sender.
- ---@field receiver integer The ID of the receiver.
- ---@field message table | string | number | boolean | nil The message itself.
- ---@field protocol string | nil The protocol used to send the message.
- ---@field identifier integer A unique identifier for the message.
- ---@field jumps integer The amount of jumps the message has done to reach the receiver.
- ---@field distance number The distance that the message has traveled.
- ---@field time_sent number The time when the message was sent.
- ---@field time_received number The time when the message was received.
- local Message = {}
- luxnet.Message = Message
- Message.__index = Message
- Message.__name = "Message"
- ---Creates a new message object. Can only be called from kernel space.
- ---@param message {["sender"]: integer, ["receiver"]: integer, ["message"]: table | string | number | boolean | nil, ["protocol"]: string | nil, ["identifier"]: integer, ["jumps"]: integer, ["distance"]: number, ["time_sent"]: number, ["time_received"]: number} The required parameters for creating a message.
- ---@return Message message The new message object.
- function Message:new(message)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- setmetatable(message, self)
- return message
- end
- ---@class Response The class for response objects.
- ---@field sender integer The ID of the sender of the corresponding message.
- ---@field receiver integer The ID of the receiver of the corresponding message.
- ---@field identifier integer The identifier of the corresponding message.
- ---@field jumps integer The amount of jumps that the corresponding message has done to reach the receiver.
- ---@field distance number The distance that the corresponding message has traveled to reach the receiver.
- ---@field time_sent number The time when the corresponding message was sent.
- ---@field time_received number The time when the corresponding message was received.
- local Response = {}
- luxnet.Response = Response
- Response.__index = Response
- Response.__name = "Response"
- ---Creates a new response object. Can only be called from kernel space.
- ---@param response {["sender"]: integer, ["receiver"]: integer, ["identifier"]: integer, ["jumps"]: integer, ["distance"]: number, ["time_sent"]: number, ["time_received"]: number} The required parameters for creating a response.
- ---@return Response response The new response object.
- function Response:new(response)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- setmetatable(response, self)
- return response
- end
- luxnet.send =
- "luxnet.send",
- ---Sends a message to another machine.
- ---@param receiver integer The ID of the receiver.
- ---@param message table | string | number | boolean | nil The message to send.
- ---@param protocol string | nil The protocol to use to send the message.
- ---@return Response | false response The response from the receiver, if any.
- function (receiver, message, protocol)
- local ok, err_or_response = syscall.trampoline(receiver, message, protocol)
- if ok then
- return err_or_response
- else
- error(err_or_response, 2)
- end
- end
- )
- luxnet.broadcast =
- "luxnet.broadcast",
- ---Sends a message to all machines.
- ---@param message table | string | number | boolean | nil The message to send.
- ---@param protocol string | nil The protocol to use to send the message.
- function (message, protocol)
- local ok, err = syscall.trampoline(message, protocol)
- if ok then
- return
- else
- error(err, 2)
- end
- end
- )
- luxnet.set_response_timeout =
- "luxnet.set_response_timeout",
- ---Sets the time to wait for a response before giving up.
- ---@param timeout number The time to wait for a response before giving up.
- function (timeout)
- local ok, err = syscall.trampoline(timeout)
- if ok then
- return
- else
- error(err, 2)
- end
- end
- )
- --- Receives a message from another machine.
- ---@param protocol string | nil An optional protocal to filter messages by.
- ---@param timeout number | nil The time to wait for a message before giving up. Defaults to no timeout.
- ---@return Message | nil message The message received, or nil if the timeout was reached.
- function luxnet.receive(protocol, timeout)
- if protocol ~= nil and type(protocol) ~= "string" then
- error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(protocol) .. ")", 2)
- end
- if timeout ~= nil and type(timeout) ~= "number" then
- error("bad argument #2 (expected number, got " .. type(timeout) .. ")", 2)
- end
- if timeout < 0 then
- error("bad argument #2 (expected number >= 0, got " .. timeout .. ")", 2)
- end
- local timer
- if timeout ~= nil then
- timer = os.startTimer(timeout)
- end
- while true do
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- if event[1] == "luxnet_message" or event[1] == "luxnet_broadcast" then
- local message = event[2]
- if protocol == nil or message.protocol == protocol then
- return message
- end
- elseif event[1] == "terminate" then
- error("terminated", 2)
- elseif event[1] == "timer" and event[2] == timer then
- return nil
- end
- end
- end
- --- Receives a message from a specific machine.
- ---@param sender integer The ID of the sender to receive a message from.
- ---@param protocol string | nil An optional protocal to filter messages by.
- ---@param timeout number | nil The time to wait for a message before giving up. Defaults to no timeout.
- ---@return Message | nil message The message received, or nil if the timeout was reached.
- function luxnet.receive_from(sender, protocol, timeout)
- if type(sender) ~= "number" then
- error("bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type(sender) .. ")", 2)
- end
- if protocol ~= nil and type(protocol) ~= "string" then
- error("bad argument #2 (expected string, got " .. type(protocol) .. ")", 2)
- end
- if timeout ~= nil and type(timeout) ~= "number" then
- error("bad argument #3 (expected number, got " .. type(timeout) .. ")", 2)
- end
- if sender < 0 or sender > 65535 then
- error("bad argument #1 (expected number in range 0-65535, got " .. sender .. ")", 2)
- end
- if timeout < 0 then
- error("bad argument #3 (expected number >= 0, got " .. timeout .. ")", 2)
- end
- local timer
- if timeout ~= nil then
- timer = os.startTimer(timeout)
- end
- while true do
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- if event[1] == "luxnet_message" or event[1] == "luxnet_broadcast" then
- local message = event[2]
- if message.sender == sender and (protocol == nil or message.protocol == protocol) then
- return message
- end
- elseif event[1] == "terminate" then
- error("terminated", 2)
- elseif event[1] == "timer" and event[2] == timer then
- return nil
- end
- end
- end]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- This is the luxnet kernel routine. It handles all modems and everything that goes through them.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- local LUXNET_FS_STRUCTURE = kernel.filesystem_structure{
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "LuxOS",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "luxnet",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "routine.lua",
- type = kernel.FILE
- },
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "lib.lua",
- type = kernel.FILE
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- local LUXNET_PORT = luxnet.LUXNET_PORT
- local HOST_ID_BUFFER_SIZE = 16
- local modems = {} ---@type {[string] : table} The table of all modems connected to the computer. The key is the side of the modem and the value is the modem object.
- local COMPUTER_ID = os.getComputerID()
- local seen_messages = {[COMPUTER_ID] = {}} ---@type {[number] : number[]} The table of used identifiers per host for messages.
- local seen_responses = {[COMPUTER_ID] = {}} ---@type {[number] : number[]} The table of used identifiers per host for responses.
- local n_messages = {[COMPUTER_ID] = 0} ---@type {[number] : number} The table of the amount of messages per host.
- local awaiting_responses = {} ---@type {[number] : Response | true} The table for receiving responses.
- local simple_message_fields = {
- ["sender"] = "number",
- ["receiver"] = "number",
- ["identifier"] = "number",
- ["jumps"] = "number",
- ["distance"] = "number",
- ["time_sent"] = "number",
- ["time_received"] = "number"
- }
- ---Checks if a message is a luxnet response.
- ---@param message table The message to check.
- ---@return boolean ok Whether the message is a response or not.
- local function is_valid_response(message)
- if type(message) ~= "table" then
- return false
- end
- for field, field_type in pairs(simple_message_fields) do
- if type(message[field]) ~= field_type then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- ---Checks if a message can make a valid Message object.
- ---@param message any The message to check.
- ---@return boolean ok Whether the message is valid or not.
- local function is_valid_message(message)
- if type(message) ~= "table" then
- return false
- end
- if type(message["message"]) ~= "table" and type(message["message"]) ~= "string" and message["message"] ~= "number" and message["message"] ~= "boolean" and message["message"] ~= "nil" then
- return false
- end
- if type(message["protocol"]) ~= "string" and type(message["protocol"]) ~= "nil" then
- return false
- end
- for field, field_type in pairs(simple_message_fields) do
- if type(message[field]) ~= field_type then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- ---Generates an identifier for a message.
- ---@return integer identifier The generated identifier.
- local function identifier_generator()
- return math.random(0, 2147483646) -- 2^31 - 2 for some reason
- end
- ---Inserts a seen message into the seen messages table.
- ---@param sender integer The ID of the sender.
- ---@param identifier integer The identifier of the message.
- local function insert_seen_message(sender, identifier)
- local index = (#seen_messages[sender] + 1) % HOST_ID_BUFFER_SIZE
- if index == 0 then
- end
- seen_messages[sender][index] = identifier
- n_messages[sender] = n_messages[sender] + 1
- end
- ---Inserts a seen response into the seen responses table.
- ---@param sender integer The ID of the sender.
- ---@param identifier integer The identifier of the response.
- local function insert_seen_response(sender, identifier)
- local index = (#seen_responses[sender] + 1) % HOST_ID_BUFFER_SIZE
- if index == 0 then
- end
- seen_responses[sender][index] = identifier
- end
- local function answer_calls_to_send(...)
- local args = {...}
- if #args < 2 or #args > 3 then
- return false, "syscall got "..tostring(#args).." parameters, expected 2 to 3"
- else
- local receiver, message, protocol = args[1], args[2], args[3]
- if type(receiver) ~= "number" or (type(message) ~= "table" and type(message) ~= "string" and type(message) ~= "number" and type(message) ~= "boolean" and type(message) ~= "nil") or (type(protocol) ~= "string" and type(protocol) ~= "nil") then
- return false, "expected number, table | string | number | boolean | nil, string | nil, got '"..type(receiver).."', '"..type(message).."', '"..type(protocol).."'"
- end
- if receiver < 0 or receiver > 65535 then
- return false, "receiver ID must be between 0 and 65535"
- end
- local identifier = identifier_generator()
- local message = luxnet.Message:new{
- sender = COMPUTER_ID,
- receiver = receiver,
- message = message,
- protocol = protocol,
- identifier = identifier,
- jumps = 0,
- distance = 0,
- time_sent = os.time(),
- time_received = 0
- }
- for side, modem in pairs(modems) do
- modem.transmit(LUXNET_PORT, LUXNET_PORT, message)
- end
- insert_seen_message(COMPUTER_ID, identifier)
- awaiting_responses[identifier] = true
- local timer = os.startTimer(RESPONSE_TIMEOUT)
- while true do
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- if awaiting_responses[identifier] ~= true then
- local response = awaiting_responses[identifier]
- awaiting_responses[identifier] = nil
- return true, response
- end
- if event[1] == "terminate" then
- awaiting_responses[identifier] = nil
- return false, "terminated"
- elseif event[1] == "timer" and event[2] == timer then
- awaiting_responses[identifier] = nil
- return true, false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function answer_calls_to_broadcast(...)
- local args = {...}
- if #args <1 or #args > 2 then
- return false, "syscall got "..tostring(#args).." parameters, expected 1 to 2"
- else
- local message, protocol = args[1], args[2]
- if (type(message) ~= "table" and type(message) ~= "string" and type(message) ~= "number" and type(message) ~= "boolean" and type(message) ~= "nil") or (type(protocol) ~= "string" and type(protocol) ~= "nil") then
- return false, "expected table | string | number | boolean | nil, string | nil, got '"..type(message).."', '"..type(protocol).."'"
- end
- local identifier = identifier_generator()
- local message = luxnet.Message:new{
- sender = COMPUTER_ID,
- receiver = luxnet.BROADCAST_ID,
- message = message,
- protocol = protocol,
- identifier = identifier,
- jumps = 0,
- distance = 0,
- time_sent = os.time(),
- time_received = 0
- }
- for side, modem in pairs(modems) do
- modem.transmit(LUXNET_PORT, LUXNET_PORT, message)
- end
- insert_seen_message(COMPUTER_ID, identifier)
- return true
- end
- end
- local function answer_calls_to_set_response_timeout(...)
- local args = {...}
- if #args ~= 1 then
- return false, "syscall got "..tostring(#args).." parameters, expected 1"
- else
- local timeout = args[1]
- if type(timeout) ~= "number" then
- return false, "expected number, got '"..type(timeout).."'"
- end
- if timeout < 0 then
- return false, "timeout must be a positive number"
- end
- return true
- end
- end
- local function main()
- kernel.validate_filesystem_structure(LUXNET_FS_STRUCTURE)
- kernel.make_event_private("modem_message")
- kernel.make_event_private("rednet_message")
- syscall.affect_routine(luxnet.send, answer_calls_to_send)
- syscall.affect_routine(luxnet.broadcast, answer_calls_to_broadcast)
- syscall.affect_routine(luxnet.set_response_timeout, answer_calls_to_set_response_timeout)
- -- Initialize modems
- local sides = peripheral.getNames()
- for _, side in ipairs(sides) do
- if peripheral.getType(side) == "modem" then
- modems[side] = peripheral.wrap(side)
- modems[side].open(LUXNET_PORT)
- end
- end
- kernel.mark_routine_ready()
- -- Handle all modem related events
- while true do
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- if event[1] == "modem_message" then
- local side, sender, receiver, message, distance = event[2], event[3], event[4], event[5], event[6]
- if type(message) == "table" then
- if is_valid_message(message) then
- -- It is a luxnet message
- message = luxnet.Message:new(message)
- if distance == nil then
- distance = math.huge
- end
- message.distance = message.distance + distance
- message.jumps = message.jumps + 1
- message.time_received = os.time()
- -- handle its identifier
- if seen_messages[message.sender] == nil then
- seen_messages[message.sender] = {}
- n_messages[message.sender] = 0
- end
- local seen = false
- for index, identifier in ipairs(seen_messages[message.sender]) do
- if identifier == message.identifier then
- seen = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not seen then
- insert_seen_message(message.sender, message.identifier)
- -- What should we do with it?
- if message.receiver == COMPUTER_ID then
- os.queueEvent("luxnet_message", message)
- local response = {
- sender = message.sender,
- receiver = message.receiver,
- identifier = message.identifier,
- jumps = message.jumps,
- distance = message.distance,
- time_sent = message.time_sent,
- time_received = message.time_received
- }
- for side, modem in pairs(modems) do
- modem.transmit(LUXNET_PORT, LUXNET_PORT, response)
- end
- else
- if message.receiver == luxnet.BROADCAST_ID then
- os.queueEvent("luxnet_broadcast", message)
- end
- for side, modem in pairs(modems) do
- modem.transmit(LUXNET_PORT, LUXNET_PORT, message)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif is_valid_response(message) then
- -- It is a luxnet response
- if seen_responses[message.sender] == nil then
- seen_responses[message.sender] = {}
- end
- local seen = false
- for index, identifier in ipairs(seen_responses[message.sender]) do
- if identifier == message.identifier then
- seen = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not seen then
- insert_seen_response(message.sender, message.identifier)
- -- What should we do with it?
- if message.sender == COMPUTER_ID and awaiting_responses[message.identifier] ~= nil then
- awaiting_responses[message.identifier] = message
- lux.make_tick()
- else
- for side, modem in pairs(modems) do
- modem.transmit(LUXNET_PORT, LUXNET_PORT, message)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif event[1] == "peripheral" then
- local side = event[2]
- if peripheral.getType(side) == "modem" then
- modems[side] = peripheral.wrap(side)
- modems[side].open(LUXNET_PORT)
- end
- elseif event[1] == "peripheral_detach" then
- local side = event[2]
- if modems[side] ~= nil then
- table.remove(modems, side)
- end
- elseif kernel.is_system_shutting_down() then
- break
- end
- end
- -- Disable modems
- for side, modem in pairs(modems) do
- modem.close(LUXNET_PORT)
- end
- kernel.mark_routine_offline()
- end
- return main]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- Routine for the lightUI Lux package. Handles the User Interface.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- local LUXUI_FS_STRUCTURE = kernel.filesystem_structure{
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "LuxOS",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "luxUI",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "routine.lua",
- type = kernel.FILE
- },
- -- kernel.filesystem_node{
- -- name = "lib.lua",
- -- type = kernel.FILE
- -- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ---The main function that handles the user interface
- local function run_shell()
- kernel.validate_filesystem_structure(LUXUI_FS_STRUCTURE)
- local func, err = loadfile("rom/programs/shell.lua", os.create_user_environment())
- if not func then
- kernel.panic("Could not load CraftOS shell:\n"..err)
- end
- local shell_coro = coroutine.create(func)
- local event = {}
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- kernel.mark_routine_ready()
- while not autorun.is_startup_finished() do
- event = {coroutine.yield()}
- end
- event = {}
- while true do
- local ok, err = coroutine.resume(shell_coro, table.unpack(event))
- if not ok then
- kernel.panic("Shell coroutine got an error:\n"..err)
- end
- if coroutine.status(shell_coro) == "dead" then
- break
- end
- if kernel.is_system_shutting_down() then
- kernel.mark_routine_offline(false)
- end
- event = {coroutine.yield()}
- end
- local c = term.getTextColor()
- term.setTextColor(colors.purple)
- term.write("Good")
- term.setTextColor(
- print("bye")
- term.setTextColor(c)
- sleep(1.5)
- if not kernel.is_system_shutting_down() then
- os.shutdown()
- end
- kernel.mark_routine_offline()
- end
- return run_shell]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- This is the main script of LuxOS. It has multiple steps:
- - It makes the "lux" and "kernel" APIs available.
- - It enumerates all the Lux packages APIs and all the routines of the Lux packages.
- - It makes all the Lux packages APIs available.
- - It runs all of the Lux packages routines in parallel and watches for "Lux_panic" events.
- - It shuts down the computer.
- Note that no routine should ever stop! This would cause a kernel panic.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- if _G.lux then -- LuxOS is already running. Do not start it again!
- -- local function override_shell()
- -- local w, h = term.getSize()
- -- local rshift = 1
- -- term.clear()
- -- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- -- term.setBackgroundColor(
- -- term.setTextColor(colors.purple)
- -- term.write("Lux")
- -- term.setTextColor(
- -- term.write("OS")
- -- term.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- -- term.write(" 1.0")
- -- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- -- term.setCursorPos(1, 2)
- -- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.magenta)
- -- term.setCursorPos(w - rshift - 2, 1)
- -- term.write(" ")
- -- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.purple)
- -- term.setCursorPos(w - rshift - 1, 1)
- -- term.write(" ")
- -- term.setBackgroundColor(
- -- term.setCursorPos(w - rshift, 1)
- -- term.write(" ")
- -- term.setBackgroundColor(
- -- term.setCursorPos(1, 2)
- -- end
- -- local ok, err = pcall(override_shell)
- -- if not ok then
- -- error("Error setting up shell:\n"..err, 1)
- -- end
- return
- end
- local old_shutdown = os.shutdown
- local old_reboot = os.reboot
- function os.version()
- return "LuxOS 1.0"
- end
- local panic_recovery_coroutine = coroutine.create(function()
- -- Copy the references to all the original functions: in case of panic, we need to have working code, no matter what the user did to the APIs.
- local getSize = term.getSize
- local setBackgroundColor = term.setBackgroundColor
- local clear = term.clear
- local setCursorPos = term.setCursorPos
- local setTextColor = term.setTextColor
- local native_term = term.native()
- local redirect = term.redirect
- local purple = colors.purple
- local blue =
- local black =
- local create_window = window.create
- -- This yield only returns if a panic occurs. It will return the panic message.
- local panic_message = coroutine.yield()
- redirect(native_term)
- local w, h = getSize()
- setBackgroundColor(purple)
- clear()
- setCursorPos(1, 1)
- setTextColor(black)
- print()
- local panic_header = "LUX KERNEL PANIC"
- panic_header = string.rep(" ", math.floor((w - #panic_header) / 2))..panic_header
- print(panic_header)
- setCursorPos(1, h - 1)
- print(panic_header)
- local error_message_zone = create_window(native_term, 1, 4, w, h - 6, true)
- local virtual_error_screen = create_window(error_message_zone, 1, 1, w, 1024, true)
- virtual_error_screen.setBackgroundColor(black)
- virtual_error_screen.setTextColor(blue)
- redirect(virtual_error_screen)
- local message = "\nYour computer ran into a big problem. Here is the issue:\n\n" .. panic_message .. "\n\nPress any key to reboot"
- local pos = 1
- print(message)
- local h_visible = h - 6
- local _, h_text = virtual_error_screen.getCursorPos()
- virtual_error_screen.reposition(1, pos, w, 1024)
- while true do
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- if event[1] == "key" then
- break
- elseif event[1] == "mouse_scroll" then
- pos = math.min(1, math.max(h_visible - h_text + 1, pos - event[2]))
- virtual_error_screen.reposition(1, pos, w, 1024)
- end
- end
- old_reboot()
- end)
- coroutine.resume(panic_recovery_coroutine)
- -- print("Loading kernel...")
- _G.libraries = { -- Contains all the APIs that the user will have access to (making it its environment).
- term = term,
- colors = colors,
- colours = colours,
- fs = fs,
- os = os,
- table = table,
- string = string,
- coroutine = coroutine,
- math = math,
- peripheral = peripheral,
- http = http,
- textutils = textutils,
- turtle = turtle,
- commands = commands,
- settings = settings,
- paintutils = paintutils,
- parallel = parallel,
- window = window,
- event = event,
- disk = disk,
- help = help,
- }
- libraries.libraries = libraries
- dofile("LuxOS/kernel.lua")
- dofile("LuxOS/syscall.lua")
- dofile("LuxOS/lux.lua")
- -- print("Kernel loaded!")
- kernel.promote_coroutine(panic_recovery_coroutine)
- local PANIC = false
- local PANIC_MESSAGE = ""
- ---System hook for Lux kernel panic
- local function catch_panic()
- while true do
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- if #event == 2 and event[1] == "Lux_panic" then
- PANIC_MESSAGE = event[2]
- PANIC = true
- return
- end
- end
- end
- ---As the name says, it runs all of LuxOS
- local function run_everything()
- local packages = {}
- local routines = {}
- if not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, "LuxOS") then
- lux.panic("'LuxOS' folder does not exists: your Lux installation might have been partially erased.")
- return
- end
- if not kernel.panic_pcall("fs.isDir", fs.isDir, "LuxOS") then
- lux.panic("'LuxOS' folder is actually a file: your Lux installation has been broken.")
- return
- end
- for index, package_name in pairs(kernel.panic_pcall("fs.list", fs.list, "LuxOS")) do
- local package_path = "LuxOS/"..package_name
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.isDir", fs.isDir, package_path) then
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, package_path.."/lib.lua") then
- packages[package_name] = package_path.."/lib.lua"
- end
- if kernel.panic_pcall("fs.exists", fs.exists, package_path.."/routine.lua") then
- routines[package_name] = package_path.."/routine.lua"
- end
- end
- end
- for package_name, package_path in pairs(packages) do
- local libs = kernel.panic_pcall("dofile", dofile, package_path)
- for name, lib in pairs(libraries) do
- libraries[name] = lib
- end
- end
- for package_name, routine_path in pairs(routines) do
- local routine_main = kernel.panic_pcall("dofile", dofile, routine_path)
- if type(routine_main) ~= "function" then
- kernel.panic("Routine loader of package '"..package_name.."' did not return a function.'")
- end
- local coro = coroutine.create(routine_main)
- kernel.register_routine(package_name, coro)
- end
- -- Start runtime : wait for all routines to be ready.
- local event = {}
- while true do
- for name, coro in pairs(kernel.starting_routines("")) do
- -- print("Resuming starting routine '""' with '"..tostring(event[1]).."' event.")
- kernel.set_current_routine(name)
- local ok, err = coroutine.resume(coro, table.unpack(event))
- kernel.set_current_routine()
- if not ok then
- kernel.panic("Kernel routine '""' had an exception during startup:\n"..err)
- elseif coroutine.status(coro) == "dead" then
- kernel.panic("Kernel routine '""' stopped unexpectedly during startup.")
- end
- end
- if kernel.is_system_ready() then
- event = {}
- break
- end
- event = {coroutine.yield()}
- end
- syscall.validate_syscall_table()
- -- Normal runtime : everyone runs as if the world had no end
- while event[1] ~= "shutdown" do
- for name, coro in pairs(kernel.get_routines_for_event(event[1])) do
- -- print("Resuming routine '""' with '"..tostring(event[1]).."' event.")
- kernel.set_current_routine(name)
- local ok, err = coroutine.resume(coro, table.unpack(event))
- kernel.set_current_routine()
- if not ok then
- kernel.panic("Kernel routine '""' had an exception:\n"..err)
- elseif coroutine.status(coro) == "dead" then
- kernel.panic("Kernel routine '""' stopped unexpectedly.")
- end
- end
- event = {coroutine.yield()}
- end
- -- Shutdown runtime : wait for all routines to return true before shutting down.
- kernel.initialize_shutdown()
- local shutdown_info = {table.unpack(event, 2)}
- while true do
- for name, coro in pairs(kernel.disconnecting_routines(event[1])) do
- -- print("Resuming disconnecting routine '""' with '"..tostring(event[1]).."' event.")
- kernel.set_current_routine(name)
- local ok, err = coroutine.resume(coro, table.unpack(event))
- kernel.set_current_routine()
- if not ok then
- kernel.panic("Kernel routine '""' had an exception during shutdown:\n"..err)
- elseif coroutine.status(coro) == "dead" then
- kernel.panic("Kernel routine '""' stopped unexpectedly during shutdown.")
- end
- end
- if kernel.is_system_offline() then
- break
- end
- event = {coroutine.yield()}
- end
- -- Time to shutdown.
- if shutdown_info[1] == "s" then
- old_shutdown()
- elseif shutdown_info[1] == "r" then
- old_reboot()
- else
- kernel.panic("Shutdown event has incoherent arguments: "..kernel.tostring(shutdown_info))
- end
- end
- local catch_panic_coro, run_everything_coro = coroutine.create(catch_panic), coroutine.create(run_everything)
- kernel.promote_coroutine(catch_panic_coro)
- kernel.promote_coroutine(run_everything_coro)
- local event = {}
- while coroutine.status(catch_panic_coro) ~= "dead" do
- coroutine.resume(run_everything_coro, table.unpack(event))
- coroutine.resume(catch_panic_coro, table.unpack(event))
- event = {coroutine.yield()}
- end
- if PANIC then
- coroutine.resume(panic_recovery_coroutine, PANIC_MESSAGE)
- while true do
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- local ok, err = coroutine.resume(panic_recovery_coroutine, table.unpack(event))
- if not ok then
- print(err)
- return
- end
- end
- end]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- This is the Lux process library. It defines the process class, and all its interface.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- _G.processes = {} -- The process Lux API. Allows you to manage and interact with processes.
- return {["processes"] = processes}]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- This is the standart Lux service API. It contains all the function to perform system calls to the service system.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- = {} -- The service Lux API. Allows you to register services that run in background.
- services.log =
- "services.log",
- ---Logs a message to the service journal.
- ---@param ... string The message to log in the journal. Converts all parameters to string (pretty printed if possible) and concatenates them.
- function (...)
- local args = {...}
- local message = ""
- ---Convert an argument to a string.
- ---@param arg any
- ---@return string
- local function convert(arg)
- if type(arg) == "table" then
- local ok, err = pcall(textutils.serialise, arg)
- if ok then
- return err
- end
- end
- return tostring(arg)
- end
- for index, arg in ipairs(args) do
- message = message..convert(arg)
- end
- if type(message) ~= "string" then
- error("expected string, got '"..type(message).."'", 2)
- end
- local ok, err = syscall.trampoline(message)
- if not ok then
- error(err, 2)
- end
- end
- )
- services.enumerate =
- "services.enumerate",
- ---Returns a table of the registered services, indexed by names associated to a boolean indicating if the service is running.
- ---@return {[string] : boolean} services The table of services.
- function ()
- local ok, err = syscall.trampoline()
- if not ok then
- error(err, 2)
- end
- return err
- end
- )
- services.install =
- "services.install",
- function ()
- end
- )
- services.uninstall =
- "services.uninstall",
- function ()
- end
- )
- services.start =
- "services.start",
- function ()
- end
- )
- services.stop =
- "services.stop",
- function ()
- end
- )
- services.read_logs =
- "services.read_logs",
- function ()
- end
- )
- return {["services"] = services}]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- This is the scheduler of the service system. It loads, runs and terminates all the services.
- Note that a service script will be transformed into a coroutine that will be run by the scheduler.
- This coroutine will get all the system events and should answer to the "service" events.
- These events have two versions:
- ("servcice", "start", "<service name>") received as script arguments.
- ("service", "stop", "<service name>") received when the service should stop.
- Note that when the stop event is received, the service will not be run again, even if the coroutine is still alive.
- In the case of a "shutdown" event, the service is guaranteed to receive the "shutdown" event followed by a "service stop" event.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- local service_coroutines = {} ---@type {[string] : thread} The table of services coroutines indexed by names
- local CURRENT_SERVICE = nil ---@type string? The currently running service, if any.
- local SERVICES_ENABLED_DIR = "LuxOS/services/scripts/enabled/" --- This is where all the currently enabled services script files will be located
- local SERVICES_DISABLED_DIR = "LuxOS/services/scripts/disabled/" --- This is where all the currently disabled services script files will be located
- local SERVICES_LOGS = "LuxOS/services/logs" --- This is the log file, which holds all the services logs.
- local SERVICE_FS_STRUCTURE = kernel.filesystem_structure{
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "LuxOS",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "services",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "scripts",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- children = {
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "enabled",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- },
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "disabled",
- type = kernel.DIRECTORY,
- }
- }
- },
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "logs",
- type = kernel.FILE,
- mode = kernel.FILE.ENSURE_EXISTS
- },
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "routine.lua",
- type = kernel.FILE
- },
- kernel.filesystem_node{
- name = "lib.lua",
- type = kernel.FILE
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ---Internal function that creates a table to serve as the runtime environment of service coroutines.
- local function create_service_environment()
- local env = os.create_user_environment()
- env["print"] = services.log
- env["write"] = services.log
- return env
- end
- ---Internal wrapper function to run a service script file.
- ---@param path string The path to the service script file.
- ---@param name string The name of the service.
- local function service_main(path, name)
- local service, err = loadfile(path, create_service_environment())
- if not service then
- error(err, 2)
- else
- service("service", "start", name)
- end
- end
- ---Starts a service's coroutine from its script file and adds it in the service registry.
- ---@param name string The name of the service
- ---@return boolean success If the service was successfully loaded
- ---@return string success_message The error message if not, (or "Success")
- local function launch_service(name)
- local coro = coroutine.create(service_main)
- local ok, err = coroutine.resume(coro,, name)
- if not ok then
- return false, "Service '""' had an error at startup:\n"..tostring(err)
- end
- if coroutine.status(coro) ~= "suspended" then
- return false, "Service '""' returned at startup"
- end
- service_coroutines[name] = coro
- return true, "Success"
- end
- ---Stops a service's coroutine and removes it from the service registry.
- ---Note that even on failure, the service is removed from the registry.
- ---@param name string The name of the service
- ---@return boolean success If the service was successfully stopped
- ---@return string success_message The error message if not, (or "Success")
- local function shutdown_service(name)
- local coro = service_coroutines[name]
- coroutine.resume(coro, "service", "stop")
- service_coroutines[name] = nil
- if coroutine.status(coro) ~= "dead" then
- return false, "Coroutine of service '""' did not die when sent the 'service stop' event"
- end
- return true, "Success"
- end
- ---Returns a table of the services indexed by name. The values are booleans indicating if the service is running.
- ---@return {[string] : boolean} services The table of all services by names.
- local function enumerate_services()
- local tab = {}
- for i, name in ipairs(kernel.panic_pcall("fs.list", fs.list, SERVICES_ENABLED_DIR)) do
- tab[name] = true
- end
- for i, name in ipairs(kernel.panic_pcall("fs.list", fs.list, SERVICES_DISABLED_DIR)) do
- tab[name] = false
- end
- return tab
- end
- ---Moves a service from the disabled folder into the enabled folder.
- ---@param name string The name of the service to enable
- local function enable_service(name)
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.move", fs.move,,
- end
- ---Moves a service from the enabled folder into the disabled folder.
- ---@param name string The name of the service to disable
- local function disable_service(name)
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.move", fs.move,,
- end
- ---Installs a service from the given lua script file with the given name. The service will be disabled.
- ---@param source string The path to the script file of the service
- ---@param name string The name of the new service
- local function install_service(source, name)
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.copy", fs.copy, source,
- end
- ---Uninstalls the service with the given name. The service must be disabled.
- ---@param name string The name of the service to uninstall
- local function uninstall_service(name)
- kernel.panic_pcall("fs.delete", fs.delete,
- end
- ---Answers the system calls to services.log.
- local function answer_calls_to_log(...)
- local args = {...}
- end
- ---Answers the system calls to services.enumerate.
- local function answer_calls_to_enumerate(...)
- local args = {...}
- if #args > 0 then
- return false, "syscall got "..tostring(#args).." parameters, expected 0"
- else
- return true, kernel.panic_pcall("enumerate_services", enumerate_services)
- end
- end
- ---Answers the system calls to services.install.
- local function answer_calls_to_install(...)
- local args = {...}
- end
- ---Answers the system calls to services.uninstall.
- local function answer_calls_to_uninstall(...)
- local args = {...}
- end
- ---Answers the system calls to services.start.
- local function answer_calls_to_start(...)
- local args = {...}
- end
- ---Answers the system calls to services.stop.
- local function answer_calls_to_stop(...)
- local args = {...}
- end
- ---Answers the system calls to services.read_logs.
- local function answer_calls_to_read_logs(...)
- local args = {...}
- end
- local function main()
- kernel.validate_filesystem_structure(SERVICE_FS_STRUCTURE)
- syscall.affect_routine(services.log, answer_calls_to_log)
- syscall.affect_routine(services.enumerate, answer_calls_to_enumerate)
- syscall.affect_routine(services.install, answer_calls_to_install)
- syscall.affect_routine(services.uninstall, answer_calls_to_uninstall)
- syscall.affect_routine(services.start, answer_calls_to_start)
- syscall.affect_routine(services.stop, answer_calls_to_stop)
- syscall.affect_routine(services.read_logs, answer_calls_to_read_logs)
- kernel.mark_routine_ready()
- -- Startup : load enabled services
- for name, enabled in pairs(enumerate_services()) do
- if enabled then
- local ok, err = launch_service(name)
- if not ok then
- services.log("Service '""' crashed at startup:\n"..err)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Normal runtime : forward events to services
- while not kernel.is_system_shutting_down() do
- local event = {coroutine.yield()}
- for name, coro in pairs(service_coroutines) do
- local ok, err = coroutine.resume(coro, table.unpack(event))
- if not ok then
- services.log("Service '""' stopped due to an exception:\n"..err)
- service_coroutines[name] = nil
- ok, err = launch_service(name)
- if not ok then
- services.log("Service '""' could not be restarted after an exception as another one occured at startup:\n"..err)
- disable_service(name)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Shutdown time : shutdown all services
- for name, enabled in pairs(enumerate_services()) do
- if enabled then
- local ok, err = shutdown_service(name)
- if not ok then
- services.log("Service '""' crashed at system shutdown:\n"..err)
- end
- end
- end
- kernel.mark_routine_offline()
- end
- return main]],
- [[--]].."[["..[[
- This library is used by the kernel to define and hook system calls.
- ]].."]]"..[[
- _G.syscall = {} -- The Lux syscall API. Mostly restricted to kernel.
- libraries.syscall = syscall
- local syscall_table = {} ---@type {[string] : SysCall} The system call table.
- local syscall_routines = {} ---@type {[string] : thread} The table of kernel routines that handle the system calls.
- ---@class SysCall The class for system call objects. These are special function accessible for the user that jump back into kernel space.
- ---@field name string The name of the system call.
- ---@field __user_func function The function that is called when calling the SysCall object.
- local SysCall = {}
- SysCall.__index = SysCall
- SysCall.__name = "syscall"
- ---Creates a new syscall object.
- ---@generic P
- ---@generic R
- ---@param syscallinfo [string, fun(... : P) : R] The required parameters for creating a syscall: a name and the user function.
- ---@return SysCall syscall The new system call object.
- function SysCall:new(syscallinfo)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- local syscall = {name = syscallinfo[1], __user_func = syscallinfo[2]}
- if type( ~= "string" then
- kernel.panic("SysCall's 'name' field should be a string, not '"..type("'", 1)
- end
- if syscall_table[] ~= nil then
- kernel.panic("Syscall '""' already exists.", 1)
- end
- if type(syscall.__user_func) ~= "function" then
- kernel.panic("SysCall's 'user_func' attribute should be a function, not '"..type(syscall.__user_func).."'", 1)
- end
- setmetatable(syscall, self)
- syscall_table[] = syscall
- return syscall
- end
- local ongoing_calls = {} ---@type string[] The ongoing system call pile.
- ---Calls the user function
- ---@param ... any
- ---@return any
- function SysCall:__call(...)
- table.insert(ongoing_calls,
- local res = {pcall(self.__user_func, ...)}
- local ok = table.remove(res, 1)
- local exiting_call = table.remove(ongoing_calls)
- if exiting_call ~= then
- kernel.panic("Corrupted system call pile: exited a call of '"..exiting_call.."' where '""' was expected.", 1)
- end
- if not ok then
- error(res[1], 0)
- else
- return table.unpack(res)
- end
- end
- local report_syscall_crash_coro = coroutine.create(
- ---Single-use kernel coroutine that throws panic when a syscall routine crashes.
- ---@param syscall SysCall
- ---@param err string?
- ---@param ... any
- function (syscall, err, ...)
- local ok, res = pcall(textutils.serialise, {...})
- if not ok then
- res = tostring({...})
- end
- if err == nil then
- kernel.panic("Syscall '""' routine stopped unexpectedly when it received arguments : '"..res.."'", 2)
- else
- kernel.panic("Syscall '""' routine got an error when it received arguments : '"..res.."' :\n"..err, 2)
- end
- end)
- kernel.promote_coroutine(report_syscall_crash_coro)
- ---Performs the actual system call: jumps into kernel space passing on the arguments.
- ---@param ... any The arguments that the system will work with.
- ---@return boolean success Did the system call succeed
- ---@return any ... The return values of the system call or an error message.
- function syscall.trampoline(...)
- if #ongoing_calls == 0 then
- if kernel.kernel_space() then
- kernel.panic("Corrupted system call pile: syscall.trampoline() called with no running system calls.", 1)
- else
- error("This function can only be called from inside a system call.", 2)
- end
- end
- local call_name = ongoing_calls[#ongoing_calls]
- -- if kernel.kernel_space() then
- -- res = {pcall(syscall_handlers[call_name], ...)}
- -- local ok = table.remove(res, 1)
- -- if not ok then
- -- coroutine.resume(report_syscall_crash_coro, syscall_table[call_name], res[1], ...)
- -- end
- -- if coroutine.status(syscall_routines[call_name]) == "dead" then
- -- coroutine.resume(report_syscall_crash_coro, syscall_table[call_name], nil, ...)
- -- end
- -- else
- -- res = {coroutine.resume(syscall_routines[call_name], ...)}
- -- local ok = table.remove(res, 1)
- -- if not ok then
- -- coroutine.resume(report_syscall_crash_coro, syscall_table[call_name], res[1], ...)
- -- end
- -- if coroutine.status(syscall_routines[call_name]) == "dead" then
- -- coroutine.resume(report_syscall_crash_coro, syscall_table[call_name], nil, ...)
- -- end
- -- end
- local ok, syscall_coro = coroutine.resume(syscall_routines[call_name])
- if not ok then
- kernel.panic("Syscall '"..call_name.."' generating routine crashed: "..syscall_coro, 2)
- end
- local res = {coroutine.resume(syscall_coro, ...)}
- while true do
- ok = table.remove(res, 1)
- if not ok then
- coroutine.resume(report_syscall_crash_coro, syscall_table[call_name], res[1], ...)
- end
- if coroutine.status(syscall_coro) == "dead" then
- break
- end
- res = {coroutine.resume(syscall_coro, coroutine.yield())}
- end
- return table.unpack(res)
- end
- ---Creates a new syscall object.
- ---@generic F : function
- ---@param name string The name of the system call.
- ---@param func F The user function.
- ---@return F syscall system call wrapped function.
- function, func)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- return SysCall:new{name, func}
- end
- ---Affects the given function to the handling of the specified system call.
- ---It will receive the parameters of the system call to answer and should return back a boolean indicating if the call succeeded and any return values.
- ---@param syscall SysCall The system call to affect this routine to.
- ---@param handler_func function The function that will handle all incomming system calls.
- function syscall.affect_routine(syscall, handler_func)
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- if syscall_routines[] ~= nil then
- kernel.panic("Syscall '""' routine has already been affected.", 1)
- end
- local function do_system_call(func, func_name)
- local res = {pcall(func, table.unpack({coroutine.yield()}))}
- local ok = table.remove(res, 1)
- if not ok then
- kernel.panic("Syscall '"..func_name.."' crashed: "..res[1], 2)
- end
- return table.unpack(res)
- end
- local generator_coro = coroutine.create(
- function (func)
- local func_name = "syscall."".handler"
- coroutine.yield()
- while true do
- local coro = coroutine.create(do_system_call)
- coroutine.resume(coro, func, func_name)
- kernel.promote_coroutine(coro)
- coroutine.yield(coro)
- end
- end
- )
- kernel.promote_coroutine(generator_coro)
- syscall_routines[] = generator_coro
- coroutine.resume(generator_coro, handler_func)
- end
- ---Validates the system call table when the system is about to start. It ensures that each system call has a handler and routine.
- function syscall.validate_syscall_table()
- kernel.check_kernel_space_before_running()
- for name, syscall in pairs(syscall_table) do
- if syscall_routines[name] == nil then
- kernel.panic("SysCall '""' has not routine affected to it!")
- end
- end
- end
- ---Returns the table of all system calls indexed by names.
- ---@return {[string] : SysCall} table The system call table.
- function syscall.table()
- local table = {}
- for name, syscall in pairs(syscall_table) do
- table[name] = syscall
- end
- return table
- end]]
- }
- local function install(node, parent_path)
- if node.type == DIRECTORY then
- if not fs.exists( then
- fs.makeDir(
- end
- for _, child in ipairs(node.children) do
- install(child,"/")
- end
- elseif node.type == FILE then
- local path =
- if not fs.exists(path) then
- local content = raw_package[node.code]
- print("Installing file '"..path.."'...")
- local file =, "w")
- file.write(content)
- file.close()
- end
- end
- end
- install(package, "")
- print("Installation is finished. Press any key to boot LuxOS.")
- while true do
- local event = coroutine.yield()
- if event == "key" then
- break
- end
- end
- dofile(ENTRY_POINT)
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