
Just to let the whole world know of Matthew Ass Tobin

Mar 20th, 2013
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  1. [00:13:23] <Tobin> Welp.. seems BinOC IRC is coming up in the world.. With Aura, Nova, and Spectrum as the servers
  2. [00:13:45] <Tobin> id offer KtecK to come and establish shit there but.. him being a traitor and all kinda fucks that up
  3. [00:14:02] <Tobin> cause he just LOVES pasteing things of a confidental nature
  4. [00:14:12] <~KtecK> wow you really weant to do that................
  5. [00:14:18] <~KtecK> it was FULLY accidental
  6. [00:14:25] <~KtecK> so you are being a dick ass jerk
  7. [00:14:31] <Tobin> OOPS
  8. [00:14:41] <~KtecK> someone makes a accident and you make a it a international incident
  9. [00:14:48] <Tobin> besides even if that didnt happen kteck wouldnt come anyway
  10. [00:15:02] <~KtecK> i cant trust being on a network run by you considering how you overreact
  11. [00:15:15] <Tobin> he might have to learn something than babymode irc
  12. [00:15:16] <~KtecK> one accidentn and next thing im banned
  13. [00:15:26] <~KtecK> im on freenode....
  14. [00:15:31] <~KtecK> thats my next
  15. [00:15:35] <~KtecK> its far from simple
  16. [00:15:45] <Tobin> I don't ban channel owners without them breaking the network rules
  17. [00:15:53] <Tobin> which are clearly posted
  18. [00:16:12] <~KtecK> either way grow up it was an accident.... so calm the fuck down
  19. [00:16:23] <Tobin> freenode.. where everyone is just as rude and arrogant as you are.. sounds legit..
  20. [00:16:43] <~KtecK> well atleast they dont make slanderous claims about me
  21. [00:16:49] <~KtecK> which aren't true
  22. [00:17:02] <Tobin> so.. confidental pastebins didnt get leaked?
  23. [00:17:04] <Tobin> thats not true?
  24. [00:17:08] <~KtecK> it was a accident
  25. [00:17:11] <~KtecK> and i apologized
  26. [00:17:14] <Tobin> but it still happened
  27. [00:17:25] <~KtecK> shit happens... you deal
  28. [00:17:33] <Tobin> and now the black hat hacker has more targets
  29. [00:17:39] <~KtecK> what hacker....
  30. [00:17:46] <Tobin> Blizzardo1 of course
  31. [00:17:50] <~KtecK> wow....
  32. [00:17:56] <~KtecK> you are still on about that
  33. [00:18:02] <Tobin> because its true?
  34. [00:18:08] <Tobin> I only speak the truth
  35. [00:18:13] <~KtecK> yet you got zero proof...
  36. [00:18:15] <+Blizzardo1> It's not true
  37. [00:18:21] <+Blizzardo1> You have no proof of my existance
  38. [00:18:27] <+Blizzardo1> Just get the fuck out of here
  39. [00:18:35] <Tobin> Nah
  40. [00:18:38] <+Blizzardo1> Before I rip your head off and shit down your neck
  41. [00:18:43] <~KtecK> and only those who got stuff to hide say "I only speak the truth"
  42. [00:18:52] <+Blizzardo1> I write in .NET
  43. [00:18:58] <Tobin> Blizzardo1: Remember last time you attacked and threatened me
  44. [00:19:03] <+Blizzardo1> ...
  45. [00:19:05] <+Blizzardo1> Attacked?
  46. [00:19:07] <+Blizzardo1> THREATENED?
  47. [00:19:12] <+Blizzardo1> xD You're too cute :3
  48. [00:19:19] <+Blizzardo1> Where's your little dolly?
  49. [00:19:34] <Tobin> Blizzardo1: Come at me..
  50. [00:19:45] <+Blizzardo1> I don't want to... you're a waste of time
  51. [00:19:56] <+Blizzardo1> No wonder why you call yourself an Outcast... no one wants you
  52. [00:20:02] <Tobin> Soulman lost his botnet and doesnt care to hack people anymore.. u are on your own
  53. [00:20:12] <+Blizzardo1> Dude... I know what happened
  54. [00:20:16] <+Blizzardo1> I saw the shit that went down
  55. [00:20:18] <Tobin> As do i
  56. [00:20:26] <Tobin> you caused it
  57. [00:20:29] <+Blizzardo1> ha
  58. [00:20:32] <Tobin> or are you calling user a lier
  59. [00:20:37] <+Blizzardo1> Dude
  60. [00:20:41] <+Blizzardo1> User told me everything
  61. [00:20:55] <Tobin> and?
  62. [00:21:00] <+Blizzardo1> You're a pile of shit
  63. [00:21:17] <Tobin> those two things are not related or completely accrate
  64. [00:21:43] <+Blizzardo1> From what I heard, You thought that KtecK gave me logs?
  65. [00:21:46] <Tobin> soulman also confirmed what user told me
  66. [00:21:47] <+Blizzardo1> User is working against you
  67. [00:22:03] <+Blizzardo1> stop before you hurt yourself
  68. [00:22:14] <+Blizzardo1> Go take a chillpill, and learn to deal with it
  69. [00:22:22] <Tobin> next you will tell me soulman has it out for me still
  70. [00:22:28] <Tobin> which that doesn't make any sense anymore
  71. [00:22:31] <+Blizzardo1> No one has it out for you
  72. [00:22:40] <Tobin> apperently user is working agenst me
  73. [00:22:44] <Tobin> you just said that
  74. [00:22:53] <+Blizzardo1> No one wants to deal with you because you're a 25 yearold baby who whines more than an actual infant
  75. [00:23:08] <Tobin> funny how.. i dont and im 27
  76. [00:23:21] <Tobin> you can't even stay consistant in the same conversation
  77. [00:23:30] <+Blizzardo1> And you can't keep your mouth shut
  78. [00:23:51] <Tobin> I am Tobin.
  79. [00:23:52] <Tobin> NO ONE CAN STOP ME!
  80. [00:23:56] <+Blizzardo1> I just did
  81. [00:24:03] <Tobin> Except you didn't
  82. [00:24:53] <Tobin> Seems i am still around everywhere and you are on the fringes.. abandonet.. kteck's shit.. and even fuckin Chris Pirillo
  83. [00:24:59] <Tobin> the fucking geekshed cash cow
  84. [00:25:06] <+Blizzardo1> Dude Stop
  85. [00:25:13] <Tobin> Or what?
  86. [00:25:24] <~KtecK> did't you notice you already lost voice
  87. [00:25:27] <+Blizzardo1> I've had enough
  88. [00:25:36] <+Blizzardo1> You're a childish jerk
  89. [00:25:38] <Tobin> did you notice i dont care
  90. [00:25:51] <Tobin> You started this Blizzardo1
  91. [00:25:53] <Tobin> not me
  92. [00:26:38] <Tobin> Stop giving me causes to fight for and bullshit to fight agenst and maybe you wouldn't hear from me
  93. [00:26:47] <+Blizzardo1> Then leave
  94. [00:26:55] <Tobin> I shall remain
  95. [00:27:29] <Tobin> banning me would be a pointless waste of time.. like i told Retro .. ud have to ban every tor node to prevent me from being somewhere
  96. [00:27:30] * KtecK sets mode: +b *!
  97. [00:27:48] <+Blizzardo1> And I start here
  98. [00:27:55] * Tobin was kicked by KtecK (Behavior undesirable for the channel.)
  99. [00:27:56] * Tobin ( has joined #Kteck-labs
  100. [00:27:57] <+Blizzardo1> niin Tobin, go take meds
  101. [00:28:07] <+Blizzardo1> You forgot to -e his host
  102. [00:28:33] <Tobin> I can play this game till the end of time
  103. [00:28:41] <~KtecK> i got you on ban evasion tho
  104. [00:28:48] <+Blizzardo1> hmm
  105. [00:28:52] <Tobin> I haven't evaded any bans yet
  106. [00:28:56] <+Blizzardo1> that seems like a G:Lineable offence
  107. [00:28:59] <Tobin> or any you can prove
  108. [00:29:05] <+Blizzardo1> [00:27:30] * KtecK sets mode: +b *!
  109. [00:29:09] <+Blizzardo1> [00:27:55] * Tobin was kicked by KtecK (Behavior undesirable for the channel.)
  110. [00:29:09] <+Blizzardo1> [00:27:56] * Tobin ( has joined #Kteck-labs
  111. [00:29:13] <+Blizzardo1> Enough proof
  112. [00:29:23] <Tobin> yes you have a ban exception for me.. i cannot be held responsible for you not knowing how to irc
  113. [00:29:46] <~KtecK> this is one network who takes evasion seriously lol
  114. * Retrieving #Kteck-labs modes...
  115. [00:29:55] <Tobin> KtecK: why don't YOU ask me to leave instead of having your new lacky do it for you
  116. [00:29:57] <+Blizzardo1> I see no excemptions in the list
  117. [00:30:03] <Tobin> then how am i here
  118. [00:30:10] <~KtecK> client bug
  119. [00:30:12] <Tobin> i didnt do anything i have autorejoin on kick
  120. [00:30:24] <~KtecK> or server bug
  121. [00:30:31] * Lexi (~alex@3142E511.FFC713C0.52B6FB.IP) has joined #Kteck-labs
  122. [00:30:31] * Bender sets mode: +o Lexi
  123. [00:30:32] <Tobin> again not my fault
  124. [00:30:48] <~KtecK>
  125. [00:30:52] <Tobin> but i shall leave if YOU ask me to KtecK .. not your lacky
  126. [00:31:08] <~KtecK> setting of a ban and kicking is enough
  127. [00:31:19] <~KtecK> and no one is my lacky i operate on my own on decisions
  128. [00:31:21] <Tobin> except your ban is broken
  129. [00:31:32] <Tobin> that is not my fault
  130. [00:31:34] <~KtecK> well then leave
  131. [00:31:38] <~KtecK> evasion is evasion
  132. [00:31:47] <Tobin> an examination of the server logs will prove i did nothing
  133. [00:31:54] -> -KtecK- /mode #Kteck-labs +b *!*
  134. [00:32:06] <Tobin> but sure
  135. [00:32:10] * KtecK sets mode: +b *!*
  136. [00:32:17] * Tobin ( has left #Kteck-labs
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