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- -- [[ Name: Commander CR by ??? ]] --
- -- [[ Converted: By Melon ]] --
- -- [[ Reanimate: By Emper ]] --
- -- [[ Description: nothing to put ]] --
- -- [[ Hats ]] --
- -- [[ Free ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ Paid (1) ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ Paid (2) ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ Guns ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ ]] --
- -- [[ * FREE * ]] --
- -- [[ * FREE * ]] --
- -- [[ The list above is the supported hats. ]] --
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Melon's (FE) Converts/Scripts";
- Text = "Thanks for using!";
- Icon = "rbxthumb://type=Asset&id=11561641603&w=150&h=150"})
- Duration = 3;
- if not game:IsLoaded() then
- game.Loaded:Wait()
- end
- local function FindInstance(Parent, ClassName, Name)
- for _, Instance in pairs(Parent:GetChildren()) do
- if Instance:IsA(ClassName) and Instance.Name == Name then
- return Instance
- end
- end
- end
- local function WaitForClass(Parent, ClassName)
- local Instance = Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass(ClassName)
- while not Instance and Parent do
- Parent.ChildAdded:Wait()
- Instance = Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass(ClassName)
- end
- return Instance
- end
- local function WaitForClassOfName(Parent, ...)
- local Instance = FindInstance(Parent, ...)
- while not Instance and Parent do
- Parent.ChildAdded:Wait()
- Instance = FindInstance(Parent, ...)
- end
- return Instance
- end
- local Fling = { }
- local Aligns = { }
- local Blacklist = { }
- local Accessories = { }
- local Attachments = { }
- local Instancenew =
- local taskwait = task.wait
- local taskspawn = task.spawn
- local taskdefer = task.defer
- local mathabs = math.abs
- local mathcos = math.cos
- local mathrandom = math.random
- local stringmatch = string.match
- local osclock = os.clock
- local tableinsert = table.insert
- local tableclear = table.clear
- local tablefind = table.find
- local CFramenew =
- local CFrameAngles = CFrame.Angles
- local CFrameidentity = CFrame.identity
- local Vector3new =
- local Vector3zero =
- local Sleep = CFrameidentity
- local Velocity = Vector3new(0, 16384, 0)
- local Angular = 0
- local Linear = 0
- local Workspace = game:FindFirstChildOfClass("Workspace")
- local CurrentCamera = Workspace.CurrentCamera
- local Players = game:FindFirstChildOfClass("Players")
- local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local PostSimulation = game:FindFirstChildOfClass("RunService").PostSimulation
- local Character = LocalPlayer.Character
- local CharacterClone = Instancenew("Model")
- local StarterGui = game:FindFirstChildOfClass("StarterGui")
- local BindableEvent = Instancenew("BindableEvent")
- local UserInputService = game:FindFirstChildOfClass("UserInputService")
- local UserInputType = Enum.UserInputType
- local MouseButton1 = UserInputType.MouseButton1
- local Touch = UserInputType.Touch
- local InputBegan = UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GameProcessed)
- local Type = Input.UserInputType
- if not GameProcessed and ( Type == MouseButton1 or Type == Touch ) then
- local Target = Mouse.Target
- if Target and not Target.Anchored and not Target:IsDescendantOf(CharacterClone) and not Target:IsDescendantOf(Character) and not tablefind(Fling, Target) then
- local Parent = Target.Parent
- if Parent:IsA("Model") and Parent ~= Character and Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
- local HumanoidRootPart = FindInstance(Parent, "BasePart", "HumanoidRootPart") or FindInstance(Parent, "BasePart", "Torso") or FindInstance(Parent, "BasePart", "Head")
- if HumanoidRootPart and not tablefind(Fling, HumanoidRootPart) then
- tableinsert(Fling, HumanoidRootPart)
- return
- end
- end
- tableinsert(Fling, Target)
- end
- end
- end)
- local function Part(Name, Size)
- local Part = Instancenew("Part")
- Part.Name = Name
- Part.Size = Size
- Part.Transparency = 1
- Part.Parent = CharacterClone
- return Part
- end
- local function Motor6D(Name, Part0, Part1, C0, C1)
- local Motor6D = Instancenew("Motor6D")
- Motor6D.Name = Name
- Motor6D.Part0 = Part0
- Motor6D.Part1 = Part1
- Motor6D.C0 = C0
- Motor6D.C1 = C1
- Motor6D.Parent = Part0
- return Motor6D
- end
- local function Attachment(Name, CFrame, Parent)
- local Attachment = Instancenew("Attachment")
- Attachment.Name = Name
- Attachment.CFrame = CFrame
- Attachment.Parent = Parent
- tableinsert(Attachments, Attachment)
- return Attachment
- end
- local LimbSize = Vector3new(1, 2, 1)
- local TorsoSize = Vector3new(2, 2, 1)
- local Head = Part("Head", Vector3new(2, 1, 1))
- local Torso = Part("Torso", TorsoSize)
- local LeftArm = Part("Left Arm", LimbSize)
- local RightArm = Part("Right Arm", LimbSize)
- local LeftLeg = Part("Left Leg", LimbSize)
- local RightLeg = Part("Right Leg", LimbSize)
- local HumanoidRootPart = Part("HumanoidRootPart", TorsoSize)
- local FakeRA ="Part")
- FakeRA.Size =,2,1)
- FakeRA.Transparency = 1
- FakeRA.BrickColor ="Institutional White")
- FakeRA.Parent = RightArm
- local FRAW ="Weld")
- FRAW.Part0 = RightArm
- FRAW.Part1 = FakeRA
- FRAW.C0 =, 0, 0)
- FRAW.Parent = RightArm
- local FakeLA ="Part")
- FakeLA.Size =,2,1)
- FakeLA.Transparency = 1
- FakeLA.BrickColor ="Institutional White")
- FakeLA.Parent = LeftArm
- local FLAW ="Weld")
- FLAW.Part0 = LeftArm
- FLAW.Part1 = FakeLA
- FLAW.C0 =, 0, 0)
- FLAW.Parent = LeftArm
- local Part = nil
- if Character then
- Part = FindInstance(Character, "BasePart", "HumanoidRootPart") or FindInstance(Character, "BasePart", "Head") or FindInstance(Character, "BasePart", "Torso") or FindInstance(Character, "BasePart", "UpperTorso")
- end
- if Part then
- HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Part.CFrame
- else
- local SpawnLocations = { }
- for _, SpawnLocation in pairs(Workspace:GetDescendants()) do
- if SpawnLocation:IsA("SpawnLocation") then
- tableinsert(SpawnLocations, SpawnLocation)
- end
- end
- local Amount = # SpawnLocations
- if Amount > 0 then
- local SpawnLocation = SpawnLocations[mathrandom(1, Amount)]
- HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = SpawnLocation.CFrame * CFramenew(0, SpawnLocation.Size.Y / 2 + 3, 0)
- else
- HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrameidentity
- end
- end
- local face = Instancenew("Decal")
- face.Name = "face"
- face.Parent = Head
- local AccessoryTable = {
- -- Paid --
- { Mesh = "14241018198", Texture = "14251599953", Instance = Torso },
- { Mesh = "14255522247", Texture = "14255543546", Instance = RightArm, CFrame = CFrameAngles(0, 1.57, 1.57) },
- { Mesh = "14255522247", Texture = "14255543546", Instance = LeftArm, CFrame = CFrameAngles(0, - 1.57, 1.57) },
- { Mesh = "14768684979", Texture = "14768683674", Instance = RightLeg, CFrame = CFrameAngles(0, - 1.57, 1.57) },
- { Mesh = "14768684979", Texture = "14768683674", Instance = LeftLeg, CFrame = CFrameAngles(0, 1.57, 1.57) },
- -- Paid (2) --
- { Mesh = "14241018198", Texture = "14251599953", Instance = Torso },
- { Mesh = "12344206657", Texture = "12344206675", Instance = RightArm, CFrame = CFrameAngles(-115, 0, 0) },
- { Mesh = "12344207333", Texture = "12344207341", Instance = LeftArm, CFrame = CFrameAngles(-115, 0, 0) },
- { Mesh = "11159370334", Texture = "11159284657", Instance = RightLeg, CFrame = CFrameAngles(0, - 1.57, 1.57) },
- { Mesh = "11263221350", Texture = "11263219250", Instance = LeftLeg, CFrame = CFrameAngles(0, 1.57, 1.57) },
- -- Free --
- { Mesh = "4819720316", Texture = "4819722776", Instance = Torso, CFrame = CFrameAngles(0, 0, 105) },
- { Mesh = "3030546036", Texture = "3033903209", Instance = RightArm, CFrame = CFrameAngles(-90, 0, -89.5) },
- { Mesh = "3030546036", Texture = "3360978739", Instance = LeftArm, CFrame = CFrameAngles(-90, 0, 89.5) },
- { Mesh = "3030546036", Texture = "3409604993", Instance = RightLeg, CFrame = CFrameAngles(-90, 0, -89.5) },
- { Mesh = "3030546036", Texture = "3033898741", Instance = LeftLeg, CFrame = CFrameAngles(-90, 0, 89.5) },
- -- DG 40 --
- { Mesh = "5135810417", Texture = "5135790044", Instance = FakeRA, CFrame = CFrameAngles(-0.10, -1.55, 1.45) * CFramenew(-2.55,0.35,0.15)},
- -- Cyber Heavy Revolver --
- { Mesh = "12830091831", Texture = "9990288940", Instance = FakeRA, CFrame = CFrameAngles(0.55, 0, 0) * CFramenew(0,-1.15,0.15)},
- -- Beanbag Shotgun --
- { Mesh = "14682184097", Texture = "14682167931", Instance = FakeRA, CFrame = CFrameAngles(0.05, 0, 3.15) * CFramenew(0,1.35,-0.25)},
- -- Starslayer Railgun --
- { Mesh = "4615369575", Texture = "4615393635", Instance = FakeRA, CFrame = CFrameAngles(-0.80, 1.55, 0) * CFramenew(1.45,-1,0)},
- -- MARKA-17M --
- { Mesh = "13753961447", Texture = "13760652946", Instance = FakeRA, CFrame = CFramenew(0,-1.45,-0.65) * CFrameAngles(0, -1.50, 0.75) },
- -- Pogo Stick --
- { Mesh = "10775011914", Texture = "10774853167", Instance = FakeRA, CFrame = CFramenew(0,-2.55,-0.65) * CFrameAngles(0, -1.55, 0.65) },
- -- Crystal Staff --
- { Mesh = "5548423017", Texture = "5548423938", Instance = FakeRA, CFrame = CFramenew(0,-1.65,-0) * CFrameAngles(0, -1.55, 0.60) },
- }
- for _, Table in pairs(AccessoryTable) do
- if type(Table.Mesh) ~= "string" then
- Table.Mesh = ""
- end
- if type(Table.Texture) ~= "string" then
- Table.Texture = ""
- end
- end
- Motor6D("Right Shoulder", Torso, RightArm, CFramenew(1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0), CFramenew(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0))
- Motor6D("Left Shoulder", Torso, LeftArm, CFramenew(-1, 0.5, 0, -0, -0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), CFramenew(0.5, 0.5, 0, -0, -0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0))
- Motor6D("Right Hip", Torso, RightLeg, CFramenew(1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0), CFramenew(0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0))
- Motor6D("Left Hip", Torso, LeftLeg, CFramenew(-1, -1, 0, -0, -0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), CFramenew(-0.5, 1, 0, -0, -0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0))
- Motor6D("Neck", Torso, Head, CFramenew(0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), CFramenew(0, -0.5, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0))
- Motor6D("RootJoint", HumanoidRootPart, Torso, CFramenew(0, 0, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), CFramenew(0, 0, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0))
- Attachment("HairAttachment", CFramenew(0, 0.600000024, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Head)
- Attachment("HatAttachment", CFramenew(0, 0.600000024, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Head)
- Attachment("FaceFrontAttachment", CFramenew(0, 0, -0.600000024, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Head)
- Attachment("FaceCenterAttachment", CFramenew(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Head)
- Attachment("NeckAttachment", CFramenew(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Torso)
- Attachment("BodyFrontAttachment", CFramenew(0, 0, -0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Torso)
- Attachment("BodyBackAttachment", CFramenew(0, 0, 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Torso)
- Attachment("LeftCollarAttachment", CFramenew(-1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Torso)
- Attachment("RightCollarAttachment", CFramenew(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Torso)
- Attachment("WaistFrontAttachment", CFramenew(0, -1, -0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Torso)
- Attachment("WaistCenterAttachment", CFramenew(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Torso)
- Attachment("WaistBackAttachment", CFramenew(0, -1, 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), Torso)
- Attachment("LeftShoulderAttachment", CFramenew(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), LeftArm)
- Attachment("LeftGripAttachment", CFramenew(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), LeftArm)
- Attachment("RightShoulderAttachment", CFramenew(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), RightArm)
- Attachment("RightGripAttachment", CFramenew(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), RightArm)
- Attachment("LeftFootAttachment", CFramenew(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), LeftLeg)
- Attachment("RightFootAttachment", CFramenew(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), RightLeg)
- Attachment("RootAttachment", CFramenew(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), HumanoidRootPart)
- local Humanoid = Instancenew("Humanoid", CharacterClone)
- Instancenew("Animator", Humanoid)
- Instancenew("LocalScript", CharacterClone).Name = "Animate"
- CharacterClone.PrimaryPart = Head
- CharacterClone.Parent = Workspace
- local function DescendantAdded(Instance)
- if Instance:IsA("Accessory") then
- taskspawn(function()
- local Handle = WaitForClassOfName(Instance, "BasePart", "Handle")
- local Attachment = WaitForClass(Handle, "Attachment")
- local Clone = Instance:Clone()
- local CloneHandle = FindInstance(Clone, "BasePart", "Handle")
- CloneHandle.Transparency = 1
- CloneHandle:BreakJoints()
- local AccessoryWeld = Instancenew("Weld")
- AccessoryWeld.Name = "AccessoryWeld"
- AccessoryWeld.Part0 = CloneHandle
- AccessoryWeld.C0 = Attachment.CFrame
- local Name = Attachment.Name
- for _, TableAttachment in pairs(Attachments) do
- if TableAttachment.Name == Name then
- AccessoryWeld.Part1 = TableAttachment.Parent
- AccessoryWeld.C1 = TableAttachment.CFrame
- end
- end
- AccessoryWeld.Parent = CloneHandle
- Clone.Parent = CharacterClone
- tableinsert(Accessories, Clone)
- local IsAMeshPart = CloneHandle:IsA("MeshPart")
- local Mesh = IsAMeshPart and CloneHandle or WaitForClass(CloneHandle, "SpecialMesh")
- local Id = IsAMeshPart and "TextureID" or "TextureId"
- for _, Table in pairs(AccessoryTable) do
- local Instance = Table.Instance
- if Instance then
- if stringmatch(Mesh.MeshId, Table.Mesh) and stringmatch(Mesh[Id], Table.Texture) and not tablefind(Blacklist, Instance) then
- tableinsert(Blacklist, Instance)
- tableinsert(Aligns, { Handle, Instance, Table.CFrame or CFrameidentity })
- return
- end
- end
- end
- tableinsert(Aligns, { Handle, CloneHandle, CFrameidentity })
- end)
- elseif Instance:IsA("JointInstance") then
- taskspawn(function()
- taskwait()
- Instance:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- end
- local function CharacterAdded(Character)
- if Character ~= CharacterClone then
- PostSimulation:Wait()
- local Backpack = LocalPlayer:FindFirstChildOfClass("Backpack")
- if Backpack then
- Backpack:ClearAllChildren()
- end
- tableclear(Aligns)
- tableclear(Blacklist)
- for _, Accessory in pairs(Accessories) do
- Accessory:Destroy()
- end
- local CurrentCameraCFrame = CurrentCamera.CFrame
- LocalPlayer.Character = CharacterClone
- CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = CharacterClone.Head
- taskspawn(function()
- CurrentCamera:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CFrame"):Wait()
- CurrentCamera.CFrame = CurrentCameraCFrame
- end)
- local CharacterHumanoidRootPart = WaitForClassOfName(Character, "BasePart", "HumanoidRootPart")
- for Index, Value in pairs(Fling) do
- local BasePart = nil
- if typeof(Value) == "Instance" then
- if Value:IsA("BasePart") then
- BasePart = Value
- elseif Value:IsA("Humanoid") then
- local Model = Value.Parent
- if Model ~= Character and Model:IsA("Model") then
- BasePart = FindInstance(Model, "BasePart", "HumanoidRootPart") or FindInstance(Model, "BasePart", "Head") or Model:FindFirstChildOfClass("BasePart")
- end
- elseif Value:IsA("Model") and Value ~= Character then
- BasePart = FindInstance(Value, "BasePart", "HumanoidRootPart") or FindInstance(Value, "BasePart", "Head") or Value:FindFirstChildOfClass("BasePart")
- end
- end
- if BasePart then
- local clock = osclock()
- while CharacterHumanoidRootPart and BasePart and osclock() - clock <= 1 and BasePart.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude <= 60 do
- CharacterHumanoidRootPart.AssemblyAngularVelocity = Velocity
- CharacterHumanoidRootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Velocity
- CharacterHumanoidRootPart.CFrame = BasePart.CFrame + Vector3new(0, - 1, 0)
- PostSimulation:Wait()
- end
- end
- end
- tableclear(Fling)
- if CharacterHumanoidRootPart then
- CharacterHumanoidRootPart.AssemblyAngularVelocity = Vector3zero
- CharacterHumanoidRootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Vector3zero
- CharacterHumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFramenew(HumanoidRootPart.Position + Vector3new(mathrandom(- 32, 32), 0, mathrandom(- 32, 32)))
- PostSimulation:Wait()
- end
- Character:BreakJoints()
- for _, Instance in pairs(Character:GetDescendants()) do
- DescendantAdded(Instance)
- end
- Character.DescendantAdded:Connect(DescendantAdded)
- end
- end
- local function Align(Part0, Part1, CFrame)
- if Part0.ReceiveAge == 0 and not Part0.Anchored and # Part0:GetJoints() == 0 then
- Part0.AssemblyAngularVelocity = Vector3new(0, Angular, 0)
- local Part1CFrame = Part1.CFrame
- local LinearVelocity = Part1.AssemblyLinearVelocity * Linear
- local Magnitude = LinearVelocity.Magnitude < Linear
- if Magnitude then
- local LookVector = Part1CFrame.LookVector * Linear
- Part0.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Vector3new(LookVector.X, Linear, LookVector.Z)
- else
- Part0.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Vector3new(LinearVelocity.X, Linear, LinearVelocity.Z)
- end
- Part0.CFrame = Part1CFrame * ( Magnitude and Sleep or CFrameidentity ) * CFrame
- end
- end
- if Character then
- CharacterAdded(Character)
- end
- local Added = LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(CharacterAdded)
- local Connection = game:FindFirstChildOfClass("RunService").PostSimulation:Connect(function()
- local osclock = osclock()
- local Axis = 0.004 * mathcos(osclock * 17.5)
- Sleep = CFramenew(0, Axis, 0)
- Angular = mathcos(osclock)
- Linear = 26
- for _, Table in pairs(Aligns) do
- Align(Table[1], Table[2], Table[3])
- end
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(LocalPlayer, "SimulationRadius", 10000000)
- end
- StarterGui:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", BindableEvent) -- This is if it gets overriden, just like in MyWorld testing place.
- end)
- local function Event()
- CharacterClone:Destroy()
- end
- BindableEvent.Event:Connect(Event)
- CharacterClone:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function()
- if not CharacterClone.Parent then
- Added:Disconnect()
- Connection:Disconnect()
- CharacterClone:Destroy()
- if BindableEvent then
- BindableEvent:Destroy()
- end
- StarterGui:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", true)
- end
- end)
- BindableEvent:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(Event)
- if not getgenv()["Animator"] then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end
- -- Main --
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local currentAnim
- -- UI --
- local Material = HttpRequire("")
- local UI = Material.Load({
- Title = "Animator",
- Style = 3,
- SizeX = 200,
- SizeY = 230,
- Theme = "Dark"
- })
- -- MAIN --
- local Main = UI.New({
- Title = "Animator"
- })
- local Animation = Main.TextField({
- Text = "Animation"
- })
- local Loop = Main.Toggle({
- Text = "Loop",
- Enabled = true
- })
- local Play = Main.Button({
- Text = "Play",
- Callback = function()
- if currentAnim ~= nil and currentAnim.IsPlaying == true then
- currentAnim:Stop(0)
- currentAnim.Stopped:Wait()
- task.wait()
- end
- currentAnim = or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait(), Animation:GetText())
- if getgenv()["NullwareAPI"] then -- Nullware Complatible
- currentAnim:IgnoreMotorIn(NullwareAPI:GetCharacter("MainChar"))
- currentAnim:IgnoreBoneIn(NullwareAPI:GetCharacter("MainChar"))
- end
- currentAnim.Looped = Loop:GetState()
- currentAnim:Play()
- task.spawn(function()
- currentAnim.Stopped:Wait()
- currentAnim:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- })
- local Stop = Main.Button({
- Text = "Stop",
- Callback = function()
- if currentAnim and currentAnim.IsPlaying then
- currentAnim:Stop()
- end
- end
- })
- local Nullware = UI.New({
- Title = "Nullware"
- })
- local NullwareLink = Nullware.TextField({
- Text = "Nullware Reanimate Link",
- Type = "Password"
- })
- local ReanimateConfiguration = Nullware.ChipSet({
- Text = "ReanimateConfiguration",
- Options = {
- ["Anti-Fling"] = true,
- ["Head Movement Without Godmode"] = true,
- ["Enable Limb Collisions"] = true,
- ["Disable Torso Collisions"] = false,
- ["R15 To R6"] = true,
- ["Godmode"] = false
- }
- })
- Nullware.Button({
- Text = "Reanimate",
- Callback = function()
- if not getgenv()["NullwareAPI"] then
- local options = ReanimateConfiguration:GetOptions()
- options["Hats To Align"] = {"All"}
- options["Netless"] = true
- getgenv().Nullware_ReanimateConfiguration = options
- HttpRequire(NullwareLink:GetText())
- end
- end
- })
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