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- <p content="rsploits is a reliable source for working exploits for roblox, trusted by the r/ROBLOXExploiting subreddit, providing honest ratings of roblox cheats and hacks, and exposing those that are malicious. contains a wide variety of cheats, hacks and exploits for the popular game roblox, for windows, android, macos, ios. all of them work in 2024."
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- <p>Keyless
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- <p>Decompiler
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- <div class="updatedVersionsContainerContainer">
- <div class="updatedVersionsContainer">
- <p class="updatedVersion">Latest Roblox Windows update: <span id="latestWinVer">UNKNOWN</span>,
- <wbr>updated on: <span id="latestWinVerDate">UNKNOWN</span>
- <p class="updatedVersion">Latest Roblox Android update: <span id="latestAndVer">UNKNOWN</span>,
- <wbr>updated on: <span id="latestAndVerDate">UNKNOWN</span>
- <p class="updatedVersion">Latest Roblox MacOS update: <span id="latestMacVer">UNKNOWN</span>,
- <wbr>updated on: <span id="latestMacVerDate">UNKNOWN</span>
- <p class="updatedVersion">Latest Roblox iOS update: <span id="latestIosVer">UNKNOWN</span>, <wbr>updated on:
- <span id="latestIosVerDate">UNKNOWN</span>
- <p class="updatedVersion small">The dates are formatted to your timezone.
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- <h1>Data Editor and Card Creator</h1>
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- <h3>Q: How do I export this to rsploits?</h3>
- <p>A: If you are a moderator of r/ROBLOXExploiting, you should have access to the exploit-data github
- repository, where you can copy and paste the json data into the exploits.json file. If you don't
- have access yet, message u/david30121 on reddit or @justacoder on discord.</p><textarea
- id="exportTextArea" readonly>if you are seeing this, something probably went wrong.</textarea>
- <div class="editorButtonContainer"><button
- onclick='navigator.clipboard.writeText(el("exportTextArea").value)' class="editorButton">Copy to
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- <h1 id="issuetitle">There seem to be no open issues</h1><button
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- <h1>Credits</h1>
- <p>Site layout: justacoder
- <hr>
- <p>Site content: justacoder
- <hr>
- <p>Site code: justacoder
- <hr>
- <p>Site background: justacoder
- <hr>
- <p>Listed exploits: All the developers making them
- <hr>
- <p>Exposed RATs: All the people that exposed them
- <hr>
- <p>Roblox latest update API: edy131109
- <hr>
- <p>Maintaining the site: justacoder
- <hr>
- <p>Maintaining the site contents: everyone listed below
- <hr><br><br>
- <hr>
- <h2>Head editors</h2>
- <p>justacoder
- <hr>
- <h2>Trial editors</h2>
- <p>Coti7, edy131109, tediousworkshop
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- r/ROBLOXExploiting!</a> <a onclick='changeTab("editor",this)' id="nav_editor_button">Data Editor/Card
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- I commented out scripts that were broken or looked sus IMO.
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