
GTA 5 IPL list + coords

Feb 16th, 2015
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  1. GTA V IPL list + Coords
  2. IPLname // X, Y, Z
  4. -------------------------------------------------------
  5. airfield //1743.682f, 3286.251f, 40.0875f
  6. AP1_04_TriAf01 //-1277.629f, -2030.913f, 1.2823f
  7. bh1_16_refurb //-623.6868f, -231.935f, 40.30703f
  8. BH1_47_JoshHse_Burnt
  9. bh1_47_joshhse_firevfx
  10. BH1_47_JoshHse_UnBurnt
  11. BH1_48_Killed_Michael
  12. bnkheist_apt_dest
  13. bnkheist_apt_norm
  14. burgershot_yoga //-813.3f, 177.5f, 75.76f
  15. burnt_switch_off
  16. cargoship //-162.8918f, -2365.769f, 0f - None sunken state: cargoship ( Merryweather heist ) "sunkcargoship"
  17. canyonriver01 //-532.1309f, 4526.187f, 88.7955f - Traincrash Bridge ( Active in normal state )
  18. railing_start //-532.1309f, 4526.187f, 88.7955f - Traincrash Bridge ( Active in normal state )
  19. canyonriver01_traincrash //-532.1309f, 4526.187f, 88.7955f - Traincrash Bridge ( Not active in normal state )
  20. railing_end //-532.1309f, 4526.187f, 88.7955f - Traincrash Bridge ( Not active in normal state )
  21. chemgrill_grp1 //3832.9f, 3665.5f, -23.4f
  22. CH1_07_TriAf03
  23. CH3_RD2_BishopsChickenGraffiti //1861.28f, 2402.11f, 58.53f
  24. chop_props //-13.83f, -1455.45f, 31.81f
  25. chophillskennel //19.0568f, 536.4818f, 169.6277f
  26. CJ_IOABoat
  27. coronertrash //233.9f, -1355f, 30.3f -The Morgue (trash)
  28. Coroner_Int_off //234.4f, -1355.6f, 40.5f -The Morgue
  29. Coroner_Int_on //234.4f, -1355.6f, 40.5f -The Morgue
  30. crashed_cargoplane
  31. CS1_02_cf_offmission //-146.3837f, 6161.5f, 30.2062f -Cluckin Bell ( Remove this to open the gates )
  32. CS1_02_cf_onmission1 //-146.3837f, 6161.5f, 30.2062f -Cluckin Bell
  33. CS1_02_cf_onmission2 //-146.3837f, 6161.5f, 30.2062f -Cluckin Bell
  34. CS1_02_cf_onmission3 //-146.3837f, 6161.5f, 30.2062f -Cluckin Bell
  35. CS1_02_cf_onmission4 //-146.3837f, 6161.5f, 30.2062f -Cluckin Bell
  36. CS2_06_TriAf02 //2384.969f, 4277.583f, 30.379f -Cluckin Bell
  37. CS3_05_water_grp1 //-24.685f, 3032.92f, 40.331f
  38. CS3_05_water_grp2 //-24.685f, 3032.92f, 40.331f
  39. cs3_07_mpgates //-1601.424f, 2808.213f, 16.2598f -Fort Zancodu Gates ( active in Multiplayer )
  40. CS4_08_TriAf02
  41. CS4_04_TriAf03 //1577.881f, 3836.107f, 30.7717f
  42. CS5_04_MazeBillboardGraffiti //2697.32f, 3162.18f, 58.1f
  43. cs5_4_trains //2773.61f, 2835.327f, 35.1903f
  44. CS5_Roads_RonOilGraffiti //2119.12f, 3058.21f, 53.25f
  45. des_farmhouse //2447.9f, 4973.4f, 47.7f
  46. des_farmhs_endimap //2450.595f, 4959.929f //2383.756f, 4929.988f //2505.756f, 5023.988f
  47. des_farmhs_end_occl //2450.595f, 4959.929f
  48. des_farmhs_startimap //2450.595f, 4959.929f //2383.756f, 4929.988f //2505.756f, 5023.988f
  49. des_farmhs_start_occl //2450.595f, 4959.929f, 44.2575f
  50. DES_ProTree_start
  51. DES_ProTree_start_lod
  52. DES_Smash2_endimap //890.3647f, -2367.289f, 28.10582f
  53. DES_Smash2_startimap //890.3647f, -2367.289f, 28.10582f
  54. DES_StiltHouse_imapend //-1020.5f, 663.41f, 154.75f //-1018.913f, 603.2904f, 105.6611f //-1038.913f, 639.2904f, 135.6611f
  55. - Martin madrazo ( Rebuild state )
  56. DES_StiltHouse_imapstart //-1020.5f, 663.41f, 154.75f //-1018.913f, 603.2904f, 105.6611f //-1038.913f, 639.2904f, 135.6611f
  57. - Martin madrazo ( Broken state )
  58. des_stilthouse_rebuild //-1020.5f, 663.41f, 154.75f //-1018.913f, 603.2904f, 105.6611f //-1038.913f, 639.2904f, 135.6611f
  59. - Martin madrazo ( Rebuild state )
  60. DT1_05_HC_REMOVE //169f, -670.3f, 41.9f
  61. DT1_05_HC_REQ //169f, -670.3f, 41.9f
  62. DT1_05_REQUEST //163.4f, -745.7f, 251f
  63. DT1_05_rubble //74.29f, -736.05f, 46.76f
  64. DT1_17_OldBill //391.81f, -962.71f, 41.97f
  65. DT1_17_NewBill //391.81f, -962.71f, 41.97f
  66. DT1_21_prop_lift_on //-180.5771f, -1016.928f, 28.2893f
  67. fakeint //-59.7936f, -1098.784f, 27.2612f
  68. farm //2447.9f, 4973.4f, 47.7f
  69. farm_burnt //2447.9f, 4973.4f, 47.7f
  70. farm_burnt_props //2447.9f, 4973.4f, 47.7f
  71. farmint_cap //2447.9f, 4973.4f, 47.7f
  72. farmint //2447.9f, 4973.4f, 47.7f
  73. farm_props //2447.9f, 4973.4f, 47.7f
  74. FBI_colPLUG //74.29f, -736.05f, 46.76f
  75. FIBlobby //105.4557f, -745.4835f, 44.7548f
  76. FIBlobbyfake //105.4557f, -745.4835f, 44.7548f
  77. FBI_repair //74.29f, -736.05f, 46.76f
  78. ferris_finale_Anim //-1675.178f, -1143.605f, 12.0175f
  79. FruitBB //-1327.46f, -274.82f, 54.25f
  80. gasparticle_grp2 //-95.2f, 6411.3f, 31.5f
  81. gasstation_ipl_group1 //-93.4f, 6410.9f, 36.8f
  82. gasstation_ipl_group2 //-93.4f, 6410.9f, 36.8f
  83. hei_carrier //3069.98f,-4632.49f, 16.26f - Heist: Aircraft Carier Group1 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  84. hei_carrier_DistantLights - Heist: Aircraft Carier Group2 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  85. hei_Carrier_int1 - Heist: Aircraft Carier Group3 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  86. hei_Carrier_int2 - Heist: Aircraft Carier Group4 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  87. hei_Carrier_int3 - Heist: Aircraft Carier Group5 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  88. hei_Carrier_int4 - Heist: Aircraft Carier Group6 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  89. hei_Carrier_int5 - Heist: Aircraft Carier Group7 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  90. hei_Carrier_int6 - Heist: Aircraft Carier Group8 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  91. hei_carrier_LODLights - Heist: Aircraft Carier Group9 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  92. hei_yacht_heist //-2043.974,-1031.582, 11.981 - Heist: Yacht Group1 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  93. hei_yacht_heist_Bar - Heist: Yacht Group2 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  94. hei_yacht_heist_Bedrm - Heist: Yacht Group3 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  95. hei_yacht_heist_Bridge - Heist: Yacht Group4 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  96. hei_yacht_heist_DistantLights - Heist: Yacht Group5 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  97. hei_yacht_heist_enginrm - Heist: Yacht Group6 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  98. hei_yacht_heist_LODLights - Heist: Yacht Group7 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  99. hei_yacht_heist_Lounge - Heist: Yacht Group8 (requires _LOAD_MP_DLC_MAPS & _ENABLE_MP_DLC_MAPS)
  100. id2_14_during_door //716.84f, -962.05f, 31.59f - Lester's Factory
  101. id2_14_during1 //716.84f, -962.05f, 31.59f - Lester's Factory ( State ?? )
  102. id2_14_during2 //716.84f, -962.05f, 31.59f - Lester's Factory ( State ?? )
  103. id2_14_on_fire //716.84f, -962.05f, 31.59f - Lester's Factory ( On Fire )
  104. id2_14_post_no_int //716.84f, -962.05f, 31.59f - Lester's Factory ( State ?? )
  105. id2_14_pre_no_int //716.84f, -962.05f, 31.59f - Lester's Factory ( State ?? )
  106. ID2_21_G_Night
  107. Jetsteal_ipl_grp1 //787.3967f, -1808.858f, 29.8532 //814f, -1750f, 20f //790f, -1899f, 35f
  108. Jetsteal_ipl_grp2 //787.3967f, -1808.858f, 29.8532 //814f, -1750f, 20f //790f, -1899f, 35f
  109. jetstealtunnel //801.7f, -1810.8f, 23.3f
  110. jewel2fake //-630.4205f, -236.7843f, 37.057f
  111. Jewel_Gasmasks //707.2563f, -965.147f, 29.4179f
  112. layer_sextoys_a //-1157.129f, -1523.028f, 9.6327f
  113. layer_torture //-1157.129f, -1523.028f, 9.6327f
  114. ld_rail_02_track //2626.374f, 2949.869f, 39.1409f
  115. MG-Flight School 5
  116. Michael_premier //-813.3f, 177.5f, 75.76f
  117. occl_meth_grp1 //29.4838f, 3735.593f, 38.688f
  118. Plane_crash_trench //2814.7f, 4758.5f, 47.9f - Plane Crash Trench (Combine with "prop_shamal_crash" object )
  119. post_hiest_unload //-630.4205f, -236.7843f, 37.057f
  120. prologue01 - North Yankton
  121. prologue01c - North Yankton
  122. prologue01d - North Yankton
  123. prologue01e - North Yankton
  124. prologue01f - North Yankton
  125. prologue01g - North Yankton
  126. prologue01h - North Yankton
  127. prologue01i - North Yankton
  128. prologue01j - North Yankton
  129. prologue01k - North Yankton
  130. prologue01z - North Yankton
  131. prologue02 - North Yankton
  132. prologue03 - North Yankton
  133. prologue03b - North Yankton
  134. prologue03_grv_fun - North Yankton ( Grave state )
  135. prologue04 - North Yankton
  136. prologue04b - North Yankton
  137. prologue05 - North Yankton
  138. prologue05b - North Yankton
  139. prologue06 - North Yankton
  140. prologue06b - North Yankton
  141. prologue06_int - North Yankton
  142. prologuerd - North Yankton
  143. prologuerdb - North Yankton
  144. prologue_DistantLights - North Yankton
  145. prologue_LODLights - North Yankton
  146. prologue_m2_door - North Yankton
  147. facelobby //-1047.9f, -233.0f, 39.0f - Life Invader
  148. prop_cheetah_covered //490.8999f, -1334.068f, 28.3298f
  149. prop_entityXF_covered //490.8999f, -1334.068f, 28.3298f
  150. prop_jb700_covered //490.8999f, -1334.068f, 28.3298f
  151. prop_ztype_covered //490.8999f, -1334.068f, 28.3298f
  152. RC12B_Default //330.4596f, -584.8196f, 42.3174f
  153. RC12B_Destroyed //330.4596f, -584.8196f, 42.3174f
  154. RC12B_Fixed //330.4596f, -584.8196f, 42.3174f
  155. RC12B_HospitalInterior //330.4596f, -584.8196f, 42.3174f
  156. refit_unload //-583.1606f, -282.3967f, 35.394f
  158. SC1_01_NewBill //-351f, -1324f, 44.02f
  159. SC1_01_OldBill //-351f, -1324f, 44.02f
  160. SC1_30_Keep_Closed
  161. ship_occ_grp1
  162. ship_occ_grp2
  163. shr_int //-59.7936f, -1098.784f, 27.2612f
  164. smboat // -2041.974f, -1031.582f, 12.981f
  165. SM_15_BldGRAF1
  166. sunkcargoship //-162.8918f, -2365.7690f, 0f - Sunken state: cargoship ( Merryweather heist ) "cargoship"
  167. tankerexp_grp0 //1676.415f, -1626.37f
  168. tankerexp_grp1 //1676.415f, -1626.37f
  169. tankerexp_grp2 //1676.415f, -1626.37f
  170. tankerexp_grp3 //1676.415f, -1626.37f
  171. TrevorsMP //1973f, 3815f, 34f
  172. TrevorsTrailer //1973f, 3815f, 34f
  173. TrevorsTrailerTidy //1973f, 3815f, 34f
  174. TrevorsTrailerTrash //1973f, 3815f, 34f
  175. triathlon2_VBprops
  176. TRV1_Trail_end //-24.685f, 3032.92f
  177. TRV1_Trail_Finish //-24.685f, 3032.92f
  178. TRV1_Trail_start //-24.685f, 3032.92f
  179. UFO //487.31f, 5588.386f, 793.0532f
  180. V_35_Fireman //707.2563f, -965.147f, 29.4179f
  181. VB_08_TriAf01
  182. v_carshowroom //-30.8793f, -1088.336f, 25.4221f - Simeons Showroom
  183. shutter_open - Simeons Showroom ( Opened shutters )
  184. shutter_closed - Simeons Showroom ( Closed Shutters )
  185. shr_int - Simeons Showroom ( Interior )
  186. csr_inMission - Simeons Showroom ( Interior )
  187. fakeint - Simeons Showroom ( Fake interior when not enterable )
  188. V_Michael //-811.2679f, 179.3344f, 75.7408f
  189. V_Michael_Garage //-810.5301f, 187.7868f, 71.4786f
  190. V_Michael_FameShame //-810.5301f, 187.7868f, 71.4786f
  191. V_Michael_JewelHeist //-813.3f, 177.5f, 75.76f
  192. V_Michael_plane_ticket //-813.3f, 177.5f, 75.76f
  193. V_Michael_Scuba //-810.5301f, 187.7868f, 71.4786f
  194. v_tunnel_hole //-14.651f, -604.3639f, 25.1823f
  195. v_tunnel_hole_swap //-14.651f, -604.3639f, 25.1823f
  196. yogagame //-781.6566f, 186.8937f, 71.8352f
  197. FINBANK // 2.69689322f, -667.0166f, 16.1306286f - Union Depository vault ( Underground big vault "The Big One")
  198. DT1_03_Shutter // 23.9346f, -669.7552f, 30.8853f - Union Deposity shutters ( Allows driving through garage )
  199. DT1_03_Gr_Closed // 23.7318f, -647.2123f, 37.9549f - Remove this to remove Tunnel Fence Cover
  200. DES_tankercrash // 1676.415f, -1626.37f, 111.4848f
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