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- * The Matrix Text Effect- by [M023L404] (
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- * Visit for full source code
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- <center>
- <br>
- <h2>BY [M023L404] </h2>
- <center>
- <h1>Dark Pinus Squad</h1>
- <br>
- <center><font color="aqua"><font SIZE="3">:: _MEMBER_ ::</font></font></center>
- <div id="matrix" class="auto-style8">-==|Mr.eror404 | Mr.yka37 | Astra | ./SpecimenT | Mr.Cakil | [M023L404] | Mr.Dimpil404 | xNo0bx! | Ddiq |==-</div>
- <br>
- <br>
- <h4>thanks to </h4>
- <marquee><h3>DARK PINUS SQUAD - LINUX CYBER ART-Team Terlupakan-Clown Hacktivism Team</h3>
- </marquee>
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