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- ; -------------------------------------
- ; --- Tor-Be-Gone ---
- ; --- By WTSh4rK @ ---
- ; --- Version 1.1.1 ---
- ; -------------------------------------
- ;
- ; --- Change Log ---
- ;
- ; 20.02.2010: The script no longer reads from the csv file, all IP addresses are stored in a hash table.
- ; 20.02.2010: Update routine added, csv file can now be downloaded in mirc and added to hash more easily.
- ; 20.02.2010: Old IP's are kept in the hash table for 2 weeks and will be removed if not updated, new IP's are added.
- ; 24.02.2010: GUI Added
- ; 24.02.2010: Now multi channel
- ; 24.02.2010: Update now uses mirc socks to get ip list so no download of files are needed, 1 hour auto update added.
- ; 09.03.2010: IP's are now kept for 2 days only due to the use of dynamic IP's (too many IP's in the hash)
- ; 26.03.2010: Multi site updates added.
- ; 20.11.2010: Added a que system, users are added to a scan que and scanned one at a time, no more timers.
- ; 20.11.2010: Added DNS cache, no need to lookup addresses that have already been looked up now.
- ; 22.11.2010: DNSBL lookup added.
- ; 02.01.2011: Added Global Ignore List
- ; 08.02.2011: /who channel when addresses are not found in mirc IAL hidden, stops pnp whois window poping up.
- ; 08.02.2011: Other bug fixes and tidy up.
- ; 10.03.2011: Multi DNSBL lookup added.
- ;
- ; ------------------
- on 1:START: {
- unset %TBG*
- set %tbg.ini $shortfn($mircdir $+ torips\) $+ tbg.ini
- if (!$hget(tor.ips)) {
- if (!$exists(torips)) { .mkdir torips }
- if (!$exists(torips\tns_list.txt)) {
- write torips\tns_list.txt
- write torips\tns_list.txt
- write torips\tns_list.txt
- write torips\tns_list.txt
- write torips\tns_list.txt
- write torips\tns_list.txt
- }
- if (!$exists(torips\tor_ips.hash)) { .hmake tor.ips 1000 }
- else { .hmake tor.ips 1000 | .hload -b tor.ips torips\tor_ips.hash }
- If (!$window(@Tor-Be-Gone)) { window -k0nz @Tor-Be-Gone | .log on @Tor-Be-Gone -f Tor-Be-Gone.log }
- echo 2 -st *** Tor-Be-Gone 1.1.1 By Skxawng (WTSh4rK @
- echo 2 -st *** Loaded IP Address Hash, $hget(tor.ips,0).item IP's in Hash, Running Update...
- .timertbgQ 0 0.5 do.tbgQ
- tbgupdate
- }
- }
- on 1:DISCONNECT: {
- If ($window(@tbgQ)) { window -c @tbgQ }
- }
- on 1:JOIN:#: {
- if (($nick != $me) && ($istok($readini(torips\tbg.ini,lists,chans),$chan,172))) { addto.tbgQ $nick $chan }
- }
- on 1:OP:#: {
- if (($opnick == $me) && ($istok($readini(torips\tbg.ini,lists,chans),$chan,172)) && ($readini(torips\tbg.ini,$chan,scan))) { tbgscan $chan }
- }
- on 1:SERVEROP:#: {
- if (($opnick == $me) && ($istok($readini(torips\tbg.ini,lists,chans),$chan,172)) && ($readini(torips\tbg.ini,$chan,scan))) { tbgscan $chan }
- }
- alias addto.tbgQ {
- if ($1 == $me) return
- if (!%tbg.ini) set %tbg.ini $shortfn($mircdir $+ torips\) $+ tbg.ini
- If (!$window(@tbgQ)) { window -h @tbgQ }
- if (!$timer(tbgQ)) .timertbgQ 0 0.5 do.tbgQ
- if (($1 == ¬StartScanChan) || ($1 == ¬FinishScanChan)) { aline @tbgQ $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 | return }
- else aline @tbgQ $1 $2 ~ Waiting
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Added $1 from $2 to the Scan Que...
- }
- alias do.tbgQ {
- if ($line(@tbgQ,0)) {
- if ($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) == ¬StartScanChan) {
- echo 6 -t $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32) *** [TBG] Starting to scan $iif($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),3,32),$gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),3,32),$gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32)) for TOR $iif($readini(%tbg.ini,$gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32),dnsbl),and DNSBL) please wait...
- dline @tbgQ 1 | return
- }
- if ($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) == ¬FinishScanChan) {
- echo 6 -t $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32) *** [TBG] The TOR $iif($readini(%tbg.ini,$gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32),dnsbl),and DNSBL) scan of $iif($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),5,32),$gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),5,32),$gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32)) has finished, Scanned $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),3,32) users in $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),4,32)))
- dline @tbgQ 1 | return
- }
- if (!$address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),5)) {
- if ($chan($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32)).inwho) return
- else {
- .who $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32)
- set %tbg.who $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32) %tbg.who
- }
- }
- if ($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) !ison $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32)) {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from the Scan Que (not on channel)
- dline @tbgQ 1 | .dns -c | return
- }
- if ($address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),5)) {
- if ($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),4,32) == Waiting) {
- rline @tbgQ 1 $puttok($line(@tbgQ,1),Checking $ctime,4,32)
- ;echo -s $line(@tbgQ,1)
- inc %¬tbg.scans
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Sending $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) ( $+ $address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),5) $+ ) from $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32) for Check... [# $+ %¬tbg.scans $+ ]
- torchk $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32)
- }
- if (($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),4,32) == Checking) && ($calc($ctime - $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),5,32)) > 10)) {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from the Scan Que (timeout)
- echo 2 -t @Tor-Be-Gone *** WARNING: Removed $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from the Scan Que (timeout)
- dline @tbgQ 1 | .dns -c | return
- }
- }
- }
- }
- alias TBGmakeDNSBL {
- ;$1 = IP address only
- if ($remove($1,.) isnum) {
- ; ************************ DNSBL Scan List ************************
- ; ****** Add your rbl lists here with a space between each ********
- ; *****************************************************************
- var %tbg.dnsbl_list =
- ; *****************************************************************
- ; *****************************************************************
- ; *****************************************************************
- var %tbg.dnsbl_c = 1
- while ($gettok(%tbg.dnsbl_list,%tbg.dnsbl_c,32)) {
- if (%tbg.dnsbl) var %tbg.dnsbl = %tbg.dnsbl $+ ¬ $+ $gettok($1,4,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,3,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,2,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,1,46) $+ . $+ $gettok(%tbg.dnsbl_list,%tbg.dnsbl_c,32)
- else var %tbg.dnsbl = $gettok($1,4,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,3,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,2,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,1,46) $+ . $+ $gettok(%tbg.dnsbl_list,%tbg.dnsbl_c,32)
- ;if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp DNSBL Sent > $gettok($1,4,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,3,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,2,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,1,46) $+ . $+ $gettok(%tbg.dnsbl_list,%tbg.dnsbl_c,32)
- .dns $gettok($1,4,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,3,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,2,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,1,46) $+ . $+ $gettok(%tbg.dnsbl_list,%tbg.dnsbl_c,32)
- inc %tbg.dnsbl_c
- }
- return %tbg.dnsbl
- }
- else { echo -ts [TBG makeDNSBL Error] IP Address ONLY! | halt }
- }
- alias torchk {
- ;$1 = nick $2 = chan
- if (($1 == $null) || ($2 == $null)) {
- echo -t torchk error: incorrect argument
- halt
- }
- if (!$timer(TBG.update)) { .timerTBG.update 0 3600 TBGupdate }
- if (!$hget(tor.ips)) {
- if (!$exists(torips\tor_ips.hash)) { hmake -s tor.ips 1000 }
- else { .hmake -s tor.ips 1000 | .hload -bs tor.ips torips\tor_ips.hash }
- }
- if (!$hget(tbg_dns_cache)) {
- hmake tbg_dns_cache 1000
- if ($exists(torips\tbg_dns_cache.hash)) { hload tbg_dns_cache torips\tbg_dns_cache.hash }
- }
- if ($1 !ison $2) { dline @tbgQ 1 | halt }
- set %tbg.ignore 1
- var %tbg.ignore.list = $readini(%tbg.ini,lists,ignore)
- while ($gettok(%tbg.ignore.list,%tbg.ignore,172)) {
- if ($gettok(%tbg.ignore.list,%tbg.ignore,172) iswm $address($1,5)) {
- dline @tbgQ 1
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 3 @TBG-Status $timestamp On Ignore List, Removed $1 from the Tor Scan Que
- halt
- }
- inc %tbg.ignore
- }
- if (($address($1,4) == *!*@* || ($1 == X)) { dline @tbgQ 1 | if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 3 @TBG-Status $timestamp Undernet User... Removed $1 from the Tor Scan Que | halt }
- if (($hget(tbg_dns_cache)) && ($hfind(tbg_dns_cache,$gettok($address($1,2),2,64)))) {
- var %toraddress = $gettok($hget(tbg_dns_cache,$gettok($address($1,2),2,64)),1,32))
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 7 @TBG-Status $timestamp $1 Address found $gettok($hget(tbg_dns_cache,$gettok($address($1,2),2,64)),1,32)) in DNS cache...
- }
- else { var %toraddress = $gettok($address($1,2),2,64) }
- If (!$window(@Tor-Be-Gone)) { window -k0nz @Tor-Be-Gone | .log on @Tor-Be-Gone -f Tor-Be-Gone.log }
- if ($remove(%toraddress,.) isnum) {
- hadd -m torchk %toraddress $1 $+ ¬ $+ $2
- if ($hfind(tor.ips,%toraddress,1)) {
- set %tbg.type 1
- kicktor $1 $2 %toraddress
- hdel torchk %toraddress
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 4 @TBG-Status $timestamp Tor Address found: ( $+ $1 $+ ) %toraddress in $2
- dline @tbgQ 1
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $1 from the Tor Scan Que
- halt
- }
- else {
- hdel torchk %toraddress
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 3 @TBG-Status $timestamp Not a Tor address ( $+ $1 $+ ) %toraddress in $2
- if (!$readini(%tbg.ini,$2,dnsbl)) {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from the Tor Scan Que
- dline @tbgQ 1
- halt
- }
- if (!$hget(TBG_DNSBL,$address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),2))) {
- rline @tbgQ 1 $addtok($line(@tbgQ,1),$TBGmakeDNSBL(%toraddress),32)
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Sending $1 for DNSBL lookup...
- halt
- }
- if ($gettok($hget(TBG_DNSBL,$address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),2)),1,32) == good) {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 3 @TBG-Status $timestamp $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) not listed in DNSBL... (cached)
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from the Tor Scan Que
- dline @tbgQ 1
- halt
- }
- if ($gettok($hget(TBG_DNSBL,$address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),2)),1,32) == bad) {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 4 @TBG-Status $timestamp $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32) listed in DNSBL (cached)
- set %tbg.type 0
- kicktor $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32) %toraddress [DNSBL] Your host is listed in a DNSBL
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from the Tor Scan Que
- dline @tbgQ 1
- halt
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$hget(torchk).size) hmake torchk 100
- hadd -m torchk %toraddress $1 $+ ¬ $+ $2
- .dns %toraddress
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 7 @TBG-Status $timestamp $1 sent for DNS Lookup...
- }
- on 1:dns: {
- if (($line(@tbgQ,0)) && ($dns(0).addr == $gettok($address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),2),2,64))) {
- if (!$dns(1).ip) {
- echo -t @Tor-Be-Gone DNS Error: Could not look up IP for ( $+ $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(0).addr),1,172) $+ ) $dns(0).addr in $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(0).addr),2,172)
- echo 7 -t $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(0).addr),2,172) *** DNS Error: Could not look up IP for ( $+ $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(0).addr),1,172) $+ ) $dns(0).addr in $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(0).addr),2,172)
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 12 @TBG-Status $timestamp DNS Error: Could not look up IP for ( $+ $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(0).addr),1,172) $+ ) $dns(0).addr in $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(0).addr),2,172)
- hdel torchk $dns(0).addr
- dline @tbgQ 1
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(1).addr),1,172) from the Tor Scan Que
- halt
- }
- if (!$hget(tbg_dns_cache)) {
- hmake tbg_dns_cache 1000
- if ($exists(torips\tbg_dns_cache.hash)) { hload tbg_dns_cache torips\tbg_dns_cache.hash }
- }
- hadd tbg_dns_cache $dns(1).addr $dns(1).ip $ctime
- hsave -o tbg_dns_cache torips\tbg_dns_cache.hash
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Adding $dns(1).addr $dns(1).ip to DNS cache...
- if (($hfind(tor.ips,$dns(1).ip,1)) && ($gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(1).addr),1,172))) {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 4 @TBG-Status $timestamp Tor Address found: ( $+ $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(1).addr),1,172) $+ ) $dns(1).addr ( $+ $dns(1).ip $+ )
- set %tbg.type 1
- kicktor $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(1).addr),1,172) $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(1).addr),2,172) $dns(1).ip
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 4 @TBG-Status $timestamp Kicking and Banning $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(1).addr),1,172) $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(1).addr),2,172) $dns(1).ip
- hdel torchk $dns(1)
- dline @tbgQ 1
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(1).addr),1,172) from the Tor Scan Que
- }
- else {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 3 @TBG-Status $timestamp Not a Tor address ( $+ $gettok($hget(torchk,$dns(1).addr),1,172) $+ ) $dns(1).addr ( $+ $dns(1).ip $+ )
- hdel torchk $dns(0).addr
- if (!$readini(%tbg.ini,$gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32),dnsbl)) {
- dline @tbgQ 1
- halt
- }
- if (!$hget(TBG_DNSBL,$address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),2))) {
- rline @tbgQ 1 $addtok($line(@tbgQ,1),$TBGmakeDNSBL($dns(1).ip),32)
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Sending $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) for DNSBL lookup...
- halt
- }
- if ($gettok($hget(TBG_DNSBL,$address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),2)),1,32) == good) {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 3 @TBG-Status $timestamp $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) not listed in DNSBL... (cached)
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from the Tor Scan Que
- dline @tbgQ 1
- halt
- }
- if ($gettok($hget(TBG_DNSBL,$address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),2)),1,32) == bad) {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 4 @TBG-Status $timestamp Listed in DNSBL, Kicking and Banning $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32) (cached)
- set %tbg.type 0
- kicktor $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32) $dns(1).ip) [DNSBL] Your host is listed in a DNSBL ( $+ $dns(0).addr $+ )
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from the Tor Scan Que
- dline @tbgQ 1
- halt
- }
- }
- }
- var %tbg.qdnsbl = $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),6,32)
- if (($line(@tbgQ,0)) && ($dns(0).addr isin %tbg.qdnsbl)) {
- if (!$dns(1).ip) {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 3 @TBG-Status $timestamp $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) not listed in DNSBL... ( $+ $dns(0).addr $+ )
- if ($hget(TBG_DNSBL,$address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),2)) != bad) .hadd -mn1800 TBG_DNSBL $address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),2) good $ctime
- var %tbg.qdnsbl = $remtok(%tbg.qdnsbl,$dns(0).addr,1,172)
- if (%tbg.qdnsbl) rline @tbgQ 1 $puttok($line(@tbgQ,1),%tbg.qdnsbl,6,32)
- if (!%tbg.qdnsbl) {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from the Tor Scan Que
- dline @tbgQ 1
- }
- }
- else {
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline 4 @TBG-Status $timestamp $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32) listed in DNSBL! ( $+ $dns(0).addr $+ )
- set %tbg.type 0
- kicktor $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),2,32) $dns(0).addr [DNSBL] Your host is listed in a DNSBL ( $+ $dns(0).addr $+ )
- .hadd -mn1800 TBG_DNSBL $address($gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32),2) bad
- if ($window(@TBG-Status)) aline @TBG-Status $timestamp Removed $gettok($line(@tbgQ,1),1,32) from the Tor Scan Que
- dline @tbgQ 1
- }
- }
- }
- alias kicktor {
- ;$1 = Nick $2 = chan $3 = IP [$4- = Alt Kick Msg Over Ride]
- var = 1
- var %tbg.chan.list = $readini(torips\tbg.ini,lists,chans)
- If (!$window(@Tor-Be-Gone)) { window -k0nzg1 @Tor-Be-Gone | .log on @Tor-Be-Gone -f Tor-Be-Gone.log }
- else window -g1 @Tor-Be-Gone
- echo 4 -t @Tor-Be-Gone *** $iif(%tbg.type,Tor Address:,DNSBL Address:) $address($1,5) ( $+ $3 $+ ) found in $2
- echo 4 -t $2 *** [# $+ %¬tbg.scans $+ ] $iif(%tbg.type,Tor Address:,DNSBL Address:) $address($1,5) ( $+ $3 $+ ) found in $2
- while ($chan( {
- if ($istok(%tbg.chan.list,$chan(,172)) {
- if ((!%tbg.type) && (!$readini(torips\tbg.ini,$chan(,dnsbl))) { goto tbgbypass }
- if ($4-) { set %tbg.kick.msg [TBG $asctime(d mmm yyyy) $+ ] $4- }
- else { set %tbg.kick.msg [TBG $asctime(d mmm yyyy) $+ ] [TOR] $replace($readini(torips\tbg.ini,$chan(,banmsg),[ip],$3,[addr],$address($1,2),[chan],$chan(,[nick],$1) }
- if ($me isop $chan( {
- if ($1 ison $chan( {
- if (($network == undernet) && (r !isincs $chan($chan( { var %tbg.mode = +rb | .timer 1 60 mode $chan( -r }
- else var %tbg.mode = +b
- raw -q mode $chan( %tbg.mode $address($1,2) $+ $crlf $+ kick $chan( $1 : %tbg.kick.msg
- If (!$window(@Tor-Be-Gone)) { window -k0nzg1 @Tor-Be-Gone | .log on @Tor-Be-Gone -f Tor-Be-Gone.log }
- else window -g1 @Tor-Be-Gone
- echo 4 -t @Tor-Be-Gone *** $iif(%tbg.type,TOR Address:,DNSBL Address:) $address($1,5) ( $+ $3 $+ ) was kicked and banned from $chan( ( $+ %tbg.kick.msg $+ )
- }
- if (($readini(torips\tbg.ini,$chan(,x)) && (X ison $chan( && ($chan( == $2)) {
- .msg X ban $chan( $address($1,2) $readini(torips\tbg.ini,$chan(,xdays) $+ d 75 $left(%tbg.kick.msg,124) $+ $iif($len(%tbg.kick.msg) > 124,...)
- }
- }
- if ($me !isop $chan( {
- if (($readini(torips\tbg.ini,$chan(,x)) && (X ison $chan( && ($chan( == $2)) {
- .msg X ban $chan( $address($1,2) $readini(torips\tbg.ini,$chan(,xdays) $+ d 75 $left(%tbg.kick.msg,124) $+ $iif($len(%tbg.kick.msg) > 124,...)
- }
- }
- }
- :tbgbypass
- inc
- }
- }
- alias tbgscan {
- if ((!$chan) && ($1)) { var %tbgscan = $1 }
- elseif ($chan) { var %tbgscan $chan }
- else { echo 4 -at TBGScan: Need to know what channel you want to scan. | halt }
- set %tbgscan.count 1
- var %tbg.scantime = $ctime
- addto.tbgQ ¬StartScanChan %tbgscan
- while ($nick(%tbgscan,%tbgscan.count,rv)) {
- addto.tbgQ $nick(%tbgscan,%tbgscan.count,rv) %tbgscan
- inc %tbgscan.count
- }
- addto.tbgQ ¬FinishScanChan %tbgscan %tbgscan.count %tbg.scantime
- unset %tbgscan.count
- }
- alias TBGupdate {
- if (!$exists(torips\tns_list.txt)) { echo 4 -st *** TBGupdate Error: $mircdir $+ torips\tns_list.txt is missing | halt }
- if (!$1) { set $read(torips\tns_list.txt) }
- else { set $1 }
- if (!$hget(tor.ips)) {
- if (!$exists(torips)) { .mkdir torips }
- if (!$exists(torips\tor_ips.hash)) { .hmake tor.ips 1000 }
- else { .hmake tor.ips 1000 | .hload -b tor.ips torips\tor_ips.hash }
- }
- if (! { TBGupdate | halt }
- set %TBG.b4 $hget(tor.ips,0).item
- if (!$sock(TBG)) { sockopen TBG 80 }
- }
- on *:sockread:TBG:{
- if (!%TBG_csv.bytes) { set %TBG_csv.bytes 0 }
- var %stext
- sockread %stext
- if (($remove(%stext,.) isnum) && ($numtok(%stext,46) == 4)) { hadd tor.ips %stext $ctime }
- set %TBG_csv.bytes $calc(%TBG_csv.bytes + $sockbr)
- }
- on *:sockopen:TBG:{
- if ($sockerr) {
- sockclose $sockname
- echo 2 -t @Tor-Be-Gone ---
- echo 2 -t @Tor-Be-Gone *** Tor-Be-Gone: Err there was some error connecting to
- tbgupdate
- }
- else {
- echo 2 -t @Tor-Be-Gone ---
- echo 2 -t @Tor-Be-Gone *** Connected to $+ , Downloading update IP list...
- sockwrite -n $sockname GET /ip_list_all.php/Tor_ip_list_ALL.csv HTTP/1.1
- sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
- }
- }
- on *:sockclose:TBG: {
- set %TBG_csv 1
- set %TBG_csv.remove 0
- while ($hget(tor.ips,%TBG_csv).item) {
- if ($calc($ctime - $hget(tor.ips,%TBG_csv).data) > 86400) { hdel tor.ips $hget(tor.ips,%TBG_csv).item | inc %TBG_csv.remove }
- inc %TBG_csv
- }
- hsave -bo tor.ips torips\tor_ips.hash
- If (!$window(@Tor-Be-Gone)) { window -k0nz @Tor-Be-Gone | .log on @Tor-Be-Gone -f Tor-Be-Gone.log }
- echo 2 -t @Tor-Be-Gone *** IP's Added:3 $calc($hget(tor.ips,0).item - %TBG.b4 + %TBG_csv.remove) $+ , Removed:4 %TBG_csv.remove $+ , Now in Hash:3 $hget(tor.ips,0).item 15( $+ $bytes(%TBG_csv.bytes,k) $+ kb dl from $+ )
- unset %TBG.b4 | unset %TBG_csv* | unset
- tbg_cleandns
- }
- alias tbg_cleandns {
- set %TBG_csv1 1
- set %TBG_csv.remove 0
- while ($hget(tbg_dns_cache,%TBG_csv1).item) {
- if ($calc($ctime - $gettok($hget(tbg_dns_cache,%TBG_csv1).data,2,32)) > 172800) { hdel tbg_dns_cache $hget(tbg_dns_cache,%TBG_csv1).item | inc %TBG_csv.remove }
- inc %TBG_csv1
- }
- echo 2 -t @Tor-Be-Gone *** Addresses Removed from DNS cache:4 %TBG_csv.remove
- set %TBG_csv1 1
- set %TBG_csv.remove 0
- while ($hget(TBG_DNSBL,%TBG_csv1).item) {
- if (($gettok($hget(TBG_DNSBL,%TBG_csv1).data,1,32) == good) && ($calc($ctime - $gettok($hget(TBG_DNSBL,%TBG_csv1).data,2,32)) > 7200)) { hdel TBG_DNSBL $hget(TBG_DNSBL,%TBG_csv1).item | inc %TBG_csv.remove }
- if (($gettok($hget(TBG_DNSBL,%TBG_csv1).data,1,32) == bad) && ($calc($ctime - $gettok($hget(TBG_DNSBL,%TBG_csv1).data,2,32)) > 172800)) { hdel TBG_DNSBL $hget(TBG_DNSBL,%TBG_csv1).item | inc %TBG_csv.remove }
- inc %TBG_csv1
- }
- echo 2 -t @Tor-Be-Gone *** Addresses Removed from DNSBL cache:4 %TBG_csv.remove
- unset %TBG_csv*
- }
- dialog tbg {
- title "TBG+DNSBL 1.1.1 Settings"
- size -1 -1 300 120
- option dbu
- button "Okay",1,200 107 25 11,ok
- button "Discard",2,270 107 25 11,cancel
- button "Apply",5,235 107 25 11
- text "TBG+DNSBL 1.1.1 By Skxawng (Undernet User: WTSh4rK)",3,5 105 80 13
- button "Update IP List",4,90 107 40 11
- box "Channel:",10,5 3 190 20
- text "Settings for:",11,10 11 40 10
- combo 12,45 9 80 10,drop edit
- button "Add",13,133 9 25 11
- button "Remove",14,165 9 25 11
- box "Settings:",20,5 25 190 80
- text "Use [nick] [chan] [ip] [addr] to get nick, channel, IP and address in your kick.",21,8 33 185 10
- text "Ban Messsage:",22,8 44 45 12
- combo 23,47 42 145 10,drop edit
- check "Scan channel when you OP to check for Tor IP's already in channel?",24,8 55 180 10
- check "Use X to Kick and Ban Tor Addresses for",25,8 70 110 10
- combo 26,118 70 30 10, drop
- text "days.",27,155 71 30 10
- check "Send users for DNSBL lookup?",28,8 85 110 10
- box "Addresses to ignore (Global)",30,200 3 95 102
- text "",31,205 12 85 70, edit vsbar
- combo 32,205 22 85 70, edit vsbar
- button "Add",33,220 90 25 11
- button "Remove",34,252 90 25 11
- }
- on 1:dialog:tbg:init:0: {
- ;echo - %tbg.ini
- did -o tbg 31 1 $iif($len(e.g. $address($me,8)) >= 30,$left(e.g. $address($me,8),30) $+ ...,e.g. $address($me,8))
- if (!$exists($shortfn($mircdir $+ torips\) $+ tbg.ini)) { mkdir torips | writeini $shortfn($mircdir $+ torips\) $+ tbg.ini lists banmsg [nick], Anonymity online is great just not here... BANNED: [ip] ([addr])¬The Onion Router is Banned, Tor Exit Node IP: [ip] ([addr])¬BANNED: Tor Exit Node IP: [ip] ([addr]) | TBGupdate }
- set %tbg.ini $shortfn($mircdir $+ torips\) $+ tbg.ini
- didtok tbg 23 172 $readini(%tbg.ini,lists,banmsg)
- did -c tbg 23 1
- didtok tbg 12 172 $readini(%tbg.ini,lists,chans)
- didtok tbg 32 172 $readini(%tbg.ini,lists,ignore)
- var %tbg.xdays = 1
- while (%tbg.xdays < 101) {
- did -a tbg 26 %tbg.xdays
- if (%tbg.xdays = 1) did -c tbg 26 1
- inc %tbg.xdays
- }
- did -b tbg 14,23,24,25,26,33,34
- if ($didwm(tbg,12,$active)) {
- set %tbg.chan $didwm(tbg,12,$active)
- did -c tbg 12 $didwm(tbg,12,$active)
- did -e tbg 14,23,24,25,26
- did -b tbg 13
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$active,banmsg)) { did -ac tbg 23 $readini(%tbg.ini,$active,banmsg) }
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$active,scan)) { did -c tbg 24 }
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$active,x)) { did -c tbg 25 }
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$active,xdays)) { did -c tbg 26 $readini(%tbg.ini,$active,xdays) }
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$active,dnsbl)) { did -c tbg 28 }
- }
- else { did -o tbg 12 0 $active | set %tbg.chan $didwm(tbg,12,$active) }
- }
- on 1:dialog:tbg:sclick:*: {
- if (($did == 1) || ($did == 5)) {
- writeini %tbg.ini lists chans $didtok(tbg,12,172)
- writeini %tbg.ini $did(tbg,12).seltext banmsg $did(tbg,23,0).text
- writeini %tbg.ini $did(tbg,12).seltext scan $did(tbg,24).state
- writeini %tbg.ini $did(tbg,12).seltext x $did(tbg,25).state
- writeini %tbg.ini $did(tbg,12).seltext xdays $did(tbg,26).seltext
- writeini %tbg.ini $did(tbg,12).seltext dnsbl $did(tbg,28).state
- if ($didtok(tbg,32,172)) writeini %tbg.ini lists ignore $didtok(tbg,32,172)
- else remini %tbg.ini lists ignore
- }
- if ($did == 12) {
- did -e tbg 1,14,23,24,25,26
- did -b tbg 13
- did -d tbg 23 3
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12).seltext,banmsg)) { did -ac tbg 23 $readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12).seltext,banmsg) }
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12).seltext,scan)) { did -c tbg 24 }
- else { did -u tbg 24 }
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12).seltext,x)) { did -c tbg 25 }
- else { did -u tbg 25 }
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12).seltext,xdays)) { did -c tbg 26 $readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12).seltext,xdays) }
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12).seltext,dnsbl)) { did -c tbg 28 }
- else { did -u tbg 28 }
- }
- if ($did == 13) {
- if ($did(tbg,12,0).text) {
- did -a tbg 12 $did(tbg,12,0).text
- did -c tbg 12 $didwm(tbg,12,$did(tbg,12,0).text)
- did -e tbg 1,14,23,24,25,26
- did -b tbg 13
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12,0).text,banmsg)) { did -i1c 24 $readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12,0).text,banmsg) }
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12,0).text,scan)) { did -c tbg 24 }
- if ($readini(%tbg.ini,$did(tbg,12,0).text,x)) { did -c tbg 25 }
- }
- }
- if ($did == 14) {
- if ($?!"Are you sure you want to remove $did(tbg,12).seltext $+ ?") {
- did -b tbg 1,14,23,24,25,26
- did -u tbg 24,25
- did -c tbg 26 14
- did -d tbg 23 3
- did -c tbg 23 1
- did -e tbg 13
- remini %tbg.ini $did(tbg,12).seltext
- did -d tbg 12 $did(tbg,12).sel
- writeini %tbg.ini lists chans $didtok(tbg,12,172)
- did -o tbg 12 0 $null
- }
- }
- if ($did == 4) {
- dialog -x tbg
- window -r @Tor-Be-Gone
- tbgupdate
- }
- if ($did = 33) {
- did -a tbg 32 $did(tbg,32).text
- did -b tbg 33
- }
- if ($did == 32) {
- did -e tbg 34
- }
- if ($did == 34) {
- did -d tbg 32 $did(tbg,32).sel
- did -b tbg 34
- }
- }
- on 1:dialog:tbg:edit:*: {
- if ($did == 12) {
- did -b tbg 1,14,23,24,25,26
- did -u tbg 24,25
- did -c tbg 26 14
- did -d tbg 23 3
- did -c tbg 23 1
- did -e tbg 13
- }
- if ($did == 32) {
- if ($did(tbg,32).text) did -e tbg 33
- else did -b tbg 33
- }
- }
- menu channel {
- .TBG Settings:dialog -m tbg tbg
- .Show TBG Status Window:window -rd @TBG-Status
- .Maintenance
- ..Clear The Scan Que (Que $line(@tbgQ,0) $+ ): {
- if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear the scan que?,y)) { window -c @tbgQ | if ($input(Scan Que Cleared.,o)) { } }
- }
- ..Clear The DNS cache (Cached $hget(tbg_dns_cache,0).item $+ ): {
- if ($input(Are you sure you want $hget(tor.tbg_dns_cache,0).item IP's deleted from the DNS IP cache?,y)) { .hfree tbg_dns_cache | .hmake tbg_dns_cache 1000 | hsave -o tbg_dns_cache torips\tbg_dns_cache.hash | if ($input(DNS IP's Cleared.,o)) { } }
- }
- ..Clear The Tor IP cache (Cached $hget(tor.ips,0).item $+ ): {
- if ($input(Are you sure you want $hget(tor.ips,0).item IP's deleted from the Tor IP cache?,y)) { .hfree tor.ips | .hmake tor.ips 1000 | hsave -bo tor.ips torips\tor_ips.hash | if ($input(Tor IP's Cleared. You will now need to update the Tor Exit Node IP List,o)) { } }
- }
- ..Clear The DNSBL cache (Cached $hget(TBG_DNSBL,0).item $+ ): {
- if ($input(Are you sure you want $hget(TBG_DNSBL,0).item IP's deleted from the DNSBL IP cache?,y)) { .hfree TBG_DNSBL | if ($input(DNSBL IP's Cleared,o)) { } }
- }
- .-
- . $+ $iif($istok($readini(torips\tbg.ini,lists,chans),$chan,172),Scan the channel for Tor $iif($readini(%tbg.ini,$chan,dnsbl),and DNSBL),) :tbgscan $chan
- .-
- .Update Tor exit node IP list: { window -r @Tor-Be-Gone | tbgupdate }
- }
- menu nicklist {
- -
- Check with TBG : {
- set %tbgscan.count 1
- var %tbg.scantime = $ctime
- addto.tbgQ ¬StartScanChan $chan $1 ~
- addto.tbgQ $1 $chan
- addto.tbgQ ¬FinishScanChan $chan %tbgscan.count %tbg.scantime $1
- }
- -
- }
- raw 315:*: { if ($2 isin %tbg.who) { set %tbg.who $remtok(%tbg.who,$2,1,32) | haltdef } }
- raw 352:*: { if ($2 isin %tbg.who) { haltdef } }
- on 1:unload: {
- unset %tbg*
- timerTBG.update off
- timertbgq off
- hfree tor.ips
- hfree torchk
- hfree TBG_DNSBL
- hfree tbg_dns_cache
- echo -ts *** Tor-Be-Gone has been unloaded.
- }
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