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- <!----
- © | PORTFOLIO (bright)
- + Do not redistribute this page or remove the credits.
- + Edit as long as you keep the credits intact.
- + Contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
- + If you want a custom theme/page you can commission me.
- + Thanks for using my page, I hope that you enjoy it.
- Other credits:
- - Jquery
- - Google fonts
- - Isotope Combination Filtering by Bev (@magnusthemes)
- ---->
- <html>
- <head>
- <!--- Change the title of the page here --->
- <title>{title}</title>
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{Favicon}">
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- line-height:57px;
- height:57px;
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- height: 1px;
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- /* Replace header background image */
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- z-index:10;
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- /* -------- DESCRIPTION ------- */
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- margin-top:0;
- margin-left:0;
- width:calc(100% - 60px);
- height:auto;
- padding:30px;
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- /* -------- CONTAINER ------- */
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- /* -------- SORTING CONTENT ------- */
- /* Sort box style */
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- position:absolute;
- left:15px;
- margin-top:70px;
- width:200px;
- height:auto;
- height:calc(100vh - 60px);
- padding:10px 15px;
- /* Change background color of sorting container */
- background:#ffffff;
- overflow-y:auto;
- z-index:10000;
- }
- #sort ul {
- list-style: none;
- margin-top:0px;
- margin-left:0px;
- width:195px;
- padding:0px;
- }
- /* Sort title */
- #sort h2 {
- margin:5px 0;
- padding:5px;
- font-size:18px;
- color:#222222;
- border-bottom:1px solid #eeeeee;
- cursor:pointer;
- font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
- }
- /* Sort link style */
- #sort a {
- display:block;
- margin-left:15px;
- width:170px;
- padding:3px 5px;
- font-size:15px;
- color:#333333;
- }
- #sort a:hover {
- color:#92e8d6;
- }
- #sort li {
- list-style:none;
- }
- #sort li a.selected {
- color:#92e8d6;
- }
- .stickysort {
- top:-50px;
- position:fixed!important;
- }
- /* -------- CONTENT CONTAINER ------- */
- .grid {
- margin-left:265px;
- margin-top:58px;
- width:calc(100vw - 296px);
- padding-bottom:30px;
- z-index:100;
- }
- /* Item (content container) */
- .grid .item {
- display: block;
- float: left;
- margin: 1%;
- width: 23%;
- padding:20px;
- /* Change background color of content container */
- background: #fcfcfc;
- box-sizing: border-box;
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- -o-transition-duration:1s;
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- -o-transition: opacity 0.8s linear;
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- opacity: 0.8;
- }
- .grid img:hover {
- opacity: 1;
- }
- /* Content container info */
- .info {
- position:absolute;
- top:20px;
- margin-left:0;
- width:calc(100% - 40px);
- height:calc(100% - 40px);
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- overflow-y:auto;
- opacity:0;
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- -moz-transition: opacity 0.8s linear;
- -o-transition: opacity 0.8s linear;
- -ms-transition: opacity 0.8s linear;
- }
- .item:hover .info {
- opacity:1;
- }
- /* Info heading */
- .info h2 {
- margin:0;
- color:#222222;
- padding-bottom:5px;
- font-size:18px;
- font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
- }
- .info h2:after {
- content: "";
- display: inline-block;
- vertical-align: middle;
- margin-left: 10px;
- width: 40px;
- height: 1px;
- background-color:#eeeeee;
- }
- /* Info description */
- .infodesc {
- margin:10px 0;
- color:#333333;
- font-size:12px;
- line-height:18px;
- }
- /* Info links */
- .infolinks a {
- display:inline-block;
- margin:5px;
- margin-left:0;
- padding:4px 8px;
- font-size:12px;
- border-radius:2px;
- z-index:100;
- }
- /* First info link style */
- .styleone {
- color:#222222;
- border:1px solid #92e8d6;
- }
- .styleone:hover {
- background:#92e8d6;
- }
- /* Second info link style */
- .styletwo {
- color:#222222;
- border:1px solid #ffccc8;
- }
- .styletwo:hover {
- background:#ffccc8;
- }
- /* First label */
- .labelone {
- position:absolute;
- top:10px;
- right:0px;
- width:60px;
- padding:4px 8px;
- text-align:center;
- color:#222222;
- font-size:14px;
- z-index:100;
- background:#92e8d6;
- }
- /* Second label */
- .labeltwo {
- position:absolute;
- top:10px;
- right:0px;
- width:60px;
- padding:4px 8px;
- text-align:center;
- color:#222222;
- font-size:14px;
- z-index:100;
- background:#ffccc8;
- }
- #item:hover {
- -moz-transition-duration:1s;
- -webkit-transition-duration:1s;
- -o-transition-duration:1s;
- }
- .selected {
- color: #222222;
- border-bottom-color: #97c5e0;
- font-weight: bold;
- }
- /* ----------------------- CREDITS ----------------------------- */
- #credit {
- position:fixed;
- right:10px;
- bottom:10px;
- z-index:100000;
- }
- #credit img{
- border:1px solid #eeeeee;
- max-width:25px;
- }
- </style>
- <!-------------------------------- SCRIPTS -------------------------------->
- <!-- Jquery -->
- <script src=""></script>
- <!-- Sticky -->
- <script type="text/javascript">
- $(function(){
- var stickyRibbonTop = $('#sticky').offset().top;
- $(window).scroll(function(){
- if( $(window).scrollTop() > stickyRibbonTop ) {
- $('#sort').addClass("stickysort");
- } else {
- $('#sort').removeClass("stickysort");
- }
- });
- });
- </script>
- <!-- Filter scripts -->
- <script src=""></script>
- <script>
- $(document).ready(function() {
- var $container = $(".grid"); // the container with all the elements to filter inside
- var filters = {}; //should be outside the scope of the filtering function
- /* --- read the documentation on for more options --- */
- var $grid = $container.isotope({
- itemSelector: ".item", // the elements to filter
- percentPosition: true // true if you use percentage widths
- });
- // save some classes for later usage
- /* ---
- activeClass: adds this class to filters that are selected (active)
- comboClass: the class that indicates that the filter group is a chain filter, i.e. if you select two filters, only items with BOTH filters will be shown
- exclClass: the class that indicates that the filter group is an exclusion filter, i.e. you can only select one filter from that group at a time
- resetClass: the class for the overall reset button
- --- */
- var activeClass = "selected",
- comboClass = "combine",
- exclClass = "exclusive",
- resetClass = "reset";
- var $defaults = $("a." + activeClass + '[data-filter-value=""]');
- $(".option-set a").click(function(e) {
- // insert your link selector where it says '.option-set a'
- var $this = $(this); // cache the clicked link
- var comboFilter,
- filterAttr = "data-filter-value";
- if (resetClass && !$this.hasClass(resetClass)) {
- // defining variables
- var filterValue = $this.attr(filterAttr); // cache the filter
- var $optionSet = $this.parents(".option-set"); // cache the parent element
- var group = $optionSet.attr("data-filter-group"); // cache the parent filter group
- var filterGroup = filters[group]; // make new variable for the property being filtered
- if (!filterGroup) {
- // if the property doesn't exist
- filterGroup = filters[group] = []; // make a new empty array
- }
- var $selectAll = $optionSet.find("a[" + filterAttr + '=""]'); // cache the 'select all' button in the current group
- $("." + resetClass).removeClass(activeClass);
- comboFiltering(
- $this,
- filters,
- filterAttr,
- filterValue,
- $optionSet,
- group,
- $selectAll,
- activeClass,
- comboClass,
- exclClass
- );
- comboFilter = getComboFilter(filters); // join all the filters
- if (!comboFilter.length) $("a." + resetClass).addClass(activeClass);
- $this.toggleClass(activeClass);
- } else {
- filters = {};
- comboFilter = "";
- $(".option-set a").removeClass(activeClass);
- $(this).addClass(activeClass);
- $defaults.addClass(activeClass);
- }
- $grid.isotope({
- filter: comboFilter
- });
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- });
- function comboFiltering(
- $this,
- filters,
- filterAttr,
- filterValue,
- $optionSet,
- group,
- $selectAll,
- activeClass,
- comboClass,
- exclClass
- ) {
- // for non-exclusive groups of filters
- if (!$optionSet.hasClass(exclClass)) {
- // replace 'exclusive' with the class of your exclusive filter groups
- // if link is a filter that isn't selected
- if (!$this.hasClass(activeClass) && filterValue.length) {
- filters[group].push(filterValue); // add filter to array
- $selectAll.removeClass(activeClass); // remove the selected class from the 'select all' button
- } else if (filterValue.length) {
- // if link is a selected filter
- // remove filter from array
- // check if the filter group we're concerned with is a combination filter (.one.two instead of .one,.two)
- if ($optionSet.hasClass(comboClass)) {
- filters[group][0] = filters[group][0].replace(filterValue, ""); // delete the filter from the combined string
- if (!filters[group][0].length)
- // check if there is anything left in the string after deletion
- filters[group].splice(0, 1); // if no, remove the empty string
- } else {
- // if filter group is not a combo filter
- var curIndex = filters[group].indexOf(filterValue); // get index of filter string in array
- if (curIndex > -1) filters[group].splice(curIndex, 1); // remove the filter
- }
- if (!$optionSet.find("a." + activeClass).not($this).length)
- // if there are no remaining filters
- $selectAll.addClass(activeClass); // add the active class to the 'select all' button
- } else {
- // if link is the show all button for that group
- $optionSet.find("a." + activeClass).removeClass(activeClass); // remove the active class from all other buttons
- filters[group] = []; // clear the array of all filters
- }
- // join everything to a single string for the combined filtering groups
- if ($optionSet.hasClass(comboClass) && filters[group].length)
- filters[group] = [filters[group].join("")];
- } else {
- // for exclusive groups
- // if link is a filter that isn't selected
- if (!$this.hasClass(activeClass) && filterValue.length) {
- // run a loop for all active filters
- $optionSet.find("a." + activeClass).each(function(k, filterLink) {
- // remove all active filters in the same group from the array
- var removeFilter = $(filterLink).attr(filterAttr);
- var removeIndex = filters[group].indexOf(removeFilter);
- filters[group].splice(removeIndex, 1);
- });
- filters[group].push(filterValue); // add selected filter to array
- $optionSet.find("a." + activeClass).removeClass(activeClass); // remove the active class from all other links in the group
- } else if (filterValue.length) {
- // if link is a selected filter
- // remove filter from array
- var curIndex = filters[group].indexOf(filterValue);
- if (curIndex > -1) filters[group].splice(curIndex, 1);
- if (!$optionSet.find("a." + activeClass).not($this).length)
- // if there are no remaining filters
- $selectAll.addClass(activeClass); // add active class to 'select all' button
- } else {
- // if link is the show all button for that group
- $optionSet.find("a." + activeClass).removeClass(activeClass); // remove active class from all other buttons
- filters[group] = []; // reset all filters for this group
- }
- }
- }
- /* --- concat filters --- */
- function getComboFilter(filters) {
- // pass the entire array of filters to the function
- var i = 0; // set counter variable as zero
- var comboFilters = []; // make a new array to save the string of filters
- for (var prop in filters) {
- // loop through all the properties in the filter array passed to the function
- var filterGroup = filters[prop]; // define variable
- // skip to next filter group if it doesn't have any values
- if (!filterGroup.length) {
- continue; // exit loop and move on with next iteration
- }
- if (i === 0) {
- // copy to new array
- comboFilters = filterGroup.slice(0);
- } else {
- var filterSelectors = [];
- // copy to fresh array
- var groupCombo = comboFilters.slice(0);
- // merge filter Groups
- for (var k = 0, len3 = filterGroup.length; k < len3; k++) {
- for (var j = 0, len2 = groupCombo.length; j < len2; j++) {
- filterSelectors.push(groupCombo[j] + filterGroup[k]);
- }
- }
- // apply filter selectors to combo filters for next group
- comboFilters = filterSelectors;
- }
- i++; // increment
- }
- var comboFilter = comboFilters.join(", ");
- return comboFilter;
- }
- </script>
- <!--end filter scripts-->
- <script>
- $(document).ready(function(){
- $("#title1").click(function(){
- $("#box1").slideToggle(500);
- });
- $("#title2").click(function(){
- $("#box2").slideToggle(500);
- });
- $("#title3").click(function(){
- $("#box3").slideToggle(500);
- });
- });
- </script>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>{Title}</title>
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{Favicon}">
- <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="{RSS}">
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="menu">
- <div id="blogtitle"> Blog title </div>
- <div id="mainlinks">
- <a href="/"> Index </a>
- <a href="/ask"> Ask</a>
- <a href="/submit"> Submit</a>
- <a href="/archive"> Archive</a>
- </div>
- <!-- End mainlinks-->
- </div>
- <!-- End menu -->
- <div id="header"></div>
- <div id="description">
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris semper quam nec lobortis blandit. Nam a enim rutrum, volutpat nibh sed, rutrum odio. Mauris pellentesque erat at feugiat porta. Suspendisse sit amet neque blandit massa molestie malesuada eget sit amet nulla. Suspendisse sed orci eros. Morbi eu nibh eget velit vulputate lacinia. Sed eu urna neque. Pellentesque eleifend sed magna nec tincidunt.
- </div>
- <!-- End description -->
- <div id="sticky"></div>
- <div id="maincontainer">
- <div id="sort">
- <div class="filters">
- <!---------- Filter links. Here you add tags as ".theme", ".sidebar", ".onecolumn" etc. Replace labelone, labeltwo and labelthree with your own labels ---------->
- <li class="option-set"><a href="#" data-filter-value="" class="reset selected">All</a></li>
- <li class="option-set"><a href="#" data-filter-value=".favorite">Favorites</a></li>
- <ul class="filter option-set exclusive" data-filter-group="labelone">
- <li> <h2>Title one</h2> </li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value="" class="selected">All</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value=".tagone">Tag one</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value=".tagtwo">Tag two</a></li>
- </ul>
- <ul class="filter option-set" data-filter-group="labeltwo">
- <li> <h2>Title two</h2> </li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value="" class="selected">All</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value=".tagthree">Tag three</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value=".tagfour">Tag four</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value=".tagfive">Tag five</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value=".tagsix">Tag six</a></li>
- </ul>
- <ul class="filter option-set combine" data-filter-group="labelthree">
- <li> <h2>Title three</h2> </li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value="" class="selected">All</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value=".tagseven">Tag seven</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value=".tageight">Tag eight</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value=".tagnine">Tag nine</a></li>
- <li><a href="#" data-filter-value=".tagten">Tag ten</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <!-- End filters-->
- </div>
- <!-- End sort -->
- <div class="grid">
- <!---------- Content containers
- in class="item tagone" "tagone" is actually a tag you can add, to add more tags for the same tv show simply put "tagone tagtwo tagthree" for example: class="item theme sidebar onecolumn". I suggest you writing two word tags as one word.
- ---------->
- <!-- Item -->
- <div class="item tagone tagfive ">
- <!-- Label (here you can put the price, "new", "favorite" etc) -->
- <div class="labeltwo"> label </div>
- <!-- Image -->
- <img src=""></a>
- <div class="info">
- <h2> Title </h2>
- <div class="infodesc">
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam at tortor quis ipsum tempor aliquet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
- </div>
- <!-- End infodesc -->
- <div class="infolinks">
- <a href="http://" class="styleone"> link </a>
- <a href="http://" class="styleone"> link </a>
- <a href="http://" class="styletwo"> link </a>
- </div>
- <!-- End infolinks -->
- </div>
- <!-- End info -->
- </div>
- <!-- End item -->
- <!-- Item -->
- <div class="item tagone tagsix favorite">
- <!-- Label (here you can put the price, "new", "favorite" etc) -->
- <div class="labelone"> label </div>
- <!-- Image -->
- <img src=""></a>
- <div class="info">
- <h2> Title </h2>
- <div class="infodesc">
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam at tortor quis ipsum tempor aliquet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
- </div>
- <!-- End infodesc -->
- <div class="infolinks">
- <a href="http://" class="styleone"> link </a>
- <a href="http://" class="styleone"> link </a>
- <a href="http://" class="styletwo"> link </a>
- </div>
- <!-- End infolinks -->
- </div>
- <!-- End info -->
- </div>
- <!-- End item -->
- <!-- Item -->
- <div class="item tagtwo tagfive favorite">
- <!-- Label (here you can put the price, "new", "favorite" etc) -->
- <div class="labelone"> label </div>
- <!-- Image -->
- <img src=""></a>
- <div class="info">
- <h2> Title </h2>
- <div class="infodesc">
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam at tortor quis ipsum tempor aliquet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
- </div>
- <!-- End infodesc -->
- <div class="infolinks">
- <a href="http://" class="styleone"> link </a>
- <a href="http://" class="styleone"> link </a>
- <a href="http://" class="styletwo"> link </a>
- </div>
- <!-- End infolinks -->
- </div>
- <!-- End info -->
- </div>
- <!-- End item -->
- <!-- Item -->
- <div class="item tagthree tagfour ">
- <!-- Label (here you can put the price, "new", "favorite" etc) -->
- <div class="labeltwo"> label </div>
- <!-- Image -->
- <img src=""></a>
- <div class="info">
- <h2> Title </h2>
- <div class="infodesc">
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam at tortor quis ipsum tempor aliquet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
- </div>
- <!-- End infodesc -->
- <div class="infolinks">
- <a href="http://" class="styleone"> link </a>
- <a href="http://" class="styleone"> link </a>
- <a href="http://" class="styletwo"> link </a>
- </div>
- <!-- End infolinks -->
- </div>
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