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- Progr segment
- assume cs:Progr, ds:dane, ss:stosik
- start: mov ax,dane
- mov ds,ax
- mov ax,stosik
- mov ss,ax
- mov sp,offset szczyt
- lea dx,Tekst1
- mov ah,09H
- int 21H
- lea dx,max
- mov ah,0Ah
- int 21h
- mov ch,0
- mov cl,ile
- mov bx,0
- petla: mov al,tab[bx]
- sub al,20H
- mov tab2[bx],al
- inc bx
- loop petla
- mov ah,09H
- lea dx,Tekst2
- int 21H
- mov ah,4ch
- mov al,0
- int 21h
- Progr ends
- dane segment
- Tekst1 db 13,10,'Prosze o podanie lancucha znakow (do 10 znakow): $'
- Tekst2 db 10,13
- tab2 db 12 dup('$')
- max db 11
- ile db ?
- tab db 11 dup(0)
- dane ends
- stosik segment stack
- dw 100h dup(0)
- szczyt Label word
- stosik ends
- end start
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