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- -- Deep-copy a table
- local function copy(tabl)
- local new = {}
- for k, v in pairs(tabl) do
- if type(v) == "table" and tabl ~= v then
- new[k] = copy(v)
- else
- new[k] = v
- end
- end
- return new
- end
- -- Deep-map all values in a table
- local function deepmap(table, f, path)
- local path = path or ""
- local new = {}
- for k, v in pairs(table) do
- local thisp = path .. "." .. k
- if type(v) == "table" and v ~= table then -- bodge it to not stackoverflow
- new[k] = deepmap(v, f, thisp)
- else
- new[k] = f(v, k, thisp)
- end
- end
- return new
- end
- -- Takes a list of keys to copy, returns a function which takes a table and copies the given keys to a new table
- local function copy_some_keys(keys)
- return function(from)
- local new = {}
- for _, key_to_copy in pairs(keys) do
- local x = from[key_to_copy]
- if type(x) == "table" then
- x = copy(x)
- end
- new[key_to_copy] = x
- end
- return new
- end
- end
- -- Simple string operations
- local function starts_with(s, with)
- return string.sub(s, 1, #with) == with
- end
- local function ends_with(s, with)
- return string.sub(s, -#with, -1) == with
- end
- local function contains(s, subs)
- return string.find(s, subs) ~= nil
- end
- -- Maps function f over table t. f is passed the value and key and can return a new value and key.
- local function map(f, t)
- local mapper = function(t)
- local new = {}
- for k, v in pairs(t) do
- local new_v, new_k = f(v, k)
- new[new_k or k] = new_v
- end
- return new
- end
- if t then return mapper(t) else return mapper end
- end
- -- Copies stuff from t2 into t1
- local function add_to_table(t1, t2)
- for k, v in pairs(t2) do
- if type(v) == "table" and v ~= t2 and v ~= t1 then
- if not t1[k] then t1[k] = {} end
- add_to_table(t1[k], v)
- else
- t1[k] = v
- end
- end
- end
- -- Convert path to canonical form
- local function canonicalize(path)
- return fs.combine(path, "")
- end
- -- Checks whether a path is in a directory
- local function path_in(p, dir)
- return starts_with(canonicalize(p), canonicalize(dir))
- end
- local function make_mappings(root)
- return {
- ["/disk"] = "/disk",
- ["/rom"] = "/rom",
- default = root
- }
- end
- local function get_root(path, mappings)
- for mapfrom, mapto in pairs(mappings) do
- if path_in(path, mapfrom) then
- return mapto, mapfrom
- end
- end
- return mappings.default, "/"
- end
- -- Escapes lua patterns in a string. Should not be needed, but lua is stupid so the only string.replace thing is gsub
- local quotepattern = '(['..("%^$().[]*+-?"):gsub("(.)", "%%%1")..'])'
- local function escape(str)
- return str:gsub(quotepattern, "%%%1")
- end
- local function strip(p, root)
- return p:gsub("^" .. escape(canonicalize(root)), "")
- end
- local function resolve_path(path, mappings)
- local root, to_strip = get_root(path, mappings)
- local newpath = strip(fs.combine(root, path), to_strip)
- if path_in(newpath, root) then return newpath end
- return resolve_path(newpath, mappings)
- end
- local function segments(path)
- local segs, rest = {}, ""
- repeat
- table.insert(segs, 1, fs.getName(rest))
- rest = fs.getDir(rest)
- until rest == ""
- return segs
- end
- local function combine(segs)
- local out = ""
- for _, p in pairs(segs) do
- out = fs.combine(out, p)
- end
- return out
- end
- local function difference(p1, p2)
- local s1, s2 = segments(p1), segments(p2)
- if #s2 == 0 then return combine(s1) end
- local segs = {}
- for _, p in pairs(s1) do
- local item = table.remove(s1, 1)
- table.insert(segs, item)
- if p == s2[1] then break end
- end
- return combine(segs)
- end
- -- magic from
- -- split string into lines
- local function lines(str)
- local t = {}
- local function helper(line)
- table.insert(t, line)
- return ""
- end
- helper((str:gsub("(.-)\r?\n", helper)))
- return t
- end
- -- Fetch the contents of URL "u"
- local function fetch(u)
- local h = http.get(u)
- local c = h.readAll()
- h.close()
- return c
- end
- -- Make a read handle for a string
- local function make_handle(text)
- local lines = lines(text)
- local h = {line = 0}
- function h.close() end
- function h.readLine() h.line = h.line + 1 return lines[h.line] end
- function h.readAll() return text end
- return h
- end
- -- Get a path from a filesystem overlay
- local function path_in_overlay(overlay, path)
- return overlay[canonicalize(path)]
- end
- local this_level_env = _G
- -- Create a modified FS table which confines you to root and has some extra read-only pseudofiles.
- local function create_FS(root, overlay)
- local mappings = make_mappings(root)
- local new_overlay = {}
- for k, v in pairs(overlay) do
- new_overlay[canonicalize(k)] = v
- end
- local function lift_to_sandbox(f, n)
- return function(...)
- local args = map(function(x) return resolve_path(x, mappings) end, {...})
- return f(table.unpack(args))
- end
- end
- local new = copy_some_keys {"getDir", "getName", "combine"} (fs)
- function new.isReadOnly(path)
- return path_in_overlay(new_overlay, path) or starts_with(canonicalize(path), "rom")
- end
- function, mode)
- if (contains(mode, "w") or contains(mode, "a")) and new.isReadOnly(path) then
- error "Access denied"
- else
- local overlay_data = path_in_overlay(new_overlay, path)
- if overlay_data then
- if type(overlay_data) == "function" then overlay_data = overlay_data(this_level_env) end
- return make_handle(overlay_data), "YAFSS overlay"
- end
- return, mappings), mode)
- end
- end
- function new.exists(path)
- if path_in_overlay(new_overlay, path) ~= nil then return true end
- return fs.exists(resolve_path(path, mappings))
- end
- function new.overlay()
- return map(function(x)
- if type(x) == "function" then return x(this_level_env)
- else return x end
- end, new_overlay)
- end
- function new.list(dir)
- local sdir = canonicalize(resolve_path(dir, mappings))
- local contents = fs.list(sdir)
- for opath in pairs(new_overlay) do
- if fs.getDir(opath) == sdir then
- table.insert(contents, fs.getName(opath))
- end
- end
- return contents
- end
- add_to_table(new, map(lift_to_sandbox, copy_some_keys {"isDir", "getDrive", "getSize", "getFreeSpace", "makeDir", "move", "copy", "delete", "isDriveRoot"} (fs)))
- function new.find(wildcard)
- local function recurse_spec(results, path, spec) -- From here:
- local segment = spec:match('([^/]*)'):gsub('/', '')
- local pattern = '^' .. segment:gsub('[*]', '.+'):gsub('?', '.'):gsub("-", "%%-") .. '$'
- if new.isDir(path) then
- for _, file in ipairs(new.list(path)) do
- if file:match(pattern) then
- local f = new.combine(path, file)
- if new.isDir(f) then
- recurse_spec(results, f, spec:sub(#segment + 2))
- end
- if spec == segment then
- table.insert(results, f)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local results = {}
- recurse_spec(results, '', wildcard)
- return results
- end
- function new.dump(dir)
- local dir = dir or "/"
- local out = {}
- for _, f in pairs(new.list(dir)) do
- local path = fs.combine(dir, f)
- local to_add = {
- n = f,
- t = "f"
- }
- if new.isDir(path) then
- to_add.c = new.dump(path)
- to_add.t = "d"
- else
- local fh =, "r")
- to_add.c = fh.readAll()
- fh.close()
- end
- table.insert(out, to_add)
- end
- return out
- end
- function new.load(dump, root)
- local root = root or "/"
- for _, f in pairs(dump) do
- local path = fs.combine(root, f.n)
- if f.t == "d" then
- new.makeDir(path)
- new.load(f.c, path)
- else
- local fh =, "w")
- fh.write(f.c)
- fh.close()
- end
- end
- end
- return new
- end
- local allowed_APIs = {
- "term",
- "http",
- "pairs",
- "ipairs",
- -- getfenv, getfenv are modified to prevent sandbox escapes and defined in make_environment
- "peripheral",
- "table",
- "string",
- "type",
- "setmetatable",
- "getmetatable",
- "os",
- "sleep",
- "pcall",
- "xpcall",
- "select",
- "tostring",
- "tonumber",
- "coroutine",
- "next",
- "error",
- "math",
- "redstone",
- "rs",
- "assert",
- "unpack",
- "bit",
- "bit32",
- "turtle",
- "pocket",
- "ccemux",
- "config",
- "commands",
- "rawget",
- "rawset",
- "rawequal",
- "~expect",
- "__inext",
- "periphemu",
- }
- local gf, sf = getfenv, setfenv
- -- Takes the root directory to allow access to,
- -- a map of paths to either strings containing their contents or functions returning them
- -- and a table of extra APIs and partial overrides for existing APIs
- local function make_environment(root_directory, overlay, API_overrides)
- local environment = copy_some_keys(allowed_APIs)(_G)
- environment.fs = create_FS(root_directory, overlay)
- -- if function is not from within the VM, return env from within sandbox
- function environment.getfenv(arg)
- local env
- if type(arg) == "number" then return gf() end
- if not env or type(env._HOST) ~= "string" or not string.match(env._HOST, "YAFSS") then
- return gf()
- else
- return env
- end
- end
- --[[
- Fix PS#AD2A532C
- Allowing `setfenv` to operate on any function meant that privileged code could in some cases be manipulated to leak information or operate undesirably. Due to this, we restrict it, similarly to getfenv.
- ]]
- function environment.setfenv(fn, env)
- local nenv = gf(fn)
- if not nenv or type(nenv._HOST) ~= "string" or not string.match(nenv._HOST, "YAFSS") then
- return false
- end
- return sf(fn, env)
- end
- function environment.load(code, file, mode, env)
- return load(code, file or "@<input>", mode or "t", env or environment)
- end
- if debug then
- environment.debug = copy_some_keys {
- "getmetatable",
- "setmetatable",
- "traceback",
- "getinfo",
- "getregistry"
- }(debug)
- end
- environment._G = environment
- environment._ENV = environment
- environment._HOST = string.format("YAFSS on %s", _HOST)
- local upper = _G.hypercalls
- environment.hypercalls = {}
- function environment.hypercalls.upper()
- return upper
- end
- function environment.hypercalls.layers()
- if upper then return upper.layers() + 1
- else return 1 end
- end
- function environment.os.shutdown()
- os.queueEvent("power_state", "shutdown")
- while true do coroutine.yield() end
- end
- function environment.os.reboot()
- os.queueEvent("power_state", "reboot")
- while true do coroutine.yield() end
- end
- add_to_table(environment, copy(API_overrides))
- return environment
- end
- local function run(root_directory, overlay, API_overrides, init)
- if type(init) == "table" and init.URL then init = fetch(init.URL) end
- init = init or fetch ""
- local running = true
- while running do
- parallel.waitForAny(function()
- local env = make_environment(root_directory, overlay, API_overrides)
- env.init_code = init
- local out, err = load(init, "@[init]", "t", env)
- = out
- if not out then error(err) end
- local ok, err = pcall(out)
- if not ok then printError(err) end
- end,
- function()
- while true do
- local event, state = coroutine.yield "power_state"
- if event == "power_state" then -- coroutine.yield behaves weirdly with terminate
- if process then
- local this_process = process.running.ID
- for _, p in pairs(process.list()) do
- if p.parent and p.parent.ID == this_process then
- process.signal(p.ID, process.signals.KILL)
- end
- end
- end
- if state == "shutdown" then running = false return
- elseif state == "reboot" then return end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- return run
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