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- #include <Servo.h>
- Servo myServo; // create a servo object
- int feedbackPin = 0; // analog input pin to read feedback signal
- int targetAngle = 90; // target angle for the servo
- int feedbackValue; // variable to store feedback signal
- void setup() {
- myServo.attach(9); // attach the servo to pin 9
- Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial communication
- }
- void loop() {
- feedbackValue = analogRead(feedbackPin); // read the feedback signal
- int currentAngle = map(feedbackValue, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // map the feedback signal to an angle value
- int error = targetAngle - currentAngle; // calculate the error between target and current angle
- int offset = map(error, -90, 90, -30, 30); // map the error to a servo offset value
- int servoPos = targetAngle + offset; // calculate the new servo position
- myServo.write(servoPos); // set the servo position
- delay(10); // wait for the servo to move
- Serial.print("Target Angle: ");
- Serial.print(targetAngle);
- Serial.print("\t Current Angle: ");
- Serial.print(currentAngle);
- Serial.print("\t Error: ");
- Serial.print(error);
- Serial.print("\t Servo Position: ");
- Serial.println(servoPos);
- }
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