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- //Create an area based on sResRef
- object AREAS_CreateArea( string sResRef );
- //Destroy an area, returns true/false
- //Areas which has players in them cannot be destroyed
- int AREAS_DestroyArea( object oArea );
- //Set the name of oArea
- void AREAS_SetAreaName( object oArea, string sNewName );
- //Returns corresponding area to nArea where nArea is the index into the area list
- //Returns object_invalid if nArea is invalid or there are no more areas
- object AREAS_GetArea( int nArea );
- //Returns the ground height at location
- float AREAS_GetHeight( location lLoc );
- //Get the number of players in the area
- int AREAS_GetPlayers( object oArea );
- int AREAS_GetPlayers( object oArea ){
- SetLocalString( oArea, "NWNX!AREAS!GET_PLAY", ".........." );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oArea, "NWNX!AREAS!GET_PLAY" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oArea, "NWNX!AREAS!GET_PLAY" );
- return nRet;
- }
- float AREAS_GetHeight( location lLoc ){
- vector v = GetPositionFromLocation( lLoc );
- object oArea = GetAreaFromLocation( lLoc );
- SetLocalString( oArea, "NWNX!AREAS!GET_HEIGHT", FloatToString( v.x )+" "+FloatToString( v.y )+" "+FloatToString( v.z ) );
- float fData = StringToFloat( GetLocalString( oArea, "NWNX!AREAS!GET_HEIGHT" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oArea, "NWNX!AREAS!GET_HEIGHT" );
- return fData;
- }
- object AREAS_GetArea( int nArea ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!AREAS!GET_AREA", IntToString( nArea ) );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!AREAS!GET_AREA" );
- return GetLocalObject( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!AREAS!GET_LAST_AREA_ID" );
- }
- void AREAS_SetAreaName( object oArea, string sNewName ){
- SetLocalString( oArea, "NWNX!AREAS!SET_AREA_NAME", sNewName );
- DeleteLocalString( oArea, "NWNX!AREAS!SET_AREA_NAME" );
- }
- object AREAS_CreateArea( string sResRef ){
- return GetLocalObject( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!AREAS!GET_LAST_AREA_ID" );
- }
- int AREAS_DestroyArea( object oArea ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!AREAS!DESTROY_AREA", ObjectToString( oArea ) );
- int n = StringToInt( GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!AREAS!DESTROY_AREA" ) );
- return n;
- }
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