
Evil Woman - 01

Dec 7th, 2019
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

악녀 --- Publisher Link

By Smoke Joker --- Grid17 / 격자17

Bad Woman ~ Evil Woman

Notable Characters:

Name / Nickname Situation Relationship
Gong Seohyuk (MC) Civil Servant Bo Eun's Boyfriend
Kim Yunmi (FMC) Expensive Bitch Single
Hwang Boeun (GF) Florist / Hostess Seo Hyuk's Girlfriend
Kang Sangmook (Douche) Manager of the 'Club' Single
Park (Manager) MC's Team Leader Married

Chapter - 01

MC is narrating how he's still remembering clearly what his mother told him in the past.

MC's mother is shown kneeling in front of a young MC asking him to remember well how every human being are equal, precious and must be cherished, even if someone is bullying him in the future he mustn't do any evil deeds as revenge and should always act like a kind and compassionate man.

MC narrates how maybe it's not her words that he remembers but her face.. (She's shown smiling to him with a beaten's face)

One of MC's coworker (Miss Daye) walk towards him, asking if he's busy.. HE tells her how he must prepare the meeting of tomorrow so he's kinda busy, she asks if he can help her tonight (do her work).. He doesn't reject but asks her if she wants him to not be able to go back home tonight..

After listening to MC's 'rejection' she stop her seductive act and becomes angry.. MC grits his teeth, trying to hide his rage before making a kind smile saying how he'll try to do it. Daye is all happy saying how it's her dear 'Seo Hyuk' and thanks him..
He heaves a long sigh knowing he'll have to work overtime..

His manager shows up asking him what Daye wanted and MC tells her how she asked him to be her substitute for a job.. Manager tells him to not do her job and invite him to a diner.. HE tells him to not be late and he'll send him the address later.. He must be here for 8 o'clock..

MC narrates how it's the first time he wondered if his mother's words were true..

He comes to the place his manager sent him and wonders what they'll do in this place.. (It's Karaoke Club, it's called '궁핍 노래방' which means the 'The Desolate Karaoke Room' lol..)

He walks into the booked room and introduces himself, he's startled to see his manager with another man and 3 promiscuous women.. Manager is happy to see him and introduces the other man as the head of a Construction Company. They greet each other and a harlot comes towards MC, she holds his arm and bring him inside..

One of the other women says how they can finally start the 'first greeting' now that everyone is here, MC is wondering what she's talking about while the clingy hooker says how they started late because her 'Oppa' arrived late..
The three women lower their dress, exposing their ample chest and kneel in front of MC and the two other men. The girl wants to take out MC's dick from his pants but her hands are slapped by him asking her what she's trying to do, she asks him if he's really new and the Head says how they're just saying 'hello' and that's what they call the 'first greeting'..

MC's girl asks him if he's shy while the other dude asks him what's the problem with MC, Manager says how MC is tired because of his hard work.. Manager shows an envelope to MC saying how he can't mess with their work and how it's involving the tax of Fatty's company.. (Looks like Fatty is bribing Manager to have less tax to pay)

Manager tells to Fatty how they'll have a chat outside for a moment.. Manager tells to MC to not fuck up their deal and to do what he asked him. MC kinda rejects him saying how they can't accept bribe as 'Civil Servant'. Manager is pissed in front of MC's rightful conduct and asks him where he thinks he's, how they're not in a movie and it's the real world here. He asks him if he should refuse money when it's in front of him. He tells he him how he already know that he his twins were born not long ago and how he needs money to raise them..

Manager tells him if he's feeling uncomfortable by doing this in front of the two of them he should go to the motel with the girl..

Grey whore is now licking MC's neck.. She asks him what's the problem and why he isn't starting right now. He says how he doesn't know, she tells him how she'll take a shower first and to prepare himself.. She enters in the bathroom and calls FMC asking her to come in the room in 5 minutes and how she's sure the guy she hooked up in a high officials of the country. FMC tells her how she'll come soon.. FMC talks with the other two men inside the car and how they hit the jackpot tonight..
(Looks like Grey is bringing client in a specific room, FMC and her team usually barge in and take blackmail evidence against the victim, then asks for money and service..)

5 minutes later, FMC and the 2 men barge in the room impersonating police officer.. They shout how they're on an operation of prostitution.. Grey runs towards FMC asking for help and how the man tried to rape her.. FMC asks her where is the 'Official' and Grey tells her how he was right here.. They move towards the bed to find a note saying how he can't do it and apologizes.
The four of them are pissed against MC..

GF is trying to sell flowers on the street saying how all the money will reversed to a charity association.. MC says how he'll help her.. She's surprised to see him here and MC asks her why she's working alone, she says how everyone had something urgent to do and couldn't stay to help her. He take a bouquet and starts to shout GF's previous slogan.. She asks him what he's doing, he explains how with his help she'll finish earlier.. And how they'll eat a delicious meal together..

Later, same night.. GF is moaning while MC's eating her pussy.. She's dripping wet.. She tells him to stop and to put it inside because she wants it and she's ashamed of her lewd look..

Sex begins.. Loud moan and heavy panting.. GF asks LC if she can bring him with her to meet a friend, he's surprised and asks who she is. GF tells him how she's wonderful and it's her best friend, MC is happy to be able to meet her friend and gladly accepts her request.

Breasts suckage.. More sex.. Doggy.. a lovely moment between a pair of lovers..

MC is narrating how he tried to live is life like by following his mother's words but he couldn't avoid being used and using others people.. But he always promised himself to never let GF being hurt or used by mischievous people and to protect her forever..

GF is enjoying her moment to the fullest and MC thinks how he'll keep this promise..

Few days later, MC is running towards GF and FMC's location.. He's all sweaty and apologizes for being late and blames the traffic.. He notices FMC and GF introduces her..

MC narrates how the day he first saw FMC because of GF, he felt like he met the worst woman of his life..

To be continued..
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