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- wait(1)
- print("Edited by basstracker1970")
- sound ="Sound")
- sound.Looped = true
- sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://472169030"
- sound.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
- sound:Play()
- v3 =
- cn =
- ca2 = CFrame.Angles
- mceil = math.ceil mc = mceil
- mran = math.random rn=mran
- mrad = math.rad rd=mrad
- mdeg = math.deg dg=mdeg
- mabs = math.abs abs=mabs
- ud =
- ca = function(x,y,z) return ca2(mrad(x),mrad(y),mrad(z)) end
- mran2 = function(a,b) return mran(a*1000,b*1000)/1000 end
- bn = bc=bn
- c3 =
- deb = game:GetService("Debris")
- Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- Char = Player.Character
- Torso = Char.Torso
- Head = Char.Head
- Humanoid = Char.Humanoid
- RootPart = Char.HumanoidRootPart
- Root = RootPart.RootJoint
- Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- LA=Char["Left Arm"]
- RA=Char["Right Arm"]
- LL=Char["Left Leg"]
- RL=Char["Right Leg"]
- LAM=Torso["Left Shoulder"]
- RAM=Torso["Right Shoulder"]
- LLM=Torso["Left Hip"]
- RLM=Torso["Right Hip"]
- Neck=Torso.Neck
- Neck.C0=cn(0,1.5,0)
- Neck.C1=cn(0,0,0)
- Char.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = ""
- function chatfunc(text)
- local chat = coroutine.wrap(function()
- if Char:FindFirstChild("TalkingBillBoard")~= nil then
- Char:FindFirstChild("TalkingBillBoard"):destroy()
- end
- local naeeym2 ="BillboardGui",Char)
- naeeym2.Size =,100,0,40)
- naeeym2.StudsOffset =,3,0)
- naeeym2.Adornee = Char.Head
- naeeym2.Name = "TalkingBillBoard"
- local tecks2 ="TextLabel",naeeym2)
- tecks2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- tecks2.BorderSizePixel = 0
- tecks2.Text = ""
- tecks2.Font = "Fantasy"
- tecks2.TextSize = 30
- tecks2.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
- tecks2.TextColor3 =,0,0)
- tecks2.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
- tecks2.Size =,0,0.5,0)
- local tecks3 ="TextLabel",naeeym2)
- tecks3.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- tecks3.BorderSizePixel = 0
- tecks3.Text = "Dr Robotnik"
- tecks3.Font = "Fantasy"
- tecks3.TextSize = 30
- tecks3.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
- tecks3.TextColor3 =,0,255)
- tecks3.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
- tecks3.Size =,0,0.5,0)
- for i = 1,string.len(text),1 do
- tecks2.Text = string.sub(text,1,i)
- tecks3.Text = string.sub(text,1,i)
- wait(0.01)
- end
- wait(2)
- for i = 1, 50 do
- wait()
- tecks2.Position = tecks2.Position -,.4),math.random(-5,5),.05,math.random(-5,5))
- tecks2.Rotation = tecks2.Rotation - .8
- tecks2.TextStrokeTransparency = tecks2.TextStrokeTransparency +.04
- tecks2.TextTransparency = tecks2.TextTransparency + .04
- tecks3.Position = tecks2.Position -,.4),math.random(-5,5),.05,math.random(-5,5))
- tecks3.Rotation = tecks2.Rotation + .8
- tecks3.TextStrokeTransparency = tecks2.TextStrokeTransparency +.04
- tecks3.TextTransparency = tecks2.TextTransparency + .04
- end
- naeeym2:Destroy()
- end)
- chat()
- end
- function onChatted(msg)
- chatfunc(msg)
- end
- Player.Chatted:connect(onChatted)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- wait(2)
- chatfunc("You Wont Destory Me This Time")
- end))
- name="Timbersaw"
- pcall(function() Char["Sawsuit"]:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Player.PlayerGui[name]:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Char[name]:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Char.Block:Destroy() end)
- pcall(function() Char.Animate:Destroy() end)
- script.Name = name
- as = {}
- so = {"Block","Hit","Shoot"}
- as.Cone = "1033714"
- as.Blast = "20329976"
- as.Diamond = "9756362"
- as.Block = "rbxasset://sounds\\metal.ogg"
- as.Wind = "rbxasset://168892363"
- as.Hit = "10209583"
- as.ElectricShock = "157325701"
- as.Shoot = "130849509"
- as.Chakram = "74322089"
- as.Ring = "3270017"
- iNew=function(tab)
- local[1])
- for Ind,Val in pairs(tab) do
- if Ind~=1 and Ind~=2 then
- v[Ind] = Val
- end
- end
- v.Parent=tab[2]==0 and LastMade or tab[2]
- LastMade=v
- return v
- end
- iPart=function(tab)
- local or "Part")
- if tab.type~="CornerWedgePart" then v.formFactor="Custom" end
- v.TopSurface=10 v.BottomSurface=10 v.RightSurface=10 v.LeftSurface=10 v.FrontSurface=10 v.BackSurface=10
- v.Size=v3(tab[2],tab[3],tab[4])
- v.Locked = true
- v.Material="SmoothPlastic"
- if then v.BrickColor=bn( end
- if then end
- if tab.rf then v.Reflectance=tab.rf end
- if then end
- if then end
- if then end
- if then end
- v.Parent=tab[1]
- LastMade=v
- return v
- end
- function Raycast(Pos,Dir,Dist,tab)
- return workspace:FindPartOnRay(, Dir.unit *Dist),tab)
- end
- function wait2(tim)
- local last = tick()
- repeat wait(0) until (tick()-last)>=tim
- end
- Block=iNew{"NumberValue",Char,Name="Block",Value=0}
- Root.C0=cn(0,0,0)
- Root.C1=cn(0,0,0)
- for _,force in pairs(Torso:GetChildren()) do if force:IsA("BodyForce") or force:IsA("BodyGyro") or force:IsA("RocketPropulsion") then force:Destroy() end end
- pcall(function() Torso.LAW:Remove() Torso.RAW:Remove() Torso.LLW:Remove() Torso.RLW:Remove() end)
- LAW=iNew{"Weld",Torso,Name="LAW",Part0=Torso,C0=cn(-1.5,0.5,0),C1=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- RAW=iNew{"Weld",Torso,Name="RAW",Part0=Torso,C0=cn( 1.5,0.5,0),C1=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- LLW=iNew{"Weld",Torso,Name="LLW",Part0=Torso,C0=cn(-0.5, -1,0),C1=cn(0, 1,0)}
- RLW=iNew{"Weld",Torso,Name="RLW",Part0=Torso,C0=cn( 0.5, -1,0),C1=cn(0, 1,0)}
- function Arms(on)
- LAM.Parent=Torso LAM.Part0=Torso
- RAM.Parent=Torso RAM.Part0=Torso
- LAM.Part1=on and nil or LA
- RAM.Part1=on and nil or RA
- LAW.Part1=on and LA or nil
- RAW.Part1=on and RA or nil
- end
- function Legs(on)
- LLM.Parent=Torso LLM.Part0=Torso
- RLM.Parent=Torso RLM.Part0=Torso
- LLM.Part1=on and nil or LL
- RLM.Part1=on and nil or RL
- LLW.Part1=on and LL or nil
- RLW.Part1=on and RL or nil
- end
- function GetWeld(weld)
- if not weld:FindFirstChild("Angle") then
- local a ="Vector3Value", weld)
- a.Name = "Angle"
- local x,y,z=weld.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- a.Value=v3(mdeg(x),mdeg(y),mdeg(z))
- end
- return weld.C0.p,weld.Angle.Value
- end
- function ClearWeld(weld)
- if weld:FindFirstChild"Angle" then
- weld.Angle:Remove()
- end
- end
- function SetWeld(weld,CC,i, loops, origpos,origangle, nextpos,nextangle,smooth)
- local CO="C"..CC
- smooth = smooth or 1
- if not weld:FindFirstChild("Angle") then
- local a ="Vector3Value", weld)
- a.Name = "Angle"
- local x,y,z=weld.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- a.Value=v3(mdeg(x),mdeg(y),mdeg(z))
- end
- local perc
- if smooth == 1 then
- perc = math.sin((math.pi/2)/loops*i)
- else
- perc = i/loops
- end
- local tox,toy,toz = 0,0,0
- if origangle.x > nextangle.x then
- tox = -mabs(origangle.x - nextangle.x) *perc
- else
- tox = mabs(origangle.x - nextangle.x) *perc
- end
- if origangle.y > nextangle.y then
- toy = -mabs(origangle.y - nextangle.y) *perc
- else
- toy = mabs(origangle.y - nextangle.y) *perc
- end
- if origangle.z > nextangle.z then
- toz = -mabs(origangle.z - nextangle.z) *perc
- else
- toz = mabs(origangle.z - nextangle.z) *perc
- end
- local tox2,toy2,toz2 = 0,0,0
- if origpos.x > nextpos.x then
- tox2 = -mabs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) *perc
- else
- tox2 = mabs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) *perc
- end
- if origpos.y > nextpos.y then
- toy2 = -mabs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) *perc
- else
- toy2 = mabs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) *perc
- end
- if origpos.z > nextpos.z then
- toz2 = -mabs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) *perc
- else
- toz2 = mabs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) *perc
- end
- weld.Angle.Value = v3(origangle.x + tox,origangle.y + toy,origangle.z + toz)
- weld[CO] = cn(origpos.x + tox2,origpos.y + toy2,origpos.z + toz2)*ca(origangle.x + tox,origangle.y + toy,origangle.z + toz)
- end
- function Triangle(p)
- local g, v = 0
- for s = 1, 3 do
- local l = (p[1+(s+1)%3] - p[1+s%3]).magnitude
- g, v = l > g and l or g, l > g and {p[1+(s-1)%3], p[1+(s)%3], p[1+(s+1)%3]} or v
- end
- local d = v[2]+(v[3]-v[2]).unit*((v[3]-v[2]).unit:Dot(v[1]-v[2]))
- local c, b = (d-v[1]).unit, (v[2]-v[3]).unit
- local a = b:Cross(c)
- local w0=iPart{workspace,1,1,1,an=true,tr=0.5,mt="SmoothPlastic",co=cc[2],cf=cn(0,0,0,a.x,b.x,c.x,a.y,b.y,c.y,a.z,b.z,c.z) + (v[1]+v[2])/2} w0.CanCollide = false w0.Name = "unray"
- local w1=iPart{workspace,1,1,1,an=true,tr=0.5,mt="SmoothPlastic",co=cc[2],cf=cn(0,0,0,-a.x,-b.x,c.x,-a.y,-b.y,c.y,-a.z,-b.z,c.z) + (v[1]+v[3])/2} w1.CanCollide = false w1.Name = "unray"
- local m0=iNew{"SpecialMesh",w0,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(0,(v[2]-d).magnitude,(v[1]-d).magnitude)}
- local m1=iNew{"SpecialMesh",w1,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=v3(0,(v[3]-d).magnitude,(v[1]-d).magnitude)}
- return w0,w1
- end
- function Lightning(from,to,times,offset,col,thickness,tra)
- local magz = (from - to).magnitude
- local curpos = from
- local trz = {-offset,offset}
- for i=1,times do
- local li = iPart{workspace,thickness,thickness,magz/times,an=true,tr=tra or 0.4,co=col or "New Yeller"} li.CanCollide = false li.Name = "unray"
- local ofz = v3(trz[mran(1,2)],trz[mran(1,2)],trz[mran(1,2)])
- local trolpos = cn(curpos,to)*cn(0,0,magz/times).p+ofz
- if times == i then
- local magz2 = (curpos - to).magnitude
- li.Size = v3(thickness,thickness,magz2)
- li.CFrame = cn(curpos,to)*cn(0,0,-magz2/2)
- else
- li.CFrame = cn(curpos,trolpos)*cn(0,0,magz/times/2)
- end
- curpos = li.CFrame*cn(0,0,magz/times/2).p
- deb:AddItem(li,0.25)
- end
- end
- function PlaySound(sound,pitch,volume,parent)
- local newSound = iNew{"Sound",parent or Torso,Pitch=pitch,Volume=volume,Name=sound,SoundId=sound}
- newSound:Play()
- deb:AddItem(newSound,6)
- return newSound
- end
- function MeshEffect(par,cf,x,y,z,inc,col,sha,adj)
- local adj = adj or cn(0,0,0)
- local mp=iPart{par,1,1,1,co=col,tr=0.3,ca=false,an=true} mp.CFrame=cf mp.Name="unray"
- local ms
- if sha:sub(1,4)=="http" then
- ms=iNew{"SpecialMesh",mp,MeshId=sha}
- elseif sha=="Block" then
- ms=iNew{"BlockMesh",mp}
- elseif sha=="Cylinder" then
- ms=iNew{"CylinderMesh",mp}
- elseif sha=="Head" or sha=="Sphere" then
- ms=iNew{"SpecialMesh",mp,MeshType=sha}
- end
- deb:AddItem(mp,0.7)
- Spawn(function()
- for i=0,1,inc do
- mp.Transparency=0.3+(1*i)
- mp.CFrame=mp.CFrame*adj
- ---ms.Scale=v3(x,y,z)*(0.3+(1*i))
- if i>=1 or mp.Transparency >= 1 then mp:Destroy() end
- wait(0)
- end
- end)
- end
- Dmg=true
- Dmgv={10,15}
- HitDebounce={}
- Mult = 1
- Damage=function(Hum,Damage)
- local HName = Hum.Parent.Name
- if HitDebounce[HName] and HitDebounce[HName]>tick() then return end
- HitDebounce[HName] = tick()+0.6
- local Dealt = Damage*Mult
- local col = ""
- if Hum.Parent:findFirstChild("Block") and Hum.Parent.Block:IsA("NumberValue") and Hum.Parent.Block.Value>0 then
- Hum.Parent.Block.Value=Hum.Parent.Block.Value-1
- col="Bright blue"
- PlaySound(as.Block,1,1,Torso)
- else
- Hum:TakeDamage(Dealt)
- col="Bright red"
- PlaySound(as.Hit,1,1,Torso)
- end
- Knockback(Hum.Parent.Torso,Torso.Position,20,0.2)
- local DoH=iNew{'Model',workspace,Name=col=='Bright blue' and 'Block' or Dealt}
- iNew{'Humanoid',DoH,MaxHealth=0,Health=0,Name=''}
- local Doh=iPart{DoH,1,0.2,1,co=col,an=true} Doh.Name='Head' Doh.CanCollide = false
- iNew{'BlockMesh',Doh}
- local dofs=Hum.Parent.Torso.CFrame*cn(mran2(-1.5,1.5),2.5,mran2(-1,1))
- Doh.CFrame=dofs
- deb:AddItem(Doh,1)
- end
- local Suit = iNew{"Model",Char,Name="Sawsuit"}
- cc = {"Black","Dark stone grey","Brown","Olive","Bright red","Bright orange","Bright yellow","Medium stone grey","Bright green","Bright blue","White","Bright purple",
- "Really black"}
- ButtonColors = {cc[5],cc[7],cc[9],cc[10],cc[12]}
- Stand = iPart{Suit,2,2,1,tr=1}
- wStand = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RootPart,Part1=Stand,C0=cn(0,0,0),C1=cn(0,0.5,0.5)}
- for i=360/12,360,360/12 do
- local Wood = iPart{Suit,1.5,1,0.5,mt="WoodPlanks",co=cc[3]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=Wood,C0=cn(0,0,0)*ca(0,i,0)*cn(0,0,-2.5)}
- local Int = iPart{Suit,1.25,0.2,1,co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Wood,Part1=Int,C0=cn(0,0.5,0.75)}
- local Metal = iPart{Suit,1.5,0.4,0.7,mt="DiamondPlate",co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Wood,Part1=Metal,C0=cn(0,1.4/2,0)}
- local Wood2 = iPart{Suit,1.5,0.75,0.5,mt="WoodPlanks",co=cc[3]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Wood,Part1=Wood2,C0=cn(0,-1.75/4,-0.25)*ca(-25,0,0)*cn(0,-1.75/4,0.25)}
- end
- SmokeStack = iPart{Suit,0.4,2,0.4,co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=SmokeStack,C0=cn(1.75,1.5,1.25)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",SmokeStack}
- StackBall = iPart{Suit,0.8,0.8,0.8,co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=SmokeStack,Part1=StackBall,C0=cn(0,1,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",StackBall,MeshType="Sphere"}
- StackC = iPart{Suit,1,0.2,1,co=cc[5]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=SmokeStack,Part1=StackC,C0=cn(0,1,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",StackC}
- Cone = iPart{Suit,0,0,0,co=cc[5]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=StackC,Part1=Cone,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",Cone,MeshId=as.Cone,Scale=v3(0.4,1.1,0.4)}
- StackC2 = iPart{Suit,0.55,0.2,0.55,co=cc[6]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=StackC,Part1=StackC2,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",StackC2,Scale=v3(1,0.5,1)}
- Cone2 = iPart{Suit,0,0,0,co=cc[5]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Cone,Part1=Cone2,C0=cn(0,0,0)*ca(180,0,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",Cone2,MeshId=as.Cone,Scale=v3(0.4,1.3,0.4)}
- Hole = iPart{Suit,0.6,0.2,0.6,co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Cone2,Part1=Hole,C0=cn(0,-0.5,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",Hole,Scale=v3(1,0.1,1)}
- StackTop = iPart{Suit,0.8,0.2,0.8,co=cc[5]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Hole,Part1=StackTop,C0=cn(-0.4,-0,0)*ca(0,0,-30)*cn(0.4,0,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",StackTop,Scale=v3(1,0.5,1)}
- iNew{"Smoke",Hole,Color=bn(cc[13]).Color,RiseVelocity=-10,Size=1,Opacity = 0.4}
- BackCyl = iPart{Suit,0,0,0,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=BackCyl,C0=cn(0,0.5,2)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",BackCyl,MeshType="Sphere",Scale=v3(3,4.5,1.25)/0.2}
- SeatBack = iPart{Suit,2.25,3,0.3,co=cc[1]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=SeatBack,C0=cn(0,0.5,1.2)*ca(5,0,0)}
- SeatBack2 = iPart{Suit,2.25*0.9,3*0.9,0.2,mt="Fabric",co=cc[6]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=SeatBack,Part1=SeatBack2,C0=cn(0,0,-0.25)}
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- SeatS = iPart{Suit,0.2,1.5,2,co=cc[1]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=SeatBack,Part1=SeatS,C0=cn((2.05/2)*i,0,0.1)*ca(0,-15*i,0)*cn(0,0,-1)}
- SeatS2 = iPart{Suit,0.2,1.5*0.9,2*0.9,mt="Fabric",co=cc[6]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=SeatS,Part1=SeatS2,C0=cn(-0.1*i,0,0)}
- end
- Levers = {}
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- local LevJ = iPart{Suit,0,0,0,tr=0.5}
- local LeverW = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=LevJ,C0=cn(i,0.6,-1.5)}
- local Lever = iPart{Suit,0.2,1,0.2,co=cc[8]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LevJ,Part1=Lever,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- table.insert(Levers,{LeverW})
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",Lever}
- local LeverBall = iPart{Suit,0.5,0.5,0.5,co=cc[6]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Lever,Part1=LeverBall,C0=cn(0,0.6,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",LeverBall,MeshType="Sphere"}
- end
- for i=-1,1,1 do
- local Button = iPart{Suit,0.3,0.2,0.3,co=ButtonColors[mran(1,#ButtonColors)]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=Button,C0=cn(0.5*i,0.6,-1.5)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",Button,Scale=v3(1,0.5,1)}
- end
- Chakram = iPart{Suit,5,5,1,co=cc[2]} Chakram.Name="Chakram"
- wChakram = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=Chakram,C0=cn(0,-1.4,0)*ca(90,0,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",Chakram,MeshId=as.Chakram,Scale=v3(5.5,5.5,5)}
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- Cyl = iPart{Suit,6,0.2,6,co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=Cyl,C0=cn(0,-1.4+i/5,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",Cyl}
- end
- for i=360/8,360,360/8 do
- local Bolt = iPart{Suit,0.2,0.2,0.2,co=cc[4],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Cyl,Part1=Bolt,C0=cn(0,0.1,0)*ca(0,i,0)*cn(0,0,-2.75)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",Bolt,MeshType="Sphere",Scale=v3(1,0.75,1)}
- end
- Ball = iPart{Suit,4.5,3.5,4,co=cc[1]}
- wBall = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=Ball,C0=cn(0,-1.5,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",Ball,MeshType="Sphere"}
- BallM = iPart{Suit,2,3.5*1.1,4*1.1,co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Ball,Part1=BallM,C0=cn(0,0,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",BallM,MeshType="Sphere"}
- LArmConnect = iPart{Suit,0.25,1.25,0.5,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=LArmConnect,C0=cn(-2.275,1.525,0)}
- ConnectTop = iPart{Suit,0.5,0.2475,0.5,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LArmConnect,Part1=ConnectTop,C0=cn(0,1.25/2,0)*ca(0,0,90)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ConnectTop}
- CCyl = iPart{Suit,2,0.25,2,co=cc[4],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LArmConnect,Part1=CCyl,C0=cn(-0.25,-0.125,0)*ca(0,0,90)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",CCyl}
- CCyl2 = iPart{Suit,2.5,0.35,2.5,co=cc[5],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=CCyl,Part1=CCyl2,C0=cn(0,0.3,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",CCyl2}
- CCyl3 = iPart{Suit,2,0.25,2,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=CCyl2,Part1=CCyl3,C0=cn(0,0.25,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",CCyl3}
- CCyl4 = iPart{Suit,1.5,0.25,1.5,co=cc[5],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=CCyl3,Part1=CCyl4,C0=cn(0,0.25,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",CCyl4}
- LArm = iPart{Suit,1.25,1.25,1.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- wLArm = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=CCyl4,Part1=LArm,C0=ca(-35,0,45)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",LArm,MeshType="Sphere"}
- ArmE = iPart{Suit,0.5,1.5,0.5,co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LArm,Part1=ArmE,C0=cn(0,1.25,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmE}
- LArm2 = iPart{Suit,1.25,1.25,1.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- wLArm2 = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmE,Part1=LArm2,C0=cn(0,0.75,0)*ca(-80,100,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",LArm2,MeshType="Sphere"}
- ArmF = iPart{Suit,1.35,0.25,1.35,co=cc[5],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LArm2,Part1=ArmF}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmF}
- ArmFM = iPart{Suit,1.25,1,1.25,co=cc[3],mt="WoodPlanks"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmF,Part1=ArmFM,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmFM}
- ArmF = iPart{Suit,1.35,0.25,1.35,co=cc[5],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmFM,Part1=ArmF,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmF}
- ArmAnt = iPart{Suit,0.4,0.75,0.4,co=cc[5],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmFM,Part1=ArmAnt,C0=cn(-0.775,-0.25,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmAnt}
- ArmAnt2 = iPart{Suit,0.2,0.75,0.2,co=cc[8]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmAnt,Part1=ArmAnt2,C0=cn(0,-0.75,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmAnt2}
- ArmAnt3 = iPart{Suit,0.35,0.2,0.35,co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmAnt,Part1=ArmAnt3,C0=cn(0,0.75/2,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmAnt3,Scale=v3(1,0.1,1)}
- ArmAnt4 = iPart{Suit,0.3,0.3,0.3,co=cc[5]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmAnt2,Part1=ArmAnt4,C0=cn(0,-0.75/2,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmAnt4}
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- local BladeH = iPart{Suit,0.5,1.25,0.2,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmF,Part1=BladeH,C0=cn(0,0.75,i/5)}
- local BladeH2 = iPart{Suit,0.5,0.2,0.5,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=BladeH,Part1=BladeH2,C0=cn(0,1.25/2,0)*ca(90,0,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",BladeH2,Scale=v3(1,0.99,1)}
- local Bolt = iPart{Suit,0.2,0.2,0.2,co=cc[8]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=BladeH2,Part1=Bolt,C0=cn(0,(0.25/2)*i,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",Bolt,Scale=v3(1,0.25,1)}
- local Bolt = iPart{Suit,0.2,0.2,0.2,co=cc[8]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=BladeH,Part1=Bolt,C0=cn(0,0,(0.25/2)*i)*ca(90,0,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",Bolt,Scale=v3(1,0.25,1)}
- end
- ArmSawP = iPart{Suit,0.8,2,0.2,co=cc[8]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmF,Part1=ArmSawP,C0=cn(0,2.25,0)}
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- local ArmSawC = iPart{Suit,0.8,0.2,0.8,co=cc[8]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmSawP,Part1=ArmSawC,C0=cn(0,1*i,0)*ca(90,0,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmSawC,Scale=v3(1,0.99,1)}
- end
- for i=-1,1,1 do
- local ArmSawC = iPart{Suit,0.3,0.2,0.3,co=cc[8],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmSawP,Part1=ArmSawC,C0=cn(0,0.9*i,0.25/2)*ca(90,0,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmSawC,Scale=v3(1,0.25,1)}
- end
- Saw0 = iPart{Suit,0,0,0,tr=1}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmSawP,Part1=Saw0,C0=ca(90,90,0)}
- Saws = {}
- for i=1,28 do
- local Saw = iPart{Suit,0.55,0.2,i%2==0 and 0.55 or 0.8,co=cc[2]} Saw.Name="Saw"
- local wSaw = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Saw0,Part1=Saw}
- iNew{"BlockMesh",Saw,Scale=v3(1,0.5,1)}
- table.insert(Saws,{Saw,wSaw})
- end
- RArmConnect = iPart{Suit,0.25,1.25,0.5,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Stand,Part1=RArmConnect,C0=cn(2.275,1.525,0)}
- ConnectTop = iPart{Suit,0.5,0.2475,0.5,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RArmConnect,Part1=ConnectTop,C0=cn(0,1.25/2,0)*ca(0,0,90)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ConnectTop}
- CCyl = iPart{Suit,2,0.25,2,co=cc[4],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RArmConnect,Part1=CCyl,C0=cn(0.25,-0.125,0)*ca(0,0,-90)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",CCyl}
- CCyl2 = iPart{Suit,2.5,0.35,2.5,co=cc[5],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=CCyl,Part1=CCyl2,C0=cn(0,0.3,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",CCyl2}
- CCyl3 = iPart{Suit,2,0.25,2,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=CCyl2,Part1=CCyl3,C0=cn(0,0.25,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",CCyl3}
- CCyl4 = iPart{Suit,1.5,0.25,1.5,co=cc[5],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=CCyl3,Part1=CCyl4,C0=cn(0,0.25,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",CCyl4}
- RArm = iPart{Suit,1.25,1.25,1.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- wRArm = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=CCyl4,Part1=RArm,C0=ca(0,-35,-50)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",RArm,MeshType="Sphere"}
- ArmE = iPart{Suit,0.5,1.5,0.5,co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RArm,Part1=ArmE,C0=cn(0,1.25,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmE}
- RArm2 = iPart{Suit,1.25,1.25,1.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- wRArm2 = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmE,Part1=RArm2,C0=cn(0,0.75,0)*ca(0,90,-65)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",RArm2,MeshType="Sphere"}
- ArmF = iPart{Suit,1.35,0.25,1.35,co=cc[5],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RArm2,Part1=ArmF}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmF}
- ArmFM = iPart{Suit,1.25,1,1.25,co=cc[3],mt="WoodPlanks"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmF,Part1=ArmFM,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmFM}
- ArmF = iPart{Suit,1.35,0.25,1.35,co=cc[5],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmFM,Part1=ArmF,C0=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmF}
- ArmAnt = iPart{Suit,0.4,0.75,0.4,co=cc[5],mt="DiamondPlate"}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmFM,Part1=ArmAnt,C0=cn(-0.775,-0.25,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmAnt}
- ArmAnt2 = iPart{Suit,0.2,0.75,0.2,co=cc[8]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmAnt,Part1=ArmAnt2,C0=cn(0,-0.75,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmAnt2}
- ArmAnt3 = iPart{Suit,0.35,0.2,0.35,co=cc[2]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmAnt,Part1=ArmAnt3,C0=cn(0,0.75/2,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmAnt3,Scale=v3(1,0.1,1)}
- ArmAnt4 = iPart{Suit,0.3,0.3,0.3,co=cc[5]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmAnt2,Part1=ArmAnt4,C0=cn(0,-0.75/2,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",ArmAnt4}
- for i=360/12,360,360/12 do
- local ArmP = iPart{Suit,0.45,0.8,0.2,co=cc[8]} ArmP.Name = "Saw"
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmF,Part1=ArmP,C0=cn(0,0.4,0)*ca(0,i,0)*cn(0,0,0.6)*ca(20,0,0)}
- end
- for i=360/3,360,360/3 do
- local HookP = iPart{Suit,0.5,0.5,0.2,co=cc[8]} HookP.Name = "Saw"
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmF,Part1=HookP,C0=cn(0,0.9,0)*ca(0,i,0)*cn(0,0,0.85)*ca(40,0,0)}
- local HookP2 = iPart{Suit,0.5,0.7,0.2,co=cc[8]} HookP2.Name = "Saw"
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=HookP,Part1=HookP2,C0=cn(0,0.25,0.1)*ca(-75,0,0)*cn(0,0.35,-0.1)}
- end
- Hole = iPart{Suit,1.1,0.2,1.1,co=cc[13]}
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=ArmF,Part1=Hole,C0=cn(0,0.125,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",Hole,Scale=v3(1,0.1,1)}
- LLeg = iPart{Suit,1.5,1.5,1.5,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- wLLeg = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Ball,Part1=LLeg,C0=cn(-1.5,-1.25,-0.25)*ca(25,0,20)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",LLeg,MeshType="Sphere"}
- LegE = iPart{Suit,0.75,1.5,0.75,co=cc[2]} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LLeg,Part1=LegE,C0=cn(0,-1.25,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",LegE}
- LLeg2 = iPart{Suit,1.25,1.25,1.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- wLLeg2 = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LegE,Part1=LLeg2,C0=cn(0,-0.75,0)*ca(-45,0,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",LLeg2,MeshType="Sphere"}
- LegE = iPart{Suit,0.75,1,0.75,co=cc[2]} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LLeg2,Part1=LegE,C0=cn(0,-1,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",LegE}
- LLeg3 = iPart{Suit,1,1,1,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- wLLeg3 = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LegE,Part1=LLeg3,C0=cn(0,-0.5,0)*ca(0,0,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",LLeg3,MeshType="Sphere"}
- LFoot = iPart{Suit,1.5,0.5,2.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LLeg3,Part1=LFoot,C0=cn(0,-0.5,-0.5)*ca(0,0,0)}
- FootT = iPart{Suit,1,0.25,1.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LFoot,Part1=FootT,C0=cn(0,0.75/2,0.5)}
- FootT2 = iPart{Suit,1,0.25,1,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=FootT,Part1=FootT2,C0=cn(0,0,-2.25/2+0.5)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",FootT2}
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- local FootWedge = iPart{Suit,1.5/4,0.5,0.75,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LFoot,Part1=FootWedge,C0=cn((0.75-(1.5/4/2))*i,0,-2.25/2-0.75/2)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",FootWedge,MeshType="Wedge"}
- local FootPart = iPart{Suit,1.5/4,0.5,0.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LFoot,Part1=FootPart,C0=cn((0.75-(1.5/4)*1.5)*i,0,-2.25/2-0.25/2)}
- local FootPart = iPart{Suit,1.5/4,0.5,1,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LFoot,Part1=FootPart,C0=cn((0.75-(1.5/4)*1.5)*i,0,-2.5/2-1/2-0.125)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",FootPart,MeshType="Wedge"}
- end
- for i=-1,1,1 do
- local Bolt = iPart{Suit,0.3,0.2,0.3,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=FootT2,Part1=Bolt,C0=cn(0.5*i,-0.1,i==0 and -0.9 or -0.75)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",Bolt,Scale=v3(1,0.5,1)}
- end
- RLeg = iPart{Suit,1.5,1.5,1.5,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- wRLeg = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=Ball,Part1=RLeg,C0=cn(1.5,-1.25,-0.25)*ca(25,0,-20)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",RLeg,MeshType="Sphere"}
- LegE = iPart{Suit,0.75,1.5,0.75,co=cc[2]} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RLeg,Part1=LegE,C0=cn(0,-1.25,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",LegE}
- RLeg2 = iPart{Suit,1.25,1.25,1.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- wRLeg2 = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LegE,Part1=RLeg2,C0=cn(0,-0.75,0)*ca(-45,0,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",RLeg2,MeshType="Sphere"}
- LegE = iPart{Suit,0.75,1,0.75,co=cc[2]} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RLeg2,Part1=LegE,C0=cn(0,-1,0)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",LegE}
- RLeg3 = iPart{Suit,1,1,1,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- wRLeg3 = iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=LegE,Part1=RLeg3,C0=cn(0,-0.5,0)*ca(0,0,0)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",RLeg3,MeshType="Sphere"}
- RFoot = iPart{Suit,1.5,0.5,2.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RLeg3,Part1=RFoot,C0=cn(0,-0.5,-0.5)*ca(0,0,0)}
- FootT = iPart{Suit,1,0.25,1.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RFoot,Part1=FootT,C0=cn(0,0.75/2,0.5)}
- FootT2 = iPart{Suit,1,0.25,1,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=FootT,Part1=FootT2,C0=cn(0,0,-2.25/2+0.5)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",FootT2}
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- local FootWedge = iPart{Suit,1.5/4,0.5,0.75,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RFoot,Part1=FootWedge,C0=cn((0.75-(1.5/4/2))*i,0,-2.25/2-0.75/2)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",FootWedge,MeshType="Wedge"}
- local FootPart = iPart{Suit,1.5/4,0.5,0.25,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RFoot,Part1=FootPart,C0=cn((0.75-(1.5/4)*1.5)*i,0,-2.25/2-0.25/2)}
- local FootPart = iPart{Suit,1.5/4,0.5,1,co=cc[1],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=RFoot,Part1=FootPart,C0=cn((0.75-(1.5/4)*1.5)*i,0,-2.5/2-1/2-0.125)}
- iNew{"SpecialMesh",FootPart,MeshType="Wedge"}
- end
- for i=-1,1,1 do
- local Bolt = iPart{Suit,0.3,0.2,0.3,co=cc[2],mt="DiamondPlate"} LastMade.CanCollide = false
- iNew{"Weld",Suit,Part0=FootT2,Part1=Bolt,C0=cn(0.5*i,-0.1,i==0 and -0.9 or -0.75)}
- iNew{"CylinderMesh",Bolt,Scale=v3(1,0.5,1)}
- end
- Char:MoveTo(Torso.Position+v3(0,10,0))
- function AoEFind(Pos,Range)
- local fHumans = {}
- for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- local fHum,fTorso,fHead = GetHuman(v)
- if fHum and fTorso and fHead and v.Name~=Player.Name then
- if (fTorso.Position-Pos).magnitude<=Range then
- table.insert(fHumans,v)
- end
- end
- end
- return fHumans
- end
- HitData = {}
- function AoEBreak(Pos,Range,Force,PropDmg)
- local function r(d)
- for i,v in pairs(d:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Name~="Terrain" then
- if (v.Position-Pos).magnitude<Range then
- local fHum,fTorso,fHead = GetHuman(v.Parent)
- if fHum and fTorso and fHead then return end
- if v:IsDescendantOf(Char) or v.Name=="unray" then return end
- local broke = false
- if not HitData[v] then
- local hh = v:GetMass()/1.5
- HitData[v] = hh
- end
- HitData[v]=HitData[v]-PropDmg
- if HitData[v]<=0 then
- v.Anchored = false
- v:BreakJoints()
- broke=true
- end
- if broke then
- v.Velocity=cn(Pos,v.Position).lookVector*Force
- end
- end
- else
- r(v)
- end
- end
- end
- r(workspace)
- end
- function GetHuman(model)
- local foundHum
- local foundTorso
- local foundHead
- if #model:GetChildren()==0 then return end
- for i,v in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Humanoid") then
- foundHum = v
- elseif v.Name == "Torso" then
- foundTorso = v
- elseif v.Name == "Head" then
- foundHead = v
- end
- end
- return foundHum,foundTorso,foundHead
- end
- function Knockback(fTor,face,str,dur)
- local bodyVelo = iNew{"BodyVelocity",fTor,P=1250,maxForce=v3(1,1,1)/0,velocity=cn(face,fTor.Position).lookVector*str}
- deb:AddItem(bodyVelo,dur)
- end
- HitData = {}
- function Touched(hit)
- if not Dmg then return end
- if hit.Parent:IsDescendantOf(Char) then return end
- local fHum,fTorso,fHead = GetHuman(hit.Parent)
- if fHum and fTorso and fHead then
- Damage(fHum,mran(Dmgv[1],Dmgv[2]))
- end
- if ArmAnim == "Lightning Fist" then
- local BlastPos = (Hole.CFrame).p
- local at = BlastPos+v3(0,-5,0)
- ArmAnim = "Lightning Blast"
- local Prev = Knockback
- MeshEffect(workspace,cn(at),14,14,14,0.05,"New Yeller","Sphere",cn())
- MeshEffect(workspace,cn(at),9,14,9,0.05,"New Yeller",as.Blast,ca(0,mran(-5,5),0))
- for i=360/8,360,360/8 do
- MeshEffect(workspace,cn(at)*ca(0,i,0)*cn(0,2,3)*ca(-90,0,0),1.5,8,1.5,0.05,"New Yeller",as.Diamond,cn(0,1.5,0)*ca(1,0,0))
- if i==360/8 then
- local fHumans = AoEFind(BlastPos,10)
- AoEBreak(BlastPos,10,50,mran(35,50))
- if #fHumans > 0 then
- for i,v in pairs(fHumans) do
- local fHum,fTorso,fHead = v.Humanoid,v.Torso,v.Head
- Damage(fHum,mran(Dmgv[1],Dmgv[2])*2.5)
- Knockback(fTorso,BlastPos,35,0.25)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Suit:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") and (v.Name=="Saw" or v.Name=="Chakram") then
- v.Touched:connect(Touched)
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Torso:children()) do
- if v:IsA("Sound") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Head:children()) do
- if v:IsA("Sound") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- function ReturnPose(AnimationSpeed)
- RePose()
- for i=1,AnimationSpeed do
- if not Walking then
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wLA,wLA2,PoseLA,PoseLA2,1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wRA,wRA2,PoseRA,PoseRA2,1)
- for lever = 1,2 do
- local x = lever == 1 and -1 or lever == 2 and 1
- SetWeld(Levers[lever][1],0,i,AnimationSpeed,Levers[lever][2],Levers[lever][3],v3(x,0.6,-1.5),v3(0,0,0),1)
- end
- end
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,PoseRT2,1)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wST,wST2,PoseST,PoseST2,1)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,PoseBA2,1)
- SetWeld(wLArm,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wLAR,wLAR2,PoseLAR,PoseLAR2,1)
- SetWeld(wLArm2,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wLARM,wLARM2,PoseLARM,PoseLARM2,1)
- SetWeld(wRArm,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wRAR,wRAR2,PoseRAR,PoseRAR2,1)
- SetWeld(wRArm2,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wRARM,wRARM2,PoseRARM,PoseRARM2,1)
- SetWeld(wLLeg,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wLLE,wLLE2,PoseLLE,PoseLLE2,1)
- SetWeld(wLLeg2,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wLLEG,wLLEG2,PoseLLEG,PoseLLEG2,1)
- SetWeld(wLLeg3,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wLLL,wLLL2,PoseLLL,PoseLLL2,1)
- SetWeld(wRLeg,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wRLE,wRLE2,PoseRLE,PoseRLE2,1)
- SetWeld(wRLeg2,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wRLEG,wRLEG2,PoseRLEG,PoseRLEG2,1)
- SetWeld(wRLeg3,0,i,AnimationSpeed,wRLL,wRLL2,PoseRLL,PoseRLL2,1)
- wait(0)
- end
- end
- function RePose()
- local a,b=GetWeld(LAW)
- local c,d=GetWeld(RAW)
- local ee,ff=GetWeld(Root)
- wLA=a wLA2=b
- wRA=c wRA2=d
- wRT=ee wRT2=ff
- local e,f=GetWeld(wStand)
- local g,h=GetWeld(wBall)
- local i,j=GetWeld(wLArm)
- local k,l=GetWeld(wLArm2)
- local m,n=GetWeld(wRArm)
- local o,p=GetWeld(wRArm2)
- local q,r=GetWeld(wLLeg)
- local s,t=GetWeld(wLLeg2)
- local y,z=GetWeld(wLLeg3)
- local u,v=GetWeld(wRLeg)
- local w,x=GetWeld(wRLeg2)
- local aa,bb=GetWeld(wRLeg3)
- for lever = 1,2 do Levers[lever][2],Levers[lever][3]=GetWeld(Levers[lever][1]) end
- wST=e wST2=f
- wBA=g wBA2=h
- wLAR=i wLAR2=j
- wLARM=k wLARM2=l
- wRAR=m wRAR2=n
- wRARM=o wRARM2=p
- wLLE=q wLLE2=r
- wLLEG=s wLLEG2=t
- wLLL=y wLLL2=z
- wRLE=u wRLE2=v
- wRLEG=w wRLEG2=x
- wRLL=aa wRLL2=bb
- end
- Attacks = {}
- Attacks[1] = function()
- ArmAnim = "Slash"
- if TorsoAnim == "" then TorsoAnim = ArmAnim end
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(wLArm,0,i,ASpeed,wLAR,wLAR2,PoseLAR,v3(-35,0,-45),1)
- SetWeld(wLArm2,0,i,ASpeed,wLARM,wLARM2,PoseLARM,v3(0,-65,-65),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Mult = 2
- Trail = true
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed/1.6 do
- if TorsoAnim == ArmAnim then
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed/1.6,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,v3(0,-70,0),1)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,ASpeed/1.6,wST,wST2,PoseST,v3(0,-70,0),1)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,ASpeed/1.6,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,v3(0,70,0),1)
- end
- SetWeld(wLArm,0,i,ASpeed/1.6,wLAR,wLAR2,PoseLAR,v3(-140,0,60),1)
- SetWeld(wLArm2,0,i,ASpeed/1.6,wLARM,wLARM2,PoseLARM,v3(0,-45,-25),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Mult = 1
- Trail = false
- ReturnPose(ASpeed)
- ArmAnim = ""
- TorsoAnim = TorsoAnim~="" and "" or TorsoAnim
- end
- Attacks[2] = function()
- ArmAnim = "AoE Slash"
- if TorsoAnim == "" then TorsoAnim = ArmAnim end
- local Ang = MouseAngleY>25 and 25 or MouseAngleY<-35 and -35 or MouseAngleY
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- if TorsoAnim == ArmAnim then
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,v3(0,-70,0),1)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,ASpeed,wST,wST2,PoseST,v3(0,-70,0),1)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,ASpeed,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,v3(0,70,0),1)
- end
- SetWeld(wLArm,0,i,ASpeed,wLAR,wLAR2,PoseLAR,v3(-90,0,-Ang),1)
- SetWeld(wLArm2,0,i,ASpeed,wLARM,wLARM2,PoseLARM,v3(-70,90,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Mult = 2
- Trail = true
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed/1.6 do
- if TorsoAnim == ArmAnim then
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed/1.6,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,v3(0,100,0),1)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,ASpeed/1.6,wST,wST2,PoseST,v3(0,100,0),1)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,ASpeed/1.6,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,v3(0,-100,0),1)
- end
- SetWeld(wLArm,0,i,ASpeed/1.6,wLAR,wLAR2,PoseLAR,v3(70,0,-Ang),1)
- SetWeld(wLArm2,0,i,ASpeed/1.6,wLARM,wLARM2,PoseLARM,v3(20,90,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Mult = 1
- Trail = false
- ReturnPose(ASpeed)
- ArmAnim = ""
- TorsoAnim = TorsoAnim~="" and "" or TorsoAnim
- end
- Attacks[3] = function()
- ArmAnim = "Lightning Fist Start"
- TorsoAnim = ArmAnim
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*1.5 do
- if TorsoAnim == ArmAnim then
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*1.5,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,v3(0,-70,0),1)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,ASpeed*1.5,wST,wST2,PoseST,v3(0,-70,0),1)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,ASpeed*1.5,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,v3(0,70,0),1)
- end
- SetWeld(wRArm,0,i,ASpeed*1.5,wRAR,wRAR2,PoseRAR,v3(0,50,70),1)
- SetWeld(wRArm2,0,i,ASpeed*1.5,wRARM,wRARM2,PoseRARM,v3(0,0,-140),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Trail2 = true
- PlaySound(as.ElectricShock,0.85,1,Torso)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- if TorsoAnim == ArmAnim then
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,v3(0,80,0),1)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,ASpeed,wST,wST2,PoseST,v3(0,80,0),1)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,ASpeed,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,v3(0,-80,0),1)
- end
- SetWeld(wRArm,0,i,ASpeed,wRAR,wRAR2,PoseRAR,v3(0,35,-70),1)
- SetWeld(wRArm2,0,i,ASpeed,wRARM,wRARM2,PoseRARM,v3(0,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- if i==ASpeed-1 then ArmAnim = "Lightning Fist" end
- end
- Trail2 = false
- wait(0.5)
- ReturnPose(ASpeed)
- ArmAnim = ""
- TorsoAnim = TorsoAnim~="" and "" or TorsoAnim
- end
- Attacks[4] = function()
- ArmAnim = "Shoot"
- TorsoAnim = ArmAnim
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed*1.5 do
- if TorsoAnim == ArmAnim then
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed*1.5,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,v3(0,90,0),1)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,ASpeed*1.5,wST,wST2,PoseST,v3(0,90,0),1)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,ASpeed*1.5,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,v3(0,-90,0),1)
- end
- SetWeld(wRArm,0,i,ASpeed*1.5,wRAR,wRAR2,PoseRAR,v3(0,0,MouseAngleY),1)
- SetWeld(wRArm2,0,i,ASpeed*1.5,wRARM,wRARM2,PoseRARM,v3(0,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- end
- Trail2 = true
- PlaySound(as.ElectricShock,0.85,1,Torso)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- if TorsoAnim == ArmAnim then
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,v3(0,80,0),1)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,ASpeed,wST,wST2,PoseST,v3(0,80,0),1)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,ASpeed,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,v3(0,-80,0),1)
- end
- SetWeld(wRArm,0,i,ASpeed,wRAR,wRAR2,PoseRAR,v3(0,35,-70),1)
- SetWeld(wRArm2,0,i,ASpeed,wRARM,wRARM2,PoseRARM,v3(0,0,0),1)
- wait(0)
- if i==ASpeed-1 then ArmAnim = "Lightning Fist" end
- end
- Trail2 = false
- wait(0.5)
- ReturnPose(ASpeed)
- Gyro = false
- ArmAnim = ""
- TorsoAnim = TorsoAnim~="" and "" or TorsoAnim
- end
- BP = iNew{"BodyPosition",Stand,maxForce=v3(0,0,0)}
- ArmAnim = ""
- LegAnim = ""
- TorsoAnim = ""
- ASpeed = 12
- SawSpeed = 5
- Trail = false
- Trail2 = false
- State = "Idling"
- GroundOffset = v3(0,6.75,0)
- PoseLA=v3(-1.5,0.5,-0.5) PoseLA2=v3(110,0,14)
- PoseRA=v3(1.5,0.5,-0.5) PoseRA2=v3(110,0,-14)
- PoseRT=v3(0,0,0) PoseRT2=v3(0,0,0)
- PoseST=v3(0,0,0) PoseST2=v3(0,0,0)
- PoseBA=v3(0,-1.5,0) PoseBA2=v3(0,0,0)
- PoseLAR=v3(0,0,0) PoseLAR2=v3(-35,0,45)
- PoseLARM=v3(0,0.75,0) PoseLARM2=v3(-80,100,0)
- PoseRAR=v3(0,0,0) PoseRAR2=v3(0,-35,-50)
- PoseRARM=v3(0,0.75,0) PoseRARM2=v3(0,90,-65)
- PoseLLE=v3(-1.5,-1.25,-0.25) PoseLLE2=v3(20,0,-15)
- PoseLLEG=v3(0,-0.75,0) PoseLLEG2=v3(-40,0,15)
- PoseLLL=v3(0,-0.5,0) PoseLLL2=v3(20,0,0)
- PoseRLE=v3(1.5,-1.25,-0.25) PoseRLE2=v3(20,0,15)
- PoseRLEG=v3(0,-0.75,0) PoseRLEG2=v3(-40,0,-15)
- PoseRLL=v3(0,-0.5,0) PoseRLL2=v3(20,0,0)
- Arms() Legs()
- ReturnPose(ASpeed)
- Arms(0) Legs(0)
- button1 = false
- keys = {}
- Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- button1 = true
- if ArmAnim == "" then
- Attacks[1]()
- end
- end)
- Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
- button1 = false
- end)
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- keys[key]=true
- if key == "q" then
- if ArmAnim == "" then
- Attacks[2]()
- end
- end
- if key == "e" then
- if ArmAnim == "" then
- Attacks[3]()
- end
- end
- if key == "r" then
- if ArmAnim == "" then
- Attacks[4]()
- end
- end
- if key == " " then
- local hit,at = Raycast(Torso.Position,Torso.Position - (Torso.CFrame*cn(0,3,0)).p,10,Char)
- if not hit or not at then return end
- if ArmAnim == "" and TorsoAnim == "" and LegAnim == "" then
- ArmAnim = "Jump"
- LegAnim = "JumpS"
- local PrevOff = GroundOffset
- GroundOffset = v3(0,6,0)
- ReturnPose(1)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(wLLeg,0,i,ASpeed,wLLE,wLLE2,PoseLLE,v3(15,0,-20),1)
- SetWeld(wLLeg2,0,i,ASpeed,wLLEG,wLLEG2,PoseLLEG,v3(-45,-35,20),1)
- SetWeld(wLLeg3,0,i,ASpeed,wLLL,wLLL2,PoseLLL,v3(30,35,0),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg,0,i,ASpeed,wRLE,wRLE2,PoseRLE,v3(15,0,20),1)
- SetWeld(wRLeg2,0,i,ASpeed,wRLEG,wRLEG2,PoseRLEG,v3(-45,35,-20),1)
- SetWeld(wRLeg3,0,i,ASpeed,wRLL,wRLL2,PoseRLL,v3(30,-35,0),0)
- wait(0)
- end
- LegAnim = "Jump"
- GroundOffset = v3(0,18,0)
- RePose()
- for i=1,ASpeed/1.5 do
- SetWeld(wLLeg,0,i,ASpeed/1.5,wLLE,wLLE2,PoseLLE,v3(25,0,-20),1)
- SetWeld(wLLeg2,0,i,ASpeed/1.5,wLLEG,wLLEG2,PoseLLEG,v3(-10,-35,20),1)
- SetWeld(wLLeg3,0,i,ASpeed,wLLL,wLLL2,PoseLLL,v3(15,35,0),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg,0,i,ASpeed/1.5,wRLE,wRLE2,PoseRLE,v3(25,0,20),1)
- SetWeld(wRLeg2,0,i,ASpeed/1.5,wRLEG,wRLEG2,PoseRLEG,v3(-10,35,-20),1)
- SetWeld(wRLeg3,0,i,ASpeed,wRLL,wRLL2,PoseRLL,v3(15,-35,0),0)
- wait(0)
- end
- GroundOffset = PrevOff
- ReturnPose(ASpeed)
- ArmAnim = ArmAnim~="" and "" or ArmAnim
- LegAnim = LegAnim~="" and "" or LegAnim
- end
- end
- end)
- Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
- keys[key]=false
- end)
- Humanoid.Changed:connect(function(prop)
- if prop == "Health" then
- if PrevHealth-Humanoid.Health>0 then
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
- if not v:IsA("Player") or not v.Character.Parent then return end
- local fHum,fTorso,fHead = GetHuman(v.Character)
- if not fHum or not fTorso then return end
- if v.Name~=Player.Name then
- local Dist = (v.Character.Torso.Position-Torso.Position).magnitude
- if Dist<25 then
- Damage(v.Character.Humanoid,math.ceil((PrevHealth-Humanoid.Health)*0.75))
- Lightning(Hole.Position,fTorso.Position,mran(3,6),5,"New Yeller",0.3,mran2(0.5,0.9))
- PlaySound(as.ElectricShock,1,1,Torso)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Spawn(function()
- while Suit.Parent do
- for ii,vv in pairs(Saws) do
- Spawn(function()
- for i=0,180,360/(200/SawSpeed) do
- vv[2].C0=cn(-1.25/2-0.5,0,0)*ca(0,i,0)*cn(0,0,-1.25/2)
- wait(0)
- end
- for i=-1.25/2,1.25+0.3,(1.25/40)*SawSpeed do
- vv[2].C0=cn(-0.5+i,0,1.25/2)
- wait(0)
- end
- for i=180,360,360/(200/SawSpeed) do
- vv[2].C0=cn(1.25/2+0.4,0,0)*ca(0,i,0)*cn(0,0,-1.25/2)
- wait(0)
- end
- for i=1.25/2,-1.25-0.3,-(1.25/40)*SawSpeed do
- vv[2].C0=cn(0.4+i,0,-1.25/2)
- wait(0)
- end
- end)
- wait(0.08)
- end
- wait(0)
- end
- end)
- Count = 0
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
- if Suit.Parent then
- Count = Count+1
- local hit,at = Raycast(Stand.Position,Stand.Position - (Stand.CFrame*cn(0,3,0)).p,10,Char)
- if hit and at then
- BP.position = at+GroundOffset
- BP.maxForce = v3(0,1/0,0)
- else
- BP.maxForce = v3()
- end
- local CurrentPos = ArmSawP.CFrame*cn(0,0,-0.5)
- if Trail then
- if LastPos and (ArmSawP.Position-LastPos.p).magnitude > 0.1 then
- local h = 4.5
- local ft = 0.15
- local a,b = Triangle{(LastPos*cn(0,h/2,0)).p,(LastPos*cn(0,-h/2,0)).p,(CurrentPos*cn(0,h/2,0)).p}
- if a then deb:AddItem(a,ft) end
- if b then deb:AddItem(b,ft) end
- local a,b = Triangle{(CurrentPos*cn(0,h/2,0)).p,(CurrentPos*cn(0,-h/2,0)).p,(LastPos*cn(0,-h/2,0)).p}
- if a then deb:AddItem(a,ft) end
- if b then deb:AddItem(b,ft) end
- LastPos = CurrentPos
- elseif not LastPos then
- LastPos = CurrentPos
- end
- elseif not Trail then
- LastPos = nil
- end
- if Trail2 then
- if Count%1==0 then
- local sc = 5
- local To = Hole.Position+v3(mran(-sc,sc),mran(-sc,sc),mran(-sc,sc))
- Lightning(Hole.Position,To,mran(3,6),mran(1,4),"New Yeller",0.2,mran2(0.5,0.9))
- end
- end
- wChakram.C0=cn(0,-1.4,0)*ca(90,0,Count*SawSpeed)
- MouseAngleX = math.floor(cn(Head.Position,Mouse.Hit.p).lookVector.x*90)
- MouseAngleY = math.floor(cn(Head.Position,Mouse.Hit.p).lookVector.y*90)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,1,1,v3(),v3(),v3(0,1.5,-0.1),v3(MouseAngleY<-20 and -20 or MouseAngleY>45 and 45 or MouseAngleY,0,0),1)
- PrevHealth = Humanoid.Health
- Walking = v3(Torso.Velocity.x,0,Torso.Velocity.z).magnitude>1 and true or false
- end
- end)
- while wait(0) do
- if not Humanoid.PlatformStand and not Humanoid.Sit then
- local AnimSpeed = ASpeed/1.5
- if Walking then
- State = "Walking"
- RePose()
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 12
- for i=1,AnimSpeed do
- if TorsoAnim == "" then
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,v3(0,-15,0),0)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,AnimSpeed,wST,wST2,PoseST,v3(0,-15,0),0)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,AnimSpeed,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,v3(0,15,0),0)
- end
- if ArmAnim == "" then
- SetWeld(wLArm,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLAR,wLAR2,PoseLAR,v3(-90,0,20),1)
- SetWeld(wLArm2,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLARM,wLARM2,PoseLARM,v3(-45,90,0),1)
- end
- if LegAnim == "" then
- SetWeld(wLLeg,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLLE,wLLE2,PoseLLE,v3(80,0,-20),0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg2,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLLEG,wLLEG2,PoseLLEG,v3(-80,0,20),0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg3,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLLL,wLLL2,PoseLLL,v3(0,-15,0),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRLE,wRLE2,PoseRLE,v3(-35,0,20),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg2,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRLEG,wRLEG2,PoseRLEG,v3(-0,0,-20),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg3,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRLL,wRLL2,PoseRLL,v3(35,0,0),0)
- end
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),PoseRA2,0)
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,-1),PoseLA2,0)
- for lever = 1,2 do
- local x = lever == 1 and -1 or lever == 2 and 1
- SetWeld(Levers[lever][1],0,i,AnimSpeed,Levers[lever][2],Levers[lever][3],v3(x,0.6,-1.5),v3(25*x,0,0),0)
- end
- wait(0)
- if not Walking then
- break
- end
- end
- RePose()
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 22
- for i=1,AnimSpeed/2.5 do
- if LegAnim == "" then
- SetWeld(wLLeg,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wLLE,wLLE2,PoseLLE,v3(35,0,-20),0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg2,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wLLEG,wLLEG2,PoseLLEG,v3(-35,0,20),0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg3,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wLLL,wLLL2,PoseLLL,v3(0,-15,0),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wRLE,wRLE2,PoseRLE,v3(-65,0,20),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg2,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wRLEG,wRLEG2,PoseRLEG,v3(-45,0,-20),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg3,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wRLL,wRLL2,PoseRLL,v3(0,15,0),0)
- end
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,0),PoseRA2,0)
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,-1),PoseLA2,0)
- for lever = 1,2 do
- local x = lever == 1 and -1 or lever == 2 and 1
- SetWeld(Levers[lever][1],0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,Levers[lever][2],Levers[lever][3],v3(x,0.6,-1.5),v3(25*x,0,0),0)
- end
- wait(0)
- if not Walking then
- break
- end
- end
- RePose()
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 12
- for i=1,AnimSpeed do
- if TorsoAnim == "" then
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,v3(0,15,0),0)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,AnimSpeed,wST,wST2,PoseST,v3(0,15,0),0)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,AnimSpeed,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,v3(0,-15,0),0)
- end
- if LegAnim == "" then
- SetWeld(wRLeg,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRLE,wRLE2,PoseRLE,v3(80,0,20),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg2,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRLEG,wRLEG2,PoseRLEG,v3(-80,0,-20),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg3,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRLL,wRLL2,PoseRLL,v3(0,15,0),0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLLE,wLLE2,PoseLLE,v3(-35,0,-20),0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg2,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLLEG,wLLEG2,PoseLLEG,v3(-0,0,20),0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg3,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLLL,wLLL2,PoseLLL,v3(35,-0,0),0)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,-1),PoseRA2,0)
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),PoseLA2,0)
- for lever = 1,2 do
- local x = lever == 1 and -1 or lever == 2 and 1
- SetWeld(Levers[lever][1],0,i,AnimSpeed,Levers[lever][2],Levers[lever][3],v3(x,0.6,-1.5),v3(-25*x,0,0),0)
- end
- end
- wait(0)
- if not Walking then
- break
- end
- end
- RePose()
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 22
- for i=1,AnimSpeed/2.5 do
- if LegAnim == "" then
- SetWeld(wRLeg,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wRLE,wRLE2,PoseRLE,v3(35,0,20),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg2,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wRLEG,wRLEG2,PoseRLEG,v3(-35,0,-20),0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg3,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wRLL,wRLL2,PoseRLL,v3(0,15,0),0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wLLE,wLLE2,PoseLLE,v3(-65,0,-20),0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg2,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wLLEG,wLLEG2,PoseLLEG,v3(-45,0,20),0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg3,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wLLL,wLLL2,PoseLLL,v3(0,-15,0),0)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wRA,wRA2,v3(1.5,0.5,-1),PoseRA2,0)
- SetWeld(LAW,0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,wLA,wLA2,v3(-1.5,0.5,0),PoseLA2,0)
- for lever = 1,2 do
- local x = lever == 1 and -1 or lever == 2 and 1
- SetWeld(Levers[lever][1],0,i,AnimSpeed/2.5,Levers[lever][2],Levers[lever][3],v3(x,0.6,-1.5),v3(-25*x,0,0),0)
- end
- end
- wait(0)
- if not Walking then
- break
- end
- end
- elseif Torso.Velocity.magnitude < 1 then
- if State == "Walking" then
- State = "Idling"
- RePose()
- for i=1,AnimSpeed do
- if TorsoAnim == "" then
- SetWeld(Root,0,i,ASpeed,wRT,wRT2,PoseRT,PoseRT2,0)
- SetWeld(wStand,0,i,ASpeed,wST,wST2,PoseST,PoseST2,0)
- SetWeld(wBall,0,i,AnimSpeed,wBA,wBA2,PoseBA,PoseBA2,0)
- end
- if LegAnim == "" then
- SetWeld(wLLeg,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLLE,wLLE2,PoseLLE,PoseLLE2,0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg2,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLLEG,wLLEG2,PoseLLEG,PoseLLEG2,0)
- SetWeld(wLLeg3,0,i,AnimSpeed,wLLL,wLLL2,PoseLLL,PoseLLL2,0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRLE,wRLE2,PoseRLE,PoseRLE2,0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg2,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRLEG,wRLEG2,PoseRLEG,PoseRLEG2,0)
- SetWeld(wRLeg3,0,i,AnimSpeed,wRLL,wRLL2,PoseRLL,PoseRLL2,0)
- end
- wait(0)
- if Walking then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
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