

Aug 26th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. return {
  2. ['Instance'] = {
  3. ['Archivable'] = true,
  4. ['ClassName'] = true,
  5. ['DataCost'] = true,
  6. ['Name'] = true,
  7. ['Parent'] = true,
  8. ['RobloxLocked'] = true,
  9. ['SourceAssetId'] = true,
  10. ['archivable'] = true,
  11. ['className'] = true,
  12. ['ClearAllChildren'] = true,
  13. ['Clone'] = true,
  14. ['Destroy'] = true,
  15. ['FindFirstAncestor'] = true,
  16. ['FindFirstAncestorOfClass'] = true,
  17. ['FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA'] = true,
  18. ['FindFirstChild'] = true,
  19. ['FindFirstChildOfClass'] = true,
  20. ['FindFirstChildWhichIsA'] = true,
  21. ['FindFirstDescendant'] = true,
  22. ['GetActor'] = true,
  23. ['GetAttribute'] = true,
  24. ['GetAttributeChangedSignal'] = true,
  25. ['GetAttributes'] = true,
  26. ['GetChildren'] = true,
  27. ['GetDebugId'] = true,
  28. ['GetDescendants'] = true,
  29. ['GetFullName'] = true,
  30. ['GetPropertyChangedSignal'] = true,
  31. ['IsA'] = true,
  32. ['IsAncestorOf'] = true,
  33. ['IsDescendantOf'] = true,
  34. ['Remove'] = true,
  35. ['SetAttribute'] = true,
  36. ['WaitForChild'] = true,
  37. ['children'] = true,
  38. ['clone'] = true,
  39. ['destroy'] = true,
  40. ['findFirstChild'] = true,
  41. ['getChildren'] = true,
  42. ['isA'] = true,
  43. ['isDescendantOf'] = true,
  44. ['remove'] = true,
  45. ['AncestryChanged'] = true,
  46. ['AttributeChanged'] = true,
  47. ['Changed'] = true,
  48. ['ChildAdded'] = true,
  49. ['ChildRemoved'] = true,
  50. ['DescendantAdded'] = true,
  51. ['DescendantRemoving'] = true,
  52. ['childAdded'] = true,
  53. },
  54. ['ABTestService'] = {
  55. ['ClearUserVariations'] = true,
  56. ['GetBrowserTrackerABTestLoadingStatus'] = true,
  57. ['GetPendingOrInitializedUserId'] = true,
  58. ['GetUserABTestLoadingStatus'] = true,
  59. ['GetVariant'] = true,
  60. ['InitializeForUserId'] = true,
  61. ['WaitUntilBrowserTrackerABTestsInitialized'] = true,
  62. ['WaitUntilUserABTestsInitialized'] = true,
  63. ['OnBrowserTrackerABTestLoadingStatusChanged'] = true,
  64. ['OnUserABTestLoadingStatusChanged'] = true,
  65. },
  66. ['Accoutrement'] = {
  67. ['AttachmentForward'] = true,
  68. ['AttachmentPoint'] = true,
  69. ['AttachmentPos'] = true,
  70. ['AttachmentRight'] = true,
  71. ['AttachmentUp'] = true,
  72. },
  73. ['Accessory'] = {
  74. ['AccessoryType'] = true,
  75. },
  76. ['Hat'] = {
  77. },
  78. ['AdService'] = {
  79. ['ShowVideoAd'] = true,
  80. ['VideoAdClosed'] = true,
  81. },
  82. ['AdvancedDragger'] = {
  83. },
  84. ['AnalyticsService'] = {
  85. ['ApiKey'] = true,
  86. ['FireCustomEvent'] = true,
  87. ['FireEvent'] = true,
  88. ['FireInGameEconomyEvent'] = true,
  89. ['FireLogEvent'] = true,
  90. ['FirePlayerProgressionEvent'] = true,
  91. },
  92. ['Animation'] = {
  93. ['AnimationId'] = true,
  94. },
  95. ['AnimationController'] = {
  96. ['GetPlayingAnimationTracks'] = true,
  97. ['LoadAnimation'] = true,
  98. ['AnimationPlayed'] = true,
  99. },
  100. ['AnimationTrack'] = {
  101. ['Animation'] = true,
  102. ['IsPlaying'] = true,
  103. ['Length'] = true,
  104. ['Looped'] = true,
  105. ['Priority'] = true,
  106. ['Speed'] = true,
  107. ['TimePosition'] = true,
  108. ['WeightCurrent'] = true,
  109. ['WeightTarget'] = true,
  110. ['AdjustSpeed'] = true,
  111. ['AdjustWeight'] = true,
  112. ['GetMarkerReachedSignal'] = true,
  113. ['GetTimeOfKeyframe'] = true,
  114. ['Play'] = true,
  115. ['Stop'] = true,
  116. ['DidLoop'] = true,
  117. ['KeyframeReached'] = true,
  118. ['Stopped'] = true,
  119. },
  120. ['Animator'] = {
  121. ['ApplyJointVelocities'] = true,
  122. ['GetPlayingAnimationTracks'] = true,
  123. ['LoadAnimation'] = true,
  124. ['StepAnimations'] = true,
  125. ['AnimationPlayed'] = true,
  126. },
  127. ['AppUpdateService'] = {
  128. ['CheckForUpdate'] = true,
  129. ['DisableDUAR'] = true,
  130. ['DisableDUARAndOpenSurvey'] = true,
  131. ['PerformManagedUpdate'] = true,
  132. },
  133. ['AssetCounterService'] = {
  134. },
  135. ['AssetDeliveryProxy'] = {
  136. },
  137. ['AssetImportService'] = {
  138. ['GetCurrentImportMap'] = true,
  139. ['ImportMesh'] = true,
  140. ['ImportMeshWithPrompt'] = true,
  141. },
  142. ['AssetManagerService'] = {
  143. ['GetMeshId'] = true,
  144. ['GetTextureId'] = true,
  145. ['HasUnpublishedChangesForLinkedSource'] = true,
  146. ['InsertAudio'] = true,
  147. ['InsertImage'] = true,
  148. ['InsertLinkedSourceAsLocalScript'] = true,
  149. ['InsertLinkedSourceAsModuleScript'] = true,
  150. ['InsertLinkedSourceAsScript'] = true,
  151. ['InsertMesh'] = true,
  152. ['InsertMeshesWithLocation'] = true,
  153. ['InsertModel'] = true,
  154. ['InsertPackage'] = true,
  155. ['OpenLinkedSource'] = true,
  156. ['OpenPlace'] = true,
  157. ['RefreshLinkedSource'] = true,
  158. ['RevertLinkedSourceToLastPublishedVersion'] = true,
  159. ['ShowPackageDetails'] = true,
  160. ['UpdateAllPackages'] = true,
  161. ['ViewPackageOnWebsite'] = true,
  162. ['AddNewPlace'] = true,
  163. ['DeleteAlias'] = true,
  164. ['PublishLinkedSource'] = true,
  165. ['RemovePlace'] = true,
  166. ['RenameAlias'] = true,
  167. ['RenameModel'] = true,
  168. ['RenamePlace'] = true,
  169. ['MayBeLinkedSourceModified'] = true,
  170. },
  171. ['AssetService'] = {
  172. ['GetBundleDetailsSync'] = true,
  173. ['CreatePlaceAsync'] = true,
  174. ['CreatePlaceInPlayerInventoryAsync'] = true,
  175. ['GetAssetIdsForPackage'] = true,
  176. ['GetAssetThumbnailAsync'] = true,
  177. ['GetBundleDetailsAsync'] = true,
  178. ['GetCreatorAssetID'] = true,
  179. ['GetGamePlacesAsync'] = true,
  180. ['SavePlaceAsync'] = true,
  181. },
  182. ['Atmosphere'] = {
  183. ['Color'] = true,
  184. ['Decay'] = true,
  185. ['Density'] = true,
  186. ['Glare'] = true,
  187. ['Haze'] = true,
  188. ['Offset'] = true,
  189. },
  190. ['Attachment'] = {
  191. ['Axis'] = true,
  192. ['CFrame'] = true,
  193. ['Orientation'] = true,
  194. ['Position'] = true,
  195. ['Rotation'] = true,
  196. ['SecondaryAxis'] = true,
  197. ['Visible'] = true,
  198. ['WorldAxis'] = true,
  199. ['WorldCFrame'] = true,
  200. ['WorldOrientation'] = true,
  201. ['WorldPosition'] = true,
  202. ['WorldRotation'] = true,
  203. ['WorldSecondaryAxis'] = true,
  204. ['GetAxis'] = true,
  205. ['GetSecondaryAxis'] = true,
  206. ['SetAxis'] = true,
  207. ['SetSecondaryAxis'] = true,
  208. },
  209. ['Bone'] = {
  210. ['IsCFrameDriven'] = true,
  211. ['Transform'] = true,
  212. ['TransformedCFrame'] = true,
  213. ['TransformedWorldCFrame'] = true,
  214. },
  215. ['AvatarEditorService'] = {
  216. ['NoPromptCreateOutfit'] = true,
  217. ['NoPromptDeleteOutfit'] = true,
  218. ['NoPromptSaveAvatar'] = true,
  219. ['NoPromptSetFavorite'] = true,
  220. ['PerformCreateOutfit'] = true,
  221. ['PerformCreateOutfitWithDescription'] = true,
  222. ['PerformDeleteOutfit'] = true,
  223. ['PerformSaveAvatar'] = true,
  224. ['PerformSaveAvatarNew'] = true,
  225. ['PerformSaveAvatarWithDescription'] = true,
  226. ['PerformSetFavorite'] = true,
  227. ['PromptAllowInventoryReadAccess'] = true,
  228. ['PromptCreateOutfit'] = true,
  229. ['PromptDeleteOutfit'] = true,
  230. ['PromptSaveAvatar'] = true,
  231. ['PromptSetFavorite'] = true,
  232. ['SetAllowInventoryReadAccess'] = true,
  233. ['SignalCreateOutfitFailed'] = true,
  234. ['SignalCreateOutfitPermissionDenied'] = true,
  235. ['SignalDeleteOutfitFailed'] = true,
  236. ['SignalDeleteOutfitPermissionDenied'] = true,
  237. ['SignalSaveAvatarFailed'] = true,
  238. ['SignalSaveAvatarPermissionDenied'] = true,
  239. ['SignalSetFavoriteFailed'] = true,
  240. ['SignalSetFavoritePermissionDenied'] = true,
  241. ['CheckApplyDefaultClothing'] = true,
  242. ['ConformToAvatarRules'] = true,
  243. ['GetAvatarRules'] = true,
  244. ['GetBatchItemDetails'] = true,
  245. ['GetFavorite'] = true,
  246. ['GetInventory'] = true,
  247. ['GetItemDetails'] = true,
  248. ['GetOutfits'] = true,
  249. ['GetRecommendedAssets'] = true,
  250. ['GetRecommendedBundles'] = true,
  251. ['SearchCatalog'] = true,
  252. ['OpenAllowInventoryReadAccess'] = true,
  253. ['OpenPromptCreateOufit'] = true,
  254. ['OpenPromptDeleteOutfit'] = true,
  255. ['OpenPromptSaveAvatar'] = true,
  256. ['OpenPromptSetFavorite'] = true,
  257. ['PromptAllowInventoryReadAccessCompleted'] = true,
  258. ['PromptCreateOutfitCompleted'] = true,
  259. ['PromptDeleteOutfitCompleted'] = true,
  260. ['PromptSaveAvatarCompleted'] = true,
  261. ['PromptSetFavoriteCompleted'] = true,
  262. },
  263. ['AvatarImportService'] = {
  264. ['ImportFBXAnimationUserMayChooseModel'] = true,
  265. ['ImportFbxRigWithoutSceneLoad'] = true,
  266. ['ImportLoadedFBXAnimation'] = true,
  267. ['LoadRigAndDetectType'] = true,
  268. },
  269. ['Backpack'] = {
  270. },
  271. ['BackpackItem'] = {
  272. ['TextureId'] = true,
  273. },
  274. ['HopperBin'] = {
  275. ['Active'] = true,
  276. ['BinType'] = true,
  277. ['Disable'] = true,
  278. ['ToggleSelect'] = true,
  279. ['Deselected'] = true,
  280. ['Selected'] = true,
  281. },
  282. ['Tool'] = {
  283. ['CanBeDropped'] = true,
  284. ['Enabled'] = true,
  285. ['Grip'] = true,
  286. ['GripForward'] = true,
  287. ['GripPos'] = true,
  288. ['GripRight'] = true,
  289. ['GripUp'] = true,
  290. ['ManualActivationOnly'] = true,
  291. ['RequiresHandle'] = true,
  292. ['ToolTip'] = true,
  293. ['Activate'] = true,
  294. ['Deactivate'] = true,
  295. ['Activated'] = true,
  296. ['Deactivated'] = true,
  297. ['Equipped'] = true,
  298. ['Unequipped'] = true,
  299. },
  300. ['Flag'] = {
  301. ['TeamColor'] = true,
  302. },
  303. ['BadgeService'] = {
  304. ['AwardBadge'] = true,
  305. ['GetBadgeInfoAsync'] = true,
  306. ['IsDisabled'] = true,
  307. ['IsLegal'] = true,
  308. ['UserHasBadge'] = true,
  309. ['UserHasBadgeAsync'] = true,
  310. ['BadgeAwarded'] = true,
  311. ['OnBadgeAwarded'] = true,
  312. },
  313. ['BasePlayerGui'] = {
  314. ['GetGuiObjectsAtPosition'] = true,
  315. ['GetGuiObjectsInCircle'] = true,
  316. },
  317. ['CoreGui'] = {
  318. ['SelectionImageObject'] = true,
  319. ['Version'] = true,
  320. ['SetUserGuiRendering'] = true,
  321. ['TakeScreenshot'] = true,
  322. ['ToggleRecording'] = true,
  323. },
  324. ['PlayerGui'] = {
  325. ['CurrentScreenOrientation'] = true,
  326. ['ScreenOrientation'] = true,
  327. ['SelectionImageObject'] = true,
  328. ['GetTopbarTransparency'] = true,
  329. ['SetTopbarTransparency'] = true,
  330. ['TopbarTransparencyChangedSignal'] = true,
  331. },
  332. ['StarterGui'] = {
  333. ['ProcessUserInput'] = true,
  334. ['ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn'] = true,
  335. ['ScreenOrientation'] = true,
  336. ['ShowDevelopmentGui'] = true,
  337. ['VirtualCursorMode'] = true,
  338. ['GetCoreGuiEnabled'] = true,
  339. ['RegisterGetCore'] = true,
  340. ['RegisterSetCore'] = true,
  341. ['SetCore'] = true,
  342. ['SetCoreGuiEnabled'] = true,
  343. ['GetCore'] = true,
  344. ['CoreGuiChangedSignal'] = true,
  345. },
  346. ['BaseWrap'] = {
  347. ['CageMeshId'] = true,
  348. ['CageOrigin'] = true,
  349. ['CageOriginWorld'] = true,
  350. ['ImportOrigin'] = true,
  351. ['ImportOriginWorld'] = true,
  352. ['GetFaces'] = true,
  353. ['GetVertices'] = true,
  354. ['ModifyVertices'] = true,
  355. },
  356. ['WrapLayer'] = {
  357. ['BindOffset'] = true,
  358. ['Color'] = true,
  359. ['DebugMode'] = true,
  360. ['Enabled'] = true,
  361. ['Order'] = true,
  362. ['Puffiness'] = true,
  363. ['ReferenceMeshId'] = true,
  364. ['ReferenceOrigin'] = true,
  365. ['ReferenceOriginWorld'] = true,
  366. ['ShrinkFactor'] = true,
  367. },
  368. ['WrapTarget'] = {
  369. ['Color'] = true,
  370. ['DebugMode'] = true,
  371. ['Stiffness'] = true,
  372. },
  373. ['Beam'] = {
  374. ['Attachment0'] = true,
  375. ['Attachment1'] = true,
  376. ['Color'] = true,
  377. ['CurveSize0'] = true,
  378. ['CurveSize1'] = true,
  379. ['Enabled'] = true,
  380. ['FaceCamera'] = true,
  381. ['LightEmission'] = true,
  382. ['LightInfluence'] = true,
  383. ['Segments'] = true,
  384. ['Texture'] = true,
  385. ['TextureLength'] = true,
  386. ['TextureMode'] = true,
  387. ['TextureSpeed'] = true,
  388. ['Transparency'] = true,
  389. ['Width0'] = true,
  390. ['Width1'] = true,
  391. ['ZOffset'] = true,
  392. ['SetTextureOffset'] = true,
  393. },
  394. ['BindableEvent'] = {
  395. ['Fire'] = true,
  396. ['Event'] = true,
  397. },
  398. ['BindableFunction'] = {
  399. ['Invoke'] = true,
  400. ['OnInvoke'] = true,
  401. },
  402. ['BodyMover'] = {
  403. },
  404. ['BodyAngularVelocity'] = {
  405. ['AngularVelocity'] = true,
  406. ['MaxTorque'] = true,
  407. ['P'] = true,
  408. ['angularvelocity'] = true,
  409. ['maxTorque'] = true,
  410. },
  411. ['BodyForce'] = {
  412. ['Force'] = true,
  413. ['force'] = true,
  414. },
  415. ['BodyGyro'] = {
  416. ['CFrame'] = true,
  417. ['D'] = true,
  418. ['MaxTorque'] = true,
  419. ['P'] = true,
  420. ['cframe'] = true,
  421. ['maxTorque'] = true,
  422. },
  423. ['BodyPosition'] = {
  424. ['D'] = true,
  425. ['MaxForce'] = true,
  426. ['P'] = true,
  427. ['Position'] = true,
  428. ['maxForce'] = true,
  429. ['position'] = true,
  430. ['GetLastForce'] = true,
  431. ['lastForce'] = true,
  432. ['ReachedTarget'] = true,
  433. },
  434. ['BodyThrust'] = {
  435. ['Force'] = true,
  436. ['Location'] = true,
  437. ['force'] = true,
  438. ['location'] = true,
  439. },
  440. ['BodyVelocity'] = {
  441. ['MaxForce'] = true,
  442. ['P'] = true,
  443. ['Velocity'] = true,
  444. ['maxForce'] = true,
  445. ['velocity'] = true,
  446. ['GetLastForce'] = true,
  447. ['lastForce'] = true,
  448. },
  449. ['RocketPropulsion'] = {
  450. ['CartoonFactor'] = true,
  451. ['MaxSpeed'] = true,
  452. ['MaxThrust'] = true,
  453. ['MaxTorque'] = true,
  454. ['Target'] = true,
  455. ['TargetOffset'] = true,
  456. ['TargetRadius'] = true,
  457. ['ThrustD'] = true,
  458. ['ThrustP'] = true,
  459. ['TurnD'] = true,
  460. ['TurnP'] = true,
  461. ['Abort'] = true,
  462. ['Fire'] = true,
  463. ['fire'] = true,
  464. ['ReachedTarget'] = true,
  465. },
  466. ['Breakpoint'] = {
  467. ['Condition'] = true,
  468. ['Enabled'] = true,
  469. ['Id'] = true,
  470. ['Line'] = true,
  471. ['LogMessage'] = true,
  472. ['Script'] = true,
  473. ['Verified'] = true,
  474. },
  475. ['BrowserService'] = {
  476. ['CloseBrowserWindow'] = true,
  477. ['CopyAuthCookieFromBrowserToEngine'] = true,
  478. ['EmitHybridEvent'] = true,
  479. ['ExecuteJavaScript'] = true,
  480. ['OpenBrowserWindow'] = true,
  481. ['OpenNativeOverlay'] = true,
  482. ['OpenWeChatAuthWindow'] = true,
  483. ['ReturnToJavaScript'] = true,
  484. ['SendCommand'] = true,
  485. ['AuthCookieCopiedToEngine'] = true,
  486. ['BrowserWindowClosed'] = true,
  487. ['BrowserWindowWillNavigate'] = true,
  488. ['JavaScriptCallback'] = true,
  489. },
  490. ['BulkImportService'] = {
  491. ['LaunchBulkImport'] = true,
  492. ['ShowBulkImportView'] = true,
  493. ['AssetImported'] = true,
  494. ['BulkImportFinished'] = true,
  495. ['BulkImportStarted'] = true,
  496. },
  497. ['CacheableContentProvider'] = {
  498. },
  499. ['MeshContentProvider'] = {
  500. ['GetContentMemoryData'] = true,
  501. },
  502. ['SolidModelContentProvider'] = {
  503. },
  504. ['CalloutService'] = {
  505. ['AttachCallout'] = true,
  506. ['DefineCallout'] = true,
  507. ['DetachCalloutsByDefinitionId'] = true,
  508. },
  509. ['Camera'] = {
  510. ['CFrame'] = true,
  511. ['CameraSubject'] = true,
  512. ['CameraType'] = true,
  513. ['CoordinateFrame'] = true,
  514. ['DiagonalFieldOfView'] = true,
  515. ['FieldOfView'] = true,
  516. ['FieldOfViewMode'] = true,
  517. ['Focus'] = true,
  518. ['HeadLocked'] = true,
  519. ['HeadScale'] = true,
  520. ['MaxAxisFieldOfView'] = true,
  521. ['NearPlaneZ'] = true,
  522. ['ViewportSize'] = true,
  523. ['focus'] = true,
  524. ['GetLargestCutoffDistance'] = true,
  525. ['GetPanSpeed'] = true,
  526. ['GetPartsObscuringTarget'] = true,
  527. ['GetRenderCFrame'] = true,
  528. ['GetRoll'] = true,
  529. ['GetTiltSpeed'] = true,
  530. ['Interpolate'] = true,
  531. ['PanUnits'] = true,
  532. ['ScreenPointToRay'] = true,
  533. ['SetCameraPanMode'] = true,
  534. ['SetImageServerView'] = true,
  535. ['SetRoll'] = true,
  536. ['TiltUnits'] = true,
  537. ['ViewportPointToRay'] = true,
  538. ['WorldToScreenPoint'] = true,
  539. ['WorldToViewportPoint'] = true,
  540. ['Zoom'] = true,
  541. ['FirstPersonTransition'] = true,
  542. ['InterpolationFinished'] = true,
  543. },
  544. ['ChangeHistoryService'] = {
  545. ['GetCanRedo'] = true,
  546. ['GetCanUndo'] = true,
  547. ['Redo'] = true,
  548. ['ResetWaypoints'] = true,
  549. ['SetEnabled'] = true,
  550. ['SetWaypoint'] = true,
  551. ['Undo'] = true,
  552. ['OnRedo'] = true,
  553. ['OnUndo'] = true,
  554. },
  555. ['CharacterAppearance'] = {
  556. },
  557. ['BodyColors'] = {
  558. ['HeadColor'] = true,
  559. ['HeadColor3'] = true,
  560. ['LeftArmColor'] = true,
  561. ['LeftArmColor3'] = true,
  562. ['LeftLegColor'] = true,
  563. ['LeftLegColor3'] = true,
  564. ['RightArmColor'] = true,
  565. ['RightArmColor3'] = true,
  566. ['RightLegColor'] = true,
  567. ['RightLegColor3'] = true,
  568. ['TorsoColor'] = true,
  569. ['TorsoColor3'] = true,
  570. },
  571. ['CharacterMesh'] = {
  572. ['BaseTextureId'] = true,
  573. ['BodyPart'] = true,
  574. ['MeshId'] = true,
  575. ['OverlayTextureId'] = true,
  576. },
  577. ['Clothing'] = {
  578. ['Color3'] = true,
  579. },
  580. ['Pants'] = {
  581. ['PantsTemplate'] = true,
  582. },
  583. ['Shirt'] = {
  584. ['ShirtTemplate'] = true,
  585. },
  586. ['ShirtGraphic'] = {
  587. ['Color3'] = true,
  588. ['Graphic'] = true,
  589. },
  590. ['Skin'] = {
  591. ['SkinColor'] = true,
  592. },
  593. ['Chat'] = {
  594. ['BubbleChatEnabled'] = true,
  595. ['LoadDefaultChat'] = true,
  596. ['Chat'] = true,
  597. ['ChatLocal'] = true,
  598. ['GetShouldUseLuaChat'] = true,
  599. ['InvokeChatCallback'] = true,
  600. ['RegisterChatCallback'] = true,
  601. ['SetBubbleChatSettings'] = true,
  602. ['CanUserChatAsync'] = true,
  603. ['CanUsersChatAsync'] = true,
  604. ['FilterStringAsync'] = true,
  605. ['FilterStringForBroadcast'] = true,
  606. ['FilterStringForPlayerAsync'] = true,
  607. ['BubbleChatSettingsChanged'] = true,
  608. ['Chatted'] = true,
  609. },
  610. ['ClickDetector'] = {
  611. ['CursorIcon'] = true,
  612. ['MaxActivationDistance'] = true,
  613. ['MouseClick'] = true,
  614. ['MouseHoverEnter'] = true,
  615. ['MouseHoverLeave'] = true,
  616. ['RightMouseClick'] = true,
  617. ['mouseClick'] = true,
  618. },
  619. ['Clouds'] = {
  620. ['Color'] = true,
  621. ['Cover'] = true,
  622. ['Density'] = true,
  623. ['Enabled'] = true,
  624. },
  625. ['ClusterPacketCache'] = {
  626. },
  627. ['CollectionService'] = {
  628. ['AddTag'] = true,
  629. ['GetCollection'] = true,
  630. ['GetInstanceAddedSignal'] = true,
  631. ['GetInstanceRemovedSignal'] = true,
  632. ['GetTagged'] = true,
  633. ['GetTags'] = true,
  634. ['HasTag'] = true,
  635. ['RemoveTag'] = true,
  636. ['ItemAdded'] = true,
  637. ['ItemRemoved'] = true,
  638. },
  639. ['CommandInstance'] = {
  640. ['AllowGUIAccessPoints'] = true,
  641. ['Checked'] = true,
  642. ['DefaultShortcut'] = true,
  643. ['Enabled'] = true,
  644. ['Icon'] = true,
  645. ['Name'] = true,
  646. ['Permission'] = true,
  647. ['StatusTip'] = true,
  648. ['Text'] = true,
  649. ['RegisterExecutionCallback'] = true,
  650. },
  651. ['CommandService'] = {
  652. ['Execute'] = true,
  653. ['RegisterCommand'] = true,
  654. ['CommandExecuting'] = true,
  655. },
  656. ['Configuration'] = {
  657. },
  658. ['Constraint'] = {
  659. ['Active'] = true,
  660. ['Attachment0'] = true,
  661. ['Attachment1'] = true,
  662. ['Color'] = true,
  663. ['Enabled'] = true,
  664. ['Visible'] = true,
  665. },
  666. ['AlignOrientation'] = {
  667. ['AlignType'] = true,
  668. ['MaxAngularVelocity'] = true,
  669. ['MaxTorque'] = true,
  670. ['PrimaryAxisOnly'] = true,
  671. ['ReactionTorqueEnabled'] = true,
  672. ['Responsiveness'] = true,
  673. ['RigidityEnabled'] = true,
  674. },
  675. ['AlignPosition'] = {
  676. ['ApplyAtCenterOfMass'] = true,
  677. ['MaxForce'] = true,
  678. ['MaxVelocity'] = true,
  679. ['ReactionForceEnabled'] = true,
  680. ['Responsiveness'] = true,
  681. ['RigidityEnabled'] = true,
  682. },
  683. ['AngularVelocity'] = {
  684. ['AngularVelocity'] = true,
  685. ['MaxTorque'] = true,
  686. ['ReactionTorqueEnabled'] = true,
  687. ['RelativeTo'] = true,
  688. },
  689. ['BallSocketConstraint'] = {
  690. ['LimitsEnabled'] = true,
  691. ['MaxFrictionTorque'] = true,
  692. ['Radius'] = true,
  693. ['Restitution'] = true,
  694. ['TwistLimitsEnabled'] = true,
  695. ['TwistLowerAngle'] = true,
  696. ['TwistUpperAngle'] = true,
  697. ['UpperAngle'] = true,
  698. },
  699. ['HingeConstraint'] = {
  700. ['ActuatorType'] = true,
  701. ['AngularResponsiveness'] = true,
  702. ['AngularSpeed'] = true,
  703. ['AngularVelocity'] = true,
  704. ['CurrentAngle'] = true,
  705. ['LimitsEnabled'] = true,
  706. ['LowerAngle'] = true,
  707. ['MotorMaxAcceleration'] = true,
  708. ['MotorMaxTorque'] = true,
  709. ['Radius'] = true,
  710. ['Restitution'] = true,
  711. ['ServoMaxTorque'] = true,
  712. ['TargetAngle'] = true,
  713. ['UpperAngle'] = true,
  714. },
  715. ['LineForce'] = {
  716. ['ApplyAtCenterOfMass'] = true,
  717. ['InverseSquareLaw'] = true,
  718. ['Magnitude'] = true,
  719. ['MaxForce'] = true,
  720. ['ReactionForceEnabled'] = true,
  721. },
  722. ['LinearVelocityConstraint'] = {
  723. ['LineDirection'] = true,
  724. ['LineVelocity'] = true,
  725. ['MaxForce'] = true,
  726. ['PlaneVelocity'] = true,
  727. ['PrimaryTangentAxis'] = true,
  728. ['RelativeTo'] = true,
  729. ['SecondaryTangentAxis'] = true,
  730. ['VectorVelocity'] = true,
  731. ['VelocityConstraintMode'] = true,
  732. },
  733. ['RodConstraint'] = {
  734. ['CurrentDistance'] = true,
  735. ['Length'] = true,
  736. ['LimitAngle0'] = true,
  737. ['LimitAngle1'] = true,
  738. ['LimitsEnabled'] = true,
  739. ['Thickness'] = true,
  740. },
  741. ['RopeConstraint'] = {
  742. ['CurrentDistance'] = true,
  743. ['Length'] = true,
  744. ['Restitution'] = true,
  745. ['Thickness'] = true,
  746. ['WinchEnabled'] = true,
  747. ['WinchForce'] = true,
  748. ['WinchResponsiveness'] = true,
  749. ['WinchSpeed'] = true,
  750. ['WinchTarget'] = true,
  751. },
  752. ['SlidingBallConstraint'] = {
  753. ['ActuatorType'] = true,
  754. ['CurrentPosition'] = true,
  755. ['LimitsEnabled'] = true,
  756. ['LinearResponsiveness'] = true,
  757. ['LowerLimit'] = true,
  758. ['MotorMaxAcceleration'] = true,
  759. ['MotorMaxForce'] = true,
  760. ['Restitution'] = true,
  761. ['ServoMaxForce'] = true,
  762. ['Size'] = true,
  763. ['Speed'] = true,
  764. ['TargetPosition'] = true,
  765. ['UpperLimit'] = true,
  766. ['Velocity'] = true,
  767. },
  768. ['CylindricalConstraint'] = {
  769. ['AngularActuatorType'] = true,
  770. ['AngularLimitsEnabled'] = true,
  771. ['AngularResponsiveness'] = true,
  772. ['AngularRestitution'] = true,
  773. ['AngularSpeed'] = true,
  774. ['AngularVelocity'] = true,
  775. ['CurrentAngle'] = true,
  776. ['InclinationAngle'] = true,
  777. ['LowerAngle'] = true,
  778. ['MotorMaxAngularAcceleration'] = true,
  779. ['MotorMaxTorque'] = true,
  780. ['RotationAxisVisible'] = true,
  781. ['ServoMaxTorque'] = true,
  782. ['TargetAngle'] = true,
  783. ['UpperAngle'] = true,
  784. ['WorldRotationAxis'] = true,
  785. },
  786. ['PrismaticConstraint'] = {
  787. },
  788. ['SpringConstraint'] = {
  789. ['Coils'] = true,
  790. ['CurrentLength'] = true,
  791. ['Damping'] = true,
  792. ['FreeLength'] = true,
  793. ['LimitsEnabled'] = true,
  794. ['MaxForce'] = true,
  795. ['MaxLength'] = true,
  796. ['MinLength'] = true,
  797. ['Radius'] = true,
  798. ['Stiffness'] = true,
  799. ['Thickness'] = true,
  800. },
  801. ['Torque'] = {
  802. ['RelativeTo'] = true,
  803. ['Torque'] = true,
  804. },
  805. ['TorsionSpringConstraint'] = {
  806. ['Coils'] = true,
  807. ['CurrentAngle'] = true,
  808. ['Damping'] = true,
  809. ['LimitEnabled'] = true,
  810. ['LimitsEnabled'] = true,
  811. ['MaxAngle'] = true,
  812. ['MaxTorque'] = true,
  813. ['Radius'] = true,
  814. ['Restitution'] = true,
  815. ['Stiffness'] = true,
  816. },
  817. ['UniversalConstraint'] = {
  818. ['LimitsEnabled'] = true,
  819. ['MaxAngle'] = true,
  820. ['Radius'] = true,
  821. ['Restitution'] = true,
  822. },
  823. ['VectorForce'] = {
  824. ['ApplyAtCenterOfMass'] = true,
  825. ['Force'] = true,
  826. ['RelativeTo'] = true,
  827. },
  828. ['ContentProvider'] = {
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  830. ['RequestQueueSize'] = true,
  831. ['CalculateNumTrianglesInMeshSync'] = true,
  832. ['GetFailedRequests'] = true,
  833. ['ListEncryptedAssets'] = true,
  834. ['Preload'] = true,
  835. ['RegisterDefaultEncryptionKey'] = true,
  836. ['RegisterDefaultSessionKey'] = true,
  837. ['RegisterEncryptedAsset'] = true,
  838. ['RegisterSessionEncryptedAsset'] = true,
  839. ['SetBaseUrl'] = true,
  840. ['UnregisterDefaultEncryptionKey'] = true,
  841. ['UnregisterEncryptedAsset'] = true,
  842. ['CalculateNumTrianglesInMesh'] = true,
  843. ['PreloadAsync'] = true,
  844. ['AssetFetchFailed'] = true,
  845. },
  846. ['ContextActionService'] = {
  847. ['BindAction'] = true,
  848. ['BindActionAtPriority'] = true,
  849. ['BindActionToInputTypes'] = true,
  850. ['BindActivate'] = true,
  851. ['BindCoreAction'] = true,
  852. ['BindCoreActionAtPriority'] = true,
  853. ['CallFunction'] = true,
  854. ['FireActionButtonFoundSignal'] = true,
  855. ['GetAllBoundActionInfo'] = true,
  856. ['GetAllBoundCoreActionInfo'] = true,
  857. ['GetBoundActionInfo'] = true,
  858. ['GetBoundCoreActionInfo'] = true,
  859. ['GetCurrentLocalToolIcon'] = true,
  860. ['SetDescription'] = true,
  861. ['SetImage'] = true,
  862. ['SetPosition'] = true,
  863. ['SetTitle'] = true,
  864. ['UnbindAction'] = true,
  865. ['UnbindActivate'] = true,
  866. ['UnbindAllActions'] = true,
  867. ['UnbindCoreAction'] = true,
  868. ['GetButton'] = true,
  869. ['BoundActionAdded'] = true,
  870. ['BoundActionChanged'] = true,
  871. ['BoundActionRemoved'] = true,
  872. ['GetActionButtonEvent'] = true,
  873. ['LocalToolEquipped'] = true,
  874. ['LocalToolUnequipped'] = true,
  875. },
  876. ['Controller'] = {
  877. ['BindButton'] = true,
  878. ['GetButton'] = true,
  879. ['UnbindButton'] = true,
  880. ['bindButton'] = true,
  881. ['getButton'] = true,
  882. ['ButtonChanged'] = true,
  883. },
  884. ['HumanoidController'] = {
  885. },
  886. ['SkateboardController'] = {
  887. ['Steer'] = true,
  888. ['Throttle'] = true,
  889. ['AxisChanged'] = true,
  890. },
  891. ['VehicleController'] = {
  892. },
  893. ['ControllerService'] = {
  894. },
  895. ['CookiesService'] = {
  896. },
  897. ['CorePackages'] = {
  898. },
  899. ['CoreScriptSyncService'] = {
  900. ['GetScriptFilePath'] = true,
  901. },
  902. ['CustomEvent'] = {
  903. ['GetAttachedReceivers'] = true,
  904. ['SetValue'] = true,
  905. ['ReceiverConnected'] = true,
  906. ['ReceiverDisconnected'] = true,
  907. },
  908. ['CustomEventReceiver'] = {
  909. ['Source'] = true,
  910. ['GetCurrentValue'] = true,
  911. ['EventConnected'] = true,
  912. ['EventDisconnected'] = true,
  913. ['SourceValueChanged'] = true,
  914. },
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  917. ['Scale'] = true,
  918. ['VertexColor'] = true,
  919. },
  920. ['BevelMesh'] = {
  921. },
  922. ['BlockMesh'] = {
  923. },
  924. ['CylinderMesh'] = {
  925. },
  926. ['FileMesh'] = {
  927. ['MeshId'] = true,
  928. ['TextureId'] = true,
  929. },
  930. ['SpecialMesh'] = {
  931. ['MeshType'] = true,
  932. },
  933. ['DataModelSession'] = {
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  935. ['SessionId'] = true,
  936. ['CurrentDataModelTypeAboutToChange'] = true,
  937. ['CurrentDataModelTypeChanged'] = true,
  938. ['DataModelCreated'] = true,
  939. ['DataModelWillBeDestroyed'] = true,
  940. },
  941. ['DataStoreIncrementOptions'] = {
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  943. ['SetMetadata'] = true,
  944. },
  945. ['DataStoreInfo'] = {
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  947. ['DataStoreName'] = true,
  948. ['UpdatedTime'] = true,
  949. },
  950. ['DataStoreKey'] = {
  951. ['KeyName'] = true,
  952. },
  953. ['DataStoreKeyInfo'] = {
  954. ['CreatedTime'] = true,
  955. ['UpdatedTime'] = true,
  956. ['Version'] = true,
  957. ['GetMetadata'] = true,
  958. ['GetUserIds'] = true,
  959. },
  960. ['DataStoreObjectVersionInfo'] = {
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  962. ['IsDeleted'] = true,
  963. ['Version'] = true,
  964. },
  965. ['DataStoreOptions'] = {
  966. ['AllScopes'] = true,
  967. ['SetExperimentalFeatures'] = true,
  968. },
  969. ['DataStoreService'] = {
  970. ['AutomaticRetry'] = true,
  971. ['LegacyNamingScheme'] = true,
  972. ['GetDataStore'] = true,
  973. ['GetGlobalDataStore'] = true,
  974. ['GetOrderedDataStore'] = true,
  975. ['GetRequestBudgetForRequestType'] = true,
  976. ['ListDataStoresAsync'] = true,
  977. },
  978. ['DataStoreSetOptions'] = {
  979. ['GetMetadata'] = true,
  980. ['SetMetadata'] = true,
  981. },
  982. ['Debris'] = {
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  984. ['AddItem'] = true,
  985. ['SetLegacyMaxItems'] = true,
  986. ['addItem'] = true,
  987. },
  988. ['DebugSettings'] = {
  989. ['DataModel'] = true,
  990. ['InstanceCount'] = true,
  991. ['IsScriptStackTracingEnabled'] = true,
  992. ['JobCount'] = true,
  993. ['PlayerCount'] = true,
  994. ['ReportSoundWarnings'] = true,
  995. ['RobloxVersion'] = true,
  996. ['TickCountPreciseOverride'] = true,
  997. },
  998. ['DebuggerBreakpoint'] = {
  999. ['Condition'] = true,
  1000. ['ContinueExecution'] = true,
  1001. ['IsEnabled'] = true,
  1002. ['Line'] = true,
  1003. ['LogExpression'] = true,
  1004. ['isContextDependentBreakpoint'] = true,
  1005. },
  1006. ['DebuggerConnection'] = {
  1007. ['Id'] = true,
  1008. ['IsPaused'] = true,
  1009. ['AddBreakpoint'] = true,
  1010. ['GetSource'] = true,
  1011. ['Pause'] = true,
  1012. ['RemoveBreakpoint'] = true,
  1013. ['Resume'] = true,
  1014. ['Terminate'] = true,
  1015. ['BreakpointAdded'] = true,
  1016. ['BreakpointChanged'] = true,
  1017. ['BreakpointRemoved'] = true,
  1018. ['Paused'] = true,
  1019. ['Resumed'] = true,
  1020. },
  1021. ['DebuggerConnectionManager'] = {
  1022. ['Timeout'] = true,
  1023. ['ConnectLocal'] = true,
  1024. ['ConnectRemote'] = true,
  1025. ['FocusConnection'] = true,
  1026. ['ConnectionEnded'] = true,
  1027. ['ConnectionStarted'] = true,
  1028. ['FocusChanged'] = true,
  1029. },
  1030. ['DebuggerManager'] = {
  1031. ['DebuggingEnabled'] = true,
  1032. ['AddDebugger'] = true,
  1033. ['EnableDebugging'] = true,
  1034. ['GetDebuggers'] = true,
  1035. ['Resume'] = true,
  1036. ['StepIn'] = true,
  1037. ['StepOut'] = true,
  1038. ['StepOver'] = true,
  1039. ['DebuggerAdded'] = true,
  1040. ['DebuggerRemoved'] = true,
  1041. },
  1042. ['DebuggerWatch'] = {
  1043. ['Expression'] = true,
  1044. },
  1045. ['Dialog'] = {
  1046. ['BehaviorType'] = true,
  1047. ['ConversationDistance'] = true,
  1048. ['GoodbyeChoiceActive'] = true,
  1049. ['GoodbyeDialog'] = true,
  1050. ['InUse'] = true,
  1051. ['InitialPrompt'] = true,
  1052. ['Purpose'] = true,
  1053. ['Tone'] = true,
  1054. ['TriggerDistance'] = true,
  1055. ['TriggerOffset'] = true,
  1056. ['GetCurrentPlayers'] = true,
  1057. ['SetPlayerIsUsing'] = true,
  1058. ['SignalDialogChoiceSelected'] = true,
  1059. ['DialogChoiceSelected'] = true,
  1060. },
  1061. ['DialogChoice'] = {
  1062. ['GoodbyeChoiceActive'] = true,
  1063. ['GoodbyeDialog'] = true,
  1064. ['ResponseDialog'] = true,
  1065. ['UserDialog'] = true,
  1066. },
  1067. ['DraftsService'] = {
  1068. ['DiscardEdits'] = true,
  1069. ['GetDraftStatus'] = true,
  1070. ['GetEditors'] = true,
  1071. ['RestoreScripts'] = true,
  1072. ['ShowDiffsAgainstBase'] = true,
  1073. ['ShowDiffsAgainstServer'] = true,
  1074. ['CommitEdits'] = true,
  1075. ['GetDrafts'] = true,
  1076. ['UpdateToLatestVersion'] = true,
  1077. ['CommitStatusChanged'] = true,
  1078. ['DraftAdded'] = true,
  1079. ['DraftRemoved'] = true,
  1080. ['DraftStatusChanged'] = true,
  1081. ['EditorsListChanged'] = true,
  1082. ['UpdateStatusChanged'] = true,
  1083. },
  1084. ['Dragger'] = {
  1085. ['AxisRotate'] = true,
  1086. ['MouseDown'] = true,
  1087. ['MouseMove'] = true,
  1088. ['MouseUp'] = true,
  1089. },
  1090. ['DraggerService'] = {
  1091. ['AlignDraggedObjects'] = true,
  1092. ['AngleSnapEnabled'] = true,
  1093. ['AngleSnapIncrement'] = true,
  1094. ['AnimateHover'] = true,
  1095. ['CollisionsEnabled'] = true,
  1096. ['DraggerCoordinateSpace'] = true,
  1097. ['DraggerMovementMode'] = true,
  1098. ['GeometrySnapColor'] = true,
  1099. ['HoverAnimateFrequency'] = true,
  1100. ['HoverThickness'] = true,
  1101. ['JointsEnabled'] = true,
  1102. ['LinearSnapEnabled'] = true,
  1103. ['LinearSnapIncrement'] = true,
  1104. ['PivotSnapToGeometry'] = true,
  1105. ['ShowHover'] = true,
  1106. ['ShowPivotIndicator'] = true,
  1107. },
  1108. ['EventIngestService'] = {
  1109. ['SendEventDeferred'] = true,
  1110. ['SendEventImmediately'] = true,
  1111. ['SetRBXEvent'] = true,
  1112. ['SetRBXEventStream'] = true,
  1113. },
  1114. ['Explosion'] = {
  1115. ['BlastPressure'] = true,
  1116. ['BlastRadius'] = true,
  1117. ['DestroyJointRadiusPercent'] = true,
  1118. ['ExplosionType'] = true,
  1119. ['Position'] = true,
  1120. ['Visible'] = true,
  1121. ['Hit'] = true,
  1122. },
  1123. ['FaceControls'] = {
  1124. ['ChinRaiser'] = true,
  1125. ['ChinRaiserUpperLip'] = true,
  1126. ['Corrugator'] = true,
  1127. ['EyesLookDown'] = true,
  1128. ['EyesLookLeft'] = true,
  1129. ['EyesLookRight'] = true,
  1130. ['EyesLookUp'] = true,
  1131. ['FlatPucker'] = true,
  1132. ['Funneler'] = true,
  1133. ['JawDrop'] = true,
  1134. ['JawLeft'] = true,
  1135. ['JawRight'] = true,
  1136. ['LeftBrowLowerer'] = true,
  1137. ['LeftCheekPuff'] = true,
  1138. ['LeftCheekRaiser'] = true,
  1139. ['LeftDimpler'] = true,
  1140. ['LeftEyeClosed'] = true,
  1141. ['LeftEyeUpperLidRaiser'] = true,
  1142. ['LeftInnerBrowRaiser'] = true,
  1143. ['LeftLipCornerDown'] = true,
  1144. ['LeftLipCornerPuller'] = true,
  1145. ['LeftLipStretcher'] = true,
  1146. ['LeftLowerLipDepressor'] = true,
  1147. ['LeftNoseWrinkler'] = true,
  1148. ['LeftOuterBrowRaiser'] = true,
  1149. ['LeftUpperLipRaiser'] = true,
  1150. ['LipPresser'] = true,
  1151. ['LipsTogether'] = true,
  1152. ['LowerLipSuck'] = true,
  1153. ['MouthLeft'] = true,
  1154. ['MouthRight'] = true,
  1155. ['Pucker'] = true,
  1156. ['RightBrowLowerer'] = true,
  1157. ['RightCheekPuff'] = true,
  1158. ['RightCheekRaiser'] = true,
  1159. ['RightDimpler'] = true,
  1160. ['RightEyeClosed'] = true,
  1161. ['RightEyeUpperLidRaiser'] = true,
  1162. ['RightInnerBrowRaiser'] = true,
  1163. ['RightLipCornerDown'] = true,
  1164. ['RightLipCornerPuller'] = true,
  1165. ['RightLipStretcher'] = true,
  1166. ['RightLowerLipDepressor'] = true,
  1167. ['RightNoseWrinkler'] = true,
  1168. ['RightOuterBrowRaiser'] = true,
  1169. ['RightUpperLipRaiser'] = true,
  1170. ['TongueDown'] = true,
  1171. ['TongueOut'] = true,
  1172. ['TongueUp'] = true,
  1173. ['UpperLipSuck'] = true,
  1174. },
  1175. ['FaceInstance'] = {
  1176. ['Face'] = true,
  1177. },
  1178. ['Decal'] = {
  1179. ['Color3'] = true,
  1180. ['LocalTransparencyModifier'] = true,
  1181. ['Shiny'] = true,
  1182. ['Specular'] = true,
  1183. ['Texture'] = true,
  1184. ['Transparency'] = true,
  1185. ['ZIndex'] = true,
  1186. },
  1187. ['Texture'] = {
  1188. ['OffsetStudsU'] = true,
  1189. ['OffsetStudsV'] = true,
  1190. ['StudsPerTileU'] = true,
  1191. ['StudsPerTileV'] = true,
  1192. },
  1193. ['Feature'] = {
  1194. ['FaceId'] = true,
  1195. ['InOut'] = true,
  1196. ['LeftRight'] = true,
  1197. ['TopBottom'] = true,
  1198. },
  1199. ['Hole'] = {
  1200. },
  1201. ['MotorFeature'] = {
  1202. },
  1203. ['File'] = {
  1204. ['Size'] = true,
  1205. ['GetBinaryContents'] = true,
  1206. ['GetTemporaryId'] = true,
  1207. },
  1208. ['Fire'] = {
  1209. ['Color'] = true,
  1210. ['Enabled'] = true,
  1211. ['Heat'] = true,
  1212. ['SecondaryColor'] = true,
  1213. ['Size'] = true,
  1214. ['size'] = true,
  1215. },
  1216. ['FlagStandService'] = {
  1217. },
  1218. ['FlyweightService'] = {
  1219. },
  1220. ['CSGDictionaryService'] = {
  1221. },
  1222. ['NonReplicatedCSGDictionaryService'] = {
  1223. },
  1224. ['Folder'] = {
  1225. },
  1226. ['ForceField'] = {
  1227. ['Visible'] = true,
  1228. },
  1229. ['FriendService'] = {
  1230. ['GetPlatformFriends'] = true,
  1231. ['FriendsUpdated'] = true,
  1232. },
  1233. ['FunctionalTest'] = {
  1234. ['Description'] = true,
  1235. ['Error'] = true,
  1236. ['Failed'] = true,
  1237. ['Pass'] = true,
  1238. ['Passed'] = true,
  1239. ['Warn'] = true,
  1240. },
  1241. ['GamePassService'] = {
  1242. ['PlayerHasPass'] = true,
  1243. },
  1244. ['GameSettings'] = {
  1245. ['AdditionalCoreIncludeDirs'] = true,
  1246. ['OverrideStarterScript'] = true,
  1247. ['VideoCaptureEnabled'] = true,
  1248. ['VideoRecording'] = true,
  1249. ['VideoRecordingChangeRequest'] = true,
  1250. },
  1251. ['GamepadService'] = {
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  1253. ['GetGamepadCursorPosition'] = true,
  1254. ['SetGamepadCursorPosition'] = true,
  1255. },
  1256. ['Geometry'] = {
  1257. },
  1258. ['GlobalDataStore'] = {
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  1260. ['GetAsync'] = true,
  1261. ['IncrementAsync'] = true,
  1262. ['RemoveAsync'] = true,
  1263. ['SetAsync'] = true,
  1264. ['UpdateAsync'] = true,
  1265. },
  1266. ['DataStore'] = {
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  1268. ['ListKeysAsync'] = true,
  1269. ['ListVersionsAsync'] = true,
  1270. ['RemoveVersionAsync'] = true,
  1271. },
  1272. ['OrderedDataStore'] = {
  1273. ['GetSortedAsync'] = true,
  1274. },
  1275. ['GoogleAnalyticsConfiguration'] = {
  1276. },
  1277. ['GroupService'] = {
  1278. ['GetAlliesAsync'] = true,
  1279. ['GetEnemiesAsync'] = true,
  1280. ['GetGroupInfoAsync'] = true,
  1281. ['GetGroupsAsync'] = true,
  1282. },
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  1284. },
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  1291. ['IsNotOccluded'] = true,
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  1296. },
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  1920. ['StatusRemoved'] = true,
  1921. ['Strafing'] = true,
  1922. ['Swimming'] = true,
  1923. ['Touched'] = true,
  1924. },
  1925. ['HumanoidDescription'] = {
  1926. ['AccessoryBlob'] = true,
  1927. ['BackAccessory'] = true,
  1928. ['BodyTypeScale'] = true,
  1929. ['ClimbAnimation'] = true,
  1930. ['DepthScale'] = true,
  1931. ['Face'] = true,
  1932. ['FaceAccessory'] = true,
  1933. ['FallAnimation'] = true,
  1934. ['FrontAccessory'] = true,
  1935. ['GraphicTShirt'] = true,
  1936. ['HairAccessory'] = true,
  1937. ['HatAccessory'] = true,
  1938. ['Head'] = true,
  1939. ['HeadColor'] = true,
  1940. ['HeadScale'] = true,
  1941. ['HeightScale'] = true,
  1942. ['IdleAnimation'] = true,
  1943. ['JumpAnimation'] = true,
  1944. ['LeftArm'] = true,
  1945. ['LeftArmColor'] = true,
  1946. ['LeftLeg'] = true,
  1947. ['LeftLegColor'] = true,
  1948. ['NeckAccessory'] = true,
  1949. ['NumberEmotesLoaded'] = true,
  1950. ['Pants'] = true,
  1951. ['ProportionScale'] = true,
  1952. ['RightArm'] = true,
  1953. ['RightArmColor'] = true,
  1954. ['RightLeg'] = true,
  1955. ['RightLegColor'] = true,
  1956. ['RunAnimation'] = true,
  1957. ['Shirt'] = true,
  1958. ['ShouldersAccessory'] = true,
  1959. ['SwimAnimation'] = true,
  1960. ['Torso'] = true,
  1961. ['TorsoColor'] = true,
  1962. ['WaistAccessory'] = true,
  1963. ['WalkAnimation'] = true,
  1964. ['WidthScale'] = true,
  1965. ['AddEmote'] = true,
  1966. ['GetAccessories'] = true,
  1967. ['GetEmotes'] = true,
  1968. ['GetEquippedEmotes'] = true,
  1969. ['RemoveEmote'] = true,
  1970. ['SetAccessories'] = true,
  1971. ['SetEmotes'] = true,
  1972. ['SetEquippedEmotes'] = true,
  1973. ['EmotesChanged'] = true,
  1974. ['EquippedEmotesChanged'] = true,
  1975. },
  1976. ['ILegacyStudioBridge'] = {
  1977. },
  1978. ['LegacyStudioBridge'] = {
  1979. },
  1980. ['IXPService'] = {
  1981. ['ClearUserLayers'] = true,
  1982. ['GetBrowserTrackerLayerLoadingStatus'] = true,
  1983. ['GetBrowserTrackerLayerVariables'] = true,
  1984. ['GetUserLayerLoadingStatus'] = true,
  1985. ['GetUserLayerVariables'] = true,
  1986. ['InitializeUserLayers'] = true,
  1987. ['RegisterUserLayers'] = true,
  1988. ['OnBrowserTrackerLayerLoadingStatusChanged'] = true,
  1989. ['OnUserLayerLoadingStatusChanged'] = true,
  1990. },
  1991. ['ImporterBaseSettings'] = {
  1992. ['Id'] = true,
  1993. ['ImportName'] = true,
  1994. ['ShouldImport'] = true,
  1995. },
  1996. ['ImporterGroupSettings'] = {
  1997. },
  1998. ['ImporterJointSettings'] = {
  1999. },
  2000. ['ImporterMeshSettings'] = {
  2001. ['DoubleSided'] = true,
  2002. },
  2003. ['ImporterRootSettings'] = {
  2004. ['FileDimensions'] = true,
  2005. ['FlattenAll'] = true,
  2006. ['PolygonCount'] = true,
  2007. ['ScaleUnit'] = true,
  2008. ['WorldForward'] = true,
  2009. ['WorldUp'] = true,
  2010. ['ZeroOrigin'] = true,
  2011. },
  2012. ['ImporterTextureSettings'] = {
  2013. },
  2014. ['IncrementalPatchBuilder'] = {
  2015. },
  2016. ['InputObject'] = {
  2017. ['Delta'] = true,
  2018. ['KeyCode'] = true,
  2019. ['Position'] = true,
  2020. ['UserInputState'] = true,
  2021. ['UserInputType'] = true,
  2022. ['IsModifierKeyDown'] = true,
  2023. },
  2024. ['InsertService'] = {
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  2026. ['AllowInsertFreeModels'] = true,
  2027. ['ApproveAssetId'] = true,
  2028. ['ApproveAssetVersionId'] = true,
  2029. ['Insert'] = true,
  2030. ['LoadLocalAsset'] = true,
  2031. ['LoadPackageAsset'] = true,
  2032. ['CreateMeshPartAsync'] = true,
  2033. ['GetBaseCategories'] = true,
  2034. ['GetBaseSets'] = true,
  2035. ['GetCollection'] = true,
  2036. ['GetFreeDecals'] = true,
  2037. ['GetFreeModels'] = true,
  2038. ['GetLatestAssetVersionAsync'] = true,
  2039. ['GetUserCategories'] = true,
  2040. ['GetUserSets'] = true,
  2041. ['LoadAsset'] = true,
  2042. ['LoadAssetVersion'] = true,
  2043. ['LoadPackageAssetAsync'] = true,
  2044. ['loadAsset'] = true,
  2045. },
  2046. ['InternalContainer'] = {
  2047. },
  2048. ['JointInstance'] = {
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  2050. ['C0'] = true,
  2051. ['C1'] = true,
  2052. ['Enabled'] = true,
  2053. ['Part0'] = true,
  2054. ['Part1'] = true,
  2055. ['part1'] = true,
  2056. },
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  2058. ['BaseAngle'] = true,
  2059. },
  2060. ['RotateP'] = {
  2061. },
  2062. ['RotateV'] = {
  2063. },
  2064. ['Glue'] = {
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  2066. ['F1'] = true,
  2067. ['F2'] = true,
  2068. ['F3'] = true,
  2069. },
  2070. ['ManualSurfaceJointInstance'] = {
  2071. },
  2072. ['ManualGlue'] = {
  2073. },
  2074. ['ManualWeld'] = {
  2075. },
  2076. ['Motor'] = {
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  2078. ['DesiredAngle'] = true,
  2079. ['MaxVelocity'] = true,
  2080. ['SetDesiredAngle'] = true,
  2081. },
  2082. ['Motor6D'] = {
  2083. ['ChildName'] = true,
  2084. ['ParentName'] = true,
  2085. ['Transform'] = true,
  2086. },
  2087. ['Rotate'] = {
  2088. },
  2089. ['Snap'] = {
  2090. },
  2091. ['VelocityMotor'] = {
  2092. ['CurrentAngle'] = true,
  2093. ['DesiredAngle'] = true,
  2094. ['Hole'] = true,
  2095. ['MaxVelocity'] = true,
  2096. },
  2097. ['Weld'] = {
  2098. },
  2099. ['JointsService'] = {
  2100. ['ClearJoinAfterMoveJoints'] = true,
  2101. ['CreateJoinAfterMoveJoints'] = true,
  2102. ['SetJoinAfterMoveInstance'] = true,
  2103. ['SetJoinAfterMoveTarget'] = true,
  2104. ['ShowPermissibleJoints'] = true,
  2105. },
  2106. ['KeyboardService'] = {
  2107. },
  2108. ['Keyframe'] = {
  2109. ['Time'] = true,
  2110. ['AddMarker'] = true,
  2111. ['AddPose'] = true,
  2112. ['GetMarkers'] = true,
  2113. ['GetPoses'] = true,
  2114. ['RemoveMarker'] = true,
  2115. ['RemovePose'] = true,
  2116. },
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  2118. ['Value'] = true,
  2119. },
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  2127. },
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  2130. ['GetKeyframeSequenceById'] = true,
  2131. ['GetMemStats'] = true,
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  2133. ['RegisterKeyframeSequence'] = true,
  2134. ['GetAnimations'] = true,
  2135. ['GetKeyframeSequenceAsync'] = true,
  2136. },
  2137. ['LanguageService'] = {
  2138. },
  2139. ['Light'] = {
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  2141. ['Color'] = true,
  2142. ['Enabled'] = true,
  2143. ['Shadows'] = true,
  2144. },
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  2146. ['Range'] = true,
  2147. },
  2148. ['SpotLight'] = {
  2149. ['Angle'] = true,
  2150. ['Face'] = true,
  2151. ['Range'] = true,
  2152. },
  2153. ['SurfaceLight'] = {
  2154. ['Angle'] = true,
  2155. ['Face'] = true,
  2156. ['Range'] = true,
  2157. },
  2158. ['Lighting'] = {
  2159. ['Ambient'] = true,
  2160. ['Brightness'] = true,
  2161. ['ClockTime'] = true,
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  2163. ['ColorShift_Top'] = true,
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  2168. ['FogEnd'] = true,
  2169. ['FogStart'] = true,
  2170. ['GeographicLatitude'] = true,
  2171. ['GlobalShadows'] = true,
  2172. ['OutdoorAmbient'] = true,
  2173. ['Outlines'] = true,
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  2175. ['ShadowSoftness'] = true,
  2176. ['Technology'] = true,
  2177. ['TempUseNewSkyRemovalBehaviour'] = true,
  2178. ['TimeOfDay'] = true,
  2179. ['GetMinutesAfterMidnight'] = true,
  2180. ['GetMoonDirection'] = true,
  2181. ['GetMoonPhase'] = true,
  2182. ['GetSunDirection'] = true,
  2183. ['SetMinutesAfterMidnight'] = true,
  2184. ['getMinutesAfterMidnight'] = true,
  2185. ['setMinutesAfterMidnight'] = true,
  2186. ['LightingChanged'] = true,
  2187. },
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  2190. ['GetItem'] = true,
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  2192. ['WhenLoaded'] = true,
  2193. ['ItemWasSet'] = true,
  2194. ['StoreWasCleared'] = true,
  2195. },
  2196. ['AppStorageService'] = {
  2197. },
  2198. ['UserStorageService'] = {
  2199. },
  2200. ['LocalizationService'] = {
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  2202. ['ForcePlayModeRobloxLocaleId'] = true,
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  2205. ['RobloxForcePlayModeRobloxLocaleId'] = true,
  2206. ['RobloxLocaleId'] = true,
  2207. ['SystemLocaleId'] = true,
  2208. ['GetCorescriptLocalizations'] = true,
  2209. ['GetTableEntries'] = true,
  2210. ['GetTranslatorForPlayer'] = true,
  2211. ['SetRobloxLocaleId'] = true,
  2212. ['StartTextScraper'] = true,
  2213. ['StopTextScraper'] = true,
  2214. ['GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync'] = true,
  2215. ['GetTranslatorForLocaleAsync'] = true,
  2216. ['GetTranslatorForPlayerAsync'] = true,
  2217. ['PromptDownloadGameTableToCSV'] = true,
  2218. ['PromptExportToCSVs'] = true,
  2219. ['PromptImportFromCSVs'] = true,
  2220. ['PromptUploadCSVToGameTable'] = true,
  2221. ['AutoTranslateWillRun'] = true,
  2222. },
  2223. ['LocalizationTable'] = {
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  2225. ['Root'] = true,
  2226. ['SourceLocaleId'] = true,
  2227. ['GetContents'] = true,
  2228. ['GetEntries'] = true,
  2229. ['GetString'] = true,
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  2231. ['RemoveEntry'] = true,
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  2244. },
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  2257. },
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  2263. },
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  2265. },
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  2268. },
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  2274. },
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  2280. },
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  2284. },
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  2286. },
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  2289. ['PromptBundlePurchase'] = true,
  2290. ['PromptGamePassPurchase'] = true,
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  2292. ['PromptPremiumPurchase'] = true,
  2293. ['PromptProductPurchase'] = true,
  2294. ['PromptPurchase'] = true,
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  2297. ['PromptSubscriptionPurchase'] = true,
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  2304. ['SignalPromptBundlePurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2305. ['SignalPromptGamePassPurchaseFinished'] = true,
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  2307. ['SignalPromptProductPurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2308. ['SignalPromptPurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2309. ['SignalPromptSubscriptionCancellationFinished'] = true,
  2310. ['SignalPromptSubscriptionPurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2311. ['SignalServerLuaDialogClosed'] = true,
  2312. ['GetDeveloperProductsAsync'] = true,
  2313. ['GetProductInfo'] = true,
  2314. ['GetRobuxBalance'] = true,
  2315. ['IsPlayerSubscribed'] = true,
  2316. ['PerformPurchase'] = true,
  2317. ['PlayerOwnsAsset'] = true,
  2318. ['UserOwnsGamePassAsync'] = true,
  2319. ['ClientLuaDialogRequested'] = true,
  2320. ['ClientPurchaseSuccess'] = true,
  2321. ['NativePurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2322. ['PromptBundlePurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2323. ['PromptBundlePurchaseRequested'] = true,
  2324. ['PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2325. ['PromptGamePassPurchaseRequested'] = true,
  2326. ['PromptPremiumPurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2327. ['PromptPremiumPurchaseRequested'] = true,
  2328. ['PromptProductPurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2329. ['PromptProductPurchaseRequested'] = true,
  2330. ['PromptPurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2331. ['PromptPurchaseRequested'] = true,
  2332. ['PromptRobloxPurchaseRequested'] = true,
  2333. ['PromptSubscriptionCancellationFinished'] = true,
  2334. ['PromptSubscriptionCancellationRequested'] = true,
  2335. ['PromptSubscriptionPurchaseFinished'] = true,
  2336. ['PromptSubscriptionPurchaseRequested'] = true,
  2337. ['ServerPurchaseVerification'] = true,
  2338. ['ThirdPartyPurchaseFinished'] = true,
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  2340. },
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  2343. },
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  2349. ['GetItem'] = true,
  2350. ['HasItem'] = true,
  2351. ['RemoveItem'] = true,
  2352. ['SetItem'] = true,
  2353. },
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  2355. ['AddAsync'] = true,
  2356. ['ReadAsync'] = true,
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  2358. },
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  2361. ['GetSortedMap'] = true,
  2362. },
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  2364. ['GetAsync'] = true,
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  2369. },
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  2372. },
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  2374. },
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  2377. },
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  2383. ['Subscribe'] = true,
  2384. },
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  2387. ['SubscribeAsync'] = true,
  2388. },
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  2409. ['KeyUp'] = true,
  2410. ['Move'] = true,
  2411. ['WheelBackward'] = true,
  2412. ['WheelForward'] = true,
  2413. ['keyDown'] = true,
  2414. },
  2415. ['PlayerMouse'] = {
  2416. },
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  2419. },
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  2421. },
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  2426. },
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  2429. },
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  2432. },
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  2436. },
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  2439. },
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  2442. },
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  2445. ['RequestServerStats'] = true,
  2446. ['RCCProfilerDataComplete'] = true,
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  2448. },
  2449. ['ServerReplicator'] = {
  2450. },
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  2465. },
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  2470. },
  2471. ['NotificationService'] = {
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  2473. ['IsLuaGameDetailsEnabled'] = true,
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  2482. ['Roblox17sConnectionChanged'] = true,
  2483. ['Roblox17sEventReceived'] = true,
  2484. ['RobloxConnectionChanged'] = true,
  2485. ['RobloxEventReceived'] = true,
  2486. },
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  2494. },
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  2500. ['AssemblyMass'] = true,
  2501. ['AssemblyRootPart'] = true,
  2502. ['BackParamA'] = true,
  2503. ['BackParamB'] = true,
  2504. ['BackSurface'] = true,
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  2508. ['BottomSurface'] = true,
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  2510. ['BrickColor'] = true,
  2511. ['CFrame'] = true,
  2512. ['CanCollide'] = true,
  2513. ['CanQuery'] = true,
  2514. ['CanTouch'] = true,
  2515. ['CastShadow'] = true,
  2516. ['CenterOfMass'] = true,
  2517. ['CollisionGroupId'] = true,
  2518. ['Color'] = true,
  2519. ['CustomPhysicalProperties'] = true,
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  2533. ['Massless'] = true,
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  2537. ['Position'] = true,
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  2541. ['ResizeableFaces'] = true,
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  2543. ['RightParamB'] = true,
  2544. ['RightSurface'] = true,
  2545. ['RightSurfaceInput'] = true,
  2546. ['RootPriority'] = true,
  2547. ['RotVelocity'] = true,
  2548. ['Rotation'] = true,
  2549. ['Size'] = true,
  2550. ['SpecificGravity'] = true,
  2551. ['TopParamA'] = true,
  2552. ['TopParamB'] = true,
  2553. ['TopSurface'] = true,
  2554. ['TopSurfaceInput'] = true,
  2555. ['Transparency'] = true,
  2556. ['Velocity'] = true,
  2557. ['brickColor'] = true,
  2558. ['ApplyAngularImpulse'] = true,
  2559. ['ApplyImpulse'] = true,
  2560. ['ApplyImpulseAtPosition'] = true,
  2561. ['BreakJoints'] = true,
  2562. ['CanCollideWith'] = true,
  2563. ['CanSetNetworkOwnership'] = true,
  2564. ['GetConnectedParts'] = true,
  2565. ['GetJoints'] = true,
  2566. ['GetMass'] = true,
  2567. ['GetNetworkOwner'] = true,
  2568. ['GetNetworkOwnershipAuto'] = true,
  2569. ['GetRenderCFrame'] = true,
  2570. ['GetRootPart'] = true,
  2571. ['GetTouchingParts'] = true,
  2572. ['GetVelocityAtPosition'] = true,
  2573. ['IsGrounded'] = true,
  2574. ['MakeJoints'] = true,
  2575. ['Resize'] = true,
  2576. ['SetNetworkOwner'] = true,
  2577. ['SetNetworkOwnershipAuto'] = true,
  2578. ['breakJoints'] = true,
  2579. ['getMass'] = true,
  2580. ['makeJoints'] = true,
  2581. ['resize'] = true,
  2582. ['SubtractAsync'] = true,
  2583. ['UnionAsync'] = true,
  2584. ['LocalSimulationTouched'] = true,
  2585. ['OutfitChanged'] = true,
  2586. ['StoppedTouching'] = true,
  2587. ['TouchEnded'] = true,
  2588. ['Touched'] = true,
  2589. },
  2590. ['CornerWedgePart'] = {
  2591. },
  2592. ['FormFactorPart'] = {
  2593. ['FormFactor'] = true,
  2594. ['formFactor'] = true,
  2595. },
  2596. ['Part'] = {
  2597. ['Shape'] = true,
  2598. },
  2599. ['FlagStand'] = {
  2600. ['TeamColor'] = true,
  2601. ['FlagCaptured'] = true,
  2602. },
  2603. ['Platform'] = {
  2604. },
  2605. ['Seat'] = {
  2606. ['Disabled'] = true,
  2607. ['Occupant'] = true,
  2608. ['Sit'] = true,
  2609. },
  2610. ['SkateboardPlatform'] = {
  2611. ['Controller'] = true,
  2612. ['ControllingHumanoid'] = true,
  2613. ['Steer'] = true,
  2614. ['StickyWheels'] = true,
  2615. ['Throttle'] = true,
  2616. ['ApplySpecificImpulse'] = true,
  2617. ['Equipped'] = true,
  2618. ['MoveStateChanged'] = true,
  2619. ['Unequipped'] = true,
  2620. ['equipped'] = true,
  2621. ['unequipped'] = true,
  2622. },
  2623. ['SpawnLocation'] = {
  2624. ['AllowTeamChangeOnTouch'] = true,
  2625. ['Duration'] = true,
  2626. ['Enabled'] = true,
  2627. ['Neutral'] = true,
  2628. ['TeamColor'] = true,
  2629. },
  2630. ['WedgePart'] = {
  2631. },
  2632. ['Terrain'] = {
  2633. ['Decoration'] = true,
  2634. ['IsSmooth'] = true,
  2635. ['LastUsedModificationMethod'] = true,
  2636. ['MaterialColors'] = true,
  2637. ['MaxExtents'] = true,
  2638. ['WaterColor'] = true,
  2639. ['WaterReflectance'] = true,
  2640. ['WaterTransparency'] = true,
  2641. ['WaterWaveSize'] = true,
  2642. ['WaterWaveSpeed'] = true,
  2643. ['AutowedgeCell'] = true,
  2644. ['AutowedgeCells'] = true,
  2645. ['CellCenterToWorld'] = true,
  2646. ['CellCornerToWorld'] = true,
  2647. ['Clear'] = true,
  2648. ['ConvertToSmooth'] = true,
  2649. ['CopyRegion'] = true,
  2650. ['CountCells'] = true,
  2651. ['FillBall'] = true,
  2652. ['FillBlock'] = true,
  2653. ['FillCylinder'] = true,
  2654. ['FillRegion'] = true,
  2655. ['FillWedge'] = true,
  2656. ['GetCell'] = true,
  2657. ['GetMaterialColor'] = true,
  2658. ['GetWaterCell'] = true,
  2659. ['PasteRegion'] = true,
  2660. ['ReadVoxels'] = true,
  2661. ['ReplaceMaterial'] = true,
  2662. ['SetCell'] = true,
  2663. ['SetCells'] = true,
  2664. ['SetMaterialColor'] = true,
  2665. ['SetWaterCell'] = true,
  2666. ['WorldToCell'] = true,
  2667. ['WorldToCellPreferEmpty'] = true,
  2668. ['WorldToCellPreferSolid'] = true,
  2669. ['WriteVoxels'] = true,
  2670. },
  2671. ['TriangleMeshPart'] = {
  2672. ['CollisionFidelity'] = true,
  2673. },
  2674. ['MeshPart'] = {
  2675. ['DoubleSided'] = true,
  2676. ['HasJointOffset'] = true,
  2677. ['HasSkinnedMesh'] = true,
  2678. ['JointOffset'] = true,
  2679. ['MeshID'] = true,
  2680. ['MeshId'] = true,
  2681. ['MeshSize'] = true,
  2682. ['RenderFidelity'] = true,
  2683. ['TextureID'] = true,
  2684. ['ApplyMesh'] = true,
  2685. },
  2686. ['PartOperation'] = {
  2687. ['RenderFidelity'] = true,
  2688. ['SmoothingAngle'] = true,
  2689. ['TriangleCount'] = true,
  2690. ['UsePartColor'] = true,
  2691. },
  2692. ['NegateOperation'] = {
  2693. },
  2694. ['UnionOperation'] = {
  2695. },
  2696. ['TrussPart'] = {
  2697. ['Style'] = true,
  2698. },
  2699. ['VehicleSeat'] = {
  2700. ['AreHingesDetected'] = true,
  2701. ['Disabled'] = true,
  2702. ['HeadsUpDisplay'] = true,
  2703. ['MaxSpeed'] = true,
  2704. ['Occupant'] = true,
  2705. ['Steer'] = true,
  2706. ['SteerFloat'] = true,
  2707. ['Throttle'] = true,
  2708. ['ThrottleFloat'] = true,
  2709. ['Torque'] = true,
  2710. ['TurnSpeed'] = true,
  2711. ['Sit'] = true,
  2712. },
  2713. ['Model'] = {
  2714. ['LevelOfDetail'] = true,
  2715. ['PrimaryPart'] = true,
  2716. ['World Pivot Orientation'] = true,
  2717. ['World Pivot Position'] = true,
  2718. ['WorldPivot'] = true,
  2719. ['BreakJoints'] = true,
  2720. ['GetBoundingBox'] = true,
  2721. ['GetExtentsSize'] = true,
  2722. ['GetModelCFrame'] = true,
  2723. ['GetModelSize'] = true,
  2724. ['GetPrimaryPartCFrame'] = true,
  2725. ['MakeJoints'] = true,
  2726. ['MoveTo'] = true,
  2727. ['ResetOrientationToIdentity'] = true,
  2728. ['SetIdentityOrientation'] = true,
  2729. ['SetPrimaryPartCFrame'] = true,
  2730. ['TranslateBy'] = true,
  2731. ['breakJoints'] = true,
  2732. ['makeJoints'] = true,
  2733. ['move'] = true,
  2734. ['moveTo'] = true,
  2735. },
  2736. ['Actor'] = {
  2737. },
  2738. ['Status'] = {
  2739. },
  2740. ['WorldRoot'] = {
  2741. ['ArePartsTouchingOthers'] = true,
  2742. ['BulkMoveTo'] = true,
  2743. ['FindPartOnRay'] = true,
  2744. ['FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList'] = true,
  2745. ['FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist'] = true,
  2746. ['FindPartsInRegion3'] = true,
  2747. ['FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList'] = true,
  2748. ['FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList'] = true,
  2749. ['GetPartBoundsInBox'] = true,
  2750. ['GetPartBoundsInRadius'] = true,
  2751. ['GetPartsInPart'] = true,
  2752. ['IKMoveTo'] = true,
  2753. ['IsRegion3Empty'] = true,
  2754. ['IsRegion3EmptyWithIgnoreList'] = true,
  2755. ['Raycast'] = true,
  2756. ['SetInsertPoint'] = true,
  2757. ['findPartOnRay'] = true,
  2758. ['findPartsInRegion3'] = true,
  2759. },
  2760. ['Workspace'] = {
  2761. ['AllowThirdPartySales'] = true,
  2762. ['AnimationWeightedBlendFix'] = true,
  2763. ['ClientAnimatorThrottling'] = true,
  2764. ['CurrentCamera'] = true,
  2765. ['DistributedGameTime'] = true,
  2766. ['FallenPartsDestroyHeight'] = true,
  2767. ['FilteringEnabled'] = true,
  2768. ['Gravity'] = true,
  2769. ['HumanoidOnlySetCollisionsOnStateChange'] = true,
  2770. ['InterpolationThrottling'] = true,
  2771. ['MeshPartHeadsAndAccessories'] = true,
  2772. ['PhysicsSimulationRate'] = true,
  2773. ['PhysicsSteppingMethod'] = true,
  2774. ['SignalBehavior'] = true,
  2775. ['StreamOutBehavior'] = true,
  2776. ['StreamingEnabled'] = true,
  2777. ['StreamingMinRadius'] = true,
  2778. ['StreamingPauseMode'] = true,
  2779. ['StreamingTargetRadius'] = true,
  2780. ['Terrain'] = true,
  2781. ['TouchesUseCollisionGroups'] = true,
  2782. ['BreakJoints'] = true,
  2783. ['CalculateJumpDistance'] = true,
  2784. ['CalculateJumpHeight'] = true,
  2785. ['CalculateJumpPower'] = true,
  2786. ['ExperimentalSolverIsEnabled'] = true,
  2787. ['GetNumAwakeParts'] = true,
  2788. ['GetPhysicsThrottling'] = true,
  2789. ['GetRealPhysicsFPS'] = true,
  2790. ['GetServerTimeNow'] = true,
  2791. ['JoinToOutsiders'] = true,
  2792. ['MakeJoints'] = true,
  2793. ['PGSIsEnabled'] = true,
  2794. ['SetMeshPartHeadsAndAccessories'] = true,
  2795. ['SetPhysicsThrottleEnabled'] = true,
  2796. ['UnjoinFromOutsiders'] = true,
  2797. ['ZoomToExtents'] = true,
  2798. },
  2799. ['WorldModel'] = {
  2800. },
  2801. ['PackageLink'] = {
  2802. ['AutoUpdate'] = true,
  2803. ['Creator'] = true,
  2804. ['PackageAssetName'] = true,
  2805. ['PackageId'] = true,
  2806. ['PermissionLevel'] = true,
  2807. ['Status'] = true,
  2808. ['VersionNumber'] = true,
  2809. },
  2810. ['PackageService'] = {
  2811. },
  2812. ['Pages'] = {
  2813. ['IsFinished'] = true,
  2814. ['GetCurrentPage'] = true,
  2815. ['AdvanceToNextPageAsync'] = true,
  2816. },
  2817. ['CatalogPages'] = {
  2818. },
  2819. ['DataStoreKeyPages'] = {
  2820. },
  2821. ['DataStoreListingPages'] = {
  2822. },
  2823. ['DataStorePages'] = {
  2824. },
  2825. ['DataStoreVersionPages'] = {
  2826. },
  2827. ['FriendPages'] = {
  2828. },
  2829. ['InventoryPages'] = {
  2830. },
  2831. ['EmotesPages'] = {
  2832. },
  2833. ['OutfitPages'] = {
  2834. },
  2835. ['StandardPages'] = {
  2836. },
  2837. ['PartOperationAsset'] = {
  2838. },
  2839. ['ParticleEmitter'] = {
  2840. ['Acceleration'] = true,
  2841. ['Color'] = true,
  2842. ['Drag'] = true,
  2843. ['EmissionDirection'] = true,
  2844. ['Enabled'] = true,
  2845. ['Lifetime'] = true,
  2846. ['LightEmission'] = true,
  2847. ['LightInfluence'] = true,
  2848. ['LockedToPart'] = true,
  2849. ['Orientation'] = true,
  2850. ['Rate'] = true,
  2851. ['RotSpeed'] = true,
  2852. ['Rotation'] = true,
  2853. ['Size'] = true,
  2854. ['Speed'] = true,
  2855. ['SpreadAngle'] = true,
  2856. ['Texture'] = true,
  2857. ['TimeScale'] = true,
  2858. ['Transparency'] = true,
  2859. ['VelocityInheritance'] = true,
  2860. ['VelocitySpread'] = true,
  2861. ['ZOffset'] = true,
  2862. ['Clear'] = true,
  2863. ['Emit'] = true,
  2864. },
  2865. ['Path'] = {
  2866. ['Status'] = true,
  2867. ['GetPointCoordinates'] = true,
  2868. ['GetWaypoints'] = true,
  2869. ['CheckOcclusionAsync'] = true,
  2870. ['ComputeAsync'] = true,
  2871. ['Blocked'] = true,
  2872. ['Unblocked'] = true,
  2873. },
  2874. ['PathfindingModifier'] = {
  2875. ['ModifierId'] = true,
  2876. },
  2877. ['PathfindingService'] = {
  2878. ['EmptyCutoff'] = true,
  2879. ['CreatePath'] = true,
  2880. ['ComputeRawPathAsync'] = true,
  2881. ['ComputeSmoothPathAsync'] = true,
  2882. ['FindPathAsync'] = true,
  2883. },
  2884. ['PausedState'] = {
  2885. ['IsValid'] = true,
  2886. ['Reason'] = true,
  2887. ['ThreadCount'] = true,
  2888. ['GetThread'] = true,
  2889. },
  2890. ['PausedStateBreakpoint'] = {
  2891. ['Breakpoint'] = true,
  2892. ['BreakpointThread'] = true,
  2893. },
  2894. ['PausedStateException'] = {
  2895. ['ExceptionText'] = true,
  2896. ['ExceptionThread'] = true,
  2897. },
  2898. ['PermissionsService'] = {
  2899. ['GetIsThirdPartyAssetAllowed'] = true,
  2900. ['GetIsThirdPartyPurchaseAllowed'] = true,
  2901. ['GetIsThirdPartyTeleportAllowed'] = true,
  2902. ['GetPermissions'] = true,
  2903. ['SetPermissions'] = true,
  2904. },
  2905. ['PhysicsService'] = {
  2906. ['CollisionGroupContainsPart'] = true,
  2907. ['CollisionGroupSetCollidable'] = true,
  2908. ['CollisionGroupsAreCollidable'] = true,
  2909. ['CreateCollisionGroup'] = true,
  2910. ['GetCollisionGroupId'] = true,
  2911. ['GetCollisionGroupName'] = true,
  2912. ['GetCollisionGroups'] = true,
  2913. ['GetMaxCollisionGroups'] = true,
  2914. ['IkSolve'] = true,
  2915. ['LocalIkSolve'] = true,
  2916. ['RemoveCollisionGroup'] = true,
  2917. ['RenameCollisionGroup'] = true,
  2918. ['SetPartCollisionGroup'] = true,
  2919. },
  2920. ['PhysicsSettings'] = {
  2921. ['AllowSleep'] = true,
  2922. ['AreAnchorsShown'] = true,
  2923. ['AreAssembliesShown'] = true,
  2924. ['AreAwakePartsHighlighted'] = true,
  2925. ['AreBodyTypesShown'] = true,
  2926. ['AreContactIslandsShown'] = true,
  2927. ['AreContactPointsShown'] = true,
  2928. ['AreJointCoordinatesShown'] = true,
  2929. ['AreMechanismsShown'] = true,
  2930. ['AreModelCoordsShown'] = true,
  2931. ['AreOwnersShown'] = true,
  2932. ['ArePartCoordsShown'] = true,
  2933. ['AreRegionsShown'] = true,
  2934. ['AreTerrainReplicationRegionsShown'] = true,
  2935. ['AreTimestepsShown'] = true,
  2936. ['AreUnalignedPartsShown'] = true,
  2937. ['AreWorldCoordsShown'] = true,
  2938. ['DisableCSGv2'] = true,
  2939. ['ForceCSGv2'] = true,
  2940. ['IsInterpolationThrottleShown'] = true,
  2941. ['IsReceiveAgeShown'] = true,
  2942. ['IsTreeShown'] = true,
  2943. ['PhysicsEnvironmentalThrottle'] = true,
  2944. ['ShowDecompositionGeometry'] = true,
  2945. ['ThrottleAdjustTime'] = true,
  2946. ['UseCSGv2'] = true,
  2947. },
  2948. ['Player'] = {
  2949. ['AccountAge'] = true,
  2950. ['AppearanceDidLoad'] = true,
  2951. ['AutoJumpEnabled'] = true,
  2952. ['CameraMaxZoomDistance'] = true,
  2953. ['CameraMinZoomDistance'] = true,
  2954. ['CameraMode'] = true,
  2955. ['CanLoadCharacterAppearance'] = true,
  2956. ['Character'] = true,
  2957. ['CharacterAppearance'] = true,
  2958. ['CharacterAppearanceId'] = true,
  2959. ['ChatMode'] = true,
  2960. ['DataComplexity'] = true,
  2961. ['DataComplexityLimit'] = true,
  2962. ['DataReady'] = true,
  2963. ['DevCameraOcclusionMode'] = true,
  2964. ['DevComputerCameraMode'] = true,
  2965. ['DevComputerMovementMode'] = true,
  2966. ['DevEnableMouseLock'] = true,
  2967. ['DevTouchCameraMode'] = true,
  2968. ['DevTouchMovementMode'] = true,
  2969. ['DisplayName'] = true,
  2970. ['FollowUserId'] = true,
  2971. ['GameplayPaused'] = true,
  2972. ['Guest'] = true,
  2973. ['HealthDisplayDistance'] = true,
  2974. ['LocaleId'] = true,
  2975. ['MaximumSimulationRadius'] = true,
  2976. ['MembershipType'] = true,
  2977. ['NameDisplayDistance'] = true,
  2978. ['Neutral'] = true,
  2979. ['OsPlatform'] = true,
  2980. ['PlatformName'] = true,
  2981. ['ReplicationFocus'] = true,
  2982. ['RespawnLocation'] = true,
  2983. ['SimulationRadius'] = true,
  2984. ['Team'] = true,
  2985. ['TeamColor'] = true,
  2986. ['Teleported'] = true,
  2987. ['TeleportedIn'] = true,
  2988. ['UserId'] = true,
  2989. ['VRDevice'] = true,
  2990. ['userId'] = true,
  2991. ['AddToBlockList'] = true,
  2992. ['ClearCharacterAppearance'] = true,
  2993. ['DistanceFromCharacter'] = true,
  2994. ['GetFriendStatus'] = true,
  2995. ['GetGameSessionID'] = true,
  2996. ['GetJoinData'] = true,
  2997. ['GetMouse'] = true,
  2998. ['GetNetworkPing'] = true,
  2999. ['GetUnder13'] = true,
  3000. ['HasAppearanceLoaded'] = true,
  3001. ['IsUserAvailableForExperiment'] = true,
  3002. ['Kick'] = true,
  3003. ['LoadBoolean'] = true,
  3004. ['LoadCharacterAppearance'] = true,
  3005. ['LoadData'] = true,
  3006. ['LoadInstance'] = true,
  3007. ['LoadNumber'] = true,
  3008. ['LoadString'] = true,
  3009. ['Move'] = true,
  3010. ['RemoveCharacter'] = true,
  3011. ['RequestFriendship'] = true,
  3012. ['RevokeFriendship'] = true,
  3013. ['SaveBoolean'] = true,
  3014. ['SaveData'] = true,
  3015. ['SaveInstance'] = true,
  3016. ['SaveNumber'] = true,
  3017. ['SaveString'] = true,
  3018. ['SetAccountAge'] = true,
  3019. ['SetCharacterAppearanceJson'] = true,
  3020. ['SetMembershipType'] = true,
  3021. ['SetSuperSafeChat'] = true,
  3022. ['SetUnder13'] = true,
  3023. ['UpdatePlayerBlocked'] = true,
  3024. ['loadBoolean'] = true,
  3025. ['loadInstance'] = true,
  3026. ['loadNumber'] = true,
  3027. ['loadString'] = true,
  3028. ['saveBoolean'] = true,
  3029. ['saveInstance'] = true,
  3030. ['saveNumber'] = true,
  3031. ['saveString'] = true,
  3032. ['GetFriendsOnline'] = true,
  3033. ['GetRankInGroup'] = true,
  3034. ['GetRoleInGroup'] = true,
  3035. ['IsBestFriendsWith'] = true,
  3036. ['IsFriendsWith'] = true,
  3037. ['IsInGroup'] = true,
  3038. ['LoadCharacter'] = true,
  3039. ['LoadCharacterBlocking'] = true,
  3040. ['LoadCharacterWithHumanoidDescription'] = true,
  3041. ['RequestStreamAroundAsync'] = true,
  3042. ['WaitForDataReady'] = true,
  3043. ['isFriendsWith'] = true,
  3044. ['waitForDataReady'] = true,
  3045. ['CharacterAdded'] = true,
  3046. ['CharacterAppearanceLoaded'] = true,
  3047. ['CharacterRemoving'] = true,
  3048. ['Chatted'] = true,
  3049. ['FriendStatusChanged'] = true,
  3050. ['Idled'] = true,
  3051. ['OnTeleport'] = true,
  3052. ['SimulationRadiusChanged'] = true,
  3053. },
  3054. ['PlayerEmulatorService'] = {
  3055. ['DEPRECATED_SerializedEmulatedPolicyInfo'] = true,
  3056. ['EmulatedCountryCode'] = true,
  3057. ['EmulatedGameLocale'] = true,
  3058. ['PlayerEmulationEnabled'] = true,
  3059. ['PlayerEmulationEnabled_deprecated'] = true,
  3060. ['SerializedEmulatedPolicyInfo'] = true,
  3061. ['StudioEmulatedCountryRegionCode'] = true,
  3062. ['GetEmulatedPolicyInfo'] = true,
  3063. ['SetEmulatedPolicyInfo'] = true,
  3064. },
  3065. ['PlayerScripts'] = {
  3066. ['ClearComputerCameraMovementModes'] = true,
  3067. ['ClearComputerMovementModes'] = true,
  3068. ['ClearTouchCameraMovementModes'] = true,
  3069. ['ClearTouchMovementModes'] = true,
  3070. ['GetRegisteredComputerCameraMovementModes'] = true,
  3071. ['GetRegisteredComputerMovementModes'] = true,
  3072. ['GetRegisteredTouchCameraMovementModes'] = true,
  3073. ['GetRegisteredTouchMovementModes'] = true,
  3074. ['RegisterComputerCameraMovementMode'] = true,
  3075. ['RegisterComputerMovementMode'] = true,
  3076. ['RegisterTouchCameraMovementMode'] = true,
  3077. ['RegisterTouchMovementMode'] = true,
  3078. ['ComputerCameraMovementModeRegistered'] = true,
  3079. ['ComputerMovementModeRegistered'] = true,
  3080. ['TouchCameraMovementModeRegistered'] = true,
  3081. ['TouchMovementModeRegistered'] = true,
  3082. },
  3083. ['Players'] = {
  3084. ['BubbleChat'] = true,
  3085. ['CharacterAutoLoads'] = true,
  3086. ['ClassicChat'] = true,
  3087. ['LocalPlayer'] = true,
  3088. ['MaxPlayers'] = true,
  3089. ['MaxPlayersInternal'] = true,
  3090. ['NumPlayers'] = true,
  3091. ['PreferredPlayers'] = true,
  3092. ['PreferredPlayersInternal'] = true,
  3093. ['RespawnTime'] = true,
  3094. ['localPlayer'] = true,
  3095. ['numPlayers'] = true,
  3096. ['Chat'] = true,
  3097. ['CreateLocalPlayer'] = true,
  3098. ['GetPlayerByUserId'] = true,
  3099. ['GetPlayerFromCharacter'] = true,
  3100. ['GetPlayers'] = true,
  3101. ['ReportAbuse'] = true,
  3102. ['SetChatStyle'] = true,
  3103. ['SetLocalPlayerInfo'] = true,
  3104. ['TeamChat'] = true,
  3105. ['WhisperChat'] = true,
  3106. ['getPlayers'] = true,
  3107. ['playerFromCharacter'] = true,
  3108. ['players'] = true,
  3109. ['CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription'] = true,
  3110. ['CreateHumanoidModelFromUserId'] = true,
  3111. ['GetCharacterAppearanceAsync'] = true,
  3112. ['GetCharacterAppearanceInfoAsync'] = true,
  3113. ['GetFriendsAsync'] = true,
  3114. ['GetHumanoidDescriptionFromOutfitId'] = true,
  3115. ['GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId'] = true,
  3116. ['GetNameFromUserIdAsync'] = true,
  3117. ['GetUserIdFromNameAsync'] = true,
  3118. ['GetUserThumbnailAsync'] = true,
  3119. ['FriendRequestEvent'] = true,
  3120. ['GameAnnounce'] = true,
  3121. ['PlayerAdded'] = true,
  3122. ['PlayerChatted'] = true,
  3123. ['PlayerConnecting'] = true,
  3124. ['PlayerDisconnecting'] = true,
  3125. ['PlayerMembershipChanged'] = true,
  3126. ['PlayerRejoining'] = true,
  3127. ['PlayerRemoving'] = true,
  3128. },
  3129. ['Plugin'] = {
  3130. ['CollisionEnabled'] = true,
  3131. ['GridSize'] = true,
  3132. ['HostDataModelType'] = true,
  3133. ['HostDataModelTypeIsCurrent'] = true,
  3134. ['MultipleDocumentInterfaceInstance'] = true,
  3135. ['UsesAssetInsertionDrag'] = true,
  3136. ['Activate'] = true,
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  3187. },
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  3195. },
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  3344. },
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  3383. },
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  3385. },
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  3387. },
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  3443. },
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  3445. },
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  3447. },
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  3476. },
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  3597. },
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  3599. },
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  3603. },
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  3607. },
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  3646. },
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  3684. },
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  3688. },
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  3691. },
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  3696. },
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  3704. },
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  3707. },
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  3723. },
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  3726. },
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  3738. },
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  3741. },
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  3760. },
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  3765. },
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  3767. },
  3768. ['Speaker'] = {
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  3770. ['PlaybackLoudness'] = true,
  3771. ['RollOffMaxDistance'] = true,
  3772. ['RollOffMinDistance'] = true,
  3773. ['RollOffMode'] = true,
  3774. ['SoundGroup'] = true,
  3775. ['Source'] = true,
  3776. ['Volume'] = true,
  3777. },
  3778. ['StandalonePluginScripts'] = {
  3779. },
  3780. ['StarterGear'] = {
  3781. },
  3782. ['StarterPack'] = {
  3783. },
  3784. ['StarterPlayer'] = {
  3785. ['AllowCustomAnimations'] = true,
  3786. ['AutoJumpEnabled'] = true,
  3787. ['CameraMaxZoomDistance'] = true,
  3788. ['CameraMinZoomDistance'] = true,
  3789. ['CameraMode'] = true,
  3790. ['CharacterJumpHeight'] = true,
  3791. ['CharacterJumpPower'] = true,
  3792. ['CharacterMaxSlopeAngle'] = true,
  3793. ['CharacterUseJumpPower'] = true,
  3794. ['CharacterWalkSpeed'] = true,
  3795. ['DevCameraOcclusionMode'] = true,
  3796. ['DevComputerCameraMovementMode'] = true,
  3797. ['DevComputerMovementMode'] = true,
  3798. ['DevTouchCameraMovementMode'] = true,
  3799. ['DevTouchMovementMode'] = true,
  3800. ['EnableMouseLockOption'] = true,
  3801. ['GameSettingsAssetIDFace'] = true,
  3802. ['GameSettingsAssetIDHead'] = true,
  3803. ['GameSettingsAssetIDLeftArm'] = true,
  3804. ['GameSettingsAssetIDLeftLeg'] = true,
  3805. ['GameSettingsAssetIDPants'] = true,
  3806. ['GameSettingsAssetIDRightArm'] = true,
  3807. ['GameSettingsAssetIDRightLeg'] = true,
  3808. ['GameSettingsAssetIDShirt'] = true,
  3809. ['GameSettingsAssetIDTeeShirt'] = true,
  3810. ['GameSettingsAssetIDTorso'] = true,
  3811. ['GameSettingsAvatar'] = true,
  3812. ['GameSettingsR15Collision'] = true,
  3813. ['GameSettingsScaleRangeBodyType'] = true,
  3814. ['GameSettingsScaleRangeHead'] = true,
  3815. ['GameSettingsScaleRangeHeight'] = true,
  3816. ['GameSettingsScaleRangeProportion'] = true,
  3817. ['GameSettingsScaleRangeWidth'] = true,
  3818. ['HealthDisplayDistance'] = true,
  3819. ['LoadCharacterAppearance'] = true,
  3820. ['LoadCharacterLayeredClothing'] = true,
  3821. ['NameDisplayDistance'] = true,
  3822. ['UserEmotesEnabled'] = true,
  3823. ['ClearDefaults'] = true,
  3824. },
  3825. ['StarterPlayerScripts'] = {
  3826. },
  3827. ['StarterCharacterScripts'] = {
  3828. },
  3829. ['Stats'] = {
  3830. ['ContactsCount'] = true,
  3831. ['DataReceiveKbps'] = true,
  3832. ['DataSendKbps'] = true,
  3833. ['HeartbeatTimeMs'] = true,
  3834. ['InstanceCount'] = true,
  3835. ['MovingPrimitivesCount'] = true,
  3836. ['PhysicsReceiveKbps'] = true,
  3837. ['PhysicsSendKbps'] = true,
  3838. ['PhysicsStepTimeMs'] = true,
  3839. ['PrimitivesCount'] = true,
  3840. ['GetBrowserTrackerId'] = true,
  3841. ['GetMemoryUsageMbForTag'] = true,
  3842. ['GetTotalMemoryUsageMb'] = true,
  3843. ['GetPaginatedMemoryByTexture'] = true,
  3844. },
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  3847. ['GetValue'] = true,
  3848. ['GetValueString'] = true,
  3849. },
  3850. ['RunningAverageItemDouble'] = {
  3851. },
  3852. ['RunningAverageItemInt'] = {
  3853. },
  3854. ['RunningAverageTimeIntervalItem'] = {
  3855. },
  3856. ['TotalCountTimeIntervalItem'] = {
  3857. },
  3858. ['StopWatchReporter'] = {
  3859. ['FinishTask'] = true,
  3860. ['SendReport'] = true,
  3861. ['StartTask'] = true,
  3862. },
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  3874. ['Auto Closing Brackets'] = true,
  3875. ['Auto Closing Quotes'] = true,
  3876. ['Auto Indent Rule'] = true,
  3877. ['Auto-Recovery Enabled'] = true,
  3878. ['Auto-Recovery Interval (Minutes)'] = true,
  3879. ['Auto-Recovery Path'] = true,
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  3881. ['Basic Objects Display Mode'] = true,
  3882. ['Bool Color'] = true,
  3883. ['Bracket Color'] = true,
  3884. ['Built-in Function Color'] = true,
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  3886. ['Camera Shift Speed'] = true,
  3887. ['Camera Speed'] = true,
  3888. ['Camera Zoom to Mouse Position'] = true,
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  3897. ['DisplayLanguage'] = true,
  3898. ['Drag Multiple Parts As Single Part'] = true,
  3899. ['Enable Autocomplete'] = true,
  3900. ['Enable CoreScript Debugger'] = true,
  3901. ['Enable Http Sandboxing'] = true,
  3902. ['Enable Internal Beta Features'] = true,
  3903. ['Enable Internal Features'] = true,
  3904. ['Enable Script Analysis'] = true,
  3905. ['Enable Signature Help'] = true,
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  3907. ['Enable Temporary Tabs In Explorer'] = true,
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  3916. ['Highlight Occurances'] = true,
  3917. ['Hover Animate Speed'] = true,
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  3919. ['Hover Over Color'] = true,
  3920. ['Indent Using Spaces'] = true,
  3921. ['Keyword Color'] = true,
  3922. ['Line Thickness'] = true,
  3923. ['LocalAssetsFolder'] = true,
  3924. ['LuaDebuggerEnabled'] = true,
  3925. ['LuaDebuggerEnabledAtStartup'] = true,
  3926. ['Luau Keyword Color'] = true,
  3927. ['Matching Word Background Color'] = true,
  3928. ['Maximum Output Lines'] = true,
  3929. ['Menu Item Background Color'] = true,
  3930. ['Method Color'] = true,
  3931. ['Number Color'] = true,
  3932. ['Only Play Audio from Window in Focus'] = true,
  3933. ['Operator Color'] = true,
  3934. ['Output Font'] = true,
  3935. ['Output Layout Mode'] = true,
  3936. ['OverrideCoreScripts'] = true,
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  3938. ['PermissionLevelShown'] = true,
  3939. ['Physical Draggers Select Scope By Default'] = true,
  3940. ['Pivot Snap To Geometry Color'] = true,
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  3942. ['PluginsDir'] = true,
  3943. ['Primary Text Color'] = true,
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  3945. ['Render Throttle Percentage'] = true,
  3946. ['Respect Studio shortcuts when game has focus'] = true,
  3947. ['Ruler Color'] = true,
  3948. ['Rulers'] = true,
  3949. ['RuntimeUndoBehavior'] = true,
  3950. ['Script Editor Color Preset'] = true,
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  3957. ['Search Content For Core Scripts'] = true,
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  3962. ['Selected Text Color'] = true,
  3963. ['Selection Background Color'] = true,
  3964. ['Selection Color'] = true,
  3965. ['Selection Highlight Thickness'] = true,
  3966. ['Server Audio Behavior'] = true,
  3967. ['Show Core GUI in Explorer while Playing'] = true,
  3968. ['Show Deployment Warnings'] = true,
  3969. ['Show Diagnostics Bar'] = true,
  3970. ['Show FileSyncService'] = true,
  3971. ['Show Hidden Objects in Explorer'] = true,
  3972. ['Show Hover Over'] = true,
  3973. ['Show Light Guides'] = true,
  3974. ['Show Navigation Areas'] = true,
  3975. ['Show Navigation Mesh'] = true,
  3976. ['Show Plugin GUI Service in Explorer'] = true,
  3977. ['Show QT warnings in output'] = true,
  3978. ['Show Whitespace'] = true,
  3979. ['Show plus button on hover in Explorer'] = true,
  3980. ['ShowCorePackagesInExplorer'] = true,
  3981. ['Skip Closing Brackets and Quotes'] = true,
  3982. ['String Color'] = true,
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  3984. ['Text Color'] = true,
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  3987. ['UI Theme'] = true,
  3988. ['Warning Color'] = true,
  3989. ['Whitespace Color'] = true,
  3990. ['GetAvailableThemes'] = true,
  3991. ['ThemeChanged'] = true,
  3992. },
  3993. ['StudioData'] = {
  3994. ['EnableScriptCollabByDefaultOnLoad'] = true,
  3995. ['SrcPlaceId'] = true,
  3996. ['SrcUniverseId'] = true,
  3997. },
  3998. ['StudioDeviceEmulatorService'] = {
  3999. ['EmulatePCDeviceWithResolution'] = true,
  4000. ['GetCurrentDeviceId'] = true,
  4001. ['GetCurrentOrientation'] = true,
  4002. ['HasDeviceWithId'] = true,
  4003. ['SetCurrentDeviceId'] = true,
  4004. ['SetCurrentOrientation'] = true,
  4005. ['CurrentDeviceIdChanged'] = true,
  4006. ['OrientationChanged'] = true,
  4007. },
  4008. ['StudioService'] = {
  4009. ['ActiveScript'] = true,
  4010. ['AlignDraggedObjects'] = true,
  4011. ['DraggerSolveConstraints'] = true,
  4012. ['DrawConstraintsOnTop'] = true,
  4013. ['GridSize'] = true,
  4014. ['HoverInstance'] = true,
  4015. ['InstalledPluginData'] = true,
  4016. ['PivotSnapToGeometry'] = true,
  4017. ['RotateIncrement'] = true,
  4018. ['ShowActiveInstanceHighlight'] = true,
  4019. ['ShowConstraintDetails'] = true,
  4020. ['StudioLocaleId'] = true,
  4021. ['UseLocalSpace'] = true,
  4022. ['AnimationIdSelected'] = true,
  4023. ['BaseURLHasChineseHost'] = true,
  4024. ['ConvertToPackageUpload'] = true,
  4025. ['CopyToClipboard'] = true,
  4026. ['EmitPlacePublishedSignal'] = true,
  4027. ['GetBadgeConfigureUrl'] = true,
  4028. ['GetBadgeUploadUrl'] = true,
  4029. ['GetClassIcon'] = true,
  4030. ['GetResourceByCategory'] = true,
  4031. ['GetStartupAssetId'] = true,
  4032. ['GetStartupPluginId'] = true,
  4033. ['GetTermsOfUseUrl'] = true,
  4034. ['GetUserId'] = true,
  4035. ['GizmoRaycast'] = true,
  4036. ['HasInternalPermission'] = true,
  4037. ['IsPluginInstalled'] = true,
  4038. ['IsPluginUpToDate'] = true,
  4039. ['OpenInBrowser_DONOTUSE'] = true,
  4040. ['PromptForLocalSave'] = true,
  4041. ['PublishAs'] = true,
  4042. ['RequestClose'] = true,
  4043. ['SerializeInstances'] = true,
  4044. ['SetDocumentDisplayName'] = true,
  4045. ['SetPluginEnabled'] = true,
  4046. ['SetUniverseDisplayName'] = true,
  4047. ['ShowPlaceVersionHistoryDialog'] = true,
  4048. ['ShowPublishToRoblox'] = true,
  4049. ['ShowSaveOrPublishPlaceToRoblox'] = true,
  4050. ['UninstallPlugin'] = true,
  4051. ['UpdatePluginManagement'] = true,
  4052. ['PromptImportFile'] = true,
  4053. ['PromptImportFiles'] = true,
  4054. ['TryInstallPlugin'] = true,
  4055. ['FirstPublishOfCloudPlace'] = true,
  4056. ['GameNameUpdated'] = true,
  4057. ['GamePublishFinished'] = true,
  4058. ['OnConvertToPackageResult'] = true,
  4059. ['OnImportFromRoblox'] = true,
  4060. ['OnOpenConvertToPackagePlugin'] = true,
  4061. ['OnOpenGameSettings'] = true,
  4062. ['OnOpenManagePackagePlugin'] = true,
  4063. ['OnPluginInstalledFromToolbox'] = true,
  4064. ['OnPluginInstalledFromWeb'] = true,
  4065. ['OnPublishAsPlugin'] = true,
  4066. ['OnPublishPlaceToRoblox'] = true,
  4067. ['OnSaveOrPublishPlaceToRoblox'] = true,
  4068. ['OnSaveToRoblox'] = true,
  4069. ['PromptTransformPluginCheckEnable'] = true,
  4070. ['SaveLocallyAsComplete'] = true,
  4071. },
  4072. ['StudioTheme'] = {
  4073. ['GetColor'] = true,
  4074. },
  4075. ['SurfaceAppearance'] = {
  4076. ['AlphaMode'] = true,
  4077. ['ColorMap'] = true,
  4078. ['MetalnessMap'] = true,
  4079. ['NormalMap'] = true,
  4080. ['RoughnessMap'] = true,
  4081. ['TexturePack'] = true,
  4082. },
  4083. ['TaskScheduler'] = {
  4084. ['SchedulerDutyCycle'] = true,
  4085. ['SchedulerRate'] = true,
  4086. ['ThreadPoolConfig'] = true,
  4087. ['ThreadPoolSize'] = true,
  4088. },
  4089. ['Team'] = {
  4090. ['AutoAssignable'] = true,
  4091. ['AutoColorCharacters'] = true,
  4092. ['ChildOrder'] = true,
  4093. ['Score'] = true,
  4094. ['TeamColor'] = true,
  4095. ['GetPlayers'] = true,
  4096. ['PlayerAdded'] = true,
  4097. ['PlayerRemoved'] = true,
  4098. },
  4099. ['Teams'] = {
  4100. ['GetTeams'] = true,
  4101. ['RebalanceTeams'] = true,
  4102. },
  4103. ['TeleportAsyncResult'] = {
  4104. ['PrivateServerId'] = true,
  4105. ['ReservedServerAccessCode'] = true,
  4106. },
  4107. ['TeleportOptions'] = {
  4108. ['ReservedServerAccessCode'] = true,
  4109. ['ServerInstanceId'] = true,
  4110. ['ShouldReserveServer'] = true,
  4111. ['GetTeleportData'] = true,
  4112. ['SetTeleportData'] = true,
  4113. },
  4114. ['TeleportService'] = {
  4115. ['CustomizedTeleportUI'] = true,
  4116. ['GetArrivingTeleportGui'] = true,
  4117. ['GetLocalPlayerTeleportData'] = true,
  4118. ['GetTeleportSetting'] = true,
  4119. ['SetTeleportGui'] = true,
  4120. ['SetTeleportSetting'] = true,
  4121. ['Teleport'] = true,
  4122. ['TeleportCancel'] = true,
  4123. ['TeleportToPlaceInstance'] = true,
  4124. ['TeleportToPrivateServer'] = true,
  4125. ['TeleportToSpawnByName'] = true,
  4126. ['GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync'] = true,
  4127. ['ReserveServer'] = true,
  4128. ['TeleportAsync'] = true,
  4129. ['TeleportPartyAsync'] = true,
  4130. ['LocalPlayerArrivedFromTeleport'] = true,
  4131. ['TeleportInitFailed'] = true,
  4132. },
  4133. ['TerrainRegion'] = {
  4134. ['IsSmooth'] = true,
  4135. ['SizeInCells'] = true,
  4136. ['ConvertToSmooth'] = true,
  4137. },
  4138. ['TestService'] = {
  4139. ['AutoRuns'] = true,
  4140. ['Description'] = true,
  4141. ['ErrorCount'] = true,
  4142. ['ExecuteWithStudioRun'] = true,
  4143. ['Is30FpsThrottleEnabled'] = true,
  4144. ['IsPhysicsEnvironmentalThrottled'] = true,
  4145. ['IsSleepAllowed'] = true,
  4146. ['NumberOfPlayers'] = true,
  4147. ['SimulateSecondsLag'] = true,
  4148. ['TestCount'] = true,
  4149. ['Timeout'] = true,
  4150. ['WarnCount'] = true,
  4151. ['Check'] = true,
  4152. ['Checkpoint'] = true,
  4153. ['Done'] = true,
  4154. ['Error'] = true,
  4155. ['Fail'] = true,
  4156. ['Message'] = true,
  4157. ['Require'] = true,
  4158. ['ScopeTime'] = true,
  4159. ['Warn'] = true,
  4160. ['isFeatureEnabled'] = true,
  4161. ['Run'] = true,
  4162. ['ServerCollectConditionalResult'] = true,
  4163. ['ServerCollectResult'] = true,
  4164. },
  4165. ['TextFilterResult'] = {
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  4167. ['GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync'] = true,
  4168. ['GetNonChatStringForUserAsync'] = true,
  4169. },
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  4173. ['FilterStringAsync'] = true,
  4174. },
  4175. ['ThirdPartyUserService'] = {
  4176. ['GetUserPlatformId'] = true,
  4177. ['GetUserPlatformName'] = true,
  4178. ['HaveActiveUser'] = true,
  4179. ['ReturnToEngagement'] = true,
  4180. ['ShowAccountPicker'] = true,
  4181. ['RegisterActiveUser'] = true,
  4182. ['ActiveGamepadAdded'] = true,
  4183. ['ActiveGamepadRemoved'] = true,
  4184. ['ActiveUserSignedOut'] = true,
  4185. },
  4186. ['ThreadState'] = {
  4187. ['ThreadId'] = true,
  4188. ['GetCallstack'] = true,
  4189. ['RequestCallstack'] = true,
  4190. },
  4191. ['TimerService'] = {
  4192. },
  4193. ['ToastNotificationService'] = {
  4194. ['HideNotification'] = true,
  4195. ['ShowNotification'] = true,
  4196. },
  4197. ['TouchInputService'] = {
  4198. },
  4199. ['TouchTransmitter'] = {
  4200. },
  4201. ['TracerService'] = {
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  4203. ['StartSpan'] = true,
  4204. },
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  4210. ['FaceCamera'] = true,
  4211. ['Lifetime'] = true,
  4212. ['LightEmission'] = true,
  4213. ['LightInfluence'] = true,
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  4215. ['MinLength'] = true,
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  4217. ['TextureLength'] = true,
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  4221. ['Clear'] = true,
  4222. },
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  4224. ['LocaleId'] = true,
  4225. ['FormatByKey'] = true,
  4226. ['RobloxOnlyTranslate'] = true,
  4227. ['Translate'] = true,
  4228. },
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  4230. ['PlaybackState'] = true,
  4231. ['Cancel'] = true,
  4232. ['Pause'] = true,
  4233. ['Play'] = true,
  4234. ['Completed'] = true,
  4235. },
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  4239. },
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  4242. ['GetValue'] = true,
  4243. },
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  4252. ['GetMeshVerts'] = true,
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  4256. },
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  4258. },
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  4260. },
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  4366. ['IsUsingGamepadCameraSensitivity'] = true,
  4367. ['MasterVolume'] = true,
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  4385. ['TouchMovementMode'] = true,
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  4387. ['UsedCustomGuiIsVisibleToggle'] = true,
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  4400. ['SetTutorialState'] = true,
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  4404. },
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  4425. ['StatusBarSize'] = true,
  4426. ['TouchEnabled'] = true,
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  4428. ['VREnabled'] = true,
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  4431. ['GetDeviceAcceleration'] = true,
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  4433. ['GetDeviceRotation'] = true,
  4434. ['GetDeviceType'] = true,
  4435. ['GetFocusedTextBox'] = true,
  4436. ['GetGamepadConnected'] = true,
  4437. ['GetGamepadState'] = true,
  4438. ['GetKeysPressed'] = true,
  4439. ['GetLastInputType'] = true,
  4440. ['GetMouseButtonsPressed'] = true,
  4441. ['GetMouseDelta'] = true,
  4442. ['GetMouseLocation'] = true,
  4443. ['GetNavigationGamepads'] = true,
  4444. ['GetPlatform'] = true,
  4445. ['GetStringForKeyCode'] = true,
  4446. ['GetSupportedGamepadKeyCodes'] = true,
  4447. ['GetUserCFrame'] = true,
  4448. ['IsGamepadButtonDown'] = true,
  4449. ['IsKeyDown'] = true,
  4450. ['IsMouseButtonPressed'] = true,
  4451. ['IsNavigationGamepad'] = true,
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  4453. ['SendAppUISizes'] = true,
  4454. ['SetNavigationGamepad'] = true,
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  4456. ['DeviceGravityChanged'] = true,
  4457. ['DeviceRotationChanged'] = true,
  4458. ['GamepadConnected'] = true,
  4459. ['GamepadDisconnected'] = true,
  4460. ['InputBegan'] = true,
  4461. ['InputChanged'] = true,
  4462. ['InputEnded'] = true,
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  4482. },
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  4485. },
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  4495. ['SetTouchpadMode'] = true,
  4496. ['NavigationRequested'] = true,
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  4499. ['UserCFrameEnabled'] = true,
  4500. },
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  4502. },
  4503. ['BinaryStringValue'] = {
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  4505. },
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  4510. },
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  4514. ['changed'] = true,
  4515. },
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  4519. ['changed'] = true,
  4520. },
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  4524. ['changed'] = true,
  4525. },
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  4530. ['Value'] = true,
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  4532. ['changed'] = true,
  4533. },
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  4540. ['changed'] = true,
  4541. },
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  4544. ['Changed'] = true,
  4545. ['changed'] = true,
  4546. },
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  4549. ['Changed'] = true,
  4550. ['changed'] = true,
  4551. },
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  4555. ['changed'] = true,
  4556. },
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  4561. },
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  4565. ['changed'] = true,
  4566. },
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  4568. ['Value'] = true,
  4569. ['Changed'] = true,
  4570. ['changed'] = true,
  4571. },
  4572. ['VersionControlService'] = {
  4573. },
  4574. ['VirtualInputManager'] = {
  4575. ['AdditionalLuaState'] = true,
  4576. ['Dump'] = true,
  4577. ['HandleGamepadAxisInput'] = true,
  4578. ['HandleGamepadButtonInput'] = true,
  4579. ['HandleGamepadConnect'] = true,
  4580. ['HandleGamepadDisconnect'] = true,
  4581. ['SendAccelerometerEvent'] = true,
  4582. ['SendGravityEvent'] = true,
  4583. ['SendGyroscopeEvent'] = true,
  4584. ['SendKeyEvent'] = true,
  4585. ['SendMouseButtonEvent'] = true,
  4586. ['SendMouseMoveEvent'] = true,
  4587. ['SendMouseWheelEvent'] = true,
  4588. ['SendTextInputCharacterEvent'] = true,
  4589. ['SendTouchEvent'] = true,
  4590. ['SetInputTypesToIgnore'] = true,
  4591. ['StartPlaying'] = true,
  4592. ['StartPlayingJSON'] = true,
  4593. ['StartRecording'] = true,
  4594. ['StopPlaying'] = true,
  4595. ['StopRecording'] = true,
  4596. ['sendRobloxEvent'] = true,
  4597. ['sendThemeChangeEvent'] = true,
  4598. ['PlaybackCompleted'] = true,
  4599. ['RecordingCompleted'] = true,
  4600. },
  4601. ['VirtualUser'] = {
  4602. ['Button1Down'] = true,
  4603. ['Button1Up'] = true,
  4604. ['Button2Down'] = true,
  4605. ['Button2Up'] = true,
  4606. ['CaptureController'] = true,
  4607. ['ClickButton1'] = true,
  4608. ['ClickButton2'] = true,
  4609. ['MoveMouse'] = true,
  4610. ['SetKeyDown'] = true,
  4611. ['SetKeyUp'] = true,
  4612. ['StartRecording'] = true,
  4613. ['StopRecording'] = true,
  4614. ['TypeKey'] = true,
  4615. },
  4616. ['Visit'] = {
  4617. },
  4618. ['VoiceChatService'] = {
  4619. ['VoiceChatState'] = true,
  4620. ['GetAndClearCallFailureMessage'] = true,
  4621. ['GetAudioProcessingSettings'] = true,
  4622. ['GetGroupId'] = true,
  4623. ['GetMicDevices'] = true,
  4624. ['GetParticipants'] = true,
  4625. ['GetSpeakerDevices'] = true,
  4626. ['GetVoiceChatApiVersion'] = true,
  4627. ['GetVoiceChatAvailable'] = true,
  4628. ['IsPublishPaused'] = true,
  4629. ['IsSubscribePaused'] = true,
  4630. ['JoinByGroupId'] = true,
  4631. ['JoinByGroupIdToken'] = true,
  4632. ['Leave'] = true,
  4633. ['PublishPause'] = true,
  4634. ['SetMicDevice'] = true,
  4635. ['SetSpeakerDevice'] = true,
  4636. ['SubscribePause'] = true,
  4637. ['ParticipantsStateChanged'] = true,
  4638. ['PlayerMicActivitySignalChange'] = true,
  4639. ['StateChanged'] = true,
  4640. },
  4641. ['VoiceSource'] = {
  4642. ['UserId'] = true,
  4643. },
  4644. ['WeldConstraint'] = {
  4645. ['Active'] = true,
  4646. ['Enabled'] = true,
  4647. ['Part0'] = true,
  4648. ['Part1'] = true,
  4649. },
  4650. }
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