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- local settingsLoaded = false;
- local ui = {};
- local references = {
- aimware = gui.Reference("MENU"),
- miscGeneral = gui.Reference("SETTINGS", "Miscellaneous");
- };
- local windowW, windowH = 523, 400;
- local luaName = "Godstep";
- local luaKey = 'lynx_' .. luaName:lower():gsub(" ", "_") .. '_';
- local function addGuiComp(key, comp, group, ...)
- ui[#ui + 1] = { luaKey .. key, _G['gui'][comp](group, luaKey .. key, ...) };
- end
- local function getUIVar(key)
- for i = 1, #ui do
- local v = ui[i];
- if (v[1] == luaKey .. key) then
- return v[2]:GetValue();
- end
- end
- end
- local function setUIVar(key, value)
- for i = 1, #ui do
- local v = ui[i];
- if (v[1] == luaKey .. key) then
- return v[2]:SetValue(value);
- end
- end
- end
- local showMenu = gui.Checkbox(references.miscGeneral, luaKey .. "showmenu", "[Lynx] " .. luaName, false);
- local window = gui.Window(luaKey .. "tabs", "[Lynx Client] " .. luaName, 200, 200, windowW, windowH);
- local gsgb = gui.Groupbox(window, "Godstep", 178, 5, 170, 307)
- local abgb = gui.Groupbox(window, "Ragebot", 351, 5, 170, 148)
- local aagb = gui.Groupbox(window, "Anti-Aim", 351, 158, 170, 154)
- local ntgb = gui.Groupbox(window, "Nametags", 5, 5, 170, 148)
- local visgb = gui.Groupbox(window, "Visuals", 5, 158, 170, 154)
- local dtaps = gui.Multibox(abgb, "Double Tap Settings")
- local tagbgc = gui.ColorEntry("tagbgc", "Nametag Background Color", 0, 0, 0, 100)
- local tagolc = gui.ColorEntry("tagolc", "Nametag Outline Color", 0, 0, 0, 100)
- local tagtc = gui.ColorEntry("tagtc", "Nametag Text Color", gui.GetValue("clr_esp_box_t_vis"))
- local fonts = { "Verdana", "Tahoma", "Arial", "Bahnschrift", "Comic Sans MS", "Courier New" }
- addGuiComp("stutterwalk", "Checkbox", abgb, "Randomize Slowwalk", false)
- addGuiComp("stutterwalkbase", "Slider", abgb, "Slowwalk Randomizer Base", 25, 1, 100)
- addGuiComp("stutterwalkfactor", "Slider", abgb, "Slowwalk Randomizer Factor", 15, 1, 100)
- addGuiComp("yawjitter", "Checkbox", aagb, "Yaw Jitter", false)
- addGuiComp("yawjitter_range", "Slider", aagb, "Yaw Jitter Range", 30, 0, 180)
- addGuiComp("desync_slowwalk", "Checkbox", aagb, "Desync Slowwalk", false)
- addGuiComp("gsps", "Combobox", gsgb, "Godstep", "Custom", "84° Solid", "96° Shift", "120° Shift", "Fake 167° Shift")
- addGuiComp("tags", "Checkbox", ntgb, "Custom Nametags", false)
- addGuiComp("tagsize", "Slider", ntgb, "Nametag Font Size", 13, 1, 36)
- addGuiComp("tagfont", "Combobox", ntgb, "Nametag Font", "Verdana", "Tahoma", "Arial", "Bahnschrift", "Comic Sans MS", "Courier New")
- addGuiComp("hitsound", "Checkbox", visgb, "Skeet Hitsound", false)
- addGuiComp("killeffect", "Checkbox", visgb, "Kill Effect", false)
- addGuiComp("postprocess", "Checkbox", visgb, "Disable Post-Processing", false)
- addGuiComp("ghost_pulse", "Checkbox", visgb, "Pulsating Ghosts", false)
- addGuiComp("indicators", "Checkbox", visgb, "Indicators", false)
- addGuiComp("doubletap", "Checkbox", dtaps, "Disable Delay Shot", false)
- addGuiComp("doubletap_autoscale", "Checkbox", dtaps, "Auto Scale", false)
- addGuiComp("lby", "Checkbox", gsgb, "LBY Drift", false)
- addGuiComp("lbyoffsethost", "Combobox", gsgb, "LBY Drift Host", "Desync", "Real", "Void", "Pitch")
- addGuiComp("lbyoffset", "Slider", gsgb, "LBY Drift Factor", 0, -86, 86)
- addGuiComp("ychoke", "Checkbox", gsgb, "Yaw Choke", false)
- addGuiComp("ychokehost", "Combobox", gsgb, "Yaw Choke Host", "Desync", "Real", "Void", "Pitch")
- addGuiComp("yoffset", "Slider", gsgb, "Yaw Choke Factor", 0, -86, 86)
- callbacks.Register("CreateMove", function(UserCMD)
- if entities.GetLocalPlayer() then
- if UserCMD:GetSendPacket() then
- dx, dy = UserCMD:GetViewAngles()
- end
- rx, ry = entities.GetLocalPlayer():GetProp('m_angEyeAngles')
- local_lby = entities.GetLocalPlayer():GetProp("m_flLowerBodyYawTarget")
- end
- end)
- callbacks.Register("Draw", function()
- espfont = draw.CreateFont(fonts[getUIVar("tagfont") + 1], math.floor(getUIVar("tagsize")))
- window:SetActive(showMenu:GetValue() and references.aimware:IsActive());
- local r, g, b = gui.GetValue("clr_chams_ghost_client")
- local o = math.floor(math.sin((globals.RealTime()) * 10) * 88 + 144) - 55
- local font = draw.CreateFont("Verdana", 13, 12)
- if getUIVar("stutterwalk") then
- gui.SetValue("msc_slowwalkspeed", math.random(math.floor(getUIVar("stutterwalkbase")), math.floor(getUIVar("stutterwalkbase") + getUIVar("stutterwalkfactor"))) / 100)
- end
- if getUIVar("doubletap") then
- if gui.GetValue("rbot_doublefire") then
- gui.SetValue("rbot_delayshot", 0)
- else
- gui.SetValue("rbot_delayshot", 2)
- end
- end
- if getUIVar("doubletap_autoscale") then
- if gui.GetValue("rbot_doublefire") then
- gui.SetValue("rbot_autosniper_hitbox_auto_ps", 1)
- else
- gui.SetValue("rbot_autosniper_hitbox_auto_ps", 0)
- end
- end
- if getUIVar("indicators") and entities.GetLocalPlayer() ~= nil then
- draw.SetFont(font)
- draw.Color(math.abs(ry - local_lby), 255 - math.abs(ry - local_lby), 0)
- draw.OutlinedRect(218, 50, 272, 65)
- draw.TextShadow(220, 50, "LBYSync")
- draw.Color(math.abs(ry - dy), 255 - math.abs(ry - dy), 0)
- draw.OutlinedRect(218, 70, 265, 85)
- draw.TextShadow(220, 70, "Desync")
- end
- if getUIVar("desync_slowwalk") then
- if input.IsButtonDown(gui.GetValue("msc_slowwalk")) then
- if input.IsButtonDown(65) then
- gui.SetValue("rbot_antiaim_stand_desync", 3)
- end
- if input.IsButtonDown(68) then
- gui.SetValue("rbot_antiaim_stand_desync", 2)
- end
- end
- end
- if getUIVar("pitchjitter") then
- gui.SetValue("rbot_antiaim_stand_pitch_custom", math.random(66, 90))
- end
- if getUIVar("yawjitter") then
- gui.SetValue("rbot_antiaim_stand_real_add", math.random(math.floor(0 - getUIVar("yawjitter_range")), math.floor(getUIVar("yawjitter_range"))))
- end
- if getUIVar("postprocess") then
- client.SetConVar("mat_postprocess_enable", 0, true)
- else
- client.SetConVar("mat_postprocess_enable", 1, true)
- end
- if getUIVar("ghost_pulse") then
- gui.SetValue("clr_chams_ghost_client", r, g, b, o)
- end
- local lp = entities.GetLocalPlayer();
- if lp then
- local x2, y2 = lp:GetProp('m_angEyeAngles')
- if getUIVar("lby") then
- if getUIVar("lbyoffsethost") == 0 then
- lp:SetProp("m_flLowerBodyYawTarget", ry + getUIVar("lbyoffset"))
- elseif getUIVar("lbyoffsethost") == 1 then
- lp:SetProp("m_flLowerBodyYawTarget", y2 + getUIVar("lbyoffset"))
- elseif getUIVar("lbyoffsethost") == 2 then
- lp:SetProp("m_flLowerBodyYawTarget", math.huge)
- elseif getUIVar("lbyoffsethost") == 3 then
- lp:SetProp("m_flLowerBodyYawTarget", x2 + getUIVar("lbyoffset"))
- end
- end
- if getUIVar("ychoke") then
- if getUIVar("ychokehost") == 0 then
- lp:SetProp("m_angEyeAngles[1]", ry + getUIVar("yoffset"))
- elseif getUIVar("ychokehost") == 1 then
- lp:SetProp("m_angEyeAngles[1]", local_lby + getUIVar("yoffset"))
- elseif getUIVar("ychokehost") == 2 then
- lp:SetProp("m_angEyeAngles[1]", math.huge)
- elseif getUIVar("ychokehost") == 3 then
- lp:SetProp("m_angEyeAngles[1]", x2 + getUIVar("yoffset"))
- end
- end
- end
- if getUIVar("gsps") == 1 then
- setUIVar("lby", 1)
- setUIVar("lbyoffsethost", 1)
- setUIVar("lbyoffset", 0)
- setUIVar("ychoke", 1)
- setUIVar("ychokehost", 0)
- setUIVar("yoffset", 0)
- elseif getUIVar("gsps") == 2 then
- setUIVar("lby", 1)
- setUIVar("lbyoffsethost", 1)
- setUIVar("lbyoffset", 16)
- setUIVar("ychoke", 1)
- setUIVar("ychokehost", 0)
- setUIVar("yoffset", -36)
- elseif getUIVar("gsps") == 3 then
- setUIVar("lby", 1)
- setUIVar("lbyoffsethost", 0)
- setUIVar("lbyoffset", 86)
- setUIVar("ychoke", 1)
- setUIVar("ychokehost", 1)
- setUIVar("yoffset", 0)
- elseif getUIVar("gsps") == 4 then
- setUIVar("lby", 1)
- setUIVar("lbyoffsethost", 1)
- setUIVar("lbyoffset", -36)
- setUIVar("ychoke", 1)
- setUIVar("ychokehost", 0)
- setUIVar("yoffset", 46)
- end
- end);
- callbacks.Register("FireGameEvent", function(Event)
- if entities.GetLocalPlayer() ~= nil then
- if (Event:GetName() == 'player_death') then
- local ME = client.GetLocalPlayerIndex()
- local INT_UID = Event:GetInt('userid')
- local INT_ATTACKER = Event:GetInt('attacker')
- local INDEX_Victim = client.GetPlayerIndexByUserID(INT_UID)
- local INDEX_Attacker = client.GetPlayerIndexByUserID(INT_ATTACKER)
- if (INDEX_Attacker == ME and INDEX_Victim ~= ME) then
- if getUIVar("killeffect") then
- entities.GetLocalPlayer():SetProp("m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime", globals.CurTime() + 1)
- client.Command("playvol physics\\glass\\glass_pottery_break2 .5", true);
- end
- end
- end
- if getUIVar("hitsound") then
- if (Event:GetName() == 'player_hurt') then
- local ME = client.GetLocalPlayerIndex()
- local INT_UID = Event:GetInt('userid')
- local INT_ATTACKER = Event:GetInt('attacker')
- local INDEX_Victim = client.GetPlayerIndexByUserID(INT_UID)
- local INDEX_Attacker = client.GetPlayerIndexByUserID(INT_ATTACKER)
- if (INDEX_Attacker == ME and INDEX_Victim ~= ME) then
- client.Command("play buttons\\arena_switch_press_02.wav", true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- local function getESPCenter(ex1, ex2, width)
- return ex1 + ((ex2 - ex1) / 2) - (width / 2);
- end
- callbacks.Register("DrawESP", function(esp)
- draw.SetFont(espfont);
- local e = esp:GetEntity()
- if (e:IsPlayer() ~= true or entities.GetLocalPlayer() == nil) then return end
- local ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2 = esp:GetRect()
- local eName = client.GetPlayerNameByIndex(e:GetIndex())
- local eHealth = e:GetHealth()
- local nameWidth, nameHeight = draw.GetTextSize(eName .. " | hp " .. eHealth)
- if getUIVar("tags") then
- if (e:IsPlayer() ~= true or entities.GetLocalPlayer() == nil or eName == client.GetPlayerNameByIndex(client.GetLocalPlayerIndex())) then return end
- draw.Color(tagbgc:GetValue())
- draw.RoundedRectFill(getESPCenter(ex1, ex2, nameWidth) - 2, ey1 - nameHeight, getESPCenter(ex1, ex2, nameWidth) + nameWidth + 2, ey1 - nameHeight + nameHeight + 1)
- draw.Color(tagolc:GetValue())
- draw.RoundedRect(getESPCenter(ex1, ex2, nameWidth) - 2, ey1 - nameHeight, getESPCenter(ex1, ex2, nameWidth) + nameWidth + 2, ey1 - nameHeight + nameHeight + 1)
- draw.Color(tagtc:GetValue())
- draw.TextShadow(getESPCenter(ex1, ex2, nameWidth), ey1 - nameHeight, eName .. " | hp " .. eHealth)
- end
- end);
- client.AllowListener('player_hurt')
- client.AllowListener('player_death')
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