

Apr 5th, 2019
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  1. expansion header pins used for BBGW wifi/bluetooth:
  3. gpio common BBB/BBBW BBGW
  4. ------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
  5. 1.13 P8.11 - wifi sdio d1
  6. 1.12 P8.12 - wifi sdio d0
  7. 0.26 P8.14 - wifi enable
  8. 1.15 P8.15 - wifi sdio d3
  9. 1.14 P8.16 - wifi sdio d2
  10. 0.27 P8.17 - wifi irq
  11. 2.01 P8.18 - wifi sdio clk
  12. 1.29 P8.26 - wilink8 i/o enable
  13. 1.28 P9.12 - bluetooth enable
  14. 2.00 - P9.15 wifi cmd
  15. 0.20 P9.41 - wilink8 slow clk
  17. NOTE: on the BBB/BBBW, P9.15 connects to two processor pins (gpio 1.16 and
  18. 2.00), while on the BBGW it only connects to one (gpio 1.16).
  21. expansion header pins that are also routed to grove connectors:
  23. gpio common BBB/BBBW BBGW
  24. ------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
  25. 0.13 P9.19 / cape i²c scl - grove i²c
  26. 0.12 P9.20 / cape i²c sda - grove i²c
  27. 0.03 P9.21 / spi boot in - grove txd
  28. 0.02 P9.22 / spi boot clk - grove rxd
  31. expansion header pins used for HDMI audio (BBB/BBBW) / bluetooth audio (BBGW),
  32. if enabled:
  34. gpio common BBB/BBBW BBGW
  35. ------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
  36. 3.21 P9.25 / audio osc audio osc audio osc
  37. 3.17 P9.28 hdmi audio out bluetooth audio in
  38. 3.15 P9.29 hdmi audio fs bluetooth audio fs
  39. 3.16 P9.30 - bluetooth audio out
  40. 3.14 P9.31 hdmi audio clk bluetooth audio clk
  43. expansion header pins the BBB/BBBW uses for HDMI video, if enabled:
  45. gpio common BBB/BBBW BBGW
  46. ------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
  47. 2.22 P8.27 hdmi vsync -
  48. 2.24 P8.28 hdmi pclk -
  49. 2.23 P8.29 hdmi hsync -
  50. 2.25 P8.30 hdmi de -
  51. 0.10 P8.31 / sysboot 14 hdmi d14 -
  52. 0.11 P8.32 / sysboot 15 hdmi d15 -
  53. 0.09 P8.33 / sysboot 13 hdmi d13 -
  54. 2.17 P8.34 / sysboot 11 hdmi d11 -
  55. 0.08 P8.35 / sysboot 12 hdmi d12 -
  56. 2.16 P8.36 / sysboot 10 hdmi d10 -
  57. 2.14 P8.37 / sysboot 8 hdmi d8 -
  58. 2.15 P8.38 / sysboot 9 hdmi d9 -
  59. 2.12 P8.39 / sysboot 6 hdmi d6 -
  60. 2.13 P8.40 / sysboot 7 hdmi d7 -
  61. 2.10 P8.41 / sysboot 4 hdmi d4 -
  62. 2.11 P8.42 / sysboot 5 hdmi d5 -
  63. 2.08 P8.43 / sysboot 2 hdmi d2 -
  64. 2.09 P8.44 / sysboot 3 hdmi d3 -
  65. 2.06 P8.45 / sysboot 0 hdmi d0 -
  66. 2.07 P8.46 / sysboot 1 hdmi d1 -
  69. pins not routed to the expansion headers:
  71. gpio BBB BBBW BBGW
  72. ------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
  73. 0.00 eth mdio bluetooth hci cts bluetooth hci cts
  74. 0.01 eth mdc bluetooth hci rts bluetooth hci rts
  75. 0.16 eth mii tx d3 wifi sdio d1 -
  76. 0.17 eth mii tx d2 wifi sdio d2 -
  77. 0.21 eth mii tx d1 - -
  78. 0.28 eth mii tx d0 bluetooth enable -
  79. 0.29 eth unused wifi irq -
  80. 2.18 eth mii rx d3 bluetooth hci rxd bluetooth hci rxd
  81. 2.19 eth mii rx d2 bluetooth hci txd bluetooth hci txd
  82. 2.20 eth mii rx d1 wifi sdio clk -
  83. 2.21 eth mii rx d0 - -
  84. 3.00 eth mii col wifi sdio d3 -
  85. 3.01 eth mii crs - -
  86. 3.02 eth mii rx err - -
  87. 3.03 eth mii tx en wifi sdio cmd -
  88. 3.04 eth mii rx dv wifi sdio d0 -
  89. 3.09 eth mii tx clk wifi enable -
  90. 3.10 eth mii rx clk wilink8 i/o enable -
  91. 1.25 hdmi irq hdmi irq -
  92. 0.19 hdmi cec 24MHz hdmi cec 24MHz -
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