
my spirit

Nov 10th, 2018
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  1. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: Anekathnoi - Near
  2. Wind/Prism/Spirit/Greed
  3. Near Xero :: So what does that intail concerning powers?
  4. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: the greed aspect, as you have seen allows them to absorb each aspect has certain things that make them different so
  5. Vasco What's Vortex?
  6. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: two people with wind and other abilities might have the same -base- but different sub
  7. Vyn Laname squints@lust
  8. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: vortex allows you to draw in or eliminate
  9. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: basically if you had
  10. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: wind/vortex
  11. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: you could literally teleport
  12. Near Xero :: what does Prism do?
  13. Vyn Laname i
  14. Vyn Laname instantly thought of
  15. Vyn Laname my nuke character on LoZ
  16. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: or yknow
  17. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: make a literal tornado
  18. Vyn Laname i fucking blended that npc
  19. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: prism is redirection
  20. Vasco water tornado?
  21. Vasco I wish I got earth still
  22. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: if you hit water you can create a basic wormhole to move somewhere else within it in nearly an instant
  23. Near Xero :: ...i can make a reflector/berrier then?
  24. Vyn Laname it starts raining
  25. Vyn Laname vasco screeches
  26. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: near
  27. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: you ever seen avatar
  28. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: like the last airbender
  29. Near Xero :: WELL fuck those bats there died
  30. Near Xero :: They be gone
  31. Vyn Laname all I know is that I have force
  32. Vyn Laname and that makes me happy
  33. Near Xero :: hahahaha full fucking acess
  34. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: the issue is @ near you need to be aware you can do those things
  35. Vyn Laname can I fus roh dah the bats)
  36. Near Xero :: ...shit i need to ask him
  37. Vyn Laname with force/wind)
  38. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: to which he has not given you the information on what he can do and you could literally clap
  39. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: though you'd
  40. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: probably shred near
  41. Vyn Laname yeah that's
  42. Vyn Laname my current predicament
  43. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: and possibly yourself since
  44. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: the shockwave might
  45. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: be completely verticle
  46. Vyn Laname can I punch the air
  47. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: sagemodenarutonaturalenergypunch.gif
  48. Vyn Laname fuck the moon
  49. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: anyhoo
  50. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: logging vascos ep
  51. ((OOC)) Eli Lightbrad :: ouri since the only things
  52. Vyn Laname .
  53. Vyn Laname fuck
  54. Vyn Laname i forgot to log my rp
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