

Nov 26th, 2012
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  1. [4:42:46 AM] <FrozenKolbot> Window has unexpectedly exited... starting profile
  2. [4:43:10 AM] <HotKolbot> Window has unexpectedly exited... starting profile
  3. [4:43:10 AM] <BrightKolbot> Window has unexpectedly exited... starting profile
  4. [4:43:13 AM] <FrozenKolbot> Window has unexpectedly exited... starting profile
  5. [4:47:55 AM] <BrightKolbot> [Game: Kol Cbaal-41 (00:54)] [Level: 94 (89.80%)] [XP: 7104] [Games ETA: 2961]
  6. [4:47:55 AM] <HotKolbot> [Game: Kol Cbaal-41 (01:14)] [Level: 95 (34.77%)] [XP: 30770] [Games ETA: 4765]
  7. [4:47:55 AM] <FrozenKolbot> [Game: Kol Cbaal-41 (01:16)] [Level: 94 (73.65%)] [XP: 70079] [Games ETA: 775]
  8. [4:48:33 AM] <foreverKolbot> Starting mule profile: mule
  9. [4:49:02 AM] <mule> Made character: mulezokgf
  10. [4:49:34 AM] <foreverKolbot> No response from mule profile.
  11. [4:50:15 AM] <mule> In mule game.
  12. [4:50:56 AM] <BrightKolbot> Window has unexpectedly exited... starting profile
  13. [4:51:03 AM] <FrozenKolbot> Window has unexpectedly exited... starting profile
  14. [4:51:15 AM] <mule> Nobody joined - stopping.
  15. [4:51:23 AM] <BrightKolbot> Window has unexpectedly exited... starting profile
  16. [4:51:29 AM] <FrozenKolbot> Window has unexpectedly exited... starting profile
  17. [4:51:50 AM] <BrightKolbot> Window has unexpectedly exited... starting profile
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