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- -- Converted using Mokiros's Model to Script plugin
- -- Converted string size: 1115
- local Scripts = { function()
- a=300 b=10 c=script.Parent.HasLimitedAmmo d=script.Parent.Charge e=script.Parent.Firing f=script.Parent g=f.Handle.FireSound h=nil i=nil j=nil"Part")k.Anchored=true k.CanCollide=false"Bright blue")k.formFactor="Symmetric"k.TopSurface=0 k.BottomSurface=0 local"CylinderMesh"),1,0.25)z.Parent=k l=nil function m(A)function n(B)local C={}for D,E in pairs(C)do if string.lower(E)==string.lower(B)then return true end end return false end for B,C in pairs(A:getChildren())do if C.className=="Humanoid"and not n(C.Name)then return C end end end o=true function p(A)if A.Parent==f or A.Parent==f.Parent or not o then return end local B=m(A.Parent)if B~=nil then if j~=nil then if A.Parent==j.Parent then return end end o=false q(B)B:takeDamage(b)wait(0.1)r(B)o=true end end k.Touched:connect(p)function s(A)q(A)A:takeDamage(b)wait(0.1)r(A)end function q(A)local"ObjectValue")B.Name="creator"B.Value=game.Players.LocalPlayer if B~=nil then local C=B:clone()C.Parent=A end end function r(A)if A~=nil then local B=A:findFirstChild("creator")if B~=nil then B.Parent=nil end end end function t()for A,B in pairs(k:getChildren())do if B.Name=="LaserEffectScript"then B:remove()end end end u=false function v(A)if c.Value then if d.Value<=0 then return end end u=true e.Value=true j=A.Target t()l=script.Parent.LaserEffectScript:clone()l.Disabled=false l.Parent=k local B=(f.Handle.CFrame*,-0.5,-2)).p local C=math.abs((A.Hit.p-B).magnitude)if C<=a then g:play(),math.ceil(C),1),A.Hit.p)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-math.pi/2,0,0)k.Parent=f end local D=m(f.Parent)if D==nil then D=f.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")end h=D.Changed:connect(function()w(A)end)i=f.Parent.Torso["Right Shoulder"].Changed:connect(function()w(A)end)D.Died:connect(function()k.Parent=nil,1,0.25)t()l=script.Parent.LaserEffectScript:clone()l.Disabled=false l.Parent=k end)while u do if not u then break end if c.Value then if d.Value<=0 then e.Value=false u=false k.Parent=nil,1,0.25)t()l=script.Parent.LaserEffectScript:clone()l.Disabled=false l.Parent=k break elseif e.Value==true then d.Value=d.Value-1 end end local E=math.abs((A.Hit.p-B).magnitude)if E<=a then g:play()end if A.Target~=nil and E<=a then if m(A.Target.Parent)~=nil then s(m(A.Target.Parent))end end wait(0.1)end end function w(A)if not u or f.Parent.className=="Backpack"then return end j=A.Target local B=(f.Handle.CFrame*,-0.5,-2)).p local C=math.abs((A.Hit.p-B).magnitude)if c.Value then if d.Value<=0 then k.Parent=nil,1,0.25)t()l=script.Parent.LaserEffectScript:clone()l.Disabled=false l.Parent=k u=false e.Value=false return end end if C<=a then e.Value=true,math.ceil(C),1),A.Hit.p)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-math.pi/2,0,0)if k.Parent~=f then k.Parent=f end else e.Value=false k.Parent=nil,1,0.25)t()l=script.Parent.LaserEffectScript:clone()l.Disabled=false l.Parent=k end end function x(A)u=false e.Value=false j=nil if h~=nil then h:disconnect()end if i~=nil then i:disconnect()end t()g:stop(),1,0.25)k.Parent=nil end function y(A)A.Icon="rbxasset://textures/GunCursor.png"A.Button1Down:connect(function()v(A)end)A.Button1Up:connect(function()x(A)end)A.Move:connect(function()w(A)end)end script.Parent.Equipped:connect(y)
- end; function()
- a=script.Parent function b(f,g)"Weld")c.Part0=f c.Part1=g local h=f.Position local j=f.CFrame:inverse()*i local k=g.CFrame:inverse()*i c.C0=j c.C1=k c.Parent=f end function d()e=a:children()for f=1,#e do if(e[f].className=="Part")then if(e[f].Name~="Handle")then e[f].CFrame=a.Handle.CFrame b(e[f],a.Handle)end end end end script.Parent.Equipped:connect(d)script.Parent.Unequipped:connect(d)d()
- end; function()
- a=script.Parent local d=nil local e=nil local f={}function b(g)wait(0.01)d={a.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Arm"),a.Parent:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")}e=a.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso")if d~=nil and e~=nil then local h={e:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"),e:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")}if h~=nil then local i=true if i then i=false h[1].Part1=nil h[2].Part1=nil local"Weld")j.Part0=e j.Parent=e j.Part1=d[1],0.9,0.7)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290),0,math.rad(-90))f[1]=j local"Weld")k.Part0=e k.Parent=e k.Part1=d[2],0.6,0.5)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90),math.rad(-20),0)f[2]=k end else print("sh")end else print("arms")end end function c(g)if d~=nil and e~=nil then local h={e:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"),e:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")}if h~=nil then local i=true if i then i=false h[1].Part1=d[1]h[2].Part1=d[2]f[1].Parent=nil f[2].Parent=nil end else print("sh")end else print("arms")end end a.Equipped:connect(b)a.Unequipped:connect(c)
- end; function()
- if script.Parent.HasLimitedAmmo.Value==true then a=script.Parent.Charge b=a.MaxCharge c=true d=script.Parent.Firing"Hint")function f()e.Text="Charge: "for k=1,a.Value do e.Text=e.Text.."l"end for k=1,b.Value-a.Value do e.Text=e.Text.." "end end a.Changed:connect(f)function g(k)for l,m in pairs(k:getChildren())do if m.className=="Humanoid"then return m end end end function h()i=g(script.Parent.Parent)i.Died:connect(j)f()e.Parent=game.Players.LocalPlayer end script.Parent.Equipped:connect(h)function j()e.Parent=nil end script.Parent.Unequipped:connect(j)while true do if c and d.Value==false then if a.Value<b.Value then a.Value=a.Value+1000 end end wait(0.25)end end
- end; function()
-,0.8,8)while true do,0.8,8)for a=0,3 do script.Parent.Reflectance=0.2*a*a,script.Parent.Mesh.Scale.y,script.Parent.Mesh.Scale.z+0.05*a)wait()end for a=3,0,-1 do script.Parent.Reflectance=0.2*a*a,script.Parent.Mesh.Scale.y,script.Parent.Mesh.Scale.z-0.05*a)local"Fire")b.Heat=-12 b.Size=6 b.Enabled=false b.Parent=Flame wait()end,0.8,8)end
- end;}local ActualScripts = {}
- function s(var)
- local func = table.remove(Scripts,1)
- setfenv(func,setmetatable({script=var},{
- __index = getfenv(func),
- }))
- table.insert(ActualScripts,coroutine.wrap(func))
- end
- local Decode = function(str,t,props,classes,values,ICList,Model,CurPar,LastIns,split,RemoveAndSplit,InstanceList)
- local tonum,table_remove,inst,parnt,comma,table_foreach = tonumber,table.remove,,"Parent",",",
- function(t,f)
- for a,b in pairs(t) do
- f(a,b)
- end
- end
- local Types = {
- Color3 =,
- Vector3 =,
- Vector2 =,
- UDim =,
- UDim2 =,
- CFrame =,
- Rect =,
- NumberRange =,
- NumberSequence = function(...)
- local a = {...}
- local t = {}
- repeat
- t[#t+1] =,1),table_remove(a,1),table_remove(a,1))
- until #a==0
- return
- end,
- ColorSequence = function(...)
- local a = {...}
- local t = {}
- repeat
- t[#t+1] =,1),,1),table_remove(a,1),table_remove(a,1)))
- until #a==0
- return
- end,
- number = tonumber,
- boolean = function(a)
- return a=="1"
- end
- }
- split = function(str,sep)
- if not str then return end
- local fields = {}
- local ConcatNext = false
- str:gsub(("([^%s]+)"):format(sep),function(c)
- if ConcatNext == true then
- fields[#fields] = fields[#fields]..sep..c
- ConcatNext = false
- else
- fields[#fields+1] = c
- end
- if c:sub(#c)=="\\" then
- c = fields[#fields]
- fields[#fields] = c:sub(1,#c-1)
- ConcatNext = true
- end
- end)
- return fields
- end
- RemoveAndSplit = function(t)
- return split(table_remove(t,1),comma)
- end
- t = split(str,";")
- props = RemoveAndSplit(t)
- classes = RemoveAndSplit(t)
- values = split(table_remove(t,1),'|')
- ICList = RemoveAndSplit(t)
- InstanceList = {}
- Model = inst"Model"
- CurPar = Model
- table_foreach(t,function(ct,c)
- if c=="n" or c=="p" then
- CurPar = c=="n" and LastIns or CurPar[parnt]
- else
- ct = split(c,"|")
- local class = classes[tonum(table_remove(ct,1))]
- if class=="UnionOperation" then
- LastIns = {Locked="true",Anchored="true",UsePartColor="true"}
- else
- LastIns = inst(class)
- if LastIns:IsA"Script" then
- s(LastIns)
- end
- end
- local function SetProperty(LastIns,p,str,s)
- s = Types[typeof(LastIns[p])]
- LastIns[p] = s and s(unpack(split(str,comma))) or str
- end
- local UnionData
- table_foreach(ct,function(s,p,a,str)
- a = p:find":"
- p,str = props[tonum(p:sub(1,a-1))],values[tonum(p:sub(a+1))]
- if p=="UnionData" then
- UnionData = split(str," ")
- return
- end
- if class=="UnionOperation" then
- LastIns[p] = str
- return
- end
- SetProperty(LastIns,p,str)
- end)
- if UnionData then
- local LI_Data = LastIns
- LastIns = DecodeUnion(UnionData)
- table_foreach(LI_Data,function(p,str)
- SetProperty(LastIns,p,str)
- end)
- end
- table.insert(InstanceList,LastIns)
- LastIns[parnt] = CurPar
- end
- end)
- table_remove(ICList,1)
- table_foreach(ICList,function(a,b)
- b = split(b,">")
- InstanceList[tonum(b[1])][props[tonum(b[2])]] = InstanceList[tonum(b[3])]
- end)
- return Model:GetChildren()
- end
- local Objects = Decode('Name,TextureId,Grip,GripRight,GripUp,Color,Transparency,Position,Orientation,Size,BackSurface,BottomSurface,TopSurface,Looped,PlaybackSpeed,SoundId,Volume,Heat,SecondaryColor,C0,C1,Part0,Part1,Value,B'
- ..'aseAngle,AnimationId;Part,Tool,Sound,Fire,Weld,BoolValue,IntValue,RotateP,LocalScript,Script,Animation;Part|Big Bang Kamehameha||0,-0,0,0,1,-0,-1,0,0,0,0,1|0,-1'
- ..',0|1,0,0|Handle|0,0,1|1|-103.5,0.5,-89.5|90,-90,0|1,1,1|2|0|FireSound|0.1||0.8|0|0.2,0.2,0.8|0,0,0.5,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1|-103.501,10,-89.5,-0.001,-1.001,-0.001,0,'
- ..'0,-1.001,1,-0.001,0|Firing|Charge|1408|MaxCharge|1000|HasLimitedAmmo|d�������������� got owned...|0.25|BeamScript|WeldScript|WeldArm|ChargeScript|LaserEffectScript|FlyAnimation|http://ww'
- ..';0,5>22>2,5>23;2|1:2|2:3|3:4|4:5|5:6;n;1|1:7|6:8|7:9|8:10|9:11|10:12|11:13|12:14|13:14|6:8|6:8;n;3|1:15|14:9|15:16|16:17|17:18;4|6:8|18:19|19:20|6:8|6:8;5|20:21|21:22;p;6'
- ..'|1:23;7|1:24|24:25;n;7|1:26|24:27;p;6|1:28|24:9;8|1:29|25:30;9|1:31;10|1:32;10|1:33;9|1:34;10|1:35;11|1:36|26:37;p;')
- for _,Object in pairs(Objects) do
- Object.Parent = script and script.Parent==workspace and script or workspace
- end
- for _,f in pairs(ActualScripts) do f() end
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