
Pay For Power

Apr 29th, 2023 (edited)
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Lua 2.65 KB | None | 0 0
  2. --version 0.5--
  3. -- Prompting for which color wire the signal will travel through --
  4. write("Which Line?")
  5. local z = read()
  6. z = z+0
  7. write("How much electricty would you like to buy?:")
  8. local x = read()
  9. x = x+0
  10. local y = x
  11. -- the power math x being the number of ticks dived this by your power per tick, y is setting the base price Ei 1 unit of pay per how ever many units you divide it by
  12. x = x/20480
  13. x = x/20
  14. y = y/10000
  15. -- The money taker in my case I choose it to use gold you may use what ever you want just replace the world gold with what ever you want it to be
  16. print("Please insert ", y ," gold in slot one to continue")
  17. write("Press enter to continue")
  18. local data = turtle.getItemDetail()
  19. print(
  20. print(data.count)
  21. -- replaace minecraft:gold_block with what ever you want yours to be I three gold_block gold_ingot and gold_nuggets
  22. if == "minecraft:gold_block" then
  23. --Multipled by 81 because a gold block is worth 81 of my money units which are based on gold nuggets
  24. local m = data.count*81
  25. turtle.dropDown(m/81, 1)
  26. if m >= y then
  27. print(m-y, " funds remaining")
  28. local h = m-y
  29. write("return remaining funds?, y, n?:")
  30. local t = read()
  31. if t == "y" then
  32. -- I got lazy and didn't want to find a way of making it return the exact number of stuff so I just went with the closet number of gold blocks You could find a way for it to return the perfect amount of stuff though
  33. print ("will not be exactly, to the nearest 81 gold be more carful next time!")
  34. turtle.suckUp(h/81)
  35. print("Retrive from slot 2")
  36. end
  37. --Sets the output to z the output color, and then sleeps for x the time now in seconds that it must output a signal to allow power to flow through
  38. rs.setBundledOutput("front", z)
  39. sleep(x)
  40. rs.setBundledOutput("front", 0)
  41. end
  42. elseif == "minecraft:gold_ingot" then
  43. local m = data.count*9
  44. local h = m-y
  45. turtle.dropDown(m/9, 1)
  46. if m >= y then
  47. print(m-y, " funds remaining")
  48. write("return remaining funds?, y, n?:")
  49. local t = read()
  50. if t == "y" then
  51. print ("will not be exactly, to the nearest 81 gold be more carful next time!")
  52. turtle.suckUp(h/81)
  53. print("Retrive from slot 2")
  54. end
  56. rs.setBundledOutput("front", z)
  57. sleep(x)
  58. rs.setBundledOutput("front", 0)
  59. end
  60. if == "minecraft:gold_nugget" then
  61. local m = data.count
  62. local h = m-y
  63. turtle.dropDown(m, 1)
  64. if m >= y then
  65. print(m-y, " funds remaining")
  66. write("return remaining funds?, y, n?:")
  67. local t = read()
  68. if t == "y" then
  69. print ("will not be exactly, to the nearest 81 gold be more carful next time!")
  70. turtle.suckUp(h/81)
  71. print("Retrive from slot 2")
  72. end
  74. rs.setBundledOutput("front", z)
  75. sleep(x)
  76. rs.setBundledOutput("front", 0)
  77. end
  78. end
  79. end
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